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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 246 KB, 1050x1646, 719Y304lOSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11943140 No.11943140 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that don't dehumanize Nazis completely? I read this one, and while it was good, it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Although there were some passages that focused on his motivations and reasons, and his thoughts on government officials, the bulk of the book is dedicated to the description of the actual battles in the war itself and the conditions surrounding it. So I was looking for other books that explore the pysche of the German soldier more in-depth. Can be from either side, as long as they don't treat the Nazi soldiers as the soulless, evil enemy they're usually portrayed as in pop culture.

>> No.11943153

Germans are soulless and empty, it has nothing to do with nazism.

>> No.11943186

That's one original hot take anon, you came up with it yourself?

>> No.11943194

Léon Degrelle's The Eastern Front

>> No.11943223
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If I have seen further it is by standing on ye shoulders of giants.

>> No.11943245

Don't feed us after midnight. If you do it anyway, we roll a dice and various things may happen:

1 - We become bff with italy and rampage through europe

2 - frankurter school / dialectic

3 - EuDSSR / Atlantik-Brücke e.V.

4 - ???

5 - ???

6 - ???

>> No.11943555
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>be me in uni
>wrote paper on Werner Von Braun
>get a note on the rough draft that I need to talk to the prof
>see her after class
>she sits me down and says “Anon, you know Von Braun was a Nazi correct?”
>”and you know what the Nazis did, correct?”
>well of course
>”well frankly I find it atrocious that you could write so impassively about a man who committed atrocities for the Nazis”
>why should I go out of my way to defame him? My paper was about his influence on rocket science not a smear article. I even wrote about him developing the V-2 for the Nazis so it’s not like I purposely omitted it.
>”well, technically there’s nothing wrong with that paper, you’re correct. But, I just think it’s in bad taste to portray the man in such neutral territory as if he wasn’t an inhuman monster”
Are these people serious?

>> No.11943560

Calling them "people" is being a bit optimistic.

>> No.11943821
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Ordinary Men might be the book you're looking for

>> No.11943831

Gay porn parody: I Blew for the Fuhrer

>> No.11943993

Checked, they’re NPCs anon, what more can you expect?

>> No.11944013
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>Are these people serious?

>> No.11944023

I have a friend that's a huge nazi-boo and he got into a huge ordeal with a professor because he wrote a neutral worded paper about something in WW2 Germany. The professor in his case responded exactly as you describe in your story.

>> No.11944044

This is just customary practice at this point.
I don't think I've ever read a news article about China without some gratuitous criticism of the CCP thrown in for good measure. Same with the Nazis.

>> No.11944046

germans are not human

>> No.11944081

"X are soulless and empty" is an NPC response.

>> No.11944109


>> No.11944111

“X is an NPC response” is an NPC response and so on and so on

>> No.11944152
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>> No.11944328

This actually mirrors a lot of allied propaganda in WWI as well. Ministers and politicians on the homefront were talking about destroying the German race long before the Nazis came to power. The Germans on the other hand were talking about destroying the Slavs.

>> No.11944387

Yeah there was a lot of dehumanizing just like when the Germans issued medals celebrating the sinking of the Lusitania and shooting down Quentin Roosevelt.
Although in WWII, it’s a bit different as the Russians were fighting a war for their own survival.

>> No.11944419

>This actually mirrors a lot of allied propaganda in WWI as well. Ministers and politicians on the homefront were talking about destroying the German race long before the Nazis came to power.

>> No.11945458


>> No.11945467

why can't you losers stay in /pol/ or /his/

>> No.11945481

That's a very Semitic looking Russian.

>> No.11945510

You'll look like less of an idiot if you just point out that his name ends in berg

>> No.11945562


>> No.11945564

You got a dog in this fight?

>> No.11945600

Yeah I care about /lit/ staying related to lit

>> No.11945614

This is how dumb our teachers are

For OP i recommend The Forgotten Soldier, its a memoir from a French guy who fought for Germany in Russia

>> No.11945615

No, I think you're a Jew is what I meant. Are you?

>> No.11945624

No. Not that it should mean anything, you tinfoil-hat ignoramus

>> No.11945631

Hello kike

>> No.11945638

Poor nazis, let them alooone

>> No.11945639

Jews are the source of most evils in the world, and responsible for all wars since the 1700s. Read a book every once in awhile lol

>> No.11945795
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Man in the High Castle is more then just a good alternate history novel. It's one of the most interesting examinations of racial and national identity I've seen. Its thought provoking, original, well written and it doesn't overstay its welcome.

This book helped me to understand the sickness of the Nazi mentality more than anything I've read in years. The extermination of the Jews, Africans, Slavs, and other unfit races is over. What remains is the Aryan ideal. What makes this so shocking is not the horrors themselves, but the fact that such atrocities have been committed only for the world to accept them and move on.

Man in High Castle also features some great commentary on art and imitation which I can't do justice to here. Like Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by the same author, each chapter of this book holds enough ideas for a whole book of its own.

Its far better and more nuanced then the adaptation.

>> No.11945896

>he wrote a neutral paper about germany

I honestly doubt it. There's plenty of dumb facts about how nazis dindu notffing being spread around. What was it about?

I guess OP could read about other genocide too.

>> No.11945913

This, but unironically. Treating everyone in a military group the same such as those in WW2 isn't accurate.

>> No.11945983
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You should learn German. You would have access to a much, much wider selection of sources. Most foreign books aren't translated, and books from /that/ era are especially unlikely to be translated.

>> No.11946274

inform me how the jews were responsible for the sino japanese war

>> No.11946286
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The Young Hitler I Knew.
>tfw you will have a friend like Gusti

>> No.11946290


Forgotten Soldier by Guy Sayer is pretty good.

>> No.11946310

>implying physiognomy is pseudoscience

>> No.11946312

Look. I know you wanted a revolution. But can't you understand that genocide is literally the greatest evil of all time?

>> No.11946318

when you think about it, the basis for an anti-genocide stance is just as bad as for a pro-genocide stance. Both require distinguishing one race from another whereas we should all be considered equals.

>> No.11946324

Look. Nazis are evil. Do you understand? I don't give a single shit about how you justify violence; we are past that now. We need to protect the physical bodies of individuals to prevent what happened during the holocaust. The use of force in this aim is always justified. Understand?

>> No.11946327
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>> No.11946346

you have revealed yourself as a /his/ dweller

>> No.11946438

hellmut kirst wrote a bunch of books about wehrmacht life (barracks life, polish campaign, officer school)
usually in the picaresque or whodunit genre. his general attitude is antifa-tier and even pacifist, but its still written from his own wehrmacht experience and the characters arent too shallow.

>> No.11946503

In the English speaking world there is anti east bias in every book/source of information I have read, and that's quite a lot

>> No.11946577

Erich Raeder's memoir Grand Admiral

>> No.11946624

Good and evil.
There's no such thing, life isn't Harry Potter.
Life was hard and confusing for Germans after WW1, the Allies weren't completely innocent when it came to starting WW2, Hitler's atrocities have been exaggerated whereas Allied ones have been downplayed.
It was a war, nasty things happen in wars.

>> No.11946633

Yeah, during WW1 the allies created a lot of propaganda about Germans impaling Belgian babies on their bayonets and eating them etc to dehumanise the Germans and drum up enthusiasm for the war.
When you look at the beginning of a modern war, WW1, WW2, Iraq War, you can clearly see that democracy is a sham.
When the government needs to socially engineer a reaction among the population, it will do so very easily.

>> No.11946648

central powers had their own jews agitating for them and creating propaganda, until balfour declaration at least.
e.g. (((egon friedell))) worked as propagandist for austro-hungary

>> No.11946669

But the central powers were more like monarchies.
They never pretended like the people had a choice in the matter of whether they were to go to war or not.
The allies, Britain and France, were supposed democracies, and yet at the end of the day the people had no say whatsoever in the matter.
They just give the illusion of power, but when it comes to the important decisions, like war or mass immigration, those at the top could not care less.
As long as the great mass of lemmings and NPCs are content with the illusion of choice and power, and have their smartphones and Netflix and football nothing will change.
That mass democracies are the best form of government is the biggest meme ever created.
They are arguably the worst.

>> No.11946744

*tips stahlhelm*

Another thinly veiled polthread. Of course not all German soldiers were bad people, even in the SS, but any Nazi prominent enough to have a biography was horrid. Have read fantastic biographies of Himmler and Heydrich. Both monsters, especially Heydrich.

Fuck off with your confirmation bias seeking you germ.

>> No.11946819
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>> No.11946867
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Dies Irae

>> No.11946934

Hitler is human in this, but it is not flattering. The only competent human being in that book is Guderian (t. Guderian)

>So then I ordered x, and I stomped them. The Fuhrer wanted me to do y though, but eventually he came around to my way of thinking

>> No.11946999

Hitler Was My Friend by Hoffman

>> No.11947002

Great book

>> No.11947004

The whole NPC meme is based on the idea that some people are soulless and empty. Dumb NPC poster.

>> No.11947006

>Viewing Nazis as bad, and /pol/tard nazism as for what it is: an insular circle-jerk of profoundly mentally ill individuals reinforcing each other's faults, makes you an antifa extremist.

>> No.11947007
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>> No.11947067

It’s pretty hilarious when you guys try to play the neutral angle. Just man up and admit you’re a retard. It’s anonymous.

>> No.11947087

the germans did murder belgian and french civilians en masse, it was exaggerated for propaganda sure, but it had a base to be exaggerated from. they also started the war, assisted and advised the ottomans in carrying out a genocide, first implemented the bombing of civilian centers as a method of total war and sent lenin to russia in an act that basically boiled down to wilhelm murdering his cousin in cold blood

>> No.11947091

I assume you've read Storm of Steel. Yeah it's ww1 but also what youre looking for

>> No.11947094

Screenshotted. Holy shit

>> No.11947096

No I don't understand you fucking bot.
>evil evil evil
Ok, doesn't make any difference if it's not evil by my standards.

>> No.11947099

You probably glossed over his use of slave labor which is where she took offense but poorly articulated why. Otherwise I’ve never really felt Von Braun was evil, more of a cowardly opportunist, but that’s pretty much also me so I can’t blame him.

>> No.11947117

imagine being this NPC

>> No.11947171
File: 56 KB, 450x680, panzercoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panzer Commander is a good one

>> No.11947247

lmao fucking NPCs never learn, stick to the code

>> No.11947953

It's like they want us to deny basic observable reality.

>> No.11947977

Oh so you're a retard you should just start saying that first.

>> No.11947989


>> No.11948120

I bet you can't even recognize a nigger from a gorilla.

>> No.11948192
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11948830

Please share the image.

>> No.11948899

is this bait?
no, the germans didnt kill french or belgian civilians en masse. no, the germans didnt start ww1. not even the austrians but the serbs and the russian secret service did. no, the germans didnt help the turks in the armenian genocide, they just ignored it because they were losing a war already. also when did they start bombing “civilian centers“. yes, they send lenin to russia but wilhelm 2 didnt murder his cousin in cold blood. that the leninists would chimp out wasnt forseeable.

i just hope this is bait, because even for the standart anti german propaganda thats an amazing amount of lies.

>> No.11948966

NPC detected

>> No.11948977

can you prove they didn’t?

>> No.11949122
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Here you go lad. I even cropped it nicely.

>> No.11949160
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Nazis were cool. The SS were 'will to power' incarnate in all it's wonderful and beastly glory. The fact that modern domesticated people think they were evil means they were just superior. You call things you're afraid of evil, so you call the strong and unrestrained evil too.

>> No.11949366

Dude, how could you possibly be so unaware of your own bias? Thinking that WW2 was a complicated time and that there is more that went on than "Nazis = evil" is fairly basic. You can even believe they were largely responsible for many awful things while still understanding there is more to it than "Nazis = evil". Any adult with a functional brain should be able to put together that "Nazis = evil" is a very incomplete assessment of what occurred during WW2 and the period leading up to WW2.

>> No.11949369

well that's your opinion

>> No.11949375

"Can you prove x didn't happen?"

No. Can you prove I didn't fuck your mum last night mate?

>> No.11949382

well when you set out on a quest to kill an entire ethnic group, you deserve to have your memory spat on for all eternity.

>> No.11949394

Ah, just as your kind wish to with Whites and Palestinians there Shlomo?

>> No.11949398

Not even jewish, polfag

>> No.11949419

Well, you are in spirit and you believe in their state religion.

>> No.11949452

>everything I don't like is jewish

fuck off, faggot.

>> No.11949515

Not everything I don't like is Jewish, but your mentality certainly is. You have replaced the Satan archetype in your mind with the past enemy of a tribe you don't even belong to. You don't actually care about genocide, you care about this emotional image of what you were told the bad guys are.

>> No.11949535

Yeah, the mentality that genocide is wrong is a distinctly jewish thing, alright.

>You don't actually care about genocide
uh wrong...

>> No.11949550

Name me 5 other genocides you actually care about and can speak about for more than a few sentences.

>> No.11949565

I don't study them academically, but that doesn't mean I don't care enough about it to think that committing it is morally reprehensible.

>> No.11949572

You're full of shit. You proclaim to care about something that you don't even have cursory knowledge about. You probably know next to nothing about the Holocaust as well you fucking fraudulent faggot.

>> No.11949578

I mean I've read of historical genocides and shit, but just because I didn't the task you arbitrarily fished out of your ass doesn't mean I don't care my man.

>> No.11949604

Dude, I didn't ask you to hand translate the Rosetta Stone. You proclaimed to care about genocide and can't even name 5 fucking instances of it (despite it being nearly god damn everywhere in the history of civilization) and don't have the basic background to engage in talking about why you feel the way you do.

Just accept it, you don't actually have any particular care about genocide as a concept. You know it feels wrong to you, and can mouth why it feels wrong, but aren't willing to examine the conversation any further than that. You don't give a fuck about genocide any more than any other moral qualm you've been instructed to feel outraged about, and the particular instance of genocide you've been most instructed to feel strongly about you know next to nothing about historically speaking. Your opinions are not your own. You haven't done the reading nor the thinking to justify them and you should probably just shut the fuck up.

>> No.11949617


>Rowandan Genocide
>Herero massacre

it's easy enough to name them, but im not about to put down a couple of sentences for each, do your own homework

>> No.11949646

Why in particular should anyone who is not tangentially related to those incidents actually care beyond a passing sentiment about any of those? You care so much about genocide, why as a concept are you so particularly concerned if one tribe in Africa attempts to kill another tribe in Africa over territorial sovereignty?

>> No.11949671

>you can't care about genocides that happened a while ago
dude, what?

>why as a concept are you so particularly concerned if one tribe in Africa attempts to kill another
this must be so difficult for your little nazi head to comprehend, huh?

>> No.11949690

Just how many common names can you list which are not biblical in nature?

>> No.11949693

Thanks but why doesn't it have the blue background to show it is from /lit/?

>> No.11949708

The Pianist by Władysław Szpilman.

>> No.11949713

I'm willing to be honest that I don't actually care. It's not a thing I'm particularly concerned about. History is full of awful grotesque events just as the present is full of awful grotesque actions. I don't actually care beyond the way that it impacts myself and people relevant to me. As an abstract concept I'm not the biggest fan of killing of the innocent, but I also understand that when war over sovereignty occurs the line between innocent and enemy can become difficult to really distinguish and given the correct amount of threat most people will discard the question all together in favor of whatever will keep their people alive and flourishing.

I don't even care if Hitler literally personally killed the 6 gorillian by shoving them all into pedal powered brain bashing machines and cages with one bear and one eagle. It does me no good to feign this bullshit moral piety you are wearing (and it's very obviously bullshit given you're utterly incapable of defending your position which should be pretty easy considering it is one supported by the status quo in nearly every possible fashion).

>> No.11949719

dont even know if this is bait anymore

>> No.11949725

you do you

>> No.11949736

Just don't be surprised when the proportion of people who don't buy your line of thinking continues to grow, and your name calling has less and less traction. Given that you can't even articulate why you feel the way you do, it will continue to be even less convincing the more you and your kind expose yourself as the NPCs you are.

>> No.11949742

Keep telling yourself that :)

>> No.11949749

This anon's name? Thomas Pynchon.

>> No.11949837

Because I'm on my phone (Clover app)
Also kys for being so exquisitely autistic about it.

>> No.11949839

>phoneposter calling others autistic

go back.

>> No.11949872

Albert Speer

>> No.11949932

You're literally just saying no they didn't. Please provide any sources to discount these accusations. Most historians agree that Germany is responsible for the First World War. I would like to see your argument that they are not. If not, I would recommend Fromkin's Europe's Last Summer as a sort of nuanced, light reading on the subject.
Read this w/r/t the Armenian Genocide
Germany also admitted themselves that they were complicit:
Now onto your denial of the Rape of Belgium, 60,000 Belgian and French civilians were killed during the war by enemy combatants. The number of Germans killed likewise is 700. Do you have an explanation for how these people all died. The war crimes the German army committed against French and Belgian civilians are well documented. Again most historians agree that the claims of mass executions and looting are true, while bayoneting infants is not.
And again, the German government has admitted to it themselves:
The Germans starting the bombing of cities is also well-documented. I'm just going to link to wikipedia here, but if you really insist I'll go open up one of my old books for a more concrete source, regardless, it's widely known:
I also forgot to add that the Germans also started the use of poison gas in war, at Ypres.
And finally your point about Lenin is just nonsensical. Execution of monarchs is one of the major tenets of communism especially as expressed by Lenin. This is like sending Ted Bundy to your girlfriend's house and pretending it was a prank when she gets murder-raped.

>> No.11949984

>being so autistic that you actually believe there's something wrong with phoneposting in 2018 when even African cave dwellers all have smart phones
http://nationalautismassociation.org <- this is your home you autistic asperger cancer kid

>> No.11950056

>e-everyone from t_d is doing it!

>> No.11950069

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.11950083

>Do you understand?

Shut the fuck up lol

>> No.11950096

So, is there any proof of the holocaust? I'm asking a legitimate question here, I don't know.
Are there any german documents about gasing jews?
I've seen the "showers" that have wooden doors and can not possibly be air tight?
I'm also not completely retarded and have a problem with how Germany logistically not only found, but murdered and disposed of 6 million people in a couple of years. And yet, to my knowledge, there is no actual evidence of them doing so.

>> No.11950099


>> No.11950114
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There's dispute over the final tally, but still ample evidence of what they did

>> No.11950122

>Allies bomb supply lines and firebomb civilian cities
>find thousands of corpses
>omg those evil nazis!

>> No.11950123 [DELETED] 

these NPCs finna get dabbed on lmao
* snap *

>> No.11950136

Why don't you actually read the OP in its entirety and look through the serious, on topic replies? Norman Finkelstein would be embarrassed of your dumb ass.

>> No.11950141

yeah, the allies are culpable by disrupting enemy supply lines, sure

>> No.11950150

Didn't know stormfags were this delusional.

>> No.11950172
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>Look. I know you wanted a revolution. But can't you understand that genocide is literally the greatest evil of all time?

>> No.11950175

That's actually a bizarrely good point. Blow people to smithereens? Okay. Firebomb a bunch of Japanese cities off the map? Fine. Walk people single file into a room and gas them? CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. It's like it's more morally outrageously the more humanely you kill innocent civilians. Very strange.

>> No.11950186

>start a war
>cry when people fight back

Only the Nazis!

>> No.11950187

the nazis made my grandmother into a lamp you antisemite

>> No.11950191

Doctor Faustus (the Thomas Mann version) was written by a German in exile at the end of the war. None of the characters are explicit Nazis, but it's basically Mann trying to describe Germany's mistakes as a Faustian bargain of attempting to achieve greatness at the cost of their humanity and ultimately in the destruction of their society. The actual events of the book don't go any further than the Weimar years but it's very obvious what the protagonist signifies and you can clearly see the undercurrents of Nazism building as the book reaches its climax.
Mann did see Nazism as a mistake overall (he fled Europe for the US when the war started because the administration wasn't a fan of him), but when I read the book it felt like he was trying to understand his countrymen's motivations and was just horrified at the lengths they were willing to go to carry them out.

>> No.11950199

Who's crying? I don't have a drop of german blood and I have no affection for the Nazis, just making an observation.

I didn't say a damn thing about the joos. The nazis killed a lot of people, many of whom weren't jewish. Nabokov's little brother was one of those undesirables they exterminated.

>> No.11950201

Can't you understand that either race exists, or genocide doesn't exist? How can you destroy something that doesn't exist?
You must also understand that European peoples are just as beautiful and unique as any other people. The mistakes of imperialism, colonialism and consumerism don't make them unimportant and not deserving of respect. Multiculturalism inevitably leads to genocide of one culture or mutual destruction of both.

>> No.11950210

Doesn't change the fact that germans were aggressors who slaughtered millions of their own countrymen and people who were on land that they wanted, yet you're giving the allies shit for attacking people who declared war on them as if it were just as bad.

>> No.11950211

You're wrong, but at least you're not as much of a hypocrite as most egalitarians.
I say "as much" because in your own statement you reveal that it is possible to distinguish one race from another, to acknowledge that there is a way to do so admits that there are certain physical features from which race can be deduced which would mean that race or something like it exists.

>> No.11950215

>yet you're giving the allies shit for attacking people who declared war on them
Administrations declare war, civilians do not. No one who got firebombed deserved it any more than anyone who got turned into a lampshade. This should not be a contentious claim.

>> No.11950216

>Multiculturalism inevitably leads to genocide of one culture or mutual destruction of both.
no it doesn't

>> No.11950220
File: 92 KB, 800x585, Total-war-speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think all Jews were part of the international Zionist elite but that didn't stop the Nazis from labeling all of them. Total war, bitch.

>> No.11950222

What is the alternative? Eventually mixing will destroy the unique language, religions and physical characteristics of the native groups.

>> No.11950223

give examples of multicultural societies that did not eventually fall apart along ethnic lines
america doesn't count; it's already happening there

>> No.11950228

That's not genocide bro.

Just because pol is full of retards doesn't mean the US is falling apart.

>> No.11950239

Falling apart along ethnic lines is preferable to multicultural post-national "countries". I fully support balkanization of all nations in which it is possible. A strong central government which imposes a standard language will kill the native tongues.

>> No.11950242

So you're saying you agree with Nazi philosophy of exterminating groups of people you believe have wronged your group? That's pretty retarded, buddy.

>> No.11950248

no, I agree with Nations defending themselves though

>> No.11950256

Germany for the Germans. Germania, land of the Germans, is called such for the peoples who live there. Without Germans there is no Germany, no Deutschland, no Allemania.

>> No.11950257

so america, which has only been multicultural for 50 or so years, which already has ongoing idpol social strife, a disappearing middle class, lack of a clear collective goal or purpose, and extremely high incidence of mental health issues and generally low quality of life, isn't falling apart? what would have to happen for you to believe it is falling apart?

>> No.11950258
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>> No.11950263

low quality of life? I never called America a utopia dude.

>> No.11950270

>muh economics
>muh quality of life
What matters is the survival of our people. Money doesn't justify the nation. It's rather the other way around.

>> No.11950300

The nazis had much better arguments for killing jews than the americans did for firebombing and nuking hundreds of thousands of japanese civies. By your logic, the nazis were just defending their nation from a foreign invader.

Fine, but they could have just dropped them off in poland or something. Even if you believe in an ethnically pure state, you don't have to go exterminating minorities.

>so america, which has only been multicultural for 50 or so years
Nigga, you crazy? America as a country has been extremely multicultural from the outset. Dutch, English, Irish, Russians, French, were all very distinct cultures that got mixed together in the 'murrican pot. I imagine the only thing you know in this life is that you don't like chinks, spics, and niggers. Good for you.

>> No.11950306

agreed, but when discussing an issue with liberals you have to frame your arguments/questions in a way that they can actually grapple with within their framework so their brain doesn't regress into npc thought processes about muh racism.
sometimes they'll just dodge your questions anyway like this guy, but if you are looking to change minds you can't go full blood and soil before their cherry is even popped, ya dig?

>> No.11950311

>The nazis had much better arguments for killing jews than the americans did for firebombing and nuking hundreds of thousands of japanese civies


>the nazis were just defending their nation from a foreign invader.
They were until they took it too far.

>> No.11950315

liberals wouldn't call that "multiculturalism" so it's useless to refer to it as such when you're talking to them because it's just confusing for them. remember, white people have no culture.

>> No.11950322

>everything is a grey area but only i get to decide who is right and who is wrong
fucking lol dude

>> No.11950323

that's not what I said, moron.

>> No.11950324

If it's perceived as "white" even if the cultures are vastly different its not multiculturalism... At least here in muttland

>> No.11950337

where did they go too far then? do you think the fact that they lost the war is part of the reason why it's generally agreed that they went too far, rather than that they were doing what they needed to do to defend their interests against a hostile group of invaders?
you're on /lit/ so i assume you've read beyond good and evil, at least.

>> No.11950349

Certainly by the time they were invading Poland, though there was bullshit from the start thanks to their racial purity polemic and openness to ignorance in propaganda to direct the masses

>> No.11950361

Explain why.

Sounds like it is.

Well I'm liberal and I call that multiculturalism. Just because some people don't believe there's such thing as American culture, or they don't believe white people have a culture (because that would be "racist" or something), doesn't mean this country hasn't been multicultural from the outset. It was working great for about two centuries, so even if things are going to shit—and I'm not saying they are, really hard to see the whole forest when you're surrounded by trees—the problem is clearly not that things have become more multicultural. We've always been very multicultural. At least honestly spell out what you think the problem is instead of using the ill-fitting words of your enemy, if that's the way you perceive the discourse.

>> No.11950366

Nazis started the war, allies ended it.

>> No.11950386

The war was basically inevitable after the Treaty of Versailles unless you believe the German people should have just agreed to a mass self-genocide. That they ended up going on their own genocide venture is a separate issue; it still doesn't justify Dresden or, like, all of what happened in Japan. Your view of history is childishly reductionist.

>> No.11950395

No it wasn't, Weimar was doing fine and Hitler was already able to peaceably reverse many of the worst conditions of Versailles. France was a shit, sure, but that didn't justify a holocausting man.

>> No.11950398

>It was working great for about two centuries
LMAO no it hasn't, It had short spurts of the middle class doing okay but overall it it has just been bougie whites and kikes running the show. The thing that has supposedly MADE us our unrepentant capitalism has caused nothing but a false promise in everyone and now especially in minorities thinking somehow it will work in THEIR favor someway by having shitty attitudes about the "white" culture around them for the misdoings of the past and present. Theyre getting pandered too and theyre eating it right up causing the americans to either scatter or live in the squalor with them while everyone quibbles over idpol and the political class egging it on as much as they can.

>> No.11950403

yeah, how dare those uppity nogs give lip to us whites

>> No.11950453

They can say whatever they want just don't expect every white person to bend over or not feel attacked. I think they're aiming their arguments at the wrong white people and are being to broad and resentful but that's just like my opinion man

>> No.11950460

>France was a shit, sure, but that didn't justify a holocausting man.
I never said it did.
>No it wasn't, Weimar was doing fine and Hitler was already able to peaceably reverse many of the worst conditions of Versailles.
They were still saddled with massive debt due to the international banking cartel controlling their fiat currency. War was inevitable.

>LMAO no it hasn't
The buying power of the American working class in the 50's and 60's was fucking astronomical compared to now. If this country is going to shit, blame that crook Nixon for taking us off the gold standard and that imbecile Reagan for implementing Reaganomics. A bloated and dysfunctional welfare system and affirmative action are bad, but feminist hiring quotas are doing way more damage, and that's being driven mostly by white people, male and female. You're letting useful idiots distract you, and thus becoming a useful idiot yourself by not seeing that this is all being planned at the top and your sense of racial grievance is part of that plan.

>> No.11950466

>I never said it did.
No, but you said that the Nazis had better reason to round up their own citizens than the allies did in attacking an enemy that forced war on them.

and they were in massive debt from losing the first war

>> No.11950495

>No, but you said that the Nazis had better reason to round up their own citizens
They didn't see them as their own citizens. That's like, my entire point. Once you start looking at things like NationA vs NationB, the murder of innocent non-combatants all becomes equally defensible.
>and they were in massive debt from losing the first war
Exactly, and they were not the aggressors of that war. It all started in the Balkans and they were no more wrong in honoring their treaties than the victors. The german nation can easily argue that both wars were actually forced on them. That still doesn't justify human lampshades, nor does pearl harbor justify all the cities wiped off the map in Japan.

>> No.11950548

>They didn't see them as their own citizens.
ah okay that totally explains it, idiot.

>> No.11950556

>all the cities wiped off the map in Japan.
good thing that didn't happen, eh?

>> No.11950559
File: 59 KB, 532x677, despite all my npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never become the world recognized expert in the shape and form of pure Rheinland milkers

>> No.11950589

It most certainly did:

It's the same way you don't see the hundreds of thousands of dead nips as belonging to your group. Your entire stance boils down to a sense of nationalism, justifying acts of a nation as defense from aggression when that aggression has nothing to do some random family minding their own business. The germans saw the jews as aggressive invaders of their nation, and many of those jews didn't feel a sense of being ethnically german, just jewish, so it wasn't even an arbitrary stance to take. Firebombing and the holocaust have the same philosophical justification. The jews were immigrants to germany, so it's up to the germans to decide whether they're fellow citizens if you're going to take a nationalistic view of things.

>> No.11950610

>It's the same way you don't see the hundreds of thousands of dead nips as belonging to your group
Because they were aggressors, dude, there's a difference that has nothing to do with nationalism. And again, the Germans started the war AND declared total war by that point. Yes the allies did some nasty shit, but that doesn't come close in malice to what the Axis accomplished

>> No.11950619

and the jews in Germany had settled there for generations with many helping in earnest in WW1. Just because they didn't fit into what the Nazis considered a good German doesn't justify their exile.

>> No.11950661

>and the jews in Germany had settled there for generations with many helping in earnest in WW1. Just because they didn't fit into what the Nazis considered a good German doesn't justify their exile.
All sense of kin, ethnicity, or nationalism comes down to arbitrary philosophical values. You can't say their philosophy was wrong, you can only say you don't agree with it. You can say they were unfair because their philosophy changed between the wars, but social philosophies do change over time.

>Because they were aggressors, dude, there's a difference that has nothing to do with nationalism.
"They" did not vote for the war, and yet whole cities were reduced to ash and rubble. There was no aggression in those children burnt alive, not unless you take them as a collective nation. That is like my entire. single. point.

>> No.11950680
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> You can't say their philosophy was wrong, you can only say you don't agree with it

> There was no aggression in those children burnt alive, not unless you take them as a collective nation.
They declared war as a nation my man, your point is shit.

>> No.11950685

*total war, no less. Yes the Nazis dragged their people down an unnecessary well of human suffering and indignity, thankfully the Allies were there to pull them out :)

>> No.11950741

>They declared war as a nation
Because you feel some intense need to treat them as a collective nation. Those nip children didn't declare shit, no more than those jew children chose to be born in germany. You're clearly a very stupid person if you can't see how your justification of firebombing doesn't stem from the exact same nationalist philosophy that led to the final solution.

>> No.11950760

>You're clearly a very stupid person if you can't see how your justification of firebombing doesn't stem from the exact same nationalist philosophy that led to the final solution.
pls explain.

>> No.11950788

Slowly reread these posts, but actually think this time:

>> No.11950794

>pro-genocide and anti-genocide both require distinguishing races from one another
>one side wants to kill everyone of that group while the other does not
>both are equally bad

>> No.11950811

I already did dude, but there are two things:
1. The Nazis were legally elected into power
2. They declared total war by the time of Dresden.

Just because both sides view peoples in terms of nations doesn't mean their actions are cut from the same cloth.

>> No.11950832

>murdering an entire ethnic group is bad
jesus fucking christ

>> No.11950926

>1. The Nazis were legally elected into power
Right, and the jews were a part of that electorate. Therefore, by your logic, the nazis were justified in exterminating them. MIND BLOWN
>2. They declared total war by the time of Dresden.
The allies declared war against Germany first, in case you've forgotten, so by your own logic the Allies were the aggressors. And Britain actually began the escalation into total war with the Altmark Incident, and the bombing of civilian populations that were either Allied or Axis started with Churchill's bombing of Bulgaria. You are desperately clinging to a naive, reductionist worldview.

>> No.11950943

Im pretty sure it's safe to say effectively 0% of Jews voted for the Nazis

and the allies only declared war after appeasement failed and didn't do Dresden (which did have military significance, by the way) until after the Nazis had declared all citizens at war.

>> No.11950965
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>the germans did murder belgian and french civilians en masse,
No. They used Belgian civilians for forced labor because they were going broke and didn't have enough manpower at home. But at the end of the war they were returned to their homes. There were some that may have died from poor living conditions but it's not on the same level as the Armenian genocide. Source of what I'm saying is an exclusively anti-german documentary from yt.

>> No.11950980
File: 1.57 MB, 1426x2144, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the what?

>> No.11951070

>Im pretty sure it's safe to say effectively 0% of Jews voted for the Nazis
Doesn't matter. If the fact that the nazis were elected means all of germany is culpable, then, well, all of germany is culpable. Or is the bombing of Dresden only a crime when it comes to people who didn't vote for Hitler? Cuz none of those german or japanese children voted for their leaders, but they still died.

>and the allies only declared war after appeasement failed
So? They still declared war first. They were the aggressors. Did Germany attack Britain? No? Then who was the aggressor?

>> No.11951102

I thought from the tone it would be evident that I was shitposting. I'm baffled that this received replies. I feel like I've really mastered the leftist mantras.

I think that people in nations have a right to change their nation through violence, and we prop up authoritarian regimes because we've characterized violence as a greater threat than the obstruction of freedom. The amount of disruption that a revolution would cause would destroy the internet. Yet, a revolution is the only way to bring about the social change leftists claim to be working for. In reality, leftism as a whole is a religion of benefactors, who use the holocaust as a shield to deflect criticism from the people they claim to defend -- a narrative of how we're progressing in place of a revolution. I was trying to parody this mindset.

>> No.11951113

yeah the germany that considered jews non-citizens, so, you know.

>> No.11951121

>They were the aggressors.
and no, sweetie, they weren't, treaties are more than the paper they're printed on.

>> No.11951155

>yeah the germany that considered jews non-citizens, so, you know.
Okay? So? That decision was made after the nazis were legally elected. That doesn't do anything to contest my point, you're just saying random phrases to feel like your stance is defensible.

>and no, sweetie, they weren't, treaties are more than the paper they're printed on.
In this case, the treaty was worth less than the paper it was printed on. Britain failed to deliver both when the soviets invaded as well as the nazis. That they declared war on Germany had nothing to do with treaties, and they couldn't have cared less what happened to Poland. Hell, Britain and the USSR were allies, which contradicts the treaty.

>> No.11951162

>That decision was made after the nazis were legally elected.
And it's easy to exempt jews entirely from this effort.

>That they declared war on Germany had nothing to do with treaties
Yeah no they just did it on a whim...?

>> No.11951178

at any rate I still fail to see how the nationalism that led to the deportation of the jews is the "exact same" as the nationalism that lead to their liberation in any meaningful way.

I mean you could argue that it was excesses of colonialism on both sides that led to the conditions predating the war, but that still doesn't justify ethnic cleansing

>> No.11951191

>And it's easy to exempt jews entirely from this effort.
In >>11950811 you said the nazis were legally elected, as if that makes the entire german state culpable. Seriously, what are you trying to say? Be consistent with your reasoning.
>Yeah no they just did it on a whim...?
Yes, why would they care if there was a rapidly expanding power making huge territorial gains on their doorstep? They violated their treaty when they didn't assist poland with the soviets; their declaration of war against britain was entirely motivated by self-interest, poland just served as a pretext.
>I mean you could argue that it was excesses of colonialism on both sides
Stop using buzzwords you don't understand. The nazis went after the jews because of their ties to the zionist elite. They were making them culpable as a collective, not as individuals. This is the EXACT. SAME. line of reasoning that excuses the firebombing of japanese cities. How is this so hard for you to grasp?

>> No.11951537
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice book recommendations guys!

>> No.11951549

I wrote one without scrolling down and am still pissed that it was so thoroughly drowned in /pol/ sperging that op will never notice it

>> No.11951569

There were plenty of good ones before I got really stubborn about explaining a really simple concept to someone with a lot of feelings but not much sense. Sorry.

>> No.11951576

I want something similar only on the Japense side.

>> No.11951654

Initially all the colonists were agrarian protestant north-western Europeans who all looked pretty much the same and had a similar purpose, just to live a peaceful agrarian life free of intolerance.
Even when the Irish and Italians came, there were problems and ethnic tensions. The meme that the US has always been multicultural is completely unfounded. The US was founded by white people and for white people, and to claim that the difference between the ethnicity and culture of an protestant English farmer and a protestant Norwegian farmer is in anyway comparable to the difference between that same Englishman and a catholic or a non-white person.
The US had enormous problems with the wave of crime and corruption that followed when there was a huge influx of Irish and Italians. Black people brought their own problems too. Chinese people are bring there problems right now.
Mixing together people of different ethnicities and cultures is just unnecessary. Just let people live amongst their own.

>> No.11951683

>feminist hiring quotas are doing way more damage, and that's being driven mostly by white people
Its been driven by Jews my nigga. Don't pretend like you don't know this.

>> No.11951813

There is so much that is so wrong with your post, I don't even know where to begin. Your point about the Irish and Italians is idiotic: both cultures have integrated completely into American culture and now pass for any old generic white person. What does that say about your stance? I'm not saying cultures clashing is painless, but they eventually merge into a new American culture, and American culture has seen more prosperity than any other country on earth for almost its entire history, all of which involved the integration of large foreign populations. Black people did not bring their own problems, we brought them and made problems for them. Ever met an actual immigrant from Africa? They're just Africans, neither more or less intelligent or violent than any other random foreign national. If you want to understand a little bit about why American black culture is so dysfunctional, read a little Thomas Sowell. (He also has some great talks and debates on youtube.) Also, I have no idea what you're on about with the Chinese. I have a number of Chinese friends, and they and their families have all integrated into American culture splendidly.
>Mixing together people of different ethnicities and cultures is just unnecessary.
You honestly just sound like the stereotypical white hick who never actually interacts with non-white people but blames them for everything anyway. I live in a really diverse part of the country where the high school prom pictures are actually more diverse than those annoying token-every-major-minority commercials that started airing in the mid nineties. They're so diverse because these people are all actually friends that share a common culture. Culture is learned from scratch by all humans, so all humans can learn American culture. That being said, I don't want people who sincerely want sharia law implemented to be let into the country as their culture in incompatible with American culture and they don't want to integrate. Regardless, YOU want culture to fall across ethnic lines for god knows what reasons. Probably just plain old ignorant white trash racism. Fuck, I said culture way too much. Culture, culture, culture.

At the top, maybe, but the main army is middle class white people and academics. I'm not saying it isn't the jews, but I don't get invited to the strategy meetings, so I can't say with any certitude. George Bush Sr. and his ilk are powerful sociopaths and I don't know how many of them are jewish. Maybe it is all jews pulling the strings at the top, but I don't know.

>> No.11952101

>as if that makes the entire german state culpable
war was declared as a state that had already considered the Jews non-citizens at that point genius so yeah the German state was culpable.

>This is the EXACT. SAME
no it isn't because the allies were acting in defense, why is that hard for you to grasp. The concept of Nation isn't unique to NS you know... (though they do have their own unique, terrible spin on it)

>> No.11952108

>They violated their treaty when they didn't assist poland with the soviets;
and don't forget the many times Germany violated Versailles before that :)

>> No.11952143

You are so spectacularly stupid that I'm actually impressed, but I bet you get that all the time.

>> No.11952185

No, I'm not

>> No.11952197

and to expand because I think it deserves mention: the war was a very real and crucial thread, Germany being overthrown because every Jew belong to international Jewry was a made up boogeyman to stir up support from ignorant masses.

>> No.11952240


>> No.11952283

He's not an NPC because of that belief. He's an NPC because that belief is not his and he cannot even articulate why he feels that way. Genocide is an unfortunate part of human history and nature and the people making Hitler into a replacement for a Satan archetype are not doing it out if genuine understanding of history but out of social conditioning and unwillingness to examine the realities of WW2.

>> No.11952288

you don't know me.

>> No.11952296

the npc meme doesn't really work because the only alternative is a playable character. The implication is that you're being controlled by somebody else if you're not npc.

>> No.11952303

Just curious considering you're portending to be an expert on these things, what percentage of Jews were involved in Jewry, and at what percentage of the Jewish population would you have accepted the generalization that Jews have certain behavioral tendencies that were against the interests of the German people?

>> No.11952306

I know that you came off like a fucking high school girl who had never even considered why they believe the things they believe and were completely unable to defend your position despite it being insanely easy to do so.

>> No.11952311

not all of them dude

>> No.11952316

So if there was a single Jew who didn't behave along those tendencies, that makes the generalization illegitimate? A single Jew in 6 gorrilian makes the whole thing incorrect in your eyes?

>> No.11952318

You just used apathy to defend your position, not everybody feels this way.

>> No.11952326

I didn't say that, did I?

>> No.11952337

Not having strong feelings about something is the default position for most parts of the human experience. You have a positive belief that you cannot defend. Why do you feel the way you do? It's very simple, just explain why you feel the way you do.

>> No.11952345

not when it comes to the sanctity of life. I feel the way I do because I don't like the idea of one group oppressing another.

>> No.11952346

Thats what you imply when you say not all, that any percentage that isn't 100% makes a generalization about a group illegitimate. At what percentage do you think it would be legitimate to justify a generalization?

>> No.11952349

Nothing really justifies a genocide, dude

>> No.11952362

Grow up dude. We exist within natural reality and evolution has created ethnic differences which while subtle genetically create large differences in behavioral tendencies. While groups have much in common, when it comes to the differences that exist, the group that gets their way will do it against the interests of those who don't. Someone will always be wearing the metaphorical boots. It's time to accept that and realize that adults are not talking about "stopping oppression" in any meaningful sense, but managing who is wearing the boots.

>> No.11952364

we're out of the middle ages, anon

>> No.11952374

Lost Victories: The War Memoirs of Hitler's Most Brilliant General

>> No.11952387

No, we're really not. The only reason you don't feel the boot on your neck is because you agree with those who are wearing the boots at the moment. The political dissidents who are being imprisoned on false charges and being denied to basic economic infrastructure aren't particularly interested in your belief that we can "get over oppression" in any meaningful sense.

>> No.11952388

Who said I agreed with the way things are now?

>> No.11952395

Quit with the tactical nihilism bullshit. It's pretty obvious you have no real critique of the modern world beyond petty nonsense like muh Capitalism and much inequality.

>> No.11952398

quit putting words in my mouth then lol

>> No.11952415

It's not like you have any words of your own. If not me, then someone else will anyways.

>> No.11952419

okay, friend.

>> No.11952426

The allies didn’t declare war first retard. Poland was part of the Allies

>> No.11953271

Genocide is an absolute necessity.

>> No.11954043

>war was declared as a state
You don't defend your state by burning whole families alive anymore than by gassing them. For like the tenth time, those families didn't declare shit. You've got a 17-year-old's conception of the world. "hurrr, they started it, durrrr". Exact same way the nazis justified the holocaust.
>no it isn't because the allies were acting in defense
Germany didn't declare war on Britain, it was the other way around, and Britain didn't declare war on the soviets when they invaded Poland. You've been fed a moralizing narrative and you've gobbled it up a like a retard eating paint chips.

Perhaps you are not so much spectacularly stupid as you are mentally retarded.

>> No.11954114

Damn your suggestion basically got buried in there like many of the others!