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11938833 No.11938833 [Reply] [Original]

Books you got memed into starting that were not worth reading past the first 10 pages.

>> No.11938837

what a beautiful cover
based michael

>> No.11938845
File: 23 KB, 254x392, Infinite_jest_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute useless garbage. The most grating and retarded prose style I've ever read.

>> No.11938864


>> No.11938868

white noise

>> No.11938890

why not check the google books previews or an equivalent

>> No.11938891

Michael Gira is a hack who relies exclusively on the talents of other people. Swans are a shallow and dull band.

>> No.11938893

>I'm making up for the fact that I don't have the necessary concentration to read a long book by shitting on the prose style. But since I'm clever enough to see how shit it is, I must be cleverer than the people who actually read it. Right, guys? (Please don't make me read this book...)

>> No.11938907

The Black Company by Glen Cook
The Da Vinci Code
The Game of Thrones book, whatever it's called

All absolutely horrid prose.

>> No.11938920

Gravity's Rainbow, but it was more like page 200. What a crap book

>There are two more turds, smaller ones

>> No.11938934

>The Game of Thrones book, whatever it's called
It's called A Game of Thrones

>> No.11938945

It's all garbage, in fact I got 500 pages in. stupid fucking dfwfags wasted my time.

>> No.11938953

Eh, call me an autist but I always finish a book. Same goes for movies.

>> No.11939059

Joel dicker, affaire harry quevert. His prose made me puke

>> No.11939158

everything by corncob. who enjoys his constant wanking? youre all retards

>> No.11939291

No it’s called A Song of Ice and Fire. The series is entitled A Game of Thrones

>> No.11939299

Your mind isn’t analytical enough to realize the besu

>> No.11939529
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 1539218244991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 pages into Ulysses
20 pages into Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11939783


>> No.11939850

>Dropping a book after ten pages
man you must be a real retard

>> No.11939854
File: 35 KB, 313x475, shant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11939858

>hurr da book is looong

>> No.11939861

Seems you don't know how to read, mate

>> No.11939871
File: 6 KB, 243x207, jknlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell for the meme,
Was extremely mediocre to read

>> No.11939891

This but unironically.

>> No.11939911
File: 8 KB, 195x293, 12 rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moby Dick
Ready Player One
The first Harry Potter book.
Culture of Critique
pic related

>> No.11939920

12 rules for life gets much much better after the beginning

>> No.11939921
File: 42 KB, 333x500, 15 lives wasted reading this garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see picture.
Read it for bookclub at school.
Actually only skimmed through it after going through the first few chapters of a friend's copy.
It's garbage guys. Don't waste your time.

>> No.11940114

Ishmael. Memed by my friends. Actually read 100 pages, but I knew it was terrible in the first 10.