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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 94 KB, 604x452, CoolStoryBrocopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1193111 No.1193111 [Reply] [Original]

whats your latest story idea?

lets get a think tank going

>> No.1193114

OP wants to steal ideas.

>> No.1193117
File: 7 KB, 287x176, drag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a day in the life of a dragon fly

>> No.1193119


>> No.1193120

Something about insects. I keep imagining them crawling from under my clothes.

>> No.1193122

seriously? what would that consist of?

>> No.1193125


That ellipses makes you kinda sinister, like you're not telling us everything. . .

>> No.1193133


These two ideas = whole

>> No.1193140


it would be the pleasantry of being in the wind
of the trees and fields and rivers and streams
of mates and mating
of showing off my brilliant colours

>> No.1193156

well that sounds like a pleasant tale. almost a children's book with the exception of the mention of mating

>> No.1193165


Sex is ok in kids lit. Just no people sex. Pure beasts

>> No.1193174

a story about genetic manipulation by secret government labs to create the perfect solider using animal DNA. it results in the creation of a large number of very human like subjects and a number that are more monstrous than human.
the story would detail the lives of some of the more human like subjects within the confines of the lab that created them, eventually they escape and the story continues on to tell of their attempts to flee from the government agents attempting to capture or kill them. after a while they escaped subjects, with the help of human revolutionariness attempt to over throw the corrupt government that rules their country

>> No.1193183

Something like The Idiot but with more zombies

>> No.1193193

the idiot? never heard of it...

>> No.1193254

anyone else?

>> No.1193257

stuff about giant .gifs running for political office

>> No.1193267

A guy walking past his favorite tree on his college campus coughs and some guy comes up and puts his lit cigarette into the guy's neck then stabs him. Then the guy is on the verge of dying thinking about stuff aloud to a random girl who is waiting with him for the ambulance. (there's more to it. I think.)

>> No.1193279

so a man is mugged while on the grounds of his college and tells a random girl waiting with him while he dies about his life and all he wanted to accomplished and do but never got the chance to.
sound about right?

>> No.1193309

so irobot with animals?

>> No.1193327

Ugh. That sounds really terrible.

>> No.1193374

no its not i-robot. there arent any robots at all...
more like Dark Angel but actually good

captcha: sextax Mother

>> No.1193384

read some Dostoevsky you faggot.

>> No.1193387

just because i've never heard of it, it doesn't warrant insults

>> No.1193405

a guy keeps having those amazing dreams, in his dreams everything is perfect, society is perfect.
he falls in love with a woman in his dream world, he loves her more than his own wife.
wanting to keep dreaming all day long, he start taking massive amounts of benzodiazepines, then he realize how much he hates his life and commit a suicide.
i already began writing it, theres allot more to it.

>> No.1193454


Balamb Garden?

>> No.1193477

and what would that be?

>> No.1193503

It's a battle between praising and condemning. This is a story about a rapist and how he stumbles upon a woman screaming for help to save her drowning baby (she can't do it for some reasons ill make up). Rapist decides to be a hero and saves the poor baby.

Cops come and point the gun right at the rapist demanding him to put the baby down or they will shoot. Turns out he has committed a rape not too long ago.
Mother tells the cops that they are lying, that they got the wrong person.

All this shit boils down to a society dividing where people ask to forgive him while others ask to condemn him.

I just made it up right now

>> No.1193575

erase the whole suicide thing and I might even read it.
will give it 7/10 as well, i like the whole bad-guys-doing-good-things-ish idea you got there.

>> No.1193586

Alright, this might seem a bit stupid, but I think this might be something worthwhile.

A 17 year old is walking down a city street, and then is randomly beaten unconscious by a gang. The next thing he wakes up to is he's in a mercenary hideout, and that he has to do work for them for the courtesy this "gang" has given them. After he does some work, he is offered to either leave or stay however two things happen: The leader is assassinated, and an xboxhueg terrorist attack hits Washington D.C., The entire Northeast section of America, and the entire area 10 miles around all of the missile sites (mostly Northwest mid-west). The gang is split between choosing this kid as a leader (he does a lot of impressive shit when he had to pay back the courtesy, impressive enough to put people in awe, including the leader) and an older guy who was destined leader but has been known for corruption. The group that has the young kid decides to leave, because they think it's better to find a way out (this is in an alternate history where when airlines started to get bad rap from 9/11, many switched to trains unless they had to go over sea or something and during the attack most of the forms of transportation were used to escape the country immediately after the attacks) and wander to find supplies. Basically it's them wandering, going through mercenaries (including the rival group), and whatnot until they find out that there is a cruiser in New York (however, there are wild rumors that New York is radiated, or full of zombies, or what not and many are weary of what actually happened), in which they escape to Europe. Book One. I might make a sequel, but I don't know if even this'll be good.

>> No.1193637

A man is offered a special gift (what the special gift is, I don't know, may not even be that important) by a deity-type character.
Although the deity will only give it to the man if he doesn't tell anyone anything about the gift after he has received it. The deity makes it clear that he knows the future, so he knows if the man will say anything about the gift to anyone after he has received it.

Well, the deity gives the man the gift (we the reader assume that the deity has seen that the man will not tell anyone anything about it.) So we follow the man with his knew gift (as stated before what the gift may not really be that important, I may work it in to the story somehow in a clever way I suppose), and he is plagued with a simple problem. The problem is that now that he has received the gift what is stopping him from telling anyone about it? The thought drives him insane, but of course the simple answer is basically that he won't tell anyone about it. Right? But the fact that he has the item now, in his hands, and that he can tell anyone about it without anything stopping him literally drives him to insanity. So as he goes mad, at the end he breaks down and tells someone about the gift.

Go back to the begging with the deity. It turns out the whole story just told is what the deity sees in the future. So he does not give the man the gift, and the deity leaves.

>> No.1193647

he dies at the end

Requires an IQ of 120 or high to understand the joke.

>> No.1193651

A lottery winner uses his prize to build and train an army of poor Africans and take over a small, impoverished and unstable nation. He uses his leftover money to better the country, building schools and hospitals and the such, and eliminating the terrorists that inhabit it.

>> No.1193682


I love your idea until he starts with the fucking charity. Fuck that.

Lottery winner. Trains african children, women, men FUCKING EVERYONE. Takes over small impoverished country. THEN he gives all of his new citizens AIDS and sends them to America, where he follows incognito, watching key families fuck their way to the top of the country. Finally he reveals himself and massacres a bunch of people,eating entrails, using their kidneys to predict the stockmarket, eyeballs strapped to testicles, whilst he sings the national anthem.

That's much better

>> No.1193699

A Scottish history major with a drinking problem goes to Dublin, falls in with a group of other academic alcoholics.
It follows him over his summer of debauchery, and ends with him having no money and trying to get back to Edinburgh finish his final year.

Basically, it's a semi-autobiographic short novel.

>> No.1193717


NO. A story cannot have scots in them.

>> No.1193721

A man realizes the extent to which his aesthetics are driven by his biology and overcompensates for it. His life is fucked.

>> No.1193730

Why? They're the angry version of the Irish
Least he isn't writing about Welsh.

>> No.1193735


They are an abomination. Tybrax is Scottish. I shall say no more.

If he must be ethnic, make him a woman.

>> No.1193745 [DELETED] 

A young girl wakes up in a farmhouse where she's taken care of by a mother figure and meets a number of small animals she can talk with outside the house. Throughout the story she periodically falls unconscious and the mother figure brings her back by ringing one of ten bells she carries with her tied to her skirt, hanging in the kitchen or outside the house. Eventually, the girl walks to the edge of the farmland and her consciousness fades. Then the reader finds out that she's actually been dying in a hospital bed, the bells she hears are the medical equipment monitors giving alarms every time she's crashing until finally she dies.

>> No.1193797

A baker starts making all his cakes in the shape of dicks. He goes bankrupt and becomes depressed, but it ends up being worth it, because his art has changed his life and his perspective on shit.

>> No.1193814

All my story ideas sound incredibly stupid when I try to summarize them.

>> No.1193818



>> No.1193833 [DELETED] 

A guy goes for a walk. He's bored. He sees a dead cat with one eye pushed out of its head like an aquamarine gobstopper. 'Whoa' he goes. Then he walks home, disgusted.

>> No.1193857

some guy goes to hiroshima to take pictures of ghosts

>> No.1193870

Some guy is in love with tybrax and is totally a douchebag.

Unsatisfactory ending though really.

Should cut his own balls off.

>> No.1194177

I'm tripping to prevent identity theft.

My latest idea goes like this: A man receives a letter from an old artist he hasn't seen in decades asking him to check out his newest work, claiming it is the best he has ever made. This artist was famous when the narrator knew him, but never heard a word about him after the two parted, personal or public.

When the narrator arrives to his home, the house is decrepit and the artist ugly and unkempt. It is slowly revealed that the artist went to seclusion trying to improve his craft. As time past, he couldn't make any progress at all and he eventually started to be so critical of himself that his physical and mental state started to fall apart. He tells the narrator that now, all he does is paint self-portraits of his youth to prove he is getting better, and when they fail, his past self comes out of the painting and mocks him, then hides the canvas in his upper floor.

Not revealing the end, because shut up.


>> No.1194226

a man who lives in the city of basel and wants to have sex with the rhine.

that's about it. i will write the story in the form of a party he and his wife give for some friends. he behaves awkwardly and in the night, he dives into the river and ejaculates in it. after a few month a baby lies on their doorstep, covered in water and tang.

>> No.1194228

thermal protection

>> No.1194230


Sounds non-hipsterish and original.

Should call it something like "The picture of Dorian Gay"

>> No.1194235

That's actually cool.

>> No.1194270


>> No.1194276

Some queer is being queer.

Then some girl rapes him.

And then sandwiches made from the meat of his foes.

He turns into a wendigo then rapes and kills 65 men.

>> No.1194948


Are you from Basel? If yes, don't you think that the Cops will fuck you up if you try to ejaculate into the rhine since it's in a city?

>> No.1194950

I lol'd.

>> No.1194959

A guy works at a nursing home. Somebody died the other night, and somebody dies at the end of the story while there are kids from a church camp handing out cards they made for them.

>> No.1194977

A man left his family years ago to be a writer/musician/artist/whatever. Became a failure and a drunk. Writes to his wife as some sort of apology. Daughter shows up at the end of the story. She finds out he died the night before. It's a comedy.

>> No.1194988

The entire city of London is engulfed in conspiracy and survelliance told from the perspective of multiple characters who live, thrive and eventually hope to bring down the government. Told over the span of 70 years from early 21st century to the beginning of the 22nd.

>> No.1194992

The world if Friedrich Nietzsche instead of Sigmund freud was the founder of modern psychology.

>> No.1195102

It's a sequel to my first novel.
Boy now joins band, stays away from his previous friends and fights against a powerful spirit/creature by embracing the dark inside and using its dormant power. Japanese highschool girls and witty conversations included.

Yes, I am talking about a light novel.

>> No.1196087

A highly intelligent man makes a living posing as teenaged boys to take their SAT's, and ends up being blackmailed by a teenaged girl to play make-believe as her teenaged boyfriend.

>> No.1196115

A group of 8-9 year old Nigerian boys are pulled out school to be used as meatshields under the African dictator, and they become brainwashed zombies/ killing machines. Based on a true story. And in the end the main kid gets stationed in a clearing full of dead bodies in the middle of the night, knowing full well that the sound of him being blown to pieces is the signal for the army to retreat.

>> No.1196118

If you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.

>> No.1196126

I'd read it.

>> No.1196127

SciFi world where humans connect their brains to a network every day for a few hours and the network uses the brain connections to perform computations. This is considered working and everyone doing so receives a salary. All other work is done by robots connected to the network.

>> No.1196150


Substitute brains for banana's, salary for chestnuts and robots for horses and it's a winner.

>> No.1196157

That's actually how it started, the brains, salaries and robots appeared in the second draft.

>> No.1196242

Women in an isolated community begin waking up in their ovens with no recollection of falling asleep. The masses eventually assume that the husbands are in some kind of cult, but as it turns out the women did it to themselves so their husbands would be punished.

>> No.1196252

>Women in an isolated community begin waking up in their ovens

And the twist is they're jewish

>> No.1196263


Thanks for the compliments guy. So using that title.

>> No.1196305

want that book

>> No.1196320

shit, you guessed it.

>> No.1196327

A psychopath kidnaps a bunch of rich kids and keeps them in his basement, forcing them to eat themselves into morbid obesity, then releases them back into the world as fat outcasts.

>> No.1196328


You've never read I, Robot.

>> No.1196349


I actually like this ridiculous premise so much that I hope you don't mind me using it just for my own personal experimentation.

>> No.1196351 [DELETED] 

WHAT this


>> No.1196357

Fund it.

>> No.1196361

Absolutely. I'd prefer you not to publish it, but I did post it anonymously. We're on an honor system, here.

>> No.1196368

>publish it
You people crack me up.

>> No.1196377

doesn't mean it's a novel. There are a boatload of literary magazine who publish boatloads of short stories every month. I've written a few of those, so it's not unreasonable to think another /lit/ user might. . .

>> No.1196441


Exactly how much is a boatload?

>> No.1196459

Less than a shit ton, but far more than a bunch

>> No.1196461



>> No.1196466
File: 939 KB, 1920x1080, 1284278539853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man gets charged with stealing the pair of clothes (that he was wearing when he walked into the store) and judges deem him guilty without looking at evidence because of his appearance and demeanor.

He turns out to be a billionaire and goes Monte Cristo on motherfuckers and the book turns into a revenge story.

>> No.1196472

A pornographer realizes that it is wrong to objectify women. He quits the industry and opens a shoe repair business.

>> No.1196476

An avid *channer gets tired after graduating to the Oldfag tier; and realizes that it isn't the life for him. He quits 4chan and turns into a well spoken and cultured gentleman, that attends social events and has alot of friends.

He meets m00t, and m00t gives him the co-ownership of 4chan.

He turns back into his old self, in the same state as the beginning of the book.

>> No.1196833

so a man's life get's turned upside down, when his well-to-do british uncle passes away. He then goes to bel-air, quickly finding that taking his throne as the prince of bel-air was the easy part, keeping his seat of power is the real difficulty.

>> No.1198237

charlie and the chocolate factory meet the New Testament

>> No.1198242

a short story about a guy who sells angle wings, but no one buys. I haven't written it, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since july. I should really sit down and write it =/

>> No.1198271
File: 15 KB, 330x478, angle wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

angle wings

>> No.1199040

The main character would be an anthromorphic parasite who hangs out in people's bodies until he needs to control their actions for his own nefarious purposes. Maybe for cold-blooded murder, but why would a parasite care about killing people?

>> No.1199052


LOL great pic

>> No.1199059
File: 48 KB, 446x600, 1286670902093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female with low self esteem decides to cook the worlds largest panckae to win the heart of the local mechanic . They both have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199107

write it faggot

>> No.1199239


i will take twenty

>> No.1199245

in a distopic universe, the angels begin to reveal themselves to the population, and trying to help the unmovable masses to something better

>> No.1199259

a man finds a record shop that sells every sound imaginable.

>> No.1199269

A little girl is sexually abused by an older man she knows, but she eventually grows to fall in love with him.
Written from the girl's perspective.

>> No.1199270

FBI agent has adventures with a poor inner city hispanic kid who witnessed a brutal mafia killing. They both have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199288

A hole has just been ripped into the fabric of time and space. From the far end of the universe emerges the only two people in existence with the vital knowledge of the cross-stitch. They both have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199305

A terrible explosion turns the entire western world into a wasteland. A father and daughter traverse the new horrors of this world, slowly gaining the respect of the cannibals and mutants that inhabit it. They both have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199311

The biggest family in America embark on a journey of self discovery as they trace their family history to a small abandoned syrup factory in Kansas. They all have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199322

A young man is suffering a mid life crisis and visits his home back in new jersey for his fathers funeral. He is ailed by down syndrome.

>> No.1199327

A man discovers the cure for down syndrome, but it comes at a horrible cost...

and he has Down Syndrome.

>> No.1199328

An old man fucks a boy. They both have Downs Syndrome.

>> No.1199335

A mother suffers the death of her family and is then plagued with the plague. She wishes she had downs syndrome.

>> No.1199337

Hispanic maid is shocked to find body of hispanic maid. Hispanic maid police show up. Det. Hispanic Maid suspects hispanic m...

>> No.1199348

It's a book about reading. When you are finished, you will have down sydrome.

>> No.1199350

Two boys are shocked when their father tells them they have downs syndrome but when he dies they are even more shocked to discover he was aa despicable troll. They never had downs syndrome.

>> No.1199360

A man is propelled into an alternate universe by a faulty toaster. Everyone there has downs syndrome.

>> No.1199368

A man has downs syndrome.

>> No.1199376

A man thinks he has down syndrome, but soon realizes he was just pretending

>> No.1199378

The year is 2525. Books are outlawed. Pancakes roam the outer deserts. Feminists are in power. Everyone might as well have downs syndrome.

>> No.1199381



>> No.1199384

A lesbian wakes with the realization that women are difficult to live with. She rolls over and goes back to sleep.

>> No.1199394

A newly widowed female is close to being thrown onto the streets when she goes to town and everyone gives her money thinking she has downs syndrome. She soon exploits her new talent and is about to go on the Oprah Winfrey show when she actually gets downs syndrome.

>> No.1199401


And the nobel prize goes to. . . a man with downs syndrome who wrote about a man with downs syndrome.

>> No.1199405

In a world where down syndrome has gone airborne the high IQ must be sequestered in high security quarantines, from there ivory fortress and possessing no comprehension of the cost and the consequences, they wage wars as thousands of retarded soldiers fight to death to aquire the technology of neighboring city states.

>> No.1199411

About three things I was absolutely positive.

First, Edward was a vampire.

Second, there was a part of him-and I didn't know how dominant that might be- that thirsted for my blood.

And third, He had Down Sydrome

When Isabella Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edward Cullen, her life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. with his porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural Down Syndrome, Eward is both irresistable and a retard. Up until now, he has managed to keep his "true identity" hidden, but Bella is determined to uncover his "dark secret".

What Bella doesn't realize is that the closer she gets to him, the more she is putting herself and those around her at risk of contracting Down Syndrome. And it might be too late to turn back...

>> No.1199414

In the far corners of the internetz a community of hipsters thinks it funny to mock people with downs syndrome. One of them will get downs syndrome.

>> No.1199419

Oh come on how do you tell the difference between a regular hipster and a retarded hipster?

>> No.1199422

it's you

>> No.1199431


An uppity bitch thinks she is above laughing at downs syndrome. She falls in love with a young man. He has downs syndrome. They live agreeably ever after.

>> No.1199432
File: 1.68 MB, 771x1193, count_us_in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two guys with Downs Syndrome write a book about having Downs Syndrome.

>> No.1199434

A man with autism has down syndrome.

>> No.1199439

A cucumber becomes self-aware and falls in love with a mute carrot. They cannot get downs syndrome. They are vegetables.

>> No.1199443

Gay, two phallic shaped fruit, what are you aiming at the Vefgitales version of leviticus?

>> No.1199446

Pride and Predjudice. . . with downs syndrome.

>> No.1199448

It's basically the plot of snow white, only instead of being paralyzed/asleep, she has down syndrome.

>> No.1199449

An asexual girl tries to "overcome" her nonexistant sexuality by forcing herself into a relationship with an abusive older man.

And she has down's syndrome, I guess.

>> No.1199451


anon dares to critique vegetables. He gets downs syndrome.

>> No.1199454

A thread is made concerning story ideas on 4chan.org's literature board.

Everyone in it has down syndrome

>> No.1199458

Its ww3 and the president of canada is making tough choices. He has trouble keeping his PR high because he cannot be photographed since he has down syndrome.

>> No.1199463

An assassin lives amongst the presidents men and he has only 24 hours to blow his shit sky high. The only problem is.... he has downs syndrome! *cue dramatic music*

>> No.1199465

>president of canada

>> No.1199466

I never did trust that Stephen Harper

>> No.1199484

I could see reading that, its like a mix between zombie apocalypse and 1984... also throw in some flowers for algernon but in reverse

>> No.1199487
File: 12 KB, 230x173, herp derp drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a young boy is forced to rebuild the a house after burning it down. He has down syndrome.

Based on a true story.

>> No.1199493

A young watches a young boy from her b house whilst he rebuilds the a house. She will never touch her food again.

>> No.1199496



>> No.1199499

aliens invade during WW!, end up enslaving humanity, the end

>> No.1199504

I would make this a children's picture book. It'd be an inspiring story of the courage a young, mentally challenged boy gains after rebuilding his home and waiting for his family to return after all his hard work.

Except he was dead all along.

>> No.1199510
File: 55 KB, 306x272, Hold On Anteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The aliens have down syndrome though. . . don't they?

>> No.1200302

A Tale of Two Cities, but with robots

>> No.1200304

Hamlet with lions.

>> No.1200305 [DELETED] 

The Idiot. With down syndrome.

>> No.1200328

Romeo and Juliet with Vampires

>> No.1200342

i want to read it

>> No.1200360

wait, no

a boy saves the world

>> No.1200361
File: 14 KB, 383x336, baddude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1200781
File: 21 KB, 316x389, 1285275037111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Second Coming. With down syndrome.

>> No.1201091

Soviet invasion of the United States.

I'm not very creative.