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11952091 No.11952091 [Reply] [Original]

tfw you'll never listen to a madame psychosis broadcast all comfy and cozy in your favourite angle of your room

>> No.11952160

>madame psychosis
>cringe ulysses reference
burn this shit

>> No.11952441

how was orin so fucking cool? I wish I was him

>> No.11952609

After the PGOAT he only fucked trash desu

>> No.11952822

we are all gately

>> No.11952823

you wish

>> No.11952874


>> No.11952882

his mom molested him, anon

>> No.11952886


>> No.11952999


I just read the fight scene with Kevin Gately. AMA

>> No.11953021

That's a leap

>> No.11953101

Who took the gun?

>> No.11953175

Lenz or the spooky goste

>> No.11953189


I never got that impression.

>> No.11953210

What was the thing about the beach at the very end. Did the nucks kill Gately?

>> No.11953217

he overdosed

>> No.11953396

tfw Orin kills Avril's dog while sky high on weed and Avril pretends to believe his made up story

>> No.11953430

>you'll never attend ETA
>You'll never have conversations in the locker room with your friends after a tough practice
>You'll never get up to hijinks with Pemulis
It hurts bros

>> No.11953545

Anon’s referring to Bloom and Molly talking about Metempsychosis (reincarnation of the soul) in the beginning of Ulysses. DFW is not exactly referencing Ulysses but it’s hard not to make the connection if you’ve read both.

>> No.11953587


>> No.11953710

Like because metempsychosis vaguely sounds like madame psychosis?

>> No.11953711

>inexplicably attracted to single mothers with children
>talks mad shit about her both to Hal and Steeply
>Avril fucks John Wayne while he wears football equipment
>Avril's absurd allowances to him (>>11953396), implying she was/is compensating for her guilt over it
The book deals heavily with the idea of denial too (Erdedy's internalization of his marijuana addiction in the second chapter, Pemulis pretending to sleep while his dad fucks his brother, etc) so it follows that Hal and the rest of the Incandezas could be equally in denial about a dark part of the family history like that.
The whole book makes so many things ambiguous that arguments over what exactly happens outside of the text are kind of pointless, desu (and that's probably the point).

>> No.11953725

Gately survives the crisis since in the first chapter (that is chronologically the last) Hal mentions him digging up his father's skull with Wayne. So clearly he left the hospital.

>> No.11953734

>inexplicably attracted to single mothers with children
Hal describes this as being a phase of his
>talks mad shit about her both to Hal and Steeply
Also explained because he blames her for Himself’s death (Orin is Hamlet btw, not Hal)
>Avril fucks John Wayne while he wears football equipment
I’ll give you that
>Avril's absurd allowances to him (>>11953396 #), implying she was/is compensating for her guilt over it
Moms is described as being like that for all her kids

>> No.11953749

That was his 'bottom' or lowest point as an addict

>> No.11953759
File: 162 KB, 386x471, 1500835733649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loved IJ, read it only oce and without having read pynchon
>been wanting to re-read IJ ever since I finished it
>just read V., Lot 49 and finished GR yesterday
>want to finally get to philosophy again (Aristotle)
>get a fucking urge to re-read IJ at multiple points of GR
FUCK. What do I do mates, do I go for the Entertainment or for the Serious Classic Philosophy?

>> No.11953772

>What do I do mates, do I go for the Entertainment or for the Serious Classic Philosophy?
why not both

>> No.11953780
File: 40 KB, 548x379, IINFINITE_JESTphotoMichaelSchmelling_body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*stares at you*

>> No.11953857

always end up giving all the attention to one book

>> No.11953872
File: 40 KB, 672x490, 31205350-E43A-4C89-98B8-5F61A85872D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that part where Hal beats up the uggos trying to get Mario to join them

>> No.11954147

It's like explicitly stated that they fuck towards the end

>> No.11954158

when was this?

>> No.11954162

Metempsychosis is a pretty prevalent term if you actually read

>> No.11954238

A brief paragraph describing the fraternal bond between Hal and Mario. Don't remember where exactly.

>> No.11954251
File: 161 KB, 730x1095, karlie_kloss_tall_by_cloverfield12-d60x7fy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant to respond to>>11954158

Do you guys prefer the ETA parts or the Ennet house parts?

>> No.11954352

Do you not understand how books work or something?

>> No.11954363

Ennet House. I hate it when people talk about IJ as "a book about a tennis school." The book is primarily about addiction/obsession and difficulties in the pursuit of happiness; ETA shares in this, but Ennet House is more primary imo. Or at the very least it's more direct and honest about its relation to IJ's core themes, whereas ETA is surreptitious about it.

Calling it "a book about a tennis school" betrays the speaker's English degree ivory tower privilege, that they can only identify with anxiously preppy adolescents.

>> No.11954413

The main IJ feel for me is an impression of how quickly and severely people break in a way that's totally senseless and absurd. Reminds me a lot of Dostoyevsky.

>they fuck
This is from an interview that's in the footnotes, right? I'm pretty sure it's an unreliable speaker - a lot of the other details from that interview don't add up.

>> No.11954692

his mom was pretty hot so i consider it a win

>> No.11954781

>tfw you realise you're retarded

shit bros :(

>> No.11954922

it's okay if you haven't read ulysses yet, the correct order of the meme trilogy is reverse chronological

>> No.11955083

that was flashing back to him bottoming out in the past right?

>> No.11955494

>every drug in the book is extensively described in the footnotes
>Fackelmann gets some kind of liquid dropped into his eyes at the end before
>it's never explained what it is
w-what did they do to him, bros?

>> No.11955662

It literally is explained though, just in the text. It’s an upper so he’ll get sober enough to feel the torture.

>> No.11955732

Oh damn, i thought that was what they were injecting him with. I'll have to reread that last section

>> No.11956025
File: 47 KB, 952x645, 1538080202514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn go to boarding school
>ywn have intellectual conversations with your tennis bros and get sky-high afterwards
>ywn develop obsessive rituals before you blaze up
>ywn end up at a halfway house full of drug addicts and 12-step-ers
>ywn watch the entertainment
>ywn get high off opium with MIT/Harvard intellectuals as you discuss feminist film theory
>ywn fuck the PGOAT
>ywn fuck Avril
>ywn fuck Hal in his boipucci

literally why live

>> No.11956207
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>> No.11956208

Oh shit I actually checked myself once you mentioned that and you’re 100% right, I guess I misremembered lol>>11956025

>> No.11956232

One of those big wooden spoons, you know

>> No.11956247
File: 255 KB, 852x900, JoyceWojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who you need to read next.

>> No.11956301

i always get the feeling these threads are filled with people who have only read IJ and just hang out on /lit/ for some reason

>> No.11956312

This. Reading the Hal chapters made me miss high school summers at the country club. That comradely paired with shared exhaustion.

>> No.11956314

His hat looks kinda photoshopped

>> No.11956749
File: 115 KB, 662x675, yeah bro im 'middle class'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be born the child of two loaded professor parents raking in more than 300k/year combined having millions in savings and never needing to worry about dinner, rent, or other concerns your entire life, have friends and a family, and you're so comfortable that you invent boogeymen to be upset about an inevitably kill yourself because "depression dude"

>> No.11956794

only reddit will reply to the bait

>> No.11956830

>that photo
>the original s o y b o y

>> No.11957224

Basically, though you glossed over the severity of the depression, dude.

>> No.11957296
File: 70 KB, 640x640, 41055379-22F5-41ED-AAF2-3AD8148E984D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the neo-il/lit/erate cannot comprehend people actually discussing literature

>> No.11957320

He didn't have depression, "dude".

>> No.11957329

ive read IJ and a ton of fiction, but ive taken a break from fiction and been reading history, sociology, economic history, and philosophy in the last 2 years. im in grad school for econ and i feel like since im supposed to focus on one super specific thing, i dont have time to learn about other things that i find interesting (plus, knowing what sociology qts do gets them wet)

>tfw living sort of the literary lifestyle.
feels good man

>> No.11957334

You seem low IQ.

>> No.11957345

>oh no he called me low iq, im so butthurt
is that all you got, bub? enjoy your pathetic pseudo-flaneur neet life, sweetie

>> No.11957349

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.11957356
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>> No.11957482

this is a bizarre response desu anon

>> No.11957542

>believing in iq
low iq move

>> No.11957679

just wanted to explain that i dont just come here to shitpost. i also read

>> No.11958256

And just how do you figure that?

>> No.11958265
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>> No.11958305

i've read all works published and not published by joyce. Giacomo joyce, pomes pennyeach, stephen hero, finn's hotel, and every year I re-read Ulysses and the Wake

>> No.11958796
File: 134 KB, 1073x545, 41A29C20-E8EE-4DFB-B9A5-EE47A816FA1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
