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11933533 No.11933533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Objectivism often seen in a negative light? Help me Anons.

>> No.11933542

Cause people pretend she's a philosopher

>> No.11933568

Because she is.

philosopher, noun, fJˈlɒsəfə, person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as academic discipline

That's what she did.

>> No.11933576


>> No.11933592

VERY brief reasons:

>Rand deliberately ignores or ejects any philosophical position taken on any topic since Aristotle
>Objectivism suffers the problem from being far too ambitious (i.e., it believes it can correctly and conclusively solve all philosophical problems based on a handful of axioms)
>Rand vastly overstates her own case, believing that, among other things, she can disprove God, nihilism, the is-ought problem, utilitarianism, socialism, etc. with a mere sentence or two
>Tying into that last point, Objectivism is generally formulated quite poorly and does not sufficiently back up ANY of its major propositions

>> No.11933600

Because it's an infantile and unexamined take on several philosophical issues by someone who didn't take the time or put in the effort to engage with the tradition or to actually come up a single fucking coherent argument in favor of it.

>> No.11933601

way too much ayn lately

>> No.11933612

*suffers the problem OF being

Additionally, Ayn Rand called Immanuel Kant the most evil man in human history. If that isn't enough evidence that she was a crank, I don't know what is.

>> No.11933631

Because she posits that the spiritual and the material are one and the same. This threatens both churchians and marxists. People often say it is because of her views on capitalism, but you will notice this is what people defend or loot from her the most, especially in the neutered libertarian scene and weak conservatives who credit her with making them interested in business and capitalism but discount everything else she wrote. The real threat she posed to the current world order was reunification of flesh and soul.

>> No.11933632

OP here. Don't want to be to bias but in the eyes of an objectivist, he is to a certain extent evil. Describing social altruism and 'closing the door to reason'.

>> No.11933649

Because commies want free shit

>> No.11933654

But Rand isn't communist?

>> No.11933662

Regardless of whether or not you think Kant's views are evil, his views on ethics are not followed (and have never been followed) by pretty much ANYONE, so to claim he is responsible for any large-scale evil on this planet is completely and utterly asinine.

>> No.11933687

Meta-capitalist philosophy is too threatening a concept and must not be allowed a voice in any capacity.

>> No.11933721

Because people are moral fags.

>> No.11933781

'especially as academic discipline'
she isn't respected by academia. She doesn't work within academia. She did nothing important except give American CEOs hard-ons for doing what they would have done anyway

>> No.11933821

Those CEO's exploits warranted philosophic defending though.
And the fault is the grave state of academia.
>She did nothing important
You have no idea how wrong you are. Rand's great historic distinction is that she was the first to discover to what degree the contextuality of concepts matter.
>The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
>the discovery of the intrinsic/subjective/objective trichotomy
>the formulation of psycho-epistemology
>the identification of several new logical fallacies
>Rand's Razor
>the, not solving, but invalidating of Hume's Is/Ought problem
All philosophically earth shaking.

>> No.11933838

It's almost difficult to fathom that a human being could actually be this stupid.

>> No.11933877

And once again would-be Rand criticizers proving their objections contentless.
I'll guess my defense of the CEO produced some disagreement in you so why don't you articulate it ad hom faggot?

>> No.11933932

I already voiced my content-filled objection to your savior in this thread. It's not my fault you don't know how to read.

Rand had a fundamentally poor grasp of formal logic and this lead to most, if not all, of her ideas being either outright false or otherwise half-baked. In fact, she seldom made logical arguments at all; what she did was proclaim something as fact and then work backwards from that conclusion trying to prove it 'rational' by defining her own terms and internal syllogisms and then pretending that they apply to existence itself.

Basically, Rand at some point in her early life intuitively determined that materialism, reason, and selfishness were all fundamentally correct and she spent the rest of her life trying to prove it. The problem is, she had no proper training or education in philosophy and basic logic, so she ended up thinking she was doing something groundbreaking and revolutionary when in actuality she was mostly ranting and raving like a mad person.

>> No.11934011

Precisely wrong, she first starts with irreducible primaries on any given issue and builds up from there. All her argumentation is a process of validation and integration and she absolutely lambasted the mental practice of never allowing your knowledge to reach a "sum" (as she put it).
She first argues and proves the supremacy of reason, based on the 3 axioms, and makes her case upwards to why the primacy of existence is right and the primacy of consciousness is wrong (an original means of assessing the historic dilemma btw) and then argues further given the topic in question.
To claim she does the opposite is such a blatant lie I ponder on how you could have ever arrived at it if it is NOT you lying. Barring the obvious answer that you have never read a word of her nonfiction.

>> No.11934039

Most people are amoral dude

>> No.11934053

>The Objectivist Theory of Concepts
Seems like she just has an autistic definition of what a concept is different than everyone else's. Everyone else basically uses the word concept interchangeably with the word idea but she has some super-specific autistic definition of the word. Hardly "earth shaking".
>the discovery of the intrinsic/subjective/objective trichotomy
Value comes from the relation the object has to the subject? That's basically the idea of utility and Rand most certainly did NOT come up with it.
>the formulation of psycho-epistemology
"Psycho-epistemology" seems to just be another autistic neologism; this time for psychology, y'know, an entire field of study that existed before Rand coined her "new" idea.
>the identification of several new logical fallacies
Don't know what you're referring to here.
>Rand's Razor
As far as I can decipher, this is basically saying you shouldn't create unnecessary classifications or disregard necessary classifications. I guess this might be her own idea, but it seems pretty self-evident for the purpose of effective organization, so again, not exactly earth shaking.
>the, not solving, but invalidating of Hume's Is/Ought problem
She didn't invalidate it, she dismissed it offhand by saying, with no evidence or logic to back it up, that life necessitates value and thus 'ought' is derived from the 'is' of life. This, is of course, inane and completely missing Hume's point since he was saying NO is necessitates an ought, no matter how fundamental or basic that "is" is, including life and even more fundamental concepts like existence.

>> No.11934069

Listen man, there's a reason why she's universally regarded as a laughing stock in academia. Because her stuff is ludicrously incoherent and naive. I don't really care to write it all out once again, and I'm sure the guy you're replying to is getting tired if this shit as well. So how about you go look up Sidney Hook's piece on her. It's pretty straightforward. Bitch doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about, and you should stop wasting your time defending her.

>> No.11934087

>She first argues and proves the supremacy of reason, based on the 3 axioms
The 3 "axioms" she pulls from her ass and never attempts to substantiate.
>makes her case upwards to why the primacy of existence is right and the primacy of consciousness is wrong (an original means of assessing the historic dilemma btw)
That's not fucking original and you would know this you (or Rand for that matter) had ever fucking bothered to read any philosophers after Aristotle. Materialists had been arguing since the late 1700's/early 1800's that existence took precedence over consciousness.

>> No.11934233

>Materialists had been arguing since the late 1700's/early 1800's that existence took precedence over consciousness.
But in so doing committed the "Floating Abstraction Fallacy" Rand identified. The materialist's work was incomplete and contradictory throughout. Rand provided what they lacked. Rand is NOT a materialist. https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/the-incoherence-of-materialism-as-demonstrated-by-ayn-rand/
You've clearly identified some small parallel between Objectivism and Materialism and are assuming that this is whole issue.
It is as if you are arguing that just because this topic was tackled before, then that means Rand is simply rehashing what had already occurred. Instead of what Rand is actually doing which is tackling the dilemma under a different avenue of assessment. You're letting your vision narrow and not remaining cognizant of the broader picture which Rand is addressing.

>> No.11934242
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Cause it's trash

>> No.11934490


>> No.11934524

It’s completey anti-therical to post modernism duh

Her characters are flat and kind of boring, that being dis she’d books are ok. This concept should never if reared it’s head into literature l. It should be instated at the governmental level though and is a fucking solid theory.

It also makes liberals cry.

>> No.11934947

>implying that you don't want free shit

>> No.11934964

>The 3 "axioms" she pulls from her ass and never attempts to substantiate.
isn't that the definition of an axiom in any philosophical or moral system?

>> No.11935005

Here's a better question. Why is it anytime there is an objectivism thread people wildly insult or "debunk" it with such varied responses that it suggests people are pulling points out of their ass? Genuine question. Do people not know what objectivism is? I see some people say it's in support of capitalism. I see other's say it's in support of communism. Others socialism ad infinitum.

>> No.11935064
File: 101 KB, 480x599, 480px-Immanuel_Kant_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't close the door to reason on anything other than our ability to prove gods existence and thus morality and responsibility.

He combined empiricism and rationalism for his philosophy.

You dont mean to imply his philosophy was against reason do you?

>> No.11935091

>I see other's say it's in support of communism
I have literally NEVER heard this said. Same for socialism. wat

>> No.11935112

If I remember it's a sort of capitalist, minarchist governmentally, egoist, romanticism cult built around Ayn Rand with a hatred for leeches on creators who really move society.

>> No.11935277

They don't though. On the contrary, it always goes something along the lines of her vision being banal, her reasoning flawed, her handling of philosophical concepts inept. And that's because it's the damn truth, whether you like it or not. Do you really think that the academic community collectively decided to ignore her because they are all secretly part of a communist cabal? She's a moron. Go look up the couple of dissections made by actual philosophers, you know, people with knowledge of the tradition and logic and that kind of stuff. She's nothing but a joke to them.

>> No.11935287

Just because you are a losers doesn't mean the majority isn't moral, most people revolve around fitting in and being "functional".

>> No.11935288

Unironically just play bioshock

>> No.11935318

Better than any book she ever wrote

>> No.11935447

The cult part is a smear as Objectivism is all about the supremacy of reason and noncontradiction. Not faith. A cult is defined as exhibiting an extreme degree or devotion to something.
People just want to insult Objectivism as cultish because it is absolutist about its principles, extremely iconoclastic, and unapologetically egoist.
Being "devoted" to Rand and believing most everything she argued are irrefutable are not the same things. Only professional Objectivist philosophers should be ""devoted"" to Rand and literally everyone else should simply integrate Objectivism logic and principles into the sum of their knowledge, leverage it, and promptly forget Rand's name. Barring simple fascination with her life's story if they want.

>> No.11935487

Example of:
flawed reasoning?
Inept handling of philosophical concepts?

I've read no less than 5+ attempted "dissections" of her and every single time it is a hackjob does not even attempt to understand her crucial central point about the errors of past philosophical systems.
Never a mention of the trichotomy or the theory of concepts. All narrow often politics-centric falsehoods about he and "no Kant didn't mean it that way"s as if she were giving a damn about the man's opinion on his own work and wasn't instead identifing what Kant actually, in historical context, amounted to.

>> No.11935613

No. And if it is, then it makes the whole idea of using an axiom as the basis for your argument pointless.

My axiom could be "Existence is chocolate cake" and craft a very well-reasoned argument based off that axiom. But the argument would still be inane because that axiom is fucking stupid.

>> No.11935758

The definition of an axiom is something for which proof is neither possible nor necessary. The act of proof still requires antecedent concepts. An axiom is something to which nothing is antecedent.

>> No.11935874

What a willful and almost weponized ignorance of the cultish allegations. They made that by observing her followers and romantic life and how the former tied into the latter deeply

>> No.11935907

If prancing on the barrel is also definitive of singing then you are just as correct in this case also. She tried to make something different but had no quality rise out of it other then chatter and rustle material for liberals.