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11949568 No.11949568[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should women and plebs be taught how to read and write or would it be better to keep these skills exclusive to a male elite caste?

>> No.11949583
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>tfw some kind of angry nigger will reply to this thread angrily but attempt to look like they're not angry

>> No.11949747

Women are human beings.

>> No.11949753

ahahahahahhaha this so much this

>> No.11949760

Based and redpilled

>> No.11949794
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High quality joke friend.

>> No.11949809

even the lowest pleb male can rise above their station, they just need to be forcefully dragged towards the light - kicking and screaming if need be. roastoids, however, are beyond saving. they are lesser creatures. they can never reach a point of intellectual transcendence. they should be taught how to cook, clean and take dick and nothing more.

im not even a misogynist btw its just my opinion

>> No.11949862

This, unfortunately. No woman is more valuable than what she teaches a man about himself.

>> No.11949864

I agree overall that women are fucking hopeless but the road of merit should always be open to them. There are vanishingly rare exceptions, 0.0001% women who are "masculine" (they actually want to create things, learn things, etc., and not just as a means to getting attention).

Just go back to the normal baseline level of socially acceptable male incredulity at female accomplishment, and get rid of affirmative action for having a clit. Women will naturally fade back into the kitchen, as soon as the entire society stops bending itself over backwards to roleplay that women even WANT to be out of the kitchen. Just let that happen organically, but always keep the door open for those rare exceptions.

>> No.11949870

Low IQ post. Ignore.

>> No.11949876

>t. vagbot

>> No.11949885

seethe harder fuckhole

>> No.11949898
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>roastie thinks anyone cares what she has to say

>> No.11949918

No. We know from Plato that women are the reincarnations of wicked men, condemned to effeminacy and vapidity. Their only chance to be saved is if we treat them as such, as basically like men condemned to serve life sentences for crimes of licentiousness and cowardice in past lives. They should be treated humanely and tenderly but we must remember that they are nothing more than men who have lost their autonomy, and therefore cannot be trusted with power. They must win back their sovereignty with obedience and humility, which means they should be given books and lessons if they ask for them or show promise, but if they start writing slam poetry or slandering men they must be stopped. Look at what a mockery Harry Potter has made of literature for instance. And what good has JK Rowling done with a twitter page? Again, we must be humane and fair, but we have to have rules damnit.

>> No.11950060

Reread Book V.

>> No.11950068

what's 'V'? Did he really write so many books that there was a alphabetical letter for all of them ??

>> No.11950075

He's referring to the Republic, but the original poster is referring to a statement made in Timaeus.

>> No.11950105

He contradicts most of what he says about women in other places just as he does with the Forms and with his ethics and definition of Justice. If you really think he was a feminist you are a retard

>> No.11950124

im learning latin and im here to inform you that the word "homo" meaning human is masculine, so you can't be right
if we all went back to studying latin in school this whole gender confusion wouldn't have happened
my own post is still less brainlet than yours

>> No.11950125

This. The republic is a jesting. It's classic jesting. If there's one takeaway from the dialogues its that Socrates is a facetious motherfucker. That's because he was always holding all the cards, he was always throwing in a monkey wrench here and there to shake things up, to stay one step ahead. That's the true Socratic method. Shouldn't even be revealing this esoteric interpretation but brainlets won't understand it anyway. But think about it: just listen to this:

>women should have all the same responsibilities as men

Oh, yeah, ok Socrates, whatever you say. Ha, what's next, we're going to walk on our hands?

>> No.11950127

please go meme somewhere else dipshit

>> No.11950132

socrates was a dick loving vapelord

>> No.11950134

This rhetoric is retarded. Even if you don't believe that somebody can reach the peak of academic excellence, they still deserve basic education. In modern society it would be impossible to function without basic reading comprehension.

A half retarded kid with down syndrome can still be valuable to society by learning certain skills.

>> No.11950139

You have to fix the men, then they'll fix the women. The whole thing is ultimately enabled by men.

>> No.11950152

>butt blasted roastie
Be careful what you wish for, babe

>> No.11950272
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Absolutely based.

>> No.11950407

Women should not be educated. They are an absolute waste of space. Think of all the money we waste trying to educate these vapid twats. And the end product is a knocked-up housewife. We could have educated men of real quality and potential. But instead it's been spent on females who could have spared us all the wasted effort if they had only been honest with themselves. No you do not have any real talent or creative capability. No you do not have the will to overcome all odds. And no you do not have the character consistent with great achievement.

All woman have is the vast pretension to be something they know absolutely they are not. This is why women are so hysterically committed to framing everything as an effort on the part of men to put up barriers. They need to find a man to blame for the inevitable collapse of their own commitment to intellectual achievement. Women have no real desire to innovative, design, build, conquer, etc. It's all a fancy. But they can't be honest about this.

This is why some cunt at Princeton (the head of the philosophy department) a few years back authored a paper saying that the reason there are more male geniuses is because males (supposedly) get more "resources." Absolutely no discussion of the obvious fact that the only "resources" a philosophy student needs are pen, paper, and a couple books.

No no no. Some of these women are better off illiterate with the kind of crass, ugly, vulgar opinions they share. And frankly, this is because men are afraid to correct them. So some bird-brained feminist will run her mouth, and you are suppose to let the little lady express herself because you can't silence her, except that everything she says is hopelessly stupid, uniformed, illogical, or without evidentiary basis.

>> No.11950449

umm sweetie 0.001% of women are about as good as 10% of men and so both are mostly stupid so there's no duffernce and women are smarter Anyway

>> No.11950461

I will find you, pin you down and buttfuck you on that pile of trash you call your home.

>> No.11950484

t. incel wannabe rapist

>> No.11950515

""""""""""rape""""""""" is a social construct and women want to be taken by force.

>> No.11950545

sweetie, gender is also a social construct, specifically the male gender. it's in the vile nature of males to perpetrate this and other social constructs because they seek to oppress women. but luckily, we're teaching women to wake up to their true nature repressed throughout millennia of social construct domination. soon we will unmake all constructs in nature