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/lit/ - Literature

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11935044 No.11935044 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about how time passes and can't be regained and everything is going to end and reality is pointless because of it? I'm sick of trying to deal with my mortality, i just wanna mourn for time past.

>> No.11935045


>> No.11935053

one thing objectively better about reddit is no one posts faggy anime bullshit not even in the most toxic incel forum or soi fueled homosexual board

>> No.11935056


>> No.11935060


>> No.11935068

our interior faggot is here is thereby expressed in the figure of the anime girl: our repressed homosexuality and feelings of abandonment take place in a single jpg, as if releasing in a single blow all resentment cointained within Anon's soul in the means of pixels constituting an anime girl.
Now on reddit what you have is the repressed homosexuality takes place into the personality of the beholder. The redditor doesn't have an anime girl to express feeling of discontent or lust (like a sweaty anime girl) to discharge upon the world. He discharges it by the means of himself: by having the most predictable, faggiest, hivemind opinions one can hold.

>> No.11935070

Sounds like you're looking for something about being In Search Of Lost Time or maybe even something about the Remembrance of Things Past but I don't think anyone has ever written about these things

>> No.11935076

i've read 70 or so pages of Swann's Way and it seemed pretty good, but not quite what am i searching here. he seemed to be nostalgic for a time that he'll never visit but nonetheless he takes pleasure remembering it. I'm searching for something that is sad upon the remembrance itself and the fact that that time and place is unreachable.

>> No.11935078

Hope you’re okay friend

>> No.11935079

Tale For The Time Being

>> No.11935082

The Sound and the Fury is exactly what you're looking for.