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11931968 No.11931968 [Reply] [Original]

My fiancee just told me that she is bisexual. What are some books that will help me understand human sexuality?

>> No.11931972

>homos no rapey me :(
The fuck did I just read

>> No.11931974

That's nice of you. Do you mean theory? Maybe Foucault

>> No.11931982

I believe it is titled “My Secret Garden”. It’s a book all about the female sexuality and their tendencies to lean towards bisexuality

>> No.11931987

Just try some man too

>> No.11931990

most gay YA fiction does a pretty good job of breaking down sexuality for anyone to understand as long as you can get past the fact that you're reading YA fiction

>> No.11932183

Cuck move.
Right move is to drop her.

>> No.11932214

What does is substantively mean if she's bisexual? Is she planning on having intercourse with a lady in the future? If so, break off the engagement, obviously. Otherwise, what's the point of saying unless she just wants attention?

>> No.11932220

>What are some books that will help me understand human sexuality?
The book of hard knocks. You weren't good enough, drop that bitch and move on

>> No.11932221

it means that she has fucked 100+ guys and will continue to do so after you get married. homosexuality is a disease found only in men; in women, it is a pretense to fuck more men

>> No.11932223

This. Why the fuck would anyone ever tell you they've changed sexual orientation while still in a relationship? She's very likely planning on dropping you for a girl.

>> No.11932413

>Otherwise, what's the point of saying unless she just wants attention?
This is the most likely reason. Nowadays, it's cool to not be heterosexual. OP should call her out on her shit by pretending to be sexually attracted to men and feign oggling attractive men in public.

>> No.11932487

This may backfire and cause her to leave him. Happened with my girlfriend. She found out that I had dated a guy before her, and while she initially seemed to be fine with it, but would constantly insinuate that I was more likely to cheat and less of a man. She's the reason I date men exclusivly now. Not that we don't have disagreements, but at least when we do, it's over something one of us actually did.

>> No.11932502
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Homosexuality is wrong, anon

>> No.11932538

So is posting on 4chan

>> No.11932544
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>> No.11932548

l'anomie was shit

>> No.11932551

Get her to set up an MFF so you'll at least have something positive to look back on when your relationship with a crazy chick inevitably disintegrates.

>> No.11932578

Because it's a part of her and she wants him to know who she is?

>> No.11932602

True. Anon should do it though to test this. If she is just doing weird identity shit then she will probably not care very much or else talk to him directly. Otherwise she is a whore and anon should find that out really quickly.

>> No.11932605

what is that from, that's hilarious

>> No.11932699

This is unfortunately true, especially if youre just learning now. To conceal this information up until AFTER accepting a marriage proposal is simply wrong unless she's just reached this conclusion in which case it's ok, but drop her anyway. Believe me, no one in their right mind wants to deal with this species of female egotism, and vanity for any lengthy period of time.

>> No.11932801

This reads like bait but is actually surprisingly good advice, if she has any reservations about this it'll be pretty clear what the deal is.
But you gotta do it really convincingly like let her catching you jacking off to some gay porn, there's no way in hell she'll miss read that as disingenuous and it'll absolutely shatter her if she was only into men the whole time.

>> No.11932872


>> No.11933037
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try the holy Quran

>> No.11933080

when a girl says she is "bisexual" it just means she is a slut

>> No.11933094

Bisexuals are almost always hoes so better dump her now

>> No.11933190




>> No.11933200

AHAHAHHAHA you dumb Thot

>> No.11933223


>lmao i kiss girls at parties don't look at me silly bois

>> No.11933251

I had a friend like you and now he's divorced.

>> No.11933403

You mean your ex right?
"Bisexual" means she kissed a girl while being recorded so she could fuck some trashed up fratboy in his daddy's car

>> No.11933425

Has anyone ever written a book about traps and why they're so annoyingly attractive?

>> No.11933442

I used to pretend to be a woman online and developed a few harems. I may write this book. Genuinely because I have an interest in tackling the subject matter. Honestly reading your post has been a bounty. Thank you!

>> No.11933445

Every 'bisexual' girl just means they fuck guys and have relationships with them but they make out with chicks at parties once they get drunk enough

>> No.11934256

>What are some books that will help me understand human sexuality?
Getting Cucked by Tyrone 101

>> No.11934589

t. Incel (aka brainlet)

>> No.11934595

Get a lawyer right now , it’s over

>> No.11934623

He looks like leafy

>> No.11934650

>being prison gay

>> No.11934664

This. Only a matter of time.

>> No.11935885

He said fiance, so really you should be telling him to just bail and not look back.

>> No.11936868

the only rational option, better yet, lawyer shop and leave on a whim

>> No.11936896

>What are some books that will help me understand human sexuality?
Every book ever written. You'll notice if you read this thread that every poster is obsessed with being cucked. Guys and girls alike fear it. It's the prevailing theme in all parts of life. I'd recommend talking to your fiance about her sexuality. Don't go on /lgbt/ it's filled with trannies who'll try to convince you everyone is like them. But really there's nothing to worry about if you're not a paranoid whose afraid blacks are rushing into her bed right now. Really just don't take relationship advice from an anime website and talk to the person you said you'd marry.

>> No.11936917
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>reading a book instead of arranging a threesome
WTF is wrong with you?

>> No.11936928

Let me translate this for you. What she actualy wants to tell you is that after years of relationship she's seyually bored and thinks that playing the bi card will make it possible to cuck you, get some fun and look more sexy and experimental. Leave her. If she's above 16 yo, she isn't bi, she's just bored and thinks that's the new fun thing.

t. woman

>> No.11936935

This, OP. If she wants fun and therfore claims to be bi she will be very much open to MMF. Fuck her with some guy and directly afterwards break up with her, so she knows why.

>> No.11937045

And yet here we all are

>> No.11937393
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the only sexology book you’ll ever need

>> No.11937607
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>> No.11939123

This is correct, so either do >>11936935 if you need a parting shot to maintain your pride, or just move on while accepting that she's bored of you and ready to fuck other people. I can't imagine how I'd feel if someone I thought was marriage material broke the "I think I'm bi" bullshit to me. Hang in there, and try to find a keeper; your fiance isn't one.

>> No.11939261

>Not because she has an affair with his best bro who has just discovered he's really a trans woman

>> No.11939273

>Being monogamous

>> No.11939283

Eh, a man can dream, can't he? A man can dream.

>> No.11940421

Monogamy is how we civilized the world and it takes men to start this process. If men would stop to fuck thots and romiscious women and shame them for not beeing virgins anymore (while obviously themselves beeing of high enough social and fitness status to have any say in it) women would within 5 years pretty much stop beeing degenerate, simply because some women would start beeing good virgin housewifes and women compete with EACH OTHER. No women wants to be worse in anything then her friends, and so the cycle begins.

But instead, all those frustrated rather larp as MGTOW and give whores even more instant gratification, promoting what they claim to hate. And yes, even if it's men which have minimal social status and looks, they still can change the sexual market through simply not even fucking the uggo grils. It's the same as importing los skilled labour. Through a "generation" the native low skillet families will either die out or become higher skilled labour to be able to keep their financial status. The same happens to women, but quicker.

But just like with everything, only few man are willing to start and sacrifice sometihng for the greater good and even themselves.

>> No.11940439

I have never felt as if my fetishes were a substantial part of who i am.
A reflection of my mood and self esteem at the most but that has more to do with levels of dominance.

>> No.11940448

People without personallities and proper goals in life know nothing but sexual gratification to deny their persona. It's like people which like BDSM and have to constantly talk about it. If you have a gf (especially, as female libido is far below that of males) which places such in importance on sexual fetishes you can be pretty sure that she's too degenrate to wife.

>> No.11940452

*define not deny

>> No.11940460 [DELETED] 


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>> No.11940865

>a part of her


>> No.11940868


seriously though, reading that was like reading those letters that lady sent to Descartes, about things being made up of "mind matter." Absolutely mind numbing. Leave it to a Jew to expose the Jews as psychos.

>> No.11940887

You are literally the protagonist of Albertine Disparue - Proust

>> No.11941392

Problems like this require systematic, top down change, not individualistic ones.

This is why liberalism is ultimately self-destructive.

>> No.11941468

Don't bother with contemporary identity politics bullshit that you'll find on the topic. Study biology and historical sexuality (this means studying past societies in general).

>> No.11941474

>tfw you'll never get to kill a fag in self defense after he tried to rape you

>> No.11941475

Polygamy has always meant a man taking multiple wives either as he pleases or very strategically for social/political climbing/consolidation, even if polygamy were widespread today, it would probably just mean men openly having multiple women (even in Western societies which are centred around the views and needs and feelings of women rather than equal consideration or men-centric).

Romans liked the fact that Germanic tribes were moreorless strictly monogamous aside from very powerful men on rare occasion taking multiple wives for political reasons. That was something they shared and approved of with those particular non-Romans as apparently polygamy was the norm amongst other non-Romans.

>> No.11941492

that's because you aren't an empty husk of a human being. plenty of people define themselves in this way, and actually think that it's 'important that others acknowledge them for who they are' when it comes to the most retarded meme characteristics. The problem is that, if they put enough importance on that kind of stuff, it generally means that they'll bind themselves to their own preconceptions of who they are.

>> No.11941689

Yes, but there need to be such men to make other, weaker ones, conform. And those need others of their kind to make them get into power.

>> No.11941704

Monogamy means peace. If you use polygamy you will get an obundance of men which will need to be send off into war (as did the romans) war in the long run destroys your nation through import of people, hostillities and cultures. That's why Islam is constantly at war for hundreds of years, the useless men have to fuck off and die somewhere. So you either accept the civiliatory benefit of monogamy or go die, if you're 25 and still having been unable to get a wife to make you kids, as you would be one of thoe send to their death so that your country could cuck you. There is a reason why the reproductionary success of women is 17 time higher than that of men.

>> No.11941931

women aren´t into lesbianism, there´s a reason lesbian death bed exists

>> No.11942071

All women are bisexual. They are not attracted so much to the body as to the emotions and wealth they can siphon.

>> No.11942077

Marquis de Sade, "120 Days of Sodom"

Ignore the psychoanalytics.