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11929928 No.11929928[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this true? is there fem anons here?

>> No.11929933

Unironically one of the better posts we've had all week.

>> No.11929937

I appreciate the implied honesty from OP.

>> No.11929938

thank you, its true post. not bait at all. rare to find a place where there is females online. so i am curious if this is the holy land

>> No.11929942


>> No.11929944

hi, so teach me the secrets. what can get me lots of girls that are friends. im not in it to bang them. i just want alot that are friends. whats the key?

>> No.11929946

unfortunately yes
you can make a harry potter thread to draw them in

>> No.11929947
File: 1.09 MB, 353x280, bait took.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biz boy think he finna be a sugar daddy for some femanon

>> No.11929950

the female litizens should now go to biz

>> No.11929952

omg. this is great.
thank you first time i ever posted and got so much feedback.
i love this place already!
i think this is my home that ive been searching forever for

>> No.11929954

>hehe thanks biz anon. I really like all those books you bought me with bitcoin. Sorry I didn't skype. I was at a lit meetup.

>> No.11929959

>I was at a lit meetup

>> No.11929961


>> No.11929962

what are these meetups you speak of?
catch me up im new here. thank you <3

>> No.11929969

It's where a group of wealthy, well read men of good stock gangbang art hoes.

>> No.11929974

is well read a meme? or is it something the females find attractive?

>> No.11929978

Both. Women only respect activities that fuel the meme economy.

>> No.11929982

intredasting. well thats been pretty inspiring. i think i might start hitting the books more often. any good place to start?

>> No.11929989

Women aren’t smart enough to read dumbass

>> No.11929995



For anyone wondering, this is the reason why the thread is happening

>> No.11930025

well to be honest. this thread is happening because i posted it. i could of not. but i decided to because why not. i love posting, i mean i like lurking too. but posting is fun if its original

either way, looks like bunch of npcs in here.
its liek everyone thinks they are woke. but they are missing something.

still a comfy place. like an inn full of npcs. ill def be lurking here more often

thanks to the femanon that came to my neck of the woods. you will not be forgotten

>> No.11930031

you sound like a nigger

>> No.11930036

unironically the best reply in the thread

>> No.11930048

Why thank you kind sir, or shall I say maam? (in these parts)
the niggers are closest to the bonobos.
most closest to the instinctive animal drive inside us.
So I'll take that as a compliment.
If I may