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/lit/ - Literature

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11942162 No.11942162 [Reply] [Original]

>Which tropes can't you get enough of and which tropes would you like to see dead and forgotten?

Monthly Reading for October: Sword in the Storm (The Rigante, #1) by David Gemmell



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:


>> No.11942177
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First for mormon-fag is the G.O.A.T writer.

>> No.11942182 [DELETED] 
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Let's start the thread properly.

Oh no, too late.

>> No.11942221

sanderson exists in a superposition of based mormon and fucking garbage reddit writer

>> No.11942224

Urth of the New Sun is pure autism. What was Wolfe thinking?

>> No.11942247

Probably not about his work becoming the ultimate pleb filter. That was an unintended consequence.

>> No.11942260

What are some good, shorter scifi novels?

>> No.11942271

Give me some guides on creating side characters with depth/distinction (semi-serious). Also big racks in white tank tops are an undisputed classic

>> No.11942281 [DELETED] 
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Anon you have to jerk off before you start writing.
Or posting here.

>> No.11942288
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>> No.11942314
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Any fantasy about court intrigue that isn't written by a young woman about a young woman with two guys that love her?

>> No.11942316

I'm shocked at how good/bad Sanderson is. I've been forcing myself through Way of Kings because I loved Wheel of Time and heard it was similar.

It's only similar because it's long and padded out for seemingly no reason. The world building is put to the forefront, but even more than that, character building is somehow even larger than that. Personality types and character histories that could be explained easily in a chapter are given, unironically, about 100 pages to be shown, to ensure they're entirely described. I'm currently on page 500, halfway through, and unlike the later Wheel of Time books, where I had a fully invested interest because I had been reading for years and had a chance to like the characters and understand the world, I just feel like Sanderson is throwing it all up front and saying: "the plot can wait, check out this world" for 500 pages. His characters are all fucking depressed too, hopping between them is like jumping between uncomfortable mental disorders. The development they get seems to just be trying to rationalize to the reader why they're allowed to be depressed and moping.

Yet at the same time I can't say he's a bad writer, because the prose is at least easily digestible and a step above your average juvenile, on-the-nose dribble that can get published today.
At least that's what I've been convincing myself because I bought the first three hardcovers on release and continually pushed them off, assuming I would enjoy them. And now I'm forcing myself through them because I already spent the money.

>> No.11942322

im mad
im mad about literature

>> No.11942324


>> No.11942329

Can someone remind me the sites to use for pirated books?

>> No.11942339

>I already spent the money
There's your problem right there.

>sites to use for pirated books
mobilism.org, b-ok.org, libgen.io
mobilism is the best for sff.

>> No.11942344


>> No.11942349 [DELETED] 

Ohh, it was in the outer /lit/ sticky. No wonder I couldn't see where it was written. Thank you.

>> No.11942360

any PKD

>> No.11942362

>loves wheel of time
>complains something else is padded out for seemingly no reason

>> No.11942373

The first half of Urth is really bad. The second half of Urth was the emotional highlight of the series for me. I still rate it highly, although everything on the spaceship sucks.

>> No.11942375

I don't know what you're quoting but thank you for the links.

>> No.11942378

He called that out as a similarity in literally the second sentence of his post

>> No.11942391
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>> No.11942412


>> No.11942457

what is your top of the head recommendation for a contemporary (late 20th, early 21th century) scifi novel (with an emphasis on technology, cyberpunk, internet etc.) that you would consider as really great literature? thank you so much!

>> No.11942470

The Windup Girl by Bacigalupi was surprisingly enjoyable. Lots of focus on low-technology bioengineering with a very unique setting. I honk one review I saw described it as “steampunk without steam”. It’s been a few years since I read it and I still remember a few characters and scenes vividly, which isn’t usually the case with novels I read purely for entertainment.

>> No.11942491

>you would consider as really great literature
There is very little sci-fi/fantasy at all that fits this. "Great literature" is shit like Paradise Lost. You're going to be hard pressed to find that in a genre ruled by publishers, and confining your search to recent times isn't helping. Looking for "great literature" in the hackneyed cyberpunk setting, which was basically built as a way to reskin hackneyed noir schlock, is really going to hamstring it.

>> No.11942493

Probably Three Body Problem.

>> No.11942520

Should my King Arthur stand-in fight a dragon or a chimera kind of thing in the first chapter of what I'm going to do for NaNoWriMo? I feel like the cat-beast kind of thing is less hackish for some reason, but people do love their fucking dragons, and it doesn't really matter to me either way. It's supposed to be a cunning but unwise beast/dragon queen from another (lower) world.

>> No.11942531

He should interrupt a fight between a dragon and chimera then slay them both.

>> No.11942602

He should fight a cyclops, a female cyclops is even better. Since it's a humanoid enemy and possibly fighting with a weapon you can show off Arthur's prowess with a blade. After he defeats and kills him/her maybe he makes enemies of that cyclops' kin from that underworld and he has to keep fending off cyclops assassins who want an eye for an eye.

>> No.11942666

He's going to fight multiple mythological creatures. He's a bounty hunter for those sorts of things, and while that's not really the extent of the story I want to tell, it's going to be the means of exposition for the story. So there'll be a cyclops eventually. I'll even give it tits, just for you.

I have a pretty clear idea of how I want the first chapter to go; it's just the shape of the character I don't know yet.

>> No.11942700

what if he fucked the dragon

>> No.11942715

's = possessive. "Anon's post got three replies."
's = contraction of "is". "It's a good book."

There might be others I'm forgetting about but these are the most common. Plurals don't have apostrophe S.

>> No.11942738

Well, someone did before the story started, but it's only implied. I'm a terrible furry fucker, but not so explicitly for the November challenge.

>> No.11942861

You should collab with the bunnyfag and have King Arthur fuckfight a rabbit

>> No.11942871

>contemporary scifi
>really great literature
None. I say this as someone that loves cyberpunk. The closest you'd get would be Snow Crash because it's satire, which almost no one here seems to understand. Anons think Stephenson is playing it straight and being 3edgy5u when he's really parodying so many parts of society. ... But it's not Candide.

>> No.11942887

Shit writing is still shit writing even if you do it ironically

>> No.11942893

Man, I loved TBP despite the shit characters and the awful writing (I assume the latter is due to translation). Would love to read more decent Asian sff

>> No.11942952

I've heard these complaints many times which makes me hesitate about starting that series. Anything you like or would recommend, apart from Wheel of Time?

>> No.11942990

I honestly enjoyed Neuromancer even though it's probably baby's first cyberpunk novel. It was less whiplash than Mona Lisa overdrive with it's three storylines that worked next to each other and it allowed me to focus on the main character more.
I loved that it pretty much cemented what the setting was for a cyberpunk novel together Phillip k dicks novels in the subgenre.

>> No.11943011

I'd be down to be his editor or co-author or whatever, honestly. He's good at making a compelling story. And overgrown anthro rabbits are very good.

>> No.11943032

Neuromancer is still the best of cyberpunk.

>> No.11943054

Malazan had a similar epic scope, so that's one I'd recommend trying. The Broken Empire trilogy, despite how it's shamed here, is fairly well-written if you like edgy stuff, where a teenage prince runs away and explores a nuked post apocalyptic world with a band of edgy characters. The Godspeaker trilogy is another good one, with two continents ruled by two different types of religious zealots being developed in book one and two respectively, then the third and final book having them clash.

>> No.11943090
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Now this the face of a talented author.

>> No.11943096

What are some good militart sci-fi books? Don't say Forever War because I already finished it.

>> No.11943121
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>more attractive
>better prose
>much higher sales
>harder working and more prolific

Why are YA authors so much more accomplished in every way than ""adult"" fantasy authors who write one sentence every month then eat/con themselves into an early grave?

>> No.11943124

Starship Troopers

>> No.11943168

I wish posters like you would stop posting top ten's from io9.

>> No.11943177

Not that anon but I strongly dislike Stormlight Archives and like WoT despite all it's flaws.

If you're looking for works similar to WoT, as in coming of age, chosen one and prophecy tropes in a high/epic fantasy setting, I would recommend
>Inda quartet
>Crimson Queen series (unf)
>Ember Blade (unf) (Tigana meets Wot)
>Licanius (unf) I disliked this one but a lot of people who liked WoT seem to love it and it does bear similarities to WoT
>Memory Sorrow Thorn
>Dune (sci-fi)
>Faithful and the Fallen

>> No.11943178

Is there even a single good new author? Is SFF dead?

>> No.11943180

See >>11942177

>> No.11943226

I just finished the first story in Liu Crixin's The Wandering Earth short story collection. The characters are not amazing (they might just feel worse than those in TBP because of the short story format) and the social issues he try to deal with felt a little rushed but overall the idea and execution was quite good.

There's also Invisible Planets, a collection of contemporary Chinese sci-fi translated by Ken Liu. I have not read it yet but it looks promising.

>> No.11943227
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There are a ton of excellent new authors. The problem is that not a lot of /sffg actually reads, they prefer to meme and shitpost.
Oh and fantasy doesn't count.

>> No.11943249

I read a Daryl Gregory book that was good - Afterparty.
Night Circus was really good but I doubt many Anons would like it.

But yeah I'm mostly reading or rereading older stuff. I mean we have decades of books. Just because something's newer doesn't mean it's automatically better.

>> No.11943265

Oh we read, but admittedly this thread is not the most informed when it comes to newer stuff. I'm trying to read some newer stuff but it's hard to prioritize new, unknown stuff over discovering new dinosaurs. I'll try to nominate something new for the next monthly reading.

>> No.11943276

Just you wait till I release my novel anon, it'll blow your socks off.

>> No.11943287


I'm curious, pls no shaming the yes voters even if you're a no voter, thanks

>> No.11943298


It's hard to make something unique these days. I feel everything follows the same format. Last book I felt was some-what unique was Priest of Bones, but that was basically Peaky blinders meets fantasy.

>There are a ton of excellent new authors

Any suggestions?

>> No.11943299

i don't even know what kkc is

>> No.11943308

Picking the only plausible candidate from Wikipedia's list of abbreviations, I assume you're asking about Kingkiller Chronicle?

>> No.11943315

I mean i thought the first book was decent but the second was a steaming pile of shit so I guess I'm tilting toward a no?

>> No.11943346

the second one, excluding the adem part, was a lot better than the first

>> No.11943362

Nonsense, the neck beard wish fulfillment sex-a-thon was the worst thing I've ever read in any book.

>> No.11943370

fuck i forgot about that too.
I guess my mind protected me from large parts of the second book, because all I remember from it is the university shenanigans and the maer's court. those are fucking comfy.

>> No.11943391

What would your thoughts be on a world similar to Irish mythology? Using the same sort of character archtypes and worldbuilding (different migrations reflecting the different races ie one would be similar to the Nemedians another to the Milesians) and having champions duel ala the Táin?
Just started reading it. Pretty interesting stuff especially their idea of honour in the stories.

>> No.11943475
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While I have not been involved in monthly readings here are some new novels you could take a look at:

Station Eleven by Emily Mandel, a post-apocalyptic novel about a wandering troupe of actors and other artists and their interactions with the pockets of survivors of the global epidemic.

Cold Skin by Alberto Sanchez Pinol, which recently had a film adaptation. Think of it as a study of human nature under literally inhuman conditions.

The Bloodsounder's Arc by Jeff Salyards, a well written, tight as a fish pussy, focused dark fantasy without hundreds of pages of characterization or world building or other gay shit. The author stays clear away from world shattering events and the usual fantasy padding. The novels are not about Robin Hood but more about hoods robbin'.

Germline by T.C. McCarthy, a well written proper military sci-fi, hard on science and hard on characters. The best way I would describe this is Dispatches by Michael Herr. Same journalist protag, different future battlefield, same human lunacy and violence.

Crooked by Austin Grossman, a very nice novel about Richard Nixon battling Lovecraftian monstrosities (yeah boy!).

>> No.11943494

PB is antifa faggot

>> No.11943515

Can you stop posting traps?

>> No.11943601

I don't know. Maybe if you ask me nicely?

>> No.11943609

Antifa is good actually

>> No.11943621

Apparently his editor convinced him to write it because BotNS didn't make enough sense to plebs.

>> No.11943658

If my printer was working I would make a tribute

>> No.11943664
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How does this series rate? I feel like most positive reviews are low iq idiots who’s opinion can’t be trusted

>> No.11943666

It's a chicken joint

>> No.11943672

I'm not going to take "great literature" too seriously -- more like "has some legitimate literary pretensions" OK:

>The Golden Age by John C. Wright
>The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson (last 1/3 of the book drops the ball)
>The Windup Girl by Paulo Baciagalupi
>Eden: Endless World (warning: manga)
>Axiomatic by Greg Egan (anthology)
>A Fire Upon the Deep/A Deepness in the Sky by Vernor Vinge (more space, less cyberpunk but I think it's a fit)

>> No.11943673

kys subhuman commie

>> No.11943678

Call it a dragon but make clear it's some weird chimera-like creature.

>> No.11943684

Ignore them, blindsight is baby’s first attempt at philosophy in their fiction

>> No.11943705

China Mieville manages to write good things even if not everything he writes is good. I've given up on John C. Wright ever writing anything even as good as Count to a Trillion again. Ted Chiang is still writing his one short story ever 3 years. Jemisin's Fifth Season trilogy is overpraised however it does show notable improvement over her earlier work.

As far as truly new authors I have no idea. Amazon publishing means the overwhelming majority of new authors are producing schlock based on a tight feedback loop. I've got Travis Corcoran's Powers of the Earth on my list but haven't read it.

>> No.11943746

Topkek. I'm staying right here. Enjoy your seething.

>> No.11943758

No the other guy is right, kill yourself

>> No.11943776

Someone I know irl gave it 4/5 and the premise sounds good so it's on my list.

>> No.11943785

>So much buttflusteredness

>> No.11943809

>Taking sides and not being an enlightened centrist in 2018.

Do kindly end your worthless selves and save the oxygen.

>> No.11943954 [DELETED] 
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based as all hell

>> No.11943961

I read Vicious and I was extremely let-down. It starts off fast, interesting and well-written, leaving things mysterious, but then it begins to get bogged down in the specific history of things, removing all the mysticism and revealing how lame things are, and the fast-paced plot just keeps slowing down and making less sense. Then the ending itself made me actually angry because it closed none of the plotlines, and nothing had really changed since the start of the book. So needless to say, I'm hesitant to recommend anything she had written, in fear her other books are just as poorly placed and planned.

>> No.11943973


>> No.11944004

wowwwww -_-

>> No.11944008
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He's a moro... I mean mormon?

>> No.11944020

Never heard of her.
Is she at pornhub?

>> No.11944025

>completely unsurprised that he's a lard ass

>> No.11944035

Because writing YA is like painting by numbers.

>> No.11944097

No, she's not capable of producing anything of value.

>> No.11944151
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Read this and loved it, is book 2 any good?
The blurb indicates it involves completely different protagonists, so I'm not sure if I should pick it up.

>> No.11944207

I love how the book has this big sticker saying "signed copy" on the cover.

If you manage to find an unsigned copy, it'll be worth a fortune.

>> No.11944320

It's a good series (and it is about 4/5 like another anon said) but the ending of the second book is a fuck you tier ;_;7 Goodnight sweet prince

Just don't read the Shades series, the third book of that one is like an even shittier version of Fire Emblem Awakening.

>> No.11944331

Fixed. Shades is absolute shite tier AVOID AT ALL COSTS, the Vicious books are good tier.

>> No.11944372
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What makes a SFF book for you, anons?

Is it the prose? The plot? The character arcs? The world?
Does it need to be high concept? Does it have to be allegorical? Do you look for specific themes?

>> No.11944438

Gonna write a comedic S&S story about a cult that worships an evil frog god at war with a cult that worships an evil worm god simply based on the fact that frogs eat worms.

>> No.11944452

Is that the entirety of the conflict?
Are there focus characters? Do they have an arc?

>> No.11944468


I'm going to write a sci-fi dystopian novel set in a far, far future where mosqitos have evolved to the point where they have overtaken humanity and are the new inheritors of the Earth.

>> No.11944470

>character arcs in a short comedic story about two evil cults trying to kill one another
Christ Almighty....

>> No.11944476

So it's about the jews.

>> No.11944481

>What makes a SFF book for you, anons?
Catgirls :3
Failing that, I enjoy thought experiments that extrapolate out societal effects. Favorite themes include political intrigue and whatever you'd call Robinson Crusoe's. I'm fairly tolerant of prose above the sub-human level, but detest contemporary references.

>> No.11944486

Stories without arcs are gay

>> No.11944487

Mostly I try to take what's on offer. It could be any of the things you listed, then I'll try to read for that and not let the flaws get to me. There are some things I just can't stand, though, like angry moralizing, or stories that don't end. But usually if the author brings anything to the table I can enjoy it for that.

>> No.11944489

>wanting character arcs in a short comedic story
Sweet Allah....

>> No.11944494
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>comedy's don't need arcs
>short stories don't need arcs

>> No.11944506

CHARACTER arcs, anon. Only a retard thinks every single story needs character arcs. Hint: they don't. Especially in a short, comedic story

>> No.11944518

You got any arcs then in your Pepe fanfiction, Hemingway?

>> No.11944521

Why are you being such an NPC, anon?

>> No.11944530

Give me something of substance. You do have something to say, surely.

>> No.11944536

Anyone who thinks a short comedic story about two evil cults trying to kill each other needs CHARACTER ARCS knows nothing of substance. You should stick to reading Sanderson.

>> No.11944539

On the subject of Catgirls who actually invented them? I know they aren't exclusive solely to anime and manga since a lot of sci-fi beforehand has used them but I want to say Frank Herbert maybe?

>> No.11944544

>you got any arcs
>ANY arcs

So, do you? You're the one who keeps focusing on character arcs anon.
Do you even have anything to say?

>> No.11944556
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>> No.11944558
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>> No.11944570

Find Gaskun. Ask him for some of his space opera mess.

>> No.11944571

>invented animal people

>> No.11944583

Let’s be honest, there’s barely any sci fi/fantasy writers with great prose

>> No.11944592

He said mosquitoes not cockroaches

>> No.11944602
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Seems like prose gets in the way of the Science Fiction and the Fantasy.
I don't rub my swollen cockmeat on the artisanal flow of the English language when I read a space opera. I want to shoot my wad on the celestial face of cosmic spectacle.

>> No.11944614

He’s not wrong though

>> No.11944621
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Animal-people are present in a lot of mythologies. The Egyptians of course had Bast (pic related, female ofc).

However, ground zero for modern, anglophone catgirls are Cordwainer Smith, particularly his short story "The Ballad of Lost C'Mell".

>> No.11944707

the kaladin and dalinar chapters are great. his story is why i keep reading. but shallan is insufferable. he writes her like she's supposed to be this witty and clever girl making fun of all the dumb men around her but oh shes also so naive and she needs a strong woman to teach her, but she's just annoying and cringey.
for example this is some of the shit she says. she's meeting with a person who asks her "what are you up to?" and she says "five foot six. i think thats all ill ever be up to"

>> No.11944742

engaging character

i don't see too many engaging worlds 2bh so they usually aren't a draw but some i've loved. i don't care about specific concepts, allegories, or themes. what's important is if the author has a strong vision.


true but only because most authors who try to get fancy with their prose aren't actually good at it

>> No.11944756

Shallan thinks she's witty, everyone else realizes how autistic she is. Look at any chapter featuring Shallan when she's not the POV character. Everyone thinks she's retarded.

>> No.11944982

I agree 100%.
She thinks she's so smart and witty but nothing she says is actually funny.
I guess that's a fault with the author Sanderson more than anything.

>> No.11944997

It's on purpose.
She's not funny to anyone but herself.

>> No.11944998

It seems like she's written the way she is to give the tumblr audience someone to identify with. le witty independent girl.

Also pls rec me some good fantasy that doesn't have that. finished amber which i quite enjoyed and somehow doesn't get mentioned that often.

>> No.11945015

She's written the way she is because her shit is all about illusions.
Her mind is broken because she fucking murdered her parents and has suppressed her memories and emotions so much it literally broke her soul and shattered her mind into different personalities.
She's to be pitied for being a weak-willed turbofaggot, not idolized in any way by anyone. Everyone in the narrative hates her and she knows it. She hates herself and I hate her too.

Fucking level 1 readers I swear to Allah.

>> No.11945035

I’m black. If I ever actually write a novel, am I too going to be forced to pander to hyper-chromosomal idiots? Or will I just get to write whatever I want and get my free nebula award because I’m the black guy?

>> No.11945041

The latter, but the former helps a ton.

>> No.11945127

If you have the wrong opinions you aren't really black.

>> No.11945321

They gonna Kanye my ass aren’t they?

>> No.11945328

They gonna give you bipolar disorder and a learning disability?

>> No.11945350

>This is what happens when negroes who don't read books write books.

>> No.11945356

Please leave, NPCs.

>> No.11945365
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awww, are you having a controversial thought?

>> No.11945369

Give me a good space opera like Firefly

>> No.11945376

Like Firefly in which way?
Comfy space western? ex-revolutionaries who lost the war? psychic, barefoot Summer Glau? smuggler chic?

>> No.11945391

comfy space western with interesting characters who possess deep back stories and operate on the wrong side of the law.

>> No.11945455
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Not quite that, but fun

>> No.11945553


>> No.11945589
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There's a new contender for the gayest cover of all time.

>> No.11945761

Not as gay as my dick anon

>> No.11945770
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Any good First Contact stories in which the aliens aren't dickheads, and give us a nugget of amazing knowledge that alludes to a grander function of the universe?

>> No.11945775

Is this series any good? Did he sell out and go all stronk womyn after red queens war?

>> No.11945792

Is wheel of time worth it?

>> No.11945844

I'm gay, but I don't want to write any romance into my story. How do I collect my Free Hugo(tm)? Just say on the bio section "btw im gay," or do I need to include something in the story?

>> No.11945846

post on twitter and get a checkmark

>> No.11945857

First book is decent, it's dark YA. I would describe it as Arya Stark going to Hogwarts to learn to be magic battle nun' Second book is trash though.

Really depends if you can tolerate overly descriptive prose, some people hate it and drop it, others don't mind it as much and just enjoy the story. Keep in mind book 1 is very LotR-esque and RJ wrote it that way on purpose to get published back in the day the tone changes significantly from book 2 onwards. I'd say read 2 or 3 books by then you'll know for sure if it's for you, ya it's a commitment but they're not all that bad and books 2-6 have some peak fantasy moments.

>> No.11945892

>I would describe it as Arya Stark going to Hogwarts to learn to be magic battle nun'
Vomited out of my ass after reading that.

>> No.11946182

Go to the vet

>> No.11946185


>> No.11946292

Is Jack Vance better at writing Sci-fi or Fantasy?

>> No.11946325

His Master's Voice kind of fits that description

>> No.11946405

Have spacesuit?

>> No.11946495

good news apparently. according to his facebook group hes got a prelimenary yes from amazon to come back to the platform, without a publisher. amazon is still holding out on the absolute final yes but supposedly before this year is over he should be back. and ha has written several sequels to his series and started two new series while this has been going down. also he admited to being greedy with the copyright stuff and promised to not do that again. he still denies his bookstuffing though. audiobooks are also still happening since they are seperate from ebooks on amazon.

>> No.11946500


>> No.11946541
File: 56 KB, 841x841, 1524647468279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nearly finished writing a novel and I'm wondering if my premise is intriguing. It's a post apocalyptic setting (20 years after a mass extinction event wipes out most people and nature has reclaimed everything). There's quite a bit of cosmic horror and a big terrible monster that can warp reality and erase people form existence. The story itself is centered around a young girl living with her family. There's a coming of age element that I think grounds everything, but there's plenty of weird stuff too. I think I'll understand my themes better once it's finished, but overall it's pretty dark. Does this sound appealing? Also, does a 12 year old protagonist and the whole coming of age thing make this YA?

>> No.11946626
File: 60 KB, 333x500, The Unholy Consult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I've ever skimmed through as many pages as I have for this series (particularly this novel). And that includes all the skimming I did with Malazan which was originally in first place. Jesus Christ. So much of this series reads like Bakker is in love with the way he writes so he'll write page after page after page of absolutely nothing that doesn't move the story forward a bit; he just wants to write for the sake of it. YES I GET IT; THE GREAT ORDEAL IS GOING INSANE. I DON'T NEED CHAPTER AFTER CHAPTER AFTER CHAPTER EXPLAINING THIS.

>> No.11946720
File: 65 KB, 1064x623, 1537719621595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me something like Malazan or Hyperion lads.

>> No.11946767

Not that good. Generic prose, generic characters, stupid action sequences. Guess the premise is somewhat alright.
It makes me laugh that I've seen countless people praise it for being feminist for having a stereotypical Strong Action Girl character which we've seem hundreds of already.

>> No.11946847

I thought Chuck Tingle had a monopoly on those?

>> No.11946861

>Which tropes can't you get enough of and which tropes would you like to see dead and forgotten?
Not so much a trope for scifi and fantasy but the villain that becomes a companion in a story is always good.

It's good as well when a companion sees merit in the antagonists idea's and switches sides from the "good guys".
I always like it when the lines are so blurred as to which side is doing the good and which side is doing the evil.

Final battles that are less about the big weapons or magic or whatever mcguffin is used by the characters in the story and just resorting to being animals and beating eachother to death with their bare hands. It doesn't matter to me what is the main way people kill eachother in whatever storyline, the final battle should be about two broken individuals barely able to stand and just wanting the other dead.

>the bad
I guess this is more a thing for scifi but very humanoid aliens always were strange to me. If you're going to have aliens make them weird aliens, don't make them humans with invasive plastic surgery. Elves are fine with me though since it's just long ears.

>> No.11946873
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>It's supposed to be a cunning but unwise beast/dragon queen from another (lower) world.
Legend speaks of an abomination called La Creatura...

>> No.11946882

>Read a long modern fantasy series
>Wtf why is nothing happening its just hundreds of pages of filler :(
Why are you surprised?

>> No.11946881

Are the catgirls in your mind like the scifi equivalent of a cat from an expensive breed or more like bio upgrades someone could do to themselves.
>tfw I will never be a cute catgirl

>> No.11946925

Are you a tranny? Most pinkos that post here are

>> No.11946927
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>> No.11946973

spiral wars

>> No.11946985

icarus hunt is great

>> No.11946992

How do you like personal growth in your protagonists ?
I always enjoy it when he sees someone in a position that he used to be in and just notices how many things they do wrong when they try to catch/fight him.
Especially if it's a good guy gone villain/neutral and a new set of good guys go after him.

>> No.11947010

i like personal growth the most. like for example a young mc makes rash choices without thinking them through or acts on impulse. after getting burned by said choices, he or she learns from that and grows as a person and in the future actually stops for a moment before making a stupid act.

>> No.11947018

I'm about a third of the way through Elantris and it's kind of boring. The parts inside Elantris are interesting, but the politics outside are dull as can be. Does it get any better?

>> No.11947042

I'm surprised that it managed to surpass Malazan for me. Though I probably skimmed through more pages overall in Malazan since the series is so much bigger. Definitely makes you appreciate efficient storytelling and unpretentious writers.

>> No.11947062

>like for example a young mc makes rash choices without thinking them through or acts on impulse. after getting burned by said choices, he or she learns from that and grows as a person and in the future actually stops for a moment before making a stupid act.

This works well with a recurring villain in a story, the first time the hero rushes in and promptly gets his ass handed to him to within an inch of his life, the villain was much more experience at this point after all.

The second time it's more or less an equal battle after a long period of incredibly hard training and learning about his mistakes and to grow as a person, having lost someone and seeing it as their fault and learning to come to peace with this would be a good little story arc (maybe losing a love interest after a particulary tearjerking scene where they finally admit that they love eachother after travelling for years together).

And by the third time they meet the hero's growth was so much more than the villains growth that he actually becomes frightend of him, and what has become of him, not rushing in blindly anymore, not wasting time to think of a catchy name when he throws a punch like a child would do, every movement feels calculated and with purpose and that purpose is make him pay for what he's done over the course of the story.

At least this is how I envision it in the story I'm writing.

>> No.11947073

it's sanderson so probably not
unless you consider le epic sanderson payoff at the end worth slogging through hundreds of pages of shit

>> No.11947107

How do you guys prepare when you're going to write something fantasy or scifi related.
I usually clear my mind of other feelings and thoughts by listening to some music that is fitting to the scene I'm writing so I can get the feeling I want to portay inside myself.

>> No.11947109

To the Unsong shill. What about the audiobook? When I search for unsong I get a webserial?

>> No.11947125

>Definitely makes you appreciate efficient storytelling and unpretentious writers.
The entire Lord of the Rings is the length of one modern fantasy novel.

>> No.11947130

Red Queen was shit.

>3rd book
>still haven't started (nor will start) the second

>> No.11947131

Where do you guys download epubs? I don't have my pc for now and I'm quite chained to my smartphone.

>> No.11947142


>> No.11947152

Also libgen has epubs.

>> No.11947187

I just realised something.
The movie avatar was the tipping point for litrpg. It was the precursor for Ready Player one (the book) to be accepted by mainstream.
>hook up to vr set
>control you avatar in an alien world and do things your normal body could not (even if paralyzed)
>go out and kill things without repercussions to your real body

>> No.11947203

t. me, an intellectual

>> No.11947212

Kind of, I can't recall anything else having vr type stuff in it too much, especially controlling another body.
Everything from Sword art online to Altered carbon has it as a main focus on the story.

Could this be the tipping point as to when things went to shit ?

>> No.11947268
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>If the drones become enlightened you'll have such a noble swarm
books for this feel?

>> No.11947308
File: 72 KB, 800x598, He's Right You Know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vance excelled at conceiving plausible cultures based around some local phenomenon. His books are usually travelogues through a series of these settings. Using this structure, he could write either genre with ease.

>> No.11947416

If only 4chanX was able to sync filter lists across devices.

>> No.11947426

Maybe one of those books that prepare you for maternity?

>> No.11947494

Make a server that has filter lists that updates for adblock and other apps, and have 4chanx pull your filter list from there.

>> No.11947636

I don't think that a young protagonist automatically puts your book in the Ya section.

>> No.11947656

What's up with authors thing to keep their works PG by avoiding swear words? I am talking of course about books that are not aimed at children, with obvious adult themes, but that for some reason the authors try to avoid cussing as if their lives depended on it.
>"Wussy wimp" said the serial killer as he rammed his baseball but up his victim's sphincter
>"God dang it" said the sailor as his boat crashed onto the rocks

>> No.11947711

What's the problem here?

>> No.11947806

I guess it's what the publishing company wants, maybe they know that they'll be able to market it to school libraries or school curriculim reading lists if there aren't too many swearwords.

>> No.11947946

What are other sites for ebooks besides of libgen, bookz(or whatever they are called now), mobilism and hexchat?

>> No.11947976

novanon and epubshelf are decent. mobilism is all you need though, it has the best sff collection and you can request books that you can't find.

>> No.11947978

No, she's written like that because the Mormon author thinks being a smart aleck is the pinnacle of comedy, as is also shown in Mistborn, WoT, etc.
We ain't goldfish anon

>> No.11947985

It's actually supposed to represent motherhood, not some /pol/ shit, though I suppose people will take it however they want to take it.

>> No.11947997

His WoT writing geuinely pissed me off, for the first time in his life he had a decent plot to work with but he couldn't pass up the chance to fuck up all the characters, the fucking mong.
Wanted to stab his face for what he did to Mat. Went from a genuinely conflicted character whom you would laugh at for the trouble he got himself into to being a 2d generic nice guy who "banters" with people around him to produce comedy in Sanderson's hands. Fuck I hate him so much the mormon fucking piece of shit cunt.

>> No.11948023
File: 35 KB, 333x499, The_Walkaway_Clause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More readable than his yngling books. The abrupt drop of the invasion story after all the buildup and initially detailed tactics stuff was kinda jarring, but I think Dalmas tends to that.
>his soft penis as long as a wolf turd
I don't entirely understand your question. I speak of the femme felids.

>> No.11948085
File: 242 KB, 1200x863, DmmRgTvU0AALIqD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's official

>> No.11948170

For me it's anything that makes me think and translates into the real world. Musings on history, war, shit like that. And boy is it hard to find good fantasy that does that well

>> No.11948338

>I didn't read Oathbringer
Opinion discarded

>> No.11948362

I’ve lost all faith in humanity

>> No.11948373

>some hack publishes some shit about another hack winning an award because she appealed to a bunch of hacks
>woe is me, art is dead
there have always been hacks, there will always be hacks, and they will generally be forgotten, save to the extent that some non-hack stoops to satirize them

>> No.11948380

Cool story bro

>> No.11948385

Bakker's got a really bad case of "20 years to write your first album, 6 months to write the next". I dread what the third "trilogy" is gonna look like.

>> No.11948387

Give me a story about a morally grey mercenary who has a lighter shade of morally grey mercenary gf who he sometimes slaps but she stays with him because she only she can see the real him and only she can fix him.

>> No.11948405
File: 50 KB, 389x660, Sarah_J._Maas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tenure of Queens and their magistrates by good women it must be deposed. The covenant made can be voided at once, disanoint her and take her crown

>> No.11948413

Throne of Glass unironically.

>> No.11948414 [DELETED] 

I've finally read this after a lot of recs and it's alright. Seen it trashed here a few times but I don't get why. It's nothing revolutionary but as far as bromances and heist novels go this ones not bad at all and there is a serious dearth of good heist fantasy out there.
I read it partly in the ebook format and listened to the audiobook for the remainder when I was doing other stuff and I must say this one's an exception for me as I don't usually like audiobooks but whoever narrated this did a bloody good job. I might just revisit it in the future and listen to the full audiobook.

>> No.11948418

Definition of a butter face, looking from afar she seems like a pretty blonde but a close up reveals otherwise.

>> No.11948421
File: 45 KB, 326x499, loll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally read this after a lot of recs and it's alright. Seen it trashed here a few times but I don't get why. It's nothing revolutionary but as far as bromances and heist novels go this ones not bad at all and there is a serious dearth of good heist fantasy out there.
I read it partly in the ebook format and listened to the audiobook for the remainder when I was doing other stuff and I must say this one's an exception for me as I don't usually like audiobooks but whoever narrated this did a bloody good job. I might just revisit it in the future and listen to the full audiobook.

>> No.11948429

people mostly shit on the sequels. book 2 is alright if you're not averse to naval shit but book 3 is pretty bad

>> No.11948431
File: 1.30 MB, 980x1515, KOS16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any books with lots of superpowered martial arts rather than faggy blade shit?

>> No.11948441

Looks like Jennifer Lawrence's fat autistic twin.

>> No.11948456

Dorcas is just the side bitch/grandma

>> No.11948483
File: 78 KB, 654x1000, 61vxVlh4CBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really need to read this

>> No.11948502

The sad thing is that the Way of Kings is the only decent book among the three currently released books of the stormlight archive

>> No.11948521

Sanderson must feel bad that everyone hates Shallan and Lift

>> No.11948531
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Never heard of her.

>> No.11948532

I can't believe that some people like Sanderson Mat

>> No.11948538

So is Severan his own grandpa?

>> No.11948542
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1515866389455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Sanderson actually thought AWESOMENESS was a good idea

>> No.11948593

I can't believe that some people like Sanderson or Mat.*

>> No.11948601

In-book explanations are trumped by real world ones for why characters are written a certain way if you ask me. For example it the justifications given for Esmenet being so thirsty for cocks feel pretty shallow in light of the realization that Bakker himself is a degenerate

>> No.11948614

Jemisin is without a doubt a better writer than SJM.

>> No.11948620

There's nothing wrong with it, just don't read the sequels.

>> No.11948622

Better eater too

>> No.11948627

the problem with this is that you still have to read through 4000 pages of that tripe
it's like rothfuss and his cuckold fiction. kvothe may or may not be exaggerating wildly but that still doesn't change that you have to read through it

>> No.11948633

I read The Demon Princes and decided he was an amazing SF writer.
Then I read The Dying Earth and decided he was an amazing fantasy writer.
I couldn't choose, he handles both settings with finesse.

>> No.11948634

What did he mean by this?

>> No.11948637

everyone in the books thinks Shallan is a retard. She's obviously not meant to be understood as an actually funny character. Anybody who thinks Sanderson is trying to make her actually funny is just as retarded as Shallan.
She thinks shes funny—and nobody else does—because she lies to herself about everything. It's a defense mechanism for being a family-murdering weak-willed piece of shit. Pattern is a liespren FFS.
Shallan is afraid to confront her inner demons and thus puts up walls around any lucid moment she tries to have.

>> No.11948653
File: 781 KB, 500x244, stop it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I stumble into a Shallan discussion thread

>> No.11948661

Bitch he might be

>> No.11948678

Severian is Phillip J. Fry.

>> No.11948683

Oh shit nigger, he even has a robot best friend

>> No.11948703

>Anybody who thinks Sanderson is trying to make her funny is just as retarded as Shallan.
Sorry but no. There's times characters banter along with her or indicate that they find her jokes funny, and there's other character's like The Wit who use the same type of humor. You're reading Sanderson through some seriously rose-tinted glasses

>> No.11948712

Seconding this. I read it years ago and still remember scenes and characters vividly. I guess Catling wrote a couple sequels since then; I really ought to give them a look.

>> No.11948752

Adolin, because he wants to raw her puss and he has actual autism.
and who else?

>> No.11948996

>gays and trannys in fantasy
Yassss queen indeed

>> No.11949029

Too unrealistic for you?
It's not like humans don't have a long history of being sexual degenerates.

>> No.11949066
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>> No.11949096
File: 613 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20181017-170010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the Roman Emperor Elagabalus was trans and degenerate

>> No.11949106
File: 1.62 MB, 3000x1996, 1539667502541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no you're a tranny.

>> No.11949107

Lies and Slander, Caligula was a good boy too.

>> No.11949116

Literally nobody said anything that is whatever it is you're trying to argue against you stupid donkey.
You just seem like an overly insecure tranny desu.

>> No.11949200

Maas is fat bro... she always has a fat girl angle shot going.

>> No.11949219
File: 344 KB, 1200x1600, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only one's body fat percentage was in some way correlated to one's quality of writing.
Look at GRRM.

>> No.11949442

She's big boned

>> No.11949485

She's American.

>> No.11949537

Thoughts on Legend of Drizzt?

>> No.11949581

You need to grow up?

>> No.11949585
File: 17 KB, 250x287, 1436989481233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up
NPC detected

>> No.11949608

Never read it, but I’m at a thrift store and they have a few Salvatore books. Just looking to see if there’s any sort of general consensus.

>> No.11949622

What does NPC mean?
Non-combatant Paper Carrier?
Never Page through a book Carelessly?
Never Picking up Cartoons?
Needlessly Pretending to Care?

>> No.11949630

Nerf Player Characters

>> No.11949635

Non player character. Learn to use google retard.

>> No.11949639


Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi
The Sky is Yours by Chandler Klang Smith
Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer
Embassytown by China Meiville

>> No.11949645

Quest Giver detected

>> No.11949651

Maybe also stop being a weeb?

Salvatore is firmly in the high school DnD phase category. A phase that has long passed. While there are quite a lot of immature posters here, I doubt you are that immature.

>> No.11949666

>stop being a weeb
he said, on 4chan—the original english-language weeb site

>> No.11949667

>the definition of the word fat means american
Checks out.

>> No.11949669


Dark Elf trilogy is the only good thing Salvatore ever wrote. Icewind Dale and Cleric Quintet were boring, Legacy of the Drow and Paths of Darkness were outright shit and I haven't read anything since then.

>> No.11949681

That’s about what I was expecting desu. Just walked out with copies of East of Eden and 20000 Leagues Under the Sea. Gonna try to hit up 1 or 2 more thrift shops before they close for the night.

>> No.11949684

sff is infinitely better when influenced by anime

>> No.11949691
File: 466 KB, 966x720, 1529454200398.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to move on grandpa.

>> No.11949704

Infinite jest isn’t science fiction, and I immediately disregarded your opinion when you called annihilation a good book

>> No.11949707
File: 57 KB, 352x420, IMG_2514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not my dad

>> No.11949709

your opinion would be infinitely more valid if you weren't so desensitized to shit as a result of consuming it all your life.

>> No.11949723
File: 17 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a movie can kill people
>not science fiction

I bet you think The Handmaid's Tale is "speculative fiction" and that magical realism isn't just a fancy word for fantasy.

>> No.11949727
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 1537822306092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a horribly depressing thought.

>> No.11949729

Yes I am, come sit on papa’s lap and look him deep in the eyes lovingly as he slides the full length of his throbbing tumultuous scepter inside you. Papa loves the way you feel in his arms, so soft and tiny; like a delicate flower that only blooms for him

>> No.11949746
File: 181 KB, 1453x2000, 58cc026ca2adba82ee4522b46a7fcae0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scepter is literally the most-trash euphemism for cockmeat there is.

>> No.11949764

>t. pleb
In a nervous and slender-leaved mimosa grove at the back of their villa we found a perch on the ruins of a low stone wall. She trembled and twitched as I kissed the corner of her parted lips and the hot lobe of her ear. A cluster of stars palely glowed above us between the silhouettes of long thin leaves; that vibrant sky seemed as naked as she was under her light frock. I saw her face in the sky, strangely distinct, as if it emitted a faint radiance of its own. Her legs, her lovely live legs, were not too close together, and when my hand located what it sought, a dreamy and eerie expression, half-pleasure, half-pain, came over those childish features. She sat a little higher than I, and whenever in her solitary ecstasy she was led to kiss me, her head would bend with a sleepy, soft, drooping movement that was almost woeful, and her bare knees caught and compressed my wrist, and slackened again; and her quivering mouth, distorted by the acridity of some mysterious potion, with a sibilant intake of breath came near to my face. She would try to relieve the pain of love by first roughly rubbing her dry lips against mine; then my darling would draw away with a nervous toss of her hair, and then again come darkly near and let me feed on her open mouth, while with a generosity that was ready to offer her everything, my heart, my throat, my entrails, I gave her to hold in her awkward fist the scepter of my passion.

>> No.11949770

Scepter is overused, and Lolita is shit

>> No.11949773

I hate you, truly I do

>> No.11949780

I don't think about you at all.

>> No.11949782

I've never seen "scepter" used outside of Lolita and I read a ton of smut.

>> No.11949784


>> No.11949786

It's okay anon I'm sure you'll be his dad someday.

>> No.11949793

Calling someones (or even worse your) penis a scepter is the opposite of arousing.

I hope I'll do a better job at parenting.

>> No.11949796

Not enough apparently.

>> No.11949926

Finally, a cover that matches the book.

>> No.11949996 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 964x1500, Blood-song-france-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why haven't read the best fantasy book written in the last 10 years anon?

>> No.11950003
File: 210 KB, 964x1500, Blood-song-france-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why haven't you read the best fantasy book written in the last 10 years anon?

>> No.11950039

I am already reading the other best fantasy book - The Storm of Hammers.

>> No.11950078

Title is gay

>> No.11950095
File: 30 KB, 505x323, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would seem you lack basic reading comprehension

>> No.11950128

So's your dad's dick but you don't seem to mind gobbling that up.

>> No.11950142


>> No.11950161


Are there any good INNAWOODS SF&F?

I want that feeling of the wooded other, a place where man's laws fall short.

>> No.11950178
File: 56 KB, 328x499, 61uRDLnh68L._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not exactly SF/F, more historical fiction, but it's medieval and told from the point of view of a man who believes he's living in a world of old gods and magic. Difficult to start but once you get the fake-Old-English down it's a really enjoyable read.

>> No.11950182

>title is gay

>> No.11950218

Hi, my name is Humberto, i wrote a sci fi novel, its in spanish but Im doing a popr translation by myself. I would like to share it with you to see if some of you like the chapter so I can either translate more or hire a profesional translator.


My novel is called El Programa GAMER (The GAMER Program), its available for purchase either in digital and paperback, right in Amazon store.


If some of you like it I will try a full translation of this trilogy of books.

>> No.11950271

I read it years ago, it was great. The sequels (especially the third) was complete bed shitting.

>> No.11950276

Yes, I like to pretend it's a stand alone. It was like a completely different person wrote the sequels.

>> No.11950287

Also, he's starting another series with Vaelin(The MC of Blood Song) btw, it's supposed to come out in Jan.

>> No.11950312

The book you're looking for is called Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock

>> No.11950336


I'm always down for good historical fiction, especially one that handles the beliefs and folkways of the time and how they trend into magic and lore.


That sou

>> No.11950377
File: 34 KB, 594x448, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm always down for good historical fiction, especially one that handles the beliefs and folkways of the time and how they trend into magic and lore.

It's a great book imo, just be warned that it's hard to read when you first pick it up. Pic related.

>> No.11950383

The shrike was so scary

>> No.11950394

>The words where mildly spoken, almost as a whisper; weather was cold, yet he was sweating as the night unfolds. He saw at the street, from behind the curtains, in front of a small and rounded window in the attic, away from it, enough to avoid be seeing from the outside. The street was empty, no one walked on it, no car drove over it; he knew that street so well, he passed by it every day, it used to be so full of life; full of kid running, playing soccer, young girls walking their pets, elderly men working on their yards, pruning their roses and taking out the thrash; housewives carrying groceries from their cars to their homes, greeting their neighbors or raging the kids for crossing the street without care. Now it seemed so different, so lonely, mute and dead.

I only read up to that point, not enough to like or dislike the story but I would strongly recommend hiring a professional translator if you decide on having the full thing translated.

>> No.11950413

who the fuck itt praised age of assassins

>whodunnit plot with incredibly obvious reveals
>characters still stop to literally spell out the plot at the end

I'm not very harsh on the quality of my fantasy books but I can't fucking stand mystery plots that the reader works out hundreds of pages before the characters even think about it

>> No.11950437

oh that's what bothered you about that shitty book and not the part about the cripple being a ninja?

>> No.11950446

Charles Woodson won literally every honour going in football whilst being clubfooted so nah that wasn't that implausible

>> No.11950538

Is Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold any good?

>> No.11950570

It's the best space opera and has some truly exceptional books within it but there are a few weaker ones.

I'd suggest reading it in omnibus order as that makes the most sense (internal chronological has some stuff 200 years before the main story)

>> No.11950573

We talking about half a king? Where the cripple became a comic book villain and ruined the series?

>> No.11950582

No, Age of Assassins by RJ Barker

>> No.11950592

Is there even a single omnibus edition with everything in it? Coz there's nothing of that sort on Goodreads that I can find.

>> No.11950602

>The point of view characters include women (Cordelia in Shards of Honor and Barrayar; Ekaterin in Komarr, A Civil Campaign, and The Flowers of Vashnoi), a gay man (Ethan of Athos), and a pair of brothers, one of whom is physically handicapped

>> No.11950604

Nah they're all 2 to 3 books long, this is a good brief writeup of them


>> No.11950656

You the guy that shits on Abercrombie every time he’s mentioned?

>> No.11950678
File: 53 KB, 1459x445, calibre-parallel_2018-10-18_05-05-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wit likes to pretend they're both smart, at least.

>> No.11950679

Bitch I might be

>> No.11950709

Hoid is also up to something, that immortal rat-fuck.

>> No.11950718

I agree that the chapters where she shows up but isn't PoV are fucking hilarious because she sounds autistic, I don't think it's intentional though.

>> No.11950739

That's all of us.

>> No.11950777



>> No.11951578