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/lit/ - Literature

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11949145 No.11949145 [Reply] [Original]

Any books where the protagonist has a fun night out and then kills himself?

>> No.11949238


>> No.11949395

my diary :(

>> No.11949407

just replace a fun night out with a fap session

>> No.11949516
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>> No.11949524

closest i can think of is either steppenwolf or the coverage of eliott rodgers shenanigans

>> No.11949525

The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.11949534
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It is a well-documented bit of lore that David Foster Wallace, prior to his suicide, spent the day eating KFC, watching the first three Die Hard movies, and re-reading the Harry Potter series with the giddyness of a child. Afterwards, he and Franzen met up in Manhattan where they took turns photographing black postal workers sorting mail, correcting usage errors in the New York Post, and eating gyros while walking along the east river. Then he returned home, wrote 'Everything is fine' in his diary, and hanged himself.

>> No.11949560

“Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather has a similar trajectory


>> No.11949570

fuck that's good. If you can't kill yourself with that much style then don't even try

>> No.11949580

How ironic

>> No.11949785

That would be kino as the final sentence of a novel.

>> No.11949895
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>> No.11949941


>> No.11950079

The Stranger.

>> No.11950166
File: 55 KB, 720x696, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271673d3d2d3333323531343535302e313438356439303562616663633131333438303532393636383130392e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn know this passion
truly lives worth living forever

>> No.11950170
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>> No.11950173
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>> No.11950189

Who do you think went first?

>> No.11950206

god damn is that from a shotgun? dont know my guns

>> No.11950233
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, Per+yngve+ohlin+of+mayhem+_da108422b0911cc8bc6d1a549877df8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that from a shotgun
Best way to do it

>> No.11950235

The girl obviously.
The boy has the gun by his side.

>> No.11950253



>> No.11950262

the Gospels

>> No.11950264

If you look at the boy's pic you can see the couch on which she is sitting. They're next to each other so it's possible that he did it first.
That's a classic image.

>> No.11950274

Brave New World

>> No.11950319

This is p cool. Any other montages of fun fun? Like shooting each other just for fun? I’ve seen videos of some black people shooting each other in the foot and it looked fun.

Would it hurt?

>> No.11950419 [SPOILER] 
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pic related
only it's herself not himself
and she gets someone else to do it for her

>> No.11950436
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>shooting each other just for fun?

>> No.11950439

The Sound and the Fury with Quentin's section

>> No.11950577
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Not a book, but kino

>> No.11950581


>> No.11950627

about half of everything ever written by Zelazny.

>> No.11950641
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>come in expecting depressing literature
>get a baby rekt thread
It's not like i've never seen this stuff but on /lit/, come on guys

>> No.11950686

You might like Cosmopolis by Don DeLillo though it's not exactly what you asked for

>> No.11951687

seeing pictures of dead bodies is always weird, especially when pictures/videos of the person being alive exists, it leaves me with this unsettling feeling that stems from knowing that one day i'll be in the same state as these people, despite having also been in the previous state of being alive and well

>> No.11951847
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Does this count?

>> No.11952041

Guy in the back did the right thing by falling immediately and pretending to be dead. Also from what I see the guy with the camo jacket tanked 80% of the shots.

>> No.11952052

Runaway Horses

>> No.11952078

>The number of guns and ammo, a bottle of Black Russian and a pack of condoms, however, adds a modern twist to the tragedy.
Why the fuck did they use condoms when they were to kill themselves? Or did he just want everyone to know that he fucked her?

>> No.11952961

>fun night out and then kills himself.

>> No.11954366

god l wish that were me

>> No.11954371

lmao fucking tryhard