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11928835 No.11928835 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever gone back to school for a second bachelor's degree? I recently graduated with a degree in history, but my gpa wasn't all too great at a 3.1. I'm looking to go back to the same uni I attended to get a degree in philosophy. Afterwards my plan is to go to law school.

Also, uni discussion/general shit here.

>> No.11928861

Mods usually delete these uni threads, but I propose to the mods/janitors to allow this thread. If we had a quarantined universityshit general, it'd prevent a lot of smaller threads from being created and deleted, similar to the "What's on your mind" generals that are now tolerated.

Also frankly it would be nice to give advice to people in my major or applying, and get in touch with people in my field/institution.

>> No.11929403

I wish people responded, but it looks like people are too busy partying on a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

>> No.11929724

I'm considering a similar thing - bachelor's in history is done, but I'm thinking to get a B.Ed. so I can teach (this is Canada, seems comfy but IDK how rigid following the curriculum is) history/'social studies' in high school (I also wonder how futile trying to impart the importance of history on a bunch of teenagers).

>> No.11929736

might as well go for your masters

>> No.11929764

Graduating with a B.A. in history and doing a master's in Germany. Thinking about doing an Agircultural Science B.S. alongside my Master's.

If you want to go to law school, couldn't you just do a Master's and get a good GPA there instead?

>> No.11929991

I didnt know you could do a bachelors and a masters at the same time. Isn't that a little intense anon how do you intend to manage both?

>> No.11929996

Undergrad degrees are worthless you idiot. Go to graduate school instead.

>> No.11930009

If you only got a 3.1 in history, you're going to do even worse with philosophy. Just study for the LSAT big time. If you get a decent score. Also, consider finding a synagogue and posing as a Jew for a few months so you can get the Rabbi to sign off for the Sabath exclusion test. A decent LSAT and a good excuse for why you did poorly in undergrad will get you into your average law school, even with that GPA.

>> No.11930020

What age are you anon?

>> No.11930856

It's hard to get into a worthwhile grad school without a good BA GPA.

Maybe you could do an MA.. But there are a lot of MAs out there. Some of them are just cash cows designed to say to the PhD applicants, "so sorry, you can't come here to a funded PhD, but you can pay *us* $50,000 if you want?"

Some of them will require a high GPA themselves. Some of them will help you get into a PhD program later, but you still might not be well off in that regard if you have a mediocre BA GPA.

Though if your major GPA is higher, you can fare better.

>> No.11930904

I went back to school to get a degree in philosophy after my MD. Europe though so it was free.

>> No.11931022

I ended up with a 3.1 due to depression in my first year of uni, along with getting sick for a few weeks my first semester third year. I also partied a lot which definitely didn't help. If it wasn't for all that I'd have something around a 3.4-3.5. There were two semester where I pulled that off, and those were the ones I didn't do much socially. If I am to go back I'll more or less isolate myself to ensure that I do well.

If I do well enough in the BA program I could then ask to automatically be put in the MA program as well. And if not my plan is to join the military so I can get the GI Bill to pay for my MA.

>> No.11931042

Sort of. Went to uni and got an English and history degree, then wanted to get a teaching degree, but it takes a long ass time in Germany. Had to reapply for English and history with teaching, do some more courses that weren't in my first studies and didactic courses. Just starting my masters course this October and it's gonna be another two years. I'm 28 and feel like a piece of shit for taking so long.

>> No.11931063

So you wasted 4 years of your life on a useless degree so you decide to waste another 4 years on an even more useless degree?
Why anon?

>> No.11931118

If I go back it’ll be 1-2 years at most knowing that this will be the best degree I could get for preparing for law school.

>> No.11931597

>I recently graduated with a degree in history, but my gpa wasn't all too great at a 3.1.
Well, buddy, you fucked up. You were supposed to ace your classes so you could just switch into whatever masters you want. Almost no one gets two bachelors because they serve no purpose. I would just study for once and ace the LSAT or whatever it's called.

>> No.11931860

I’m aware I fucked up, but at 22 with no dependents and zero debt I believe that I’m not too old to go back. I have a few other things I’m considering and at this moment, and going back to school for another year or two doesn’t seem like the worst thing I can do. As for studying for the LSAT, that’s not something that worries me. I scored a 2100 on my SAT and a 31 on my ACT, and when I actually applied myself in uni I did well. Honestly I’m another kid that got depressed and tried various forms of escapism and now I see how that fucked me.

>> No.11931952

I'm stuck between getting a second degree in either comparative literature, eastern literature, western literature, philosophy, or getting my MBA. Do I follow my more true passions and feel more complete as a person or do I submerse myself into the capitalist mode of operation for hedonistic gain?

>> No.11932008

Depends on what you want in life. Are you okay with living with less or do you want to sell your soul for material gain?

>> No.11932057

If I had the answer I wouldn't be dealing with this struggle lol

>> No.11932122

How old are you? What’s you’re background? Do you have a girlfriend? What type of person do you see yourself as? Are you okay with being poor/of lesser means?

>> No.11932282

1-2 years assuming you make straight As won't increase your GPA that much. Look up GPA calculators. Let's assume you have 130 credits. Average GPA of 3.1.
If you take 30 more credits, not only do you need to be able to write impeccably, think abstractly and have a great memory to do well in philosophy, you also need to be charming or likeable in some respects to every single professor you meet because if they dislike you at all, they'll mark you off on small stuff often. So straight As, even for someone intelligent isn't likely.
Anyways assuming you have 130 credits and an existing GPA of 3.1, 30 credits of straight As would only bring it up to 3.26875. It's hardly worth it.
Take the LSAT and just apply. Mention your troubles, be open and candid about them. If you don't get in, that's when you worry about doing additiobal schooling appearances rather actually intending to boost your GPA.
Good luck. Renounce partying. Read Seneca.

>> No.11932301

Didn’t think to crunch the numbers like that, thank you. Looks like I’ll join the military for a few years to get the GI Bill. And I recently began reading the Greeks, which has piqued my interest in philosophy. Thanks dude.

>> No.11932316

Join as an officer, ideally with a 3 or 4 year contract.
You might be better off going to law school first then entering as a JAG if they're still offering specific loan forgiveness.

>> No.11932450

They are, but desu I’m looking at enlisting in the Coast Guard. After I’ll get the GI Bill for my masters, and then I’ll look into going JAG.

>> No.11933018

Non American here, is a 3.1 GPA really that bad? Seems like a B which isn't too bad I'd say. Are expectations that high? Seems like only a few people would be able to get a 4.0 GPA.

>> No.11933085

Had a buddy do English then after 4 yrs go back (same uni) and complete bs in biology in 2 yrs. Then got into a 5 yr PhD program for research bio which he completed 2 yrs ago and is now doing very well for himself. He still reads, says the science stuff was far easier than his English- kind of blew him away. Ultimately just alot of sample checking monotony + bank. When he graduated he told me that his class was full of ass holes with opinions extra their very limited studies on most everything, i.e. who felt that their new status as 'scientists' gave them a free pass to have a 'backed' opinion about most everything. Completely serious non-shit post here.

>> No.11933138

op i did the same thing shitty low gpa history degree from an irrelevant school, then i went back to school and did a studio art degree, i am now certified as the dumbest mother fucker on the planet

>> No.11933171

lol, did you accumulate student debt in the process?

>> No.11933184

I'm a transfer student so a lot of my credits aren't counted into my GPA, which sucks cause they were all As, and some Cs from chemistry and math are dragging me down to a 3.15. is there anything I can do to bring it up before applying to grad school other than just having more classes?

>> No.11933480
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Honestly, at this point, 4chan's boards have evolved to become separate environments. Everyone here is held together by a common interest in literature, and we come here to discuss whatever we want to with similar minds. You could post a /uni/ general to any board you want, but it won't be as interesting anywhere else other than here.

>> No.11933572

For what it's worth, OP, I'm the same age as you and a college drop out. At least you're not me.

I'd suggest going for a masters at a mid level state school. It looks better, and if you get good marks/networking there you can use that to get into law school.

Alternatively take some CC classes. That's what I'm doing now, an EMT cert, much more interesting than the liberal arts- more opportunity for career advancement.

>> No.11934305

anybody ever go back to something like computer science ?

>> No.11935054

I met someone who's going to an Ivy League for that. Though she's a black woman, meaning she was probably a quota acceptance.

>> No.11935097

Hey OP, post-bac's are totally a thing and they are totally for people like you. Those who fucked up the first time around and want another degree without all the gen. ed. bs. Do what's right for you, don't let us memers get in your way. Be forewarned that law school sucks ass and most students who post here lament their choice, either the cost or the difficulty or the autism.
t. english grad school

>> No.11935512

Yo, thank you for this post. Have you or anyone you know gone down that route?

>> No.11937317

you could also try the tried and true "my gpa was low because i was a shithead but i have grown as a person and here's my excellent LSAT score along with a bunch of CV-type stuff i've done in the meantime to show you how hard i work". makes you stand out from the herd of "never failed a test ever, never done anything else" paper students also applying