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/lit/ - Literature

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11939212 No.11939212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The most memorable demoralising moments list (in no order). There are too many to list.

1. Going to Camden Town for the first time, the hipster haven, seeing all the happy young tourists
2. Walking outside in a blazingly hot London day, seeing Staceys everywhere, realising that the Notting Hill carnival was on that day. I went there
3. Going for a job interview in Canary Wharf and then being in my dull grey cloudy university campus the day after.
4. Walking through Shoreditch at night during the summer, to experience the catharsis that came with seeing normies enjoying nightlife (though I'm not sure if catharsis can happen once a day everyday) and being made fun of by a girl who was walking down the street with another girl ("Look at the nose on that fucker!")
5. Working a retailcuck job after university and being laughed at by young girls who I didn't know ("Oh my God, it's Anon!")
6. Walking through Brick lane (hipster ground zero) on a hot and sunny day and seeing all the young people enjoying life
7. At my university library when I was a student. I head towards the toilet at the back of the building. I open the door to the room next to the bathroom entrance. I see a literal Chad and Stacey making out. I turn around and go to the other bathroom on the other side of the building. As I go back to my seat I see the Stacey sitting next to her Stacey friend, laughing and pointing at me.
8. That really fucking hot and sunny weekday where I walked through regent's park and went to the British library. Everything was packed with normies enjoying life.

I have many others of course but the reason I keep mentioning these landmarks and London is that nobody would care otherwise. I haven't mentioned the routine demoralisations or the demoralising moments during mundane moments that became memorable.

>> No.11939805
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You forgot to make this thread about literature! Don't worry I'm here to help.

>> No.11939995

come on, anon. You could just as easily think of these as interesting anecdotes. And if it really does demoralize you that much, you have to do something about it. These are very base, surface-level interactions that wouldn't mean much to somebody who has an otherwise fulfilling social life. So I would suggest seeking out those positive, meaningful interactions, as opposed to letting those negative interactions happen to you.

If you feel like a bystander or an outsider to normal life, I can relate. But we only feel that way because we are acting that way. If you are like me, you exclude yourself from "normal" life and relegate yourself to the same role you've always assumed.

Feeling and acting like an outsider constitute a feedback loop where each action reinforces the other. To break the cycle, you have to interrupt one of the actions. You can't control the way you feel, but you can (ideally) control the way you act. Living "outside the feedback loop" for about a month is long enough to effect permenant change, so at the very least try it out for that period of time.

>> No.11940189

bump for londonfag. yeah i have lots of these moments too reeeeeee

at 22 i guess biology just finally clicked and now I am starting to become super depressed about not having a gf. Before I could just sort of keep putting it off but now that i'm about to graduate, it's not going to get any easier.

what does it even mean when girls talk to you in your classes? me and this one girl hit it off but then when I tried to ask her out she melted away. Are these girls interested? What do they even want? All they do is keep talking to me. Why me though...

>> No.11940192

London sounds like a fuckin hellhole

Do you at least listen to Burial on headphones on the nightbus? That sounds fun r.i.p k-punk 2 pure4thisworld

>> No.11940205

Based LondonFrog spitting his based wisdom again. What would /lit/ be without you?

>> No.11940217

You can interact with girls without trying to fuck them, anon. And if you are interested, there are ways to guage the girl's interest that don't end in an ultimatum.