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11935987 No.11935987 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on how gay relationships ruin the members within them? Like why they don't work essentially?

>> No.11935996

The Bible
Youre life story when it's over and done

>> No.11936006

I love the bible, I'm looking on a moral like dostevsky like deconstruction on it

>> No.11936034

Why do you think that's the case? I think the opposite is true, i.e. living as a gay single harms the individual

>> No.11936096

Why are you looking for books predicated on false premises?

>> No.11936126
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>> No.11936147

my diary

>> No.11936818

No need for a book. Narcissists are in love with themselves, which is why other people always disappoint them.

>> No.11936831

Not exactly a false premise to agree with the data.

>> No.11936861

We don't work with dishonest literature there, sir.

>> No.11936865

What data?

Christcucks are equivalent to /pol/tards

>> No.11936869
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Homo love is the only real kind of love

>> No.11936884
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>> No.11936886

They have wives you goof, stop spreading misinfo.

>> No.11936889
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>> No.11937093

I think that they can work, never been in one

don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to unless either party is immature. then the problem is immaturity, not gayness.

>> No.11937166

Consider the homosexual. He posts ">tfw when no bf to play vidya with." What does he want? A partner, an equal to himself, a mirror, someone to play video games with, someone who will do with him what he already does, be with him what he already is. Consider the straight male. He posts ">tfw no gf." What does he want? An opposite, an inverse, an other, someone who will not play video games with him, someone who does not do what he does, but does the opposite; someone who will not allow him to be as he is. The homosexual's spirit moves, and encounters something like itself, and, returning to itself again, concludes: this is like me, possesses nothing I do not, therefore I am whole. And so the homosexual relationship is—is enjoyment of what one and the other alike are, video gamers as it were. The heterosexual spirit encounters something dissimilar to itself. It is confused, intrigued. She expressly will not play video games with him, she will not accept him as the boy he is, and he knows this, and hates it—not her expectation, but his inadequacy. So, upon returning to itself, the straight spirit concludes: I am incomplete, I lack, there is a feminine realm I know nothing of presently, and cannot hope to ever understand unless I change. So he changes, he puts away childish things, throws away his video games, and becomes a man, in a position to grasp and understand the divine feminine principle that exists in opposition to his own. He develops. He becomes a husband, father, progenitor, creator, that he may better approach the feminine and be complete, spiritual, whole. The homosexual knows nothing of this. He need not change to approach the mind of the other, because there is no other, just one like unto himself, and no movement is taken to bring him to where he already is.

>> No.11937171

>What data?
Spousal abuse, child abuse, STDs, reported happiness, loyalty...

>> No.11937197
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Heterosexual cope.

>> No.11937289
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>dude change yourself for a used up sack of meat and pus

>> No.11937333

: ^)

>> No.11937450


>> No.11937477

try to answer the question christfag

pro tip: you cant

>> No.11937667

females have worse relationship statistics compared to men, men actually tend to go equal and in certain cases above normal relationships.

>> No.11937676

>tfw I want a gf to do with me what I already do

>> No.11937758

that’s why you don’t have one

>> No.11938564

>implying I don't want a bf 3 times my size with his own interests and passions to have endless discussions with and also play video games with

>> No.11938606

> So, upon returning to itself, the straight spirit concludes: I am incomplete, I lack, there is a feminine realm I know nothing of presently, and cannot hope to ever understand unless I change
Sounds like Hegel was a submissive bottom, eh I prefer power bottoms like Nietzsche

>> No.11938894

how small are you?
height, weight? assuming you're a girl

>> No.11939466

women don't have a high enough sex drive for lesbianism to be an "orientation," nor high enough levels of normative and performative heteronormativity to make committing to homosexuality as an orientation a huge decision with lots of consequences, in the way that gay men do.

When a man lusts for cock it's singular and he knows he's gay. When a man decides to even explore his bisexual thoughts, he knows it's a slippery slope to fagtown and he may be making massive life decisions. When a man commits to being a faggot, he often goes hardcore and becomes "culturally gay" or "openly gay," taking on all kinds of behaviours and social networks and etc. Conversely, when a woman decides to experiment with lesbianism in the privacy of her own mind, it's almost meaningless, and does not necessarily entail any commitment to full gayness.

Women have a low and temperamental sex drive that is often beyond their control. They can quite unexpectedly become aroused and assume an emotional stance of passivity and receptivity, when a man shows aggression or lust for them for example. Their sexuality is usually "off" until something grabs their ovaries by the throat, unlike men, who are always "on," to the point that which particular woman they fuck is almost incidental to the arousal. So, all sexually experimental thoughts are just flitting fancies for women unless strongly and unexpectedly occasioned. They're passive. But a man, whose sex drive is always actively looking for an outlet, can turn a certain fetish (for example, the taboo fantasy of sucking a cock) into an idée fixe simply by fantasizing about it too often, because the male sex drive is an active symbolic engine, and will quickly see the new fantasy as a convenient symbolic outlet for sublimating base desires (the primordial craving for being degraded, for naked animal sexuality, etc.).

So women can play around with homosexuality without inadvertently committing to it, whereas men tend to symbolically build up their gayness until it is a major aspect of their personality. A woman who has never had good sex with a man, or who has psychological issues preventing her from regularly assuming the passive/receptive emotional state and venting her own sexual desire to be penetrated, can even assume she's asexual, simply because that state of normal feminine sexuality is never externally occasioned. Male frustration comes from never finding an outlet for always-active desire, but female frustration comes from being innately passive and never having one's desire activated by a partner.

So you can have women who are functionally asexual at the dionysian level, because their primordial urges are never occasioned, but who are flittingly gay at the apollinian level, in that they can fantasise about mild lesbianism, for example thinking that aesthetic appreciation of the female body is "sexual attraction," in the absence of a primordial experience of female arousal.

>> No.11939470

If you take such a woman, and remember that there are few barriers of performative heteronormativity, that homocuriosity is encouraged in women by horny men and can garner lots of short-term attention, and that being a lesbian can even substitute for a personality or a political ideology, you have a recipe for loud obnoxious "open lesbians." Women generally don't individuate the way men do, organically becoming a real character with a real political ideology and worldview, but they still want these things so that they can be more popular and "cooler" than other women. Personality and ideology are fashion objects for women. But because they don't understand real ideological self-sacrifice, or philosophical commitments requiring intellectual effort, they instead confuse shallow norm-transgression and whiny, identity-based "look at me, I'm a rebel!" grandstanding for a real worldview.

So what you get is, an asexual, sexually stunted, or at least sexually unsatisfied woman who wants attention. A woman with no vent for her primordial and difficult to access sexual desires generally becomes a horrible childless barren bitter shrew, so that's already pretty bad. But now her natural feminine desire for attention has been exponentially increased and hypertrophic because it has to substitute for the fulfillment they would get from male partnership. Now add on top of that the fact that they don't have a man to give them a purpose in life, but instead, endless free time to spend their whole meaningless contentless childless life imposing their desire for attention and admiration on everybody around them; and add on top of that the fact that their chosen vehicle is identity-based "I'M A LESBIAN, DID YOU HEAR ME? I'M A LESBIAN!!! I'M THE MOST PERSECUTED, MOST IMPORTANT THING IN THE UNIVERSE!!!" pseudo-ideology. And add on top of all this the fact that they are in relationships with women, and women absolutely hate other women, and both women will want to be "the woman" in the relationship, which means acting like an emotional histrionic spoiled child and expecting the other partner to be the "rock" that stabilises that nightmare, but instead of having a rock you just have two histrionic narcissistic maelstroms of stymied feminine self-worship bouncing off one another.

Take all that together and you have a lifelong lesbian. And keep in mind, these girls are just straight women, they have the same actual primordial desire for female flesh that any random straight girl does. That is, they are simply somewhat bisexual and can indulge in it, but really feel nothing from it.

Surrounding those lifelong lesbians is a progressively more diffuse constellation of dilettante lesbians who are also just straight girls, but who wisely get off the dyke bus at some point before it hits the end of the line. Usually because they finally got fucked properly and that dionysian experience was finally actuated and they realised what they were all along.

>> No.11939473

>Women have a low and temperamental sex drive
they really don't

>> No.11939476

Oh, I forgot to mention another great thing about lesbians. Because of that massive constellation of fair-weather lesbos who are all just straight or "bisexual" girls, on a continuous gradient of how long and how much they commit to the masquerade of being gay, you get all the pathologies and problems associated with attention-seeking shallow-minded straight girls who use identity politics as the basis for a personality.

What this means is that "transbians," mentally ill transvestites, are allowed to spread like bacteria in the lesbian community because passive straight SJW-friendly women don't want to contradict SJW orthodoxy by telling them to get the fuck out, and because they don't really have a vested interest in telling them to get out anyway, because they aren't actually limited to female partners exclusively and are only in it for a brief joyride. The consequence of this is that it is next to impossible to meet women as a woman online, because every other "lesbian" is a transbian.

The other consequence of all this is that if you are one of the vanishingly rare real lesbians out there, that is, women who are actually attracted to women in the way that most women are attracted to men, or who are actually reflective enough to meaningfully prefer the company of women over men, it is literally 100% impossible to find another woman like yourself, because even setting aside the transbians, 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the cis "gay" women out there are fakers and lunatics of the kind just described. So if you are one of the 7 real lesbians on earth, you're totally fucked and have to date fair-weather heart-breaker straight girls or total psycho-dykes forever. Paradoxically, those 7 real lesbians tend to prefer men, because at least men are capable of being real people and genuinely loving another human being.

>> No.11939662

>assuming you're a girl

You know what they say about assuming

>> No.11939684

probably Call Me By Your Name

>> No.11939714

Eh, low no, temperamental yes. Girls have high sex drives, but who that sex drive lusts after is much narrower than a man's.

>> No.11939808

Why limit it to homosexual relationships, other than to cherrypick for some dumb argument you're never going to actually use in person

>> No.11939867

I don't know which of those three tomes to reply to and don't feel like giving you three (You)s but that was an incredibly gay post my man. Don't even necessarily disagree but just a super gay post to make

>> No.11939955

My diary desu

>> No.11940254

>ctrl+f "Brideshead Revisited"
>no results
c'mon /lit/

>> No.11940835
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>tfw no werewolf bf
diagnose me now you pseud fgt

>> No.11940912

The Iliad presents emotions and perceptions shared between men that only homosexuals perceive as erotic and modern heterosexuals fear as erotic

>> No.11940917

Pre-time relationship between male and female btfo

>> No.11941023

>that only homosexuals perceive as erotic
You know this isn't truth.

>> No.11941828

The sexual dialectic never gets off the ground because werewolves aren’t real.

>> No.11941851

>What does he want? An opposite, an inverse, an other, someone who will not play video games with him


>> No.11941900


>> No.11942121

Is he wrong?

>> No.11943137

Source: Females do not play video games (mobile games don’t count)

>> No.11943743

>>What does he want? An opposite, an inverse, an other, someone who will not play video games with him


I can sort of confirm this myself. I spend about 2-3hrs a day writing with a girl who shares almost none of my interests, other than a passion for cats and bdsm. I never even long for talking about literature with her, why would I? I spend most of my time with it anyways.

>> No.11945445

Giovanni's Room