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File: 2.56 MB, 1943x2489, Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11930645 No.11930645 [Reply] [Original]

Am I right in thinking Shakespeare seems overrated?

>> No.11930648

Overrated how?

>> No.11930667

I enjoy his comedies like Midsummer's Night Dream and Twelfth Night. His drama's though always seem to fall flat. I'm bored to death every time I try to read through Romeo & Juliet I'm bored to death. Also maybe this is just a personal pet peeve but the historical inaccuracies of Julius Caesar really bother me.

>> No.11930669

are you a native english speaker?

>> No.11930673

Yes sorry I just woke up so my typing might be a bit sloppy.

>> No.11930676


>> No.11930681

Romeo and Juliet is lathered in irony. Might be sort of hard to 'get'. Read Hamlet or King Lear. Also all the histories are inaccurate, they're not about literal retellings of history, that'd be pretty silly.

>> No.11930682

>His drama's though always seem to fall flat.
>His drama's
>Criticizing Shakespeare

>> No.11930683

Maybe because if you are not a native speaker you can't appreciate the prose (so you're left with plot/characters) and the themes of his plays have been revisited countless times and you've been exposed to them through pop culture already so you find it trite?
But then a really great artist would capture something irreplaceable with his work. So maybe he isn't that great?

>> No.11930685
File: 280 KB, 1242x2208, 6iy8Wto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the historical inaccuracies of Julius Caesar really bother me.
Wait till you find out that ghosts aren't real

>> No.11930819 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 168x141, 1539523693351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the joke that you’re making, but ghosts are actually real, pleb. See pic.

>> No.11930831

>See pic

>> No.11930835
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1518640469407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ghosts aren't real

>> No.11930902

Cute ghosts are cute, CUTE

>> No.11930919

As if Shak-speare cou'd spelle.

>> No.11930945 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 1488325531086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best english writer in the world and possible the best writer in the universe.
>mfw reading anything shakespeare has ever written

>> No.11930996

I don't like his work either. Maybe I'm retarded. I find it really difficult to read, harder than middle english, and the reward of the text just isn't worth the effort.
It's strange though. Other early modern writers like marlowe or bacon are easily readable. It's only shakespeare I find difficult.

>> No.11931020

This anon is correct>>11930683
You can't appreciate his wordplay, because you're not acquainted well enough with English.

And if you're caring about historical inaccuracy at all reading Shakespeare, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11931030

I used to be of the same mindset until I really tackled his writing. I think it was Voltaire who said that Shakespeare is unique in that the praise his work receives is parallel to its quality. There really isn't a dull line in any of his work, it's scintillating and the more effort you put into reading and experiencing his work, the more you'll be rewarded. Do not go into Shakespeare with any intention of disliking it just to go against the grain - whoever the fuck he was, he was one of a kind.

>> No.11931128

But I am a native speaker

>> No.11931383

he is a hack glorified by the anglo propaganda machine

>> No.11931403

>These fucking Romans are speaking English, IMMERSION RUINED

>> No.11931405

He could do it in the spelling of his time. You on the othe hand...

>> No.11932344

I used to think this until I seriously considered his writing. The only people who think shakes is overrated are butthurt euros and zoomers that are annoyed at having to forgo a fortnite session to write an essay on Macbeth. the man who wrote Hamlet and Lear is underrated if anything.

>> No.11932368
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>another thread of ESL's calling the bard overrated

>> No.11932485

People are apt to overlook his weaknesses on account of his unmatched strengths. He is overrated but still the greatest

>> No.11932899


>> No.11933922

The hell is an ESL?

>> No.11933945

english second language.

>> No.11934128
File: 1.79 MB, 275x275, 1539156309584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not big into Shakespeare but Macbeth does something for me and idk what it is. I always find myself wanting to go back and reread it.

>> No.11934246

People like Shakespeare for the same reason people like My Little Pony.

Have an obsessed fanbase constantly telling you "just one more episode, then you'll get it!" and eventually you'll start to agree with them, eventually you'll be infected with that in-group feeling.

Obviously it is also a pathetic form of literary virtue signalling.

>> No.11934320

You’re not at the level to criticize Shakespeare. It’s either 2deep4u or you are simply not giving it the attention and thought it requires. It’s not an easy read bc there’s so much meaning in each phrase and sentence construction.
Go pick up a Shakespeare reader that explains line by line

>> No.11934451
File: 7 KB, 256x196, curious pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which post is right?

>> No.11934465

Si Señor

>> No.11936327

He is, or rather, his works as literature are. Utterly fantastic plays.