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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 468x300, c23494f6-e1c2-4eee-8eca-3e6b3a5dc7be_couple-reading-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1193323 No.1193323 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: your fondest memory of reading a book.

Once when I was reading a book my mum suddenly said "you're reading TyBrax! Well done for doing something smart for a change, you might just be bright yet!" then I felt good so I went outside into town to go to a coffee shop. But then I felt like everyone there was just normal people staring at me & that it probably wasn't a good place to meet hipsters so I went home. Then I cried & went to bed because /lit/ wasn't created back then.

What about you /lit/? Nice day at the park? Reading while someone caressed your hair? Amazing night in with some quality wine? Reading after some consensual sex with your long-time partner?

Let's hear it.

>> No.1193330

My memories of reading are, in general, of wandering around the hills of the city with my head in a book, taking in the view once in a while, and learning to view the world and take it as it was. I spent a lot of time doing that, summers - just going on a long walk with a book. Very enjoyable.

One day in particular - one of the most pleasant days in my life, in a very exact meaning of pleasant - when I woke up early, went out with a book, bought dim sum for breakfast quite cheap, and then walked over to a coffee shop and sat outside it, on a very sunny morning, just reading and drinking tea. Then going home and continuing to read at our kitchen table, solid and wooden, light filling the room, just making cups of tea and slowly sipping them. Then one of my friends called, and me and him and a girl drove over to this park in the city where I lived, which sits on a great ridge right over the ocean, and walked through it talking and taking in the beauty of the natural scenery. And then I think I did something that night as well, but I don't remember. It was a good day.

>> No.1193332

You read whilst walking?

>> No.1193335

Yeah. S not that difficult, really. As long as you can hold the book in one hand. Read a little, then walk and think for a ways.

>> No.1193338

<-- /r9k/ is that way

GTFO of my lit, tripfaggot

>> No.1193342
File: 10 KB, 259x194, VanVliet9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature discussion is intended for this board, /lit/.

>> No.1193369
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Sometime back when I was a kid and first getting into reading, my grandparents gave me this book. It was the holidays and so I got a blanket and lied down by the fireplace and read it. I think this is the first book I can clearly remember reading

>> No.1193389

Sitting on the benches in Princes Street Gardens in summer.

>> No.1193390

sup, this ma edinburgh bro?

>> No.1193397


>> No.1193409

I remember when we went to Shop-Rite, I would always look for the latest Clifford The Big Red Dog book. In grade school, we had a program where you were required to read 70 books in a year and make a small report on each one, and I recall feeling proud after I finished that. I think it was 6th or 7th grade in which I first got interested in a collection of books, which were 'The Cat Who' series.

>> No.1193410

Not me reading but I remember when I was a kid, my dad read me a novel, where the characters (kids, I think) were climbing a mountain, and had to hold flowers to their faces for oxygen.

This is my most vivid memory of my dad. I never did remember what book it was, though.

>> No.1193417


I want sex with you.

>> No.1193425

Cross-legged reading an introduction to Heidegger on a girl's bed. She was playing WoW on her laptop in the room. She asked me what I was reading, I told her and of course she didn't have the slightest clue what I was talking about. I tried a little to explain being-in-the-world to her but it was utterly futile. I felt smart, alienated, and it was perhaps the first time I fully realised that to be a 'nerd' wasn't necessarily to be intelligent. I believe I drank a significant amount of jameson whiskey later, when she left for a while, and looked through her notes. Ironically enough she was studying a class a year ahead of me that I was profoundly interested in. She came back, we fucked, etc. A few weeks later she left the country, I never finished the introduction.

>> No.1193430



wonder if i was born a working class person I would be socially mobile.

>> No.1193447
File: 44 KB, 320x375, 1285444603918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading in a sort of abandoned (more like some nearby bank decided to buy it and do nothing with it and gated it up half-assed) park in my neighborhood, reading Dune. Some girl noticed me reading a book and a cheap acoustic next to me (I brought it around during school and played a couple of songs). She knew me from hearing a song at school and decided to hang out with me, whilist she read a book someone lended her. After several minutes, I decide to read a little of her book. Didn't really notice anything about it because I wanted to kiss her. As I got closer, she noticed what I was doing and returned the favor. We basically dropped our books and held each other in our arms, lips locked and tounges waltzing with one another.
>mfw that was her last day at that school and the book she was reading was Artemis Fowl

>> No.1193448

actually that was a disinterested reply, i'm sorry.

did you "get your money's worth" out of her?

>> No.1193458


>> No.1193460


>working class in UK
>Socially mobile

Welcome to Britain

>> No.1193468

Sitting in a bar in a suit in Glasgow, alone, drinking beer with one hand and reading The Sound and the Fury in another.

I felt like king shit.

>> No.1193471

Typical TyBrax thread

>> No.1193479

how so?

>> No.1193482

Whoring yourself yet again.

>> No.1193486

Why are there so many Scottish /lit/ anons?

Dear god you guys are like a plague.

>> No.1193490


>> No.1193491

nope. sex is pig fuck disgusting. i havent even kissed a boy or dated for getting gifts & meals & stuff like that.

>> No.1193498


I'm surprised there are no more Irish on /lit/
I alwas thought they were pretty good readers.

Then again they don't need to boast about being from somewhere like Scots simply must.

>> No.1193499

Weren't you saying you were a guy last week?

Dear god you confuse me.

>> No.1193500

>embarrassed at being the africa of the UK.

>> No.1193502

You're such a bitch.

>> No.1193506


>Proud to be from the Romania of the North

>> No.1193507


you have some serious fucking issues.

>> No.1193509


I'm from New York and the Irish are the most boastful fuck people in the god damn world!

They come over here and their IDENTITY seems to revolve around the fact that they are from some shitty little island.

And that's not even getting into the idiots who only THINK they are irish.

>> No.1193511

no we are the Scandinavia of the UK dummy.

>> No.1193512


I'm probably within driving distance, and your emotional problems are endearing.

>> No.1193513


stfu amerifag you fat greasy fuck

>> No.1193515


cheapann se go bhfuil na hEireannaigh leitheori maith

mna ag gaire

>> No.1193518


you must be fucking crazy too

just cut each other up

>> No.1193526

how so?

sex isnt really my thing... well not in the short-term.

i appreciate that you told me but i hope you didnt expect a reply to it? i know nothing about you.

>> No.1193529

>black irish person

>> No.1193530


Gaelic is a fucking troll language that takes the piss of the Latin alphabet.

Like an M and a B make a "V" sound or something,

>> No.1193532

I would

>> No.1193538

If you turn out to be C.S Goto I swear to god I shall hunt you down and murder you.

If you are not him then I don't really care about you in any way, continue on.

>> No.1193541

Would what?

>> No.1193542
File: 11 KB, 194x260, celts..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fearg ort?

>> No.1193544


I'd bet my bottom dollar this means "You Mad?"

>> No.1193546

Well it is OLDER than the latin alphabet so it makes sense that trying to make it fit is a square peg round hole situation.

>> No.1193551

so do english students study it then?

>> No.1193566


>missed the point

What I meant was why did Gaelic scholars decide it'd be funny to write in shit that is deceptively difficult to pronounce instead of a more literal manner?

>> No.1193571

nope, Gaelic has almost no relation to english at all really.

Plus fuck all people speak it.

>> No.1193572


I'm genuinely impressed that you speak gaelic (as far as I know)

How old are you D&E?

>> No.1193573

My significant other likes books and stories and all hat wonderfulness, but he isn't the fastest of readers. Best times that I've had with books is reading to him, sharing a cup of chai.

>> No.1193576


Well, you have replied, so that's fine. I mean, I didn't expect you to invite me over or anything.

>> No.1193579

To be cunts to the English scholars who probably forced them to write it out?

Or to just be rude to the English in general?

I mean the only two countries that speak it both have rather a long hatred of England.

>> No.1193583

which means d&e lives/lived in ireland? cause ive never seen him speaking any other languages on here.

>> No.1193588



>> No.1193594

Would you curess my hard 8 inch cock?

>> No.1193595

oh cool. i thought i was going to get a hug or something.

go fap to porn & go out drinking with your mates you FUCKING MORON.

>> No.1193600

It's only kind of impressive if he comes from Ireland, more than a few families BEAT it into their kids to keep it going.

If he's speaking Scottish Gaelic (I don't know the difference either) then it's more impressive as only like 2% of Scotland speaks it.

>> No.1193607

ugh, no.

>> No.1193609


LOL you are a fucking mess

>> No.1193611


I don't understand why you're angry. What did I do? I'm not a moron, I just didn't want to be like 'COME ON LET ME MARRY YOU INTERNET MAIDEN'. That would be creepy.

>> No.1193612


>> No.1193616

may b tru

do you still <3 me?

>> No.1193620


Post pics Naw

>> No.1193623

Ty this questions is starting to plauge me.

What gender are you?

And if you are female are you a lesbian of some kind?

Yours, an interested femanon from Ayr.

>> No.1193626


YOU are a fucking mess as well

Tybrax, stop fighting this loser, it's obviously meant to be

>> No.1193627

yay lesanons!

>> No.1193630

>mfw when "emotional problems" are considered attractive
why would you want me you fucking hipster freaks?

>> No.1193632


>> No.1193638


You are so sad. So sad.

>> No.1193643


I'm not a hipster, I must admit, but the love of my life, who I lost to a guy who looked like a big knuckle, was really fucked up. I enjoy a certain amount of torment.

>> No.1193646

compelling argument fuck face.

im not very genderable or sexual. please kill yourself for thinking so.

>> No.1193648

It's not that, I just liked your pics and it's rare to find a fellow lesbian who actually likes books not about feminism and such.

>> No.1193649
File: 11 KB, 250x241, aaaaalrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could eat a peach for hours...

>> No.1193650


Are you like 12 years old or something? I can just imagine you giggling behind your computer right now before you go and scratch your forearms with a safety pin again. Fuck sake.

I hate you. Hate. Hate.

>> No.1193653


Oh wow, I think I know who you are.

>> No.1193660

i dont think ive said many things ITT giving away my identity. so unless you refer to other occasions you're probably wrong. i knew two/three people that referred to /b/ once.

>> No.1193661


Proof or you don't know shit

>> No.1193662


Stay classy, 4chan.

>> No.1193663

Tell us, I want to ruin Ty's life!

Or at least tell us Tybrax's gender!

>> No.1193666


I think I know you from somewhere else online.

>> No.1193667

you hate me for being disgusted by other people's shallow reasons for finding someone attractive. wow.

>> No.1193668

TyBrax confirmed for worst tripfag ever

>> No.1193670


No. I like TyBrax.

>> No.1193678

Everyone hates 'it'

>> No.1193679

my only other online place with some sort of "identity" is lastfm, & i'm pretty tame on that.

>> No.1193685

Reading a book, and feeling that an other you, who is a better writer, but has exactly the same mind, has written it.

Kind of a brain fuck, but a rather gentle one.

>> No.1193694

Tybrax, you are the fucking WORST. everything you say repulses me. I shudder when I see your posts, you are a FUCKING MESS.

>> No.1193696


This is not the topic. The topic is Tybrax. Contribute properly.

>> No.1193700


Oh wow, it must just be an amazing synchronicity of temperaments.

I think I am kind of in love with you or something, but it's okay. I'm not going to get weird about it. Usually when I'm in love with people it ends with them being none the wiser in any case.


I got that with Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin. As soon as I read the opening.

>> No.1193705

i would love for you to post who you think i am. just do initials if you think the person you think i am would freak out about a full name.

>> No.1193706



>> No.1193707
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>> No.1193708

Tybrax. Hate. Tybrax. Hate.

I know you were the ugliest girl in your school.


And YOU. Have some fucking self respect. You fucking pervert. IT'S TYBRAX FOR FUCKS SAKE!

>> No.1193710


I must add, this was only the screenname. The first initial is L.

>> No.1193714

still no. i havent even had any facespaces before.

>> No.1193715

I actually know, it's J. M

>> No.1193718
File: 46 KB, 700x488, jim_morrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when people are just trying randoms now

>> No.1193720


Oh cool! Well yes, wow, a real synchronicity thing happening.

>> No.1193722

yfw I'm right.

>> No.1193725

omg i need to meet this person. they're from scotland, where?

i'll sat more things & you say if they're like me. also mention any other things that are like me from what ive said before.

>> No.1193728


OMG I love him tooooo! This is getting weird now! LOL Seriously, I think I love you.


I KNOW I love you.

I understand if you're not ready to feel the same though. It's ok. I'll still be here!

>> No.1193731


whore. Leave and never return.

>> No.1193733


Well, they never revealed their location, so I didn't make that connection. Yeah, let's see how many matches there are.

I bet it turns out you're quite different when we get onto specifics.

>> No.1193734

i dont & will never like dicks, bro.

>> No.1193736

ITT: Your fondest memory of a /lit/ thread beig hijacked by tripfag drama

>> No.1193737


I think that was the lesbian from Ayr, I'm the male person.

>> No.1193742


Like I said, I understand, it's just that I think we've got so much going for us.

I don't mind sharing with other women. If need be I can just sit and watch until you're ready

>> No.1193744


GTFO woman

>> No.1193747


Hmm, are you the lesbian from Ayr or are you pretending to be me, the original male person who loves TyBrax?

I must clarify, I know TyBrax is not interested, and am content to just be an infatuated friend.

>> No.1193749
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>thread about interesting moments with literature
>derailed by a lesbian tripfag and drama involving her and desperate anons

>> No.1193751
File: 21 KB, 441x420, elephant-poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ, /lit/, why would you let this happen

>> No.1193752


How can you even think of that THING like that???
How do her words not utterly repulse you???

Seek help. Now.

>> No.1193753

I'm the person who was reminded of someone else by TyBrax, and is male, and kind of likes torment. I don't want to have to use a tripcode, but someone seems to be trying to disrupt the conversation.

>> No.1193754



>> No.1193755
File: 501 KB, 1037x691, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people love me for my gender/"emotional issues"/tastes/possible4chanpicsofme

>> No.1193756



>> No.1193757

it's like I'm really reading a spoony thread on /fa/ or something

>> No.1193758


I'm sorry to have been part of anything depressing.

>> No.1193760

All tyoes of crazy up in here you know lulz

>> No.1193763
File: 4 KB, 210x168, ruminate troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw people love you for your gender/"emotional issues"/tastes/possible4chanpicsofyou

>> No.1193764

>implying all those arent shallow reasons to find someone attractive.

spoony isn't blah is it? i cant remember tho ive definitely seen pics of spoony. d&e think we could be bros irl, you're a fashionable person & just such a bro. your wisdom would rub off on me. unfortunately i have nothing to offer you as a friend ;(

>> No.1193765

>coffee shop
>probably wasn't a good place to meet hipsters

>> No.1193769



>> No.1193770

You'd be good on /mu/ your so like CLT

>> No.1193773

no he's not other than being hated.

CLT & D&E are both awesome though, but for different reasons.

>> No.1193776


Holy shit, you take pathetic to new levels. I can't believe what I'm reading in here. Between you and your spineless pervert admirer, you have ruined humanity

>> No.1193777

Tybrax, why don't you just go and suck off that fag that keeps pining for you. You're such an attention whore. Just suck it for a bit.

>> No.1193779

Who's the fag?

>> No.1193784

/r9k/ is that way

plz, take your attention whoring out of my /lit/ already

>> No.1193785

>implying you're using any logic in your hate for me
>implying i would enjoy sucking dick when i dont even like men

>> No.1193787
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>> No.1193792


what the fuck is this? I don't even...

>> No.1193793

Please say you're not a lesbian.. Fuck please .

>> No.1193794

rule #1 for browsing /lit/: sage all Tybrax threads

you can thank me later

>> No.1193798

>can't admit that i'm right that those are shallow reasons.

>continues to call me pathetic with no actual arguments backing it.

>> No.1193801

I'm not a lesbian, no really. why?

>> No.1193802


Why don't you pay attention?

>> No.1193803


quoted for fucking truth. goddamn this tripfag is pathetic

>> No.1193808

you forgot your sage, bro


>> No.1193815

Tybrax, are reading what you write? You sound like a 14 year old emo girl that is creaming her panties because the weirdest kid in class won't leave her alone, but deep down inside knows that this is her only hope of not dying alone. So here you are, with all your dykeass front like you don't actually need that faggots cock just to justify the shit that comes out of your mouth and your entire being in fucking general

I read one post and I hated you. That is the impression you have.

>> No.1193817
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, cant respond.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw TB thread is the biggest on on the front page

Stay classy /lit/

>> No.1193819 [DELETED] 


>fuck captcha, forget sage

>> No.1193824 [DELETED] 


>fuck captcha, forget sage

>> No.1193821


Oh shit, I can hardly breathe, he's got himself a trip! Yp, Tybrax, now you have even more in common! Time to get on your fucking knees!

>> No.1193826


Obviously you're that weird guy who was pretending to be me earlier. Bitter guy is bitter.

>> No.1193830


Hi Tybrax. I hope you realize that everyone knows this is you trying to make it seem like you have fans.


>> No.1193835

can you all start namefagging, for clarity pls?

>> No.1193839


Fuck you, you paranoid idiot.

>> No.1193842


can you kindly fuck off my /lit/? for the sake of this board plz

>> No.1193847


Dude, obviously you are a douchebag. Look at your fucking trip. You must be at equal to, or at least approaching, the dangerous levels of douchbagism that is Tybrax. You are fucking out there dude.

And no. I'm not the one impersonating you, if anyone even was you crazy bastard. I fucking hate you, you have no self respect the way you cower to that fucking neurotic dyke. You might as well cut your balls off now. Hell, she might even like you then.

>> No.1193848


Such hostility, Tybrax! :O

>> No.1193851


I'm not cowering. I just don't want to cause distress for no reason.

>> No.1193852

so any scotland girls here? in need friends :(

>> No.1193854

I think it's time I made an appearance.

Reading the Stormin Norman book from the Horrible History series

>> No.1193855


With the way insecurity reeks from your posts, good luck getting friends.

>> No.1193856


Oh shit, psychofag must have kept his balls after all! Your old lady won't be pleased!

Cut them off.

>> No.1193858

holy shit I am a faggot

>> No.1193859

>You'd be good on /mu/

I'd need to learn musical theory in order to talk (or have legitimate reason to talk) on /mu/, which is time-consuming

>> No.1193860


You're wrong man, I don't even write like TyBrax.

>> No.1193861

Can one of you explain to me why you'd want some sort of moniker in what's intentionally a completely anonymous environment? Like are you hoping someone bumps into you on the street and thanks you for recommending Joyce?

Do you think taking some tiny modicum of authorship over these internet ramblings gives you any amount of credibility or something? Enlighten me please.

>> No.1193863


im loling so hard, get
in tinychat mog (clit2) we miss you!

>> No.1193866


>Horrible Histories

Nostalgia bombed

>> No.1193871

>I'd need to learn musical theory in order to talk (or have legitimate reason to talk) on /mu/, which is time-consuming
2/10, just because some people might think you're serious despite how dumb that is.

>> No.1193872

Hi, /mu/ here.. No you wouldn't.
Music discussion not performance, only a few threads a month about theory or theory related

>> No.1193873


I'm only using a tripcode to make sure the person portraying a debased, obsessive caricature of me can't cause any more confusion.

>> No.1193876


You're so cute when you pretend to be someone else, Tybrax. <3

>> No.1193877
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>> No.1193878

You think I'm joking but I'm serious, that book was amazing.

Also, no.. Been bullied out of tinychat by Timmy and Twat

>> No.1193880


>people might think you're serious despite how dumb that is.

> only a few threads a month about theory or theory related

And I mean, this is what's sad about it all. It's like coming on to /lit/ with absolutely no knowledge of literary theory. You may just as well be mouth farting.

>> No.1193881


Don't address D&E. Just continue to hate yourself in the same fashion that we have all come to know and despise.

>> No.1193882

i know i suck at it. i've tryed talking to one person informally at uni, but havent talked seen/since

>> No.1193884

Timmy is so threatening

>> No.1193889


I'm not her, no.

>> No.1193891

>mfw when you ignored my last post complementing you cause you hate me so much

i didnt doubt you reading it but the whole post was funnie & unexpected.

>> No.1193893


Haha, please continue denying it. It only makes my penis harder.

>> No.1193894


I'm sorry if this tripcode thing is embarrassing, it was meant to be self-ironising to a degree.

>> No.1193895


well, I did tell you. I suggest you announce this to as many people you can. The more people you know the more pressure you will have on you to stop thinking about Tybrax in the disgusting manner that you have done.

I hope you get better.

>> No.1193899

Today I started to record all the events in a diary.
How long will I continue to do this? Will I get bored?

>> No.1193900

: - )

>> No.1193907


You fucking wish you were her you fucking faggot. How often have you thought about finding out where Tybrax lives? Or do you already know? You sick fuck. You're bashing it right outside her window right now aren't you?

>> No.1193908



TB confirmed for hipster

>> No.1193914
File: 36 KB, 302x475, nostalgia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn I loved those horrible history books when I was 11 or so, and it's just so heart-warming to see that Mogwai's finally reading literature appropriate to his intellectual capacity!

>> No.1193915


You're an irrational, sad man.

>> No.1193917

Tybrax, you need to go now. And take your slave/pet/fucktardpsycho with you.

>> No.1193920

: - (

I never said when I read it dumbass piece of shit.

>> No.1193921


I'm an irrational sad man?


>> No.1193923


>when I was 11
>still read kids books at 11!

Son, at 11 I had read Gibbon's The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, unabridged.
I always knew /lit/ was beneath me ...

>> No.1193924


hahahah TRUTH

>> No.1193926

Why does tybrax have a fan. That's just.....weird.

>> No.1193927

mogwai I think we can infer from
>Reading the Stormin Norman book from the Horrible History series
that you mean the present tense as in the 'now', unless you're narrating a past self which I suppose is not beyond possiblity.

Who knows, maybe you're regressing idk wouldn't be surprised from a guy who posts pictures of al greene obsessively

>> No.1193929

This thread is lulzy

I like tybrax's sidekick the best, he's so goofy an shit

>> No.1193940

>ITT: your fondest memory of reading a book.

>Reading the Stormin Norman book from the Horrible History series

Do you admit you're wrong, or you to good for that?

>> No.1193948

Pretty much TOLD.

But he'll ignore that like he did my complimenting post.

>> No.1193954

How are you Tie? Good Saturday?

>> No.1193955


Shut the fuck up already. You bore me.

>> No.1193960

now what the fuck is going on in here? The atmosphere has changed a bit...it's like mogwai and tybrax are going to have a fucking picnic while they suck out each others assholes. Why isn't the psychofaggot getting involved aswell?

>> No.1193966


Dude the only reason I'm 'wrong' right now is because I'm a bit drunk after downing a bottle of wine which took me like 30 mins to crack open after the corker snapped in half stuck in the cork. I mean what the fuck.

Tybrax you seem to be under this weird impression that I'm obliged to respond to you if you say something that you consider a compliment towards me.

>> No.1193968

emm. i slept in late & tidies up my room a bit. been on lit since then :)


No I just think it's weird that they are the only sort of posts t.hat you seem to ignore. You're so insecure & angry :(

>> No.1193969

Seriously 'brax, /adv/ and at least /r9k/ are much more into dating and whatnot. If you want the legions of white knights routine, go the fuck over there and leave /lit/ in peace

and no, don't pull that bullshit about this being a strictly /lit/ related thread, pulling dramawhore antics because you don't have a relationship is a fucking invitation for this shit. GTFO

>> No.1193970


Tybrax is insecure, duh. How did you not realize this already?

>> No.1193973


Thank you! /r9k/ is that way, Tybrax. <---

Don't let the door hit you in your flat ass on the way out.

>> No.1193974

>implying i want to date anyone
See you don't know what the fuck you're on about & this thread starting on-topic until the hivemind started showing up.

>> No.1193975


How many posts are you going to continue exhibiting your insecurities? /yawn

>> No.1193976

Me > You

Got up late.. Went shopping with my mum, played my PS3 for a bit, chilled with me homeboys for a few hours.
And now here.

>> No.1193977

what's wrong with not having any irl friends? this place is for everyone.

>> No.1193979

Let's get back to the point of this thread guys.

>> No.1193980

Feel free to post yours if you haven't already bro :)

>> No.1193981

Uh oh

awkward silence

Tybrax is off to cut her wrists again because Deep and Edgy doesn't wanna be bestest bestest friends for no fucking reason


I fucking despise you Tybrax

>> No.1193986


It means you are a loser. And if people shun you in RL, there's all the more the reason why they shun you online.

>> No.1193987

The point is this is a TyBrax thread.

>> No.1193988

My fondest memory with a book is probably all the late nights I spent reading. It is the most relaxing thing to just sit there and read late at night. Sorry, I do not have any funny moments but that is my fondest.

>> No.1193990

>Me > You
Okay dude you just continue to post pics of like some obscure jungle monkey throwing his hands up in perplexity with a bemused look on his face and say it's not /lit/ related while I talk about Harold Bloom, Intertexuality, Hermeneutics, Erasure, Russian Formalism, the Interpretive Turn and in general continue trying to bring /lit/ into a new age of Enlightenment.

>> No.1193997

You mean Al Green, the happiest man alive?

>> No.1194002

I can't go outside with a book. Living in Providence, you can't. Thats how you get stab/mugged/etc.

>> No.1194003

I appreciate your response none the less.

>trying to bring /lit/ into a new age of Enlightenment
No you aren't. You're just hoping some other people have had the same level of education as you, why don't you talk to your classmates big shot?

Cause otherwise you would do the whole Socratic thing of not using jargon & being more humble no matter who you're talking to.

i'm not saying you need to be like that to post here but dont pretend thats the reason or what you try to do

>> No.1194006


All I hear is "blah blah blah I need to go post in /r9k/ because my offtopic drivel is ruining /lit/".

>> No.1194007

Deep&Edgy is one of the top contributors in general, he's trying to raise the bar. Mogwai, well, just look at the fucking company you keep. Tybrax is cancer.

>> No.1194010

>Deep and Edgy
>not just trying to insult passerby for the hell of it

>> No.1194012

sometimes i think im the only one that comes here for the right reasons, or rather not deluded about what i expect from this place :(

>> No.1194013



Goddamn Tybrax, I hate you so fucking much. Leave, you whiny emo throwback, trot along and follow the example of your only fan.

>> No.1194020

So your point is??

>> No.1194022



Oh wait, you were serious?

>> No.1194023


Fuck off TyBrax's Non-Pushy Male Fan Who's Kind of In Love And Not a Douchebag, I can smell you even when you drop the trip you pathetic shit.

Plus, what I said about Deep&Edgy is true. He tries to enrich the board, even though this thread is beyond all repair. It was started by HER after all. LEAVE YOU GODDAMN MESS OF A DYKE

>> No.1194026
File: 11 KB, 320x240, andjustwtfisgoingonhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

>> No.1194030

there is no point or argument. simply i am "the cancer", because some anon hivemind decided to de-rail my thread.

>> No.1194037

>you would do the whole Socratic thing of not using jargon & being more humble no matter who you're talking to.
Jargon is useful as a roadsign in discourse. I remember when a friend of mine accused me of name-dropping, it's stupid because all you're trying to do is guide a person's thought to what's being discussed specifically, coax out associations and so on.

And on the subject of humility; why should I be humble to people of lesser intellect than myself? Isn't that my choice? What morality motivates the idea that it's somehow more beneficent to wipe a dunce's ass for them than scold them? A goddamn slave morality is what I think

so drunk right now

>> No.1194042


You are 'the cancer' because it has been fucking decided. Again. And. Again. And....just leave, you shouldn't be here. Your thread is shit, if it wasn't shit it could never have turned out this way, too many people would have backed you up or continued in some discussion. But because you started it, it's not going to happen, because you are the fucking cancer. Fuck off.

>> No.1194044

> it's stupid because all you're trying to do is guide a person's thought to what's being discussed specifically, coax out associations and so on
Yes, that would be appropriate with your classmates. Not everyone is a lit student here, as it is not a requirement in the rules.

>why should I be humble to people of lesser intellect than myself?
You don't need to. But don't pretend to be enlightening anyone if you aren't going to.

>admitting there is no actual reason for my being hated.

>> No.1194052

>Not everyone is a lit student here, as it is not a requirement in the rules.
You don't need to be a lit student, all you need to be is a human being who doesn't want to live in ignorance.

>> No.1194058

>using a vague argument & (half?)joking because he has no decent one
cool, you off now?

>> No.1194060


You are a fucking idiot. Sage. Die a death on page 15 and never fucking return. I don't know how the fuck you even got out of /r9k/ in the first place, but whatever, I'm done.

>> No.1194069

Hey guys I got here late, is it still cool to be Irish?

>> No.1194071


>> No.1194073

How has /r9k/ got a reputation as being some kind of toilet when people are constantly being banned on there?

>> No.1194077

tybrax you were being vague to begin with if anything I'm being harshly honest with my terminology; learning about literature isn't something that's confined to a classroom for most people, it's something that informs their being. If I name-drop Heidegger and you can't follow me you should strive to learn about Heidegger so that you can follow me, or refute me or whatever the fuck you want to do with what I've said.

>you off now?
probably in a few mins pretty goddamn tired after this booze might pass out or play Halo: Reach

>> No.1194080
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>> No.1194083

funnily enough I started off on /r9k/ as well but it was too intellectually dulling for me to stay there

>> No.1194085

sheer weight of shit. So many people use that crapper, there just isn't enough disinfectant to go around

The urinal over here rarely gets cleaned, so the diarrhea tends to stay for months until the mold sits in

>> No.1194087

>If I name-drop Heidegger and you can't follow me you should strive to learn about Heidegger so that you can follow me, or refute me or whatever the fuck you want to do with what I've said
which people could do whenever anyone brings him up. This is not "enlightening" which is your claim here faggot.

i'm drinking Kronenbourg right now, see we could be bros.

>> No.1194090



>> No.1194095

just because people keep saying im from /r9k/ doesnt mean i ever lurk there

>> No.1194097

>his entire ideology revolves around subhumans
>he plays Halo

>> No.1194102

Did someone mention Heidi?

>> No.1194104

Yesterday I woke up sucking on a lemon.

>> No.1194110


>> No.1194111


Ugh, so fucking desperate

>> No.1194120

This is one of the longest threads I have seen on /lit/ in ages and it revolves around how painfully pathetic Tybrax is. Can everyone just leave this now? It's embarressing.

>> No.1194122

i dont deserve to live right? then why isnt that service offered by the govt?

>> No.1194128


Because it's a piece of shit. noone should depend on the government or anyone else for that matter. kill yourself for fuck sake, it's not hard. If you want you can post pics and I'll guide you through it.

>> No.1194129

give meeeeeeeee..................................................cunge

>> No.1194130

>which people could do whenever anyone brings him up
The fact is half of the halfwits on /lit/ don't know who Heidegger is, so they couldn't do that. But y'know, if I've talked about him (and probably called an anon a degenerate in the process) it has maybe inspired a few people to look him up and learn about him and his contribution to theory, perhaps in order to tell me I'm full of shit (misguided), and this is the enlightenment I hope to contribute to /lit/. Conflict, resolution, the playing out of age-old dialectic.

Granted, anyone who doesn't know about Martin Heidegger on this board from the get-go should be taken out and fucking shot, but let's assume I'm being lenient and a sort of loving patriarchical figure who never quite lost the practice of taking his belt to his children, towards idiot anons who frequent this board.

Dude I piss and shit like everyone else, I enjoy vulgar entertainment like the rest of the proletariat.

>> No.1194134

2+2 = 5

>> No.1194137

this guy's sitting next to me

he's got his cock out

oh wait it's a mirror

i am a dog

>> No.1194142
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>> No.1194147

I am a faggot.

>> No.1194148

No u

>> No.1194150

i was reading faust and this hipster sucked my dick later

>> No.1194154
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was reading Faust whilst listening to Faust.

Then I had no friends....

>> No.1194166

Who was in the whinychat?

>> No.1194191

>want videogames for xmas
>get books
>become an avid reader, living in different worlds
>turn 12
>buy gamecube
>stop reading till I'm 20


>> No.1194196

same bro.

check for yourself.

night, /lit/

>> No.1194238

bump for how pathetic Tybrax is

everyone please point and laugh at her now kthxbai

>> No.1194248

supporting this.


>> No.1195420

bumpin for lulz

>> No.1195424

Stagolee is male

>> No.1195432

Tybrax, i fucking hate you

>> No.1195433


You all mad.

>> No.1195434

259 posts and 19 image replies omitted.

>> No.1195442

inb4 300 posts and 404's

>> No.1195446


>> No.1195451

Inb4 404


>> No.1195456

My favorite memory reading was when I had read "Nobody Said Anything," by Ray Carver. I wasn't doing anything special -- sitting in the BPL, alone.

The act of reading the text is what made it memorable. I'll never forget how I felt after finishing the story.

>> No.1195457

Oh well, the thread could have been worse

Brownboor posting, for instance

>> No.1195463

Personally, I cannot really understand how any English major can insist they are worth anything in their critical thinking if they are not, at least, the smallest bit acquainted with some of the heavy hitters: Husserl, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, Fish, Foucault, Marx, Freud, Lacan.

Especially Kant and Heidegger. Criticism and theory in general seems to always revert back to Kant and Heidegger.

I don't understand how these kids are writing papers with no knowledge of the philosophic backgrounds supporting the language, themes and forms they try to write about in papers.

I know that was a bad sentence, but I'm on my way out the door to work. Sorry.

>> No.1195469

>implying shitty psychoanalysis is relevant to understanding literature

>> No.1195473
File: 3 KB, 130x98, TyBrax19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you dont have to be an eng major to post here.

>> No.1195475

Yeah if you want to post here all you have to do is read Harry Potter or something, then you can make a thread about it

>> No.1195477

>Yeah if you want to post here all you have to do is read Harry Potter or something, then you can make a thread about it
Wow if you're being sarcastic you're such an elitist asshole.

>> No.1195479



>> No.1195483


This is true, and it makes me sad.

>> No.1195487

I once fapped to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets when I was 12

>> No.1195489
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/lit/ is the only board which suffers from such delusions of grandeur. Sometimes I think you guys forget this is a 4chan board...

>> No.1195491
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>> No.1195521

I'm not that elitist, I mean, I watch animes sometimes

>> No.1195524

Animes on Adult Swim

>> No.1195531

porn on pornhub

>> No.1195534

what ones?

neon evangelion exegesis?

>> No.1195538

Cowboy Bebops

>> No.1195546
File: 79 KB, 942x720, Twin.Peaks.S01E05.The.One.Armed.Man.720p.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.h.264-S3Y.mkv_snapshot_20.54_[2010.10.10_11.44.09].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.1195555

To be more specific I am agent Cooper, TyBrax is the llama, Mogwai is Harry, and Deep&Edgy is the woman in the background

>> No.1195566

nice trips

check em

>> No.1195577

I'm a wizard.

>> No.1195582


That's a quint son. And you got a double double.

>> No.1195605

Hoooooly shit

>> No.1195716
File: 39 KB, 250x325, dale cooper serious as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw other people have stolen my twn peaks image posting

>> No.1196233

Check em

>> No.1196289

Freud wrote some amazing literary criticism. I'm not necessarily saying that one should put stock in critics such as Harold Bloom's work in the seventies; Freud's criticism, however, is invaluable to literature because of the coinage of literary phrases. For instance, Freud's essay "The Uncanny" is a landmark essay concerning the supernatural and eerie. Lacan also has interesting things to say about the formation of the mind.

That's true, but I don't believe anyone in the thread has said you have to be an English major to post here. I'm just commenting how surprised I am that kids at my university, graduating with bachelor degrees in English, have very little comprehension of philosophers and critics.

Just because he/she doesn't care for Harry Potter does not make him/her an elitist. Just because he/she does not care for the fantasy genre does not make him/her elitist. They have an understanding that the Potter novels are typically consider casual or light reading, more specifically for young adults. The books haven't, as of yet, reached the academic level.
The comment seemed appropriate, considering the context of the statement.

>> No.1196301

I like how there's like 5 on-topic posts in this thread and the rest of it is just some stupid fucking slapfight

actually wait not that blows

>> No.1196323

I posted my response.

Then I decided to respond to another argument running through the thread.

>> No.1196324




>> No.1196330

TyBrax isn't even that bad. Not even in the top 5 worst tripfags in the history of /lit/.

>> No.1196346


the fuck am i reading?

>> No.1196347
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>> No.1196355

I read The Mist on a cruise to Alaska.

It's not a great book and the cruise wasn't very exciting, but for some reason it was really nice sitting out on the deck in the super-cold with nothing but ocean for miles.

>> No.1196366

Am i?

>> No.1196373
File: 5 KB, 221x168, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what happened to TyBrax's Non-Pushy Male Fan Who's Kind of In Love And Not a Douchebag?

He's, like, my favourite trip EVAR

>> No.1197541