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/lit/ - Literature

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11942891 No.11942891 [Reply] [Original]

Is Southern Gothic the most literary genre in American fiction? You got William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, , Cormac McCarthy, Mark Twain, Walker Percy, Tennessee Williams, Carson McCullers, Eudora Welty, and Robert Penn Warren, among others.

That’s a pretty damn good roster.

>> No.11942901

Why does the South have so much better lit than the Midwest?

>> No.11942908

The midwest had Vonnegut

>> No.11942911
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Southfag here AMA

>> No.11942917

Life in the midwest is incredibly dull (which has both advantages and disadvantages) and unless you grow up with college educated parents or in a university town it's unlikely that you'll be exposed to literature.

>> No.11942927

It’s romantic Anglo farmers versus retarded German farmers and wageslaves
Anglos win every time

>> No.11942954

Once I learned that the two most populous ethnic groups in the US are Germans and Irish things started to make more sense to me. New England and the South had Anglo aristocracies

>> No.11942980

Mark Twain isn't a southerner and I've never heard of any of the people you listed after him. I'll give you William Faulkner, Flannery O’Connor, and Cormac McCarthy, but the New England area clearly produces better literature.

>> No.11943106

Yes, absolutely. Southern Gothic is my favorite genre and it'll never be anything else.

>> No.11943188

If you don't know tennese williams you should leave this board.

>> No.11943199
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>> No.11943219

Hemingway And Fitzgerald were midwestern boyz
If you consider Missouri midwestern (it does border Kansas after all) you have Twain too.
Then there’s the whole Chicago crew, Bellow, Wright, Dreiser, Sinclair, Farrell, Algren.
And Sherwood Anderson is underrated.

>> No.11943222

missouri is midwestern up top but the bottom is part of the Ozarks

>> No.11943234

It's a pretty cool genre. Fun fact: the name actually started as a mocking.

>> No.11943266

Any other reccs on the best southern lit besides the ones in the OP?

>> No.11943291

Fitzgerald is New England you clown

>> No.11943295

its pretty fucking good.

who's some contemporary "southern gothic" writers?

>> No.11943322
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ummm hello......

>> No.11943372

Breece Pancake
Larry Brown
William Gay (short stories)

Power gap

Harry Crews
William Gay (novels)

>> No.11943393

Born in St Paul, raised in Buffalo, NY

>> No.11943411

Good evening, Mr. Jest

>> No.11943422

And ACTUALLY he and his family returned to Minnesota when he was 12 where he lived until he went to prep school in New Jersey
No New England ties at all

>> No.11943567


>> No.11943573
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gib contemporary southern gothic books

>> No.11943581

>tfw attending the college that Flannery O'Connor attended
It's not a great school but the architecture is maximum comfy.

>> No.11943607

Seems silly to attribute to the Midwest in that case, DFW and Hemmmmingway are the only great Midwestern writers

>> No.11943669

DFW is overrated

>> No.11943685

Born there and spent the second half of his childhood years living there

>> No.11943712
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Southern Gothic isn't a real genre. It's just something they invented to burnish southern regionalist writing and justify certain stylistic excesses that come from inferior writing, and then subsequently a commercial category for the regional romances, a kind of literary country-westernism. It's basically regional patriotism.

Regionalism, broadly speaking though, is the most original American genre. It's the naturalization of the contemporary Realist/Naturalist movement.

>> No.11944002

DFW is unironically underrated.

>> No.11944739
File: 185 KB, 630x786, FlanneryWaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flannery is Waifu.

>> No.11944896

I bet you thought this sounded smart when you typed it out

>> No.11944905

Faulkner's the best writer of the 20th century

>> No.11945040
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Give me his best book.

>> No.11946112

This comment is /lit/ in a nutshell.

>> No.11946337

You know that Ezra Pound, T.S. Elliot, William S. Burroughs, and Mark Twain (one of those great southern writers OP named) all came from the MidWest, right?

>> No.11946348

And the Ozarks is part of the MidWest. Dixie doesn't start until you reach Arkansas.

>> No.11946364

I'm not sure where that would come from, nowadays the Southern aristocracy is very much indistinguishable from any other educated urban population in the US.

>> No.11946412

there's no longer any regional identity left in burgerland anymore anon, that genre isn't really viable anymore

makes me sad desu

>> No.11946419

>There's no longer regional identity in burgerland.
I disagree with that. The identities have just shifted to coastal, metropolitan, neo-Mexican, and interior (with the South being split up amongst them).