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/lit/ - Literature

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11928147 No.11928147 [Reply] [Original]

have fun, just don't touch Larkin you twats.

>> No.11928159


>> No.11928164

Missing a lot of people there. >>11926600 was the latest non-corrupt version.

>> No.11928169
File: 1.07 MB, 2199x2163, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest chart for reference

>> No.11928172

Someone keeps remaking this and moving all of the Marxists to least deserved and all of the right wingers to 100. Thanks for recovering the previous version.

From now on, can we please keep the politics out of this? Obviously there is going to be some politics in involved but can we not just move stuff to 100 or 0 because its fit your personal ideology. Again, thanks OP.

>> No.11928174

Ignore this one. It's corrupted with extreme bias.

>> No.11928179

fuck off, seriously, go fuck yourself.
No Larkin, friendo, they built that one from the corrupt one where Plath is somehow a saint.

>> No.11928183

Plath did nothing wrong

>> No.11928194

this would be accurate if /lit/ was reddit, but no, it isn't.
Varg? Really?
Hitler? Really?
Barely of them have any literary backgrounds.

>> No.11928196

I think he posted it as, well, reference - for the non-political entries we're missing now.

Why would someone fuck with some online chart for sake of politics? The guy's just doing it to be annoying. Rectify his bullshit another two times and he'll run out of fuel, that's their defining characteristic anyway.

>> No.11928198

Larkin's at 60, 35. If you wanna debate positions do so but use that as base since it has all the recent nominations.

>> No.11928204

Sure, she's not a homewrecker who nearly killed her child by being lax with her suicide and ruined Hughes' life all the while being a hack.

>> No.11928208

This change was needed.
>replace DFW with Henry Suso and move DFW somewhere lower.


>> No.11928210

I like how he always replaces Winston's spot too for some reason, clearly nothing to do with the anti-soviet messages in 1984.

>> No.11928212


>> No.11928213

She had depression. If all those men you relate to can kill themselves and be placed at 10 deserving then she can too

>> No.11928219

Now that I'm comparing the two next to each other it's impressive how much effort yet little thought he put into this.

>> No.11928228

Then honestly I can't say you're much better than the lefty fag. That's about a whole threads effort you're throwing away.

>> No.11928232

I read authors on the left and the right.
You are absolutely clueless.

>> No.11928239

Dazai was a manslut and a terrible father but he's only at 35.

>> No.11928242

Dazai ended up killing two women due to his depression

>> No.11928257

Reminder that 60,85 and 30,80 are the same person.
Also, the guy did impressively little to really deserve anything, he even avoided having to cover war stories when he was working as journalist. Anyone have an idea why someone would put him at 60 deserved?
And again, lower his suffering factor a tad, he "only" lost his parents and grandparents when he was young, but had some distant relatives he grew up at and a chill college life.
Someone who actually knows his life and didn't just read his wikipedia page chime and correct me.

>> No.11928259

It was worth it

>> No.11928260
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OK, moved him over just to be fair

>> No.11928263
File: 1.66 MB, 2199x2163, newestchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore both leftyfags and OP's chart, who's extremist Larkinfagging has led him to discard almost the entire efforts of the last thread.
This is the latest official one.

>> No.11928270

fuck off leftist still
the whole board will not use your retarded, far-left chart

>> No.11928272

This is the /pol/ version, why is Foucault so far on the right?

>> No.11928275

seconding this.

>> No.11928277
File: 1.29 MB, 2199x2163, evenstevens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, thanks, here, even stevens.

>> No.11928279 [DELETED] 

Not all of us are from /pol/ either. We can make both a /pol/ chart and one that doesn't represent the /pol/ posters. You are forgetting that making a chart doesn't objectively represent all of /lit/ just because it was made by the opinions of a few lurkers of these threads

>> No.11928282

>This is the /pol/ version
nah, it's just the old version, Foucault was put somewhat on the far right by OP of thread #2 because someone suggested such placement
the /pol/ version had Hitler at 20 deserved
the /leftypol/ shill version you can see above
it's really easy to tell which one is which one

>> No.11928293

I actually doubt anyone here is *from* /pol/. If you look at the history of the chart that's simply how its been turning out. You, on the other hand, have demonstrated a very obvious bias agenda over a long period.

>> No.11928294

ok lets stop with the politic bullshit and just work to get this chart done. start recommending people along with their picture and position

>> No.11928297


>> No.11928300

Who's 45,90? I remember him being at the top for a while, what's his story?

>> No.11928320
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Again, Bovary 55, 55

>> No.11928322
File: 1.30 MB, 2199x2163, alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one trainwreck of a thread later, back on track
good question

>> No.11928329

60D, 100S
or you could switch him with someone who's at 45-55D and 100S

>> No.11928331
File: 1.15 MB, 2199x2163, fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New not biased version

>> No.11928334

Give Goethe Mann's spot to be honest. Mann got bullied at the nobel prize speech and mocked people, put him at 20,15 or something

>> No.11928338
File: 40 KB, 302x384, odysseus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Odysseus on here? If not, I suggest 100 suffering, 50 deserved.

>> No.11928346

>Stirner still remains outside the chart
Yeah, he's 40, 85.

>> No.11928351

hearty kek

still a better chart than the "serious" "non-biased" "politics-free" extremist ones, kudos

>> No.11928361

Thanks. I guess that's ok but I would swap around Christopher Hitchens, there's no way he suffered more than Odysseus.

>> No.11928382
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>> No.11928394

Guy at the top is Winston from 1984
Bearded man is King Lear
Fat guy is John Kennedy Toole
Boy I think is Piggy from Lord of the Flies
In the corner is Hitchens and Leopardi. (neither of whom I understand why are there)
Don't know the robot.

>> No.11928415

grug thanks you

>> No.11928428
File: 1.31 MB, 2199x2163, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additions + Lester Bangs,
Alright I need to hit the hay, keep it clean

>> No.11928438
File: 18 KB, 320x320, Agrajag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S 100
D 60

Agrajag, Hitchhiker's guide

I wasn't really paying attention, but I guess there was something the matter with the version of the chart I had suggested him for

>> No.11928442

dude i said odysseus is already on there, come on famalam.

>> No.11928448

Oh, didn't see that.
S 95 D 65 would probably work too then

>> No.11928473
File: 1.31 MB, 2199x2163, finally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, last call for me for now, replaced a duplicate Larkin I put in earlier to remove a meme with Frank Stanford of "The Moon..." fame.
Godspeed, anons

>> No.11928489
File: 21 KB, 97x97, process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people taking up YOUR suggestion's spot
Can we get K somewhere into top left? My recommendation: Shift part of the column down by moving the trolley problem guy and work from there
Good luck

>> No.11928497
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removed duplicate Odysseus myself because chartanon is a brainlet.

>> No.11928515

Including real life people on this was probably a mistake

>> No.11928522

The Robot is Marvin the Paranoid Android

>> No.11928526

Most of the ones you apparently don't recognize are more well-known than a lot of the ones you apparently do.

>> No.11928634

Sadler on S:40 D:5

>> No.11928643

>Satan is a literal entity and not a symbol of our evil desires

>> No.11928763

You make it sound like that means anything, when recognizing half of these images depends entirely on whether you just so happened to have seen that presentation of the character and less even on having read the book.

>> No.11928769

>only literal entities may be included in the chart, no allegories allowed
Please direct me to this rule

>> No.11928776

How can something with no consciousness suffer? Where in the Bible does it even say that Satan suffers?

>> No.11928834

Yeah. No real life people could suffer anywhere past the 80s if we're including characters that are literally damned to eternal suffering

>> No.11928842

There are plenty of literary works where Satan is an entity.

>> No.11929011

>the Bible
its obviously a reference to paradise lost

>> No.11929018

We should include Biblical Satan, Paradise Lost Satan, and Divine Comedy Satan

>> No.11929026
File: 232 KB, 640x480, AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am from I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream

S 85
D 100

>> No.11929032

I like this one. Only chart that puts Schopenhauer where he should've been, from the get go

>> No.11929044
File: 444 KB, 1169x1594, Portrait_of_Michel_de_Montaigne,_circa_unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless he's already there put Montaigne at S:35 D:20

>> No.11929047

or D:10

>> No.11929097
File: 21 KB, 97x97, titus97x97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titus Andronicus
D: 80 S: 50

>> No.11929120
File: 1.12 MB, 2199x2163, update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some corrections have been made;

Marx- moved right because his selfishness causes the death of two of his children. He would spend his days drinking and writing his propaganda instead of making money and feeding his family. He also is a serial adulterer and has never had a real job in his life.

Foucault - Aside from his extremely degenerate ideologies, toward the end of his life when he was infected with AIDs he admitted to willingly "infecting as many people as possible so he can take them with him". It's likely dozens of men died because of this.

>> No.11929135
File: 818 KB, 1600x2102, hofmann_1-062316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walser, S-70 D-35

>> No.11929202

Probably shouldn't have done that. Leftybro's gonna get triggered again.

>> No.11929226

I'm not doing it on an ideological basis, but based on them themselfs

>> No.11929260

>he admitted to willingly "infecting as many people as possible so he can take them with him".

>> No.11929295

I saw it on a /pol/ infographic.

>> No.11929514

Lady Macbeth ??S 100D

>> No.11929547
File: 1.18 MB, 2199x2163, sufferingchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it intentional?

>> No.11929569


hegel needs to be wayyyyy further on the deserved it axis. literally made a career out of trashing his friends.

>> No.11929598

>deleuze 85 35
get the fuck out

We back to this version->>>11928497
Plath or no Plath is a sacrifice I'm willing to make

>> No.11929637
File: 17 KB, 97x97, ladymacbeth97x97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say put her right below her husband. D: 95 S: 75

>> No.11929650

>bugs bunny

>> No.11929651

So far nobody's disputed any of the ones I suggested. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or if it's just that nobody recognizes them

>> No.11929667

Where is Sauron?

>> No.11929695

Fuck off /leftypol/. Stop trying to make everything about politics, you obsessed faggot.

>> No.11929715
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>> No.11929721

old thread for breadcrumbs

>> No.11929786

Why are Elliot Rodger and Ted Kaczynski on here? Releasing a manifesto so people pay more attention to your crimes =/= literature. They're not even related to /lit/ board culture, they're just memes that crossed over from /r9k/.

>> No.11929799

Why is de Sade so low? Wasn't he jailed in really shitty conditions?

>> No.11929811

He spent more than half of his life in an 18th century French prison (so yes, horrid conditions.) I agree, he should be placed higher on the suffering scale. This chart is already ruined though.

>> No.11929826
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Why's that?

>> No.11929855
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If this chart were serious, it would look more like this.

>> No.11929882

hm, I don't know. Freud was an ass that caused a lot of hysteria instead of helping people like he was supposed to, and I don't see any issue with Raskolnikov or Gatsby's place.

>> No.11929897
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No idea what the plant is

Ted n Bugs get posted here a lot so I left em but I did everything else

>> No.11929903

Well, one problem is that we have ordinary people (who were unable to help people to the extent that is possible today) on par with killers on the D axis. Freud attempted to look for causes in mental problems. He was not a bad man in his private and professional life. That he was wrong about a lot of things doesn't mean he deserved to suffer as much as someone like Karl Marx (who let his children starve to death so he could attain fame.)

>> No.11929915

nah m8 I wanna this guy's explanation for Raskolnikov and Gatsby.
Alright but what about the characters? Gatsby certainly didn't deserve more than he suffered. He's the symbol of the man roped and broke by the american dream and the only guy of substance in his hollow rich society. He deserved some of it of course for being foolish and falling for a slut but he was only looking for that 'greenlight' in the end.
Raskolnikov got equal dues I think. He went through terrible mental agony after the murder and went to some shit gulag prison for several years and reformed for his waifu.

>> No.11929953

I'm not of the belief that suffering after the fact means that suffering was undeserved. Perhaps he deserves to suffer less than an unrepentant killer like Patrick Bateman. I would accept that argument, but that is not the same thing as using what he had to go through after committing the murder as a way to say that he deserved better. Also, if I remember correctly, Raskolnikov only went to the prison for 7 years (which is rather tame for murder.)
You only feel that way about Gatsby because he is meant to be a relatable character. Everyone arguably has hopes and dreams that fall through to varying degrees, but this is not a justification for murder. You could say the same thing about Patrick Bateman if you wanted, that he was consumed by hollow American materialism, but I think many would agree that he absolutely deserved to suffer. Gatsby is written in a more sympathetic, romantic light. You feel that he is of more substance because the story is told by someone who admires him; it does not really mean that everyone else has less substance and deserves to die.

>> No.11929983
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>christopher hitchens suffered more than fernando pessoa
Just fucking end it.

>> No.11929993

how did tin-tin deserve it? this oughta be good

>> No.11930005


>> No.11930021

Move Evola to 25 deserve. Many people who actually knew him personally said he was pretty friendly. If you are trying to keep this apolitical you shouldn't judge him on his philosophy (which doesn't even have bad intentions as people who have actually read him will tell you).

>> No.11930042
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point taken

>> No.11930049

>Zizek more deserving than Marx

Zizek might be a bit of a fool but it's hard to dislike him personally.

>> No.11930081

>tried to commit suicide multiple times
>abusive husband, cheated on her

how the fuck is plath 60 80? what the fuck is your deal

>> No.11930102

We discussed this. Read the thread before making dumb comments.

>> No.11930118


>> No.11930162
File: 1.13 MB, 2199x2163, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added Hamsun and Knausgaard. Moved Tao to the right for shilling and not going to bed.

>> No.11930178

Why the fuck is Zizek 75 deserved?

>> No.11930184
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Added Murnane ya boi

>> No.11930192

Do you understand what depression is? And not the "middle class kid failed out of college" edition

Both wives of that faggot Ted killed themselves but nah he dindu nuffin

>> No.11930207
File: 1.15 MB, 2199x2163, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added the dude from Death in Venice. Moved Plath back to her original place because she ruined the lives of her children.

>> No.11930220


>> No.11930235
File: 2.26 MB, 2199x2163, 1539509374699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added ts eliot

moved tolstoy the prick

>> No.11930239

fucking idiot, theres two ts eliots now

>> No.11930242

who cares

>> No.11930268

fuck you for removing Simone and replacing her with Schopenshit

>> No.11930274

>50% deserving


>> No.11930282

Horrible post.

I'll resume with >>11929897 tomorrow unless it gets really bad

>> No.11930308
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Added a bunch because no one else is helping

>> No.11930313

This. It should be around 80

>> No.11930325

Can someone explain the "Stirner is outside of suffering and deserving to suffer" thing?

>> No.11930331

Why did you switch Montaignes position?
Also remove duplicates.

>> No.11930335


>> No.11930337

Which one is Montaignes? and which duplicates?

>> No.11930411
File: 1.25 MB, 2199x2163, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this finished today

>> No.11930425

lacan deserves to be at 80 for being an obscurantist charlatan hack. He slept with his students too

>> No.11930438

daniil kharms needs to be there

also why is martin buber, ts eliot, and lenin are each there twice

>> No.11930499
File: 392 KB, 673x985, 0e09fb44-f655-11e2-8abf-005056b70bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put Wishbone somewhere.

>> No.11930511
File: 1.29 MB, 2199x2163, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added and done. Plus a couple others

>> No.11930515

where is the recently added Hamsun? because there is one at 15D, 70S, and has been there for ages

>> No.11930577

Add Mao s70 d95

>> No.11930608

>Kierkegaard is still that high
Literally why? He grew up in a rich family, no one around him died particularly tragically, he didn't fight public opinion only to be recognized only after he died like many other authors, and his death was a fairly normal one, though soon.

Switch him and Wittgenstein, that guy at least fought in a war he even won several medals in.

>> No.11930619

>chart is now full of no-names
Yeah great, better wrap it up as a pile of shit than keep working on it.
There's literally no reason we need to "get it over with," what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.11930625

who do you mean by no-names?

>> No.11930638

See my last 4 digits? The guy closest to them in coordinates, for one.
We should be adding more recognizable characters.
>upset you don't see your favorite YA character?
The chart is fucking pointless when 95% of /lit/ only recognizes 10% of the entries. Put in the people actually discussed on here, both authors and characters.

>> No.11930656

I'm not the chart guy btw, just being curious, because I can recognize 90% of the people. Faces of some known people are less recognizable than their names, but I wouldn't say that 95% of /lit/ can only recognize 10% of the entries.

The chart has 400 spots, do you find it weird that Richard Rorty made it? Maybe less than 50% of people here will recognize his face, but he's discussed here.

>> No.11930659

>See my last 4 digits? The guy closest to them in coordinates, for one.
your previous post ends in 0619, so... 5 suffering, 20 deserved? or 20 suffering, 5 deserved?

>> No.11930663


>> No.11930739
File: 1.30 MB, 2199x2163, newchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, agreed. I hardly recognise any of those and recent additions look like modern nobodies in the paper with zero legacies.
+Added Balzac
Emily Bronte
Wordsworth Editions
Salmon Man Rushdie
Lassoman Krasznahorkai

Take it easy

>> No.11930767


>> No.11930885

inb4 you cut Gaddis out because the guy admitted he doesn't know who he is

>> No.11930911

Gatsby didn’t murder anyone, what are you talking about? Daisy’s the one that ran over the girl at the end.
And sure Nick romanticizes him but as far as it’s demonstrable he is still the only one with substance in his society. He at least suffered more than where he’s at. Getting shot dead in a pool for something someone else did is a pretty shit fate compared to the others on his row.

>> No.11930915

You removed a literature nobel prize winner ya big ninny

>> No.11930931

>Ben Shapiro

>> No.11930943

Whereabouts, I'll add them?
William Gaddis or JL Gaddis?

>> No.11930946

>he hasn't read the absolute bomb novel by Shapiro

Gaddis is already on there, it's just that anon suggested that "guy with coordinates closest to his post ID" is "unknown", while it seems that he was talking about Gaddis (5, 20)

>> No.11930953

Can anybody explain Atwood's position?

Just in case they're not already on there:

Faust: S65, D100

Salome: S45, D100

Chaucer: bottom left somewhere

>> No.11930967

>Atwood's position
vile bitch with one of the dumbest, worst, most political novels in history, absolutely wortless fiction ouevre, and a couple idiotic essays which, while it might seem very hard to achieve, are even worse than her fiction

>> No.11930999
File: 1.31 MB, 2199x2163, addeddiary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added save the children edition Dylan
this guy gets it, she cowardly passes of thinly veiled sensationalist propaganda as YA fiction and then has the nerve to call it "literary".
Plus a Handmaids tale was clearly about Islam but she wussed out because she feared getting Rushdie'd with a fatwa when all she wanted to make was boyfriend / rape fiction

>> No.11931028
File: 30 KB, 200x200, 7C5BF39C-994A-494D-92B0-B86AC0D5C004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the dog Martha would be a better 5, 5. Seems more relevant since her show is about language, and the ‘read a book’ meme.

>> No.11931045
File: 1.32 MB, 2199x2163, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added Jurassic Mike, need to go hoover a bit

>> No.11931048

how the fuck is Jurassic Mike literary?
also the Clifford > Martha change is bad tbqh, Clifford is more known

>> No.11931071

To be fair, Martha does look like she's endured less suffering than Clifford.
King is there, Crichton was an airport novelist as well for sure, they've both sold a fuck ton of books and are far more well known than some avant-garde nobody.

>> No.11931075

King and Crichton are memes though, is Mike one too?

>> No.11931200

Who are 25,100 and 30,100 and 35,100? Also, why does Gentile deserve to suffer so much, besides being the intellectual of fascism?

>> No.11931203


>> No.11931210

Giovani Gentile, he's at 40,100 in the OP.

>> No.11931263

Susan Sontag, Anton Chigurh and Margaret Atwood

>> No.11931264
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1535749570218s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11931268

>no sauron
>no candide

>> No.11931277

nigga, we still have 20 spots left.

>> No.11931279

No i meant the entire 100 row. I get Sontag, but who are the two above her? The jewish/dykish looking ones?

>> No.11931321

>Anton Chigurh and Margaret Atwood

>> No.11931328

reeeee thats not anton chigurh

>> No.11931342

Candide is 20, 85

>> No.11931401

except they are both on there....

>> No.11931487

>bloom moved to 80 deserved
What in the absolute fuck. His original spot was perfect.

>> No.11931508

Tits androgynous is missing>>11929097

Make his suffering 60 though.

>> No.11931512

what was his original spot then?

>> No.11931516

25D, 45S or so

>> No.11931571

S65 D 25

>> No.11931908

the plant is a character from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I don't think there's any official visual depiction of him so the picture is a bowl of petunias, one of his incarnations

>> No.11931921

Why'd AM get removed?

>> No.11932023

Machiavel s10 d85

>> No.11932049

Why is Lenin on there twice?

>> No.11932054

Can someone post all the names to the picture so I can fill out my reading list

>> No.11932113

Is Sima Qian on there? Great contribution to world literature/culture, got castrated.

>> No.11932206

They still have him laying around and plan to raise him again on the third century.

>> No.11932287

He's already at 45S 60D.

>> No.11932493

top lel

>> No.11932687

Bob Dylan at 25s, 30d

>> No.11932778

already there

>> No.11932804
File: 16 KB, 176x240, 176px-Europe_a_Prophecy,_copy_D,_object_1_(Bentley_1,_Erdman_i,_Keynes_i)_British_Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top right

>> No.11932843

>tfw lenin is literally madara uchiha

>> No.11932853
File: 15 KB, 97x97, Pound97x97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's submitted Pound huh?
D: 60 S: 85

>> No.11932866

Martha doesn't have the same literary value as Clifford, though.

>> No.11932879

Who is bottom right and top left?

>> No.11932909
File: 1.33 MB, 2199x2163, lightchangesOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anon made the request, I put Clifford there in the first place as a joke but again, she looks more innocent.

OP here, some light changes,
All the new additions more or less in place, with Hitchens moved and Allen Ginsburg moved (I have no idea why he was at a deserved 40-something, must have been a NAMBLA poster)

>> No.11932923

>Marx slowly inching to the right more and more every day
Lol. Not complaining or anything since this is just a fun project.

>> No.11932927
File: 1.33 MB, 2199x2163, bloomfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to remove old 2nd bloom
take it easy.

>> No.11932947

why are people next to Meme Goonan (75/85D, 10S) gone?

>> No.11932949

100,100 Lucifer?

>> No.11932952

Marx has been moved once on this thing, I'm imagining most people put him there because of what he spawned rather than what he said. Much like why Ben Shapiro is near him and Dworkin.

I think one "internet-cool-kid-marxist" obsessively kept removing himself from that spot, that's why you might see inconsistencies.

>> No.11932955

If the one dude's not gonna contest my argument about gatsby I want him back to his old spot (40, 55)

>> No.11933274

why should schoppenhauer deserve it? he's just alone with a fucked up mother

>> No.11933348

because you are a faggot

>> No.11933515

no u

>> No.11933552

Out of 400 people there are going to be some that not all of us know. Which ones are you having trouble with?

>> No.11933562

He isn't known enough here.

>> No.11933566

what level of irony are you on

>> No.11933588


>> No.11933626
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Stop fucking with the chart if you are just going to fuck around

>> No.11933714

Hey moron, I made that chart motherfucker

>> No.11933747

You are ruining it.

>> No.11933766

Why are you letting Deleuze get off so easily when his peers Derrida are Foucault are so far right? Same with Lacan. Don't let them off the hook so easily.

>> No.11933809

As opposed to 80% of that chart?

>> No.11933810

because capital is sentient
also I may just not be seeing him but where is Land

>> No.11933822

This has turned into even more of a trainwreck than the other boards' charts

>> No.11933832

35, 35
Damn we might actually finish this. I say just keep looking for appropriate fillers and afterwards debate shifting positions.

>> No.11933849
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S 45
D 35

Mr. McGregor

>> No.11933879

There are a lot of good people in this one to use

>> No.11933908

Too many literal whos

>> No.11933918
File: 124 KB, 765x765, 6C0A672D-E951-4497-ABED-0ED8036CD3D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clifford Lee Sargent

S 20
D 80

>> No.11933919

Does that term mean anything other than "I don't recognize it so it's bad"?

>> No.11933923
File: 172 KB, 900x900, 6E83117C-822B-48B7-858F-34856B73F0A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gregory B. Sadler

S 40
D 5

>> No.11933940

What has he written?

>> No.11933942

Let OP make it dude. We have too many people trying to add their own shit.

>> No.11933950
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>> No.11933954

What does that have to do with anything? I'm not the one who made that one chart, I was just asking about the term

>> No.11933962
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65, 15?

>> No.11933964

We are making a chart where people know who everyone is on it. Once you start adding obscure figures you ruin the purpose

>> No.11933971


>> No.11933977


>> No.11933980

She's a meme and not a real author.

>> No.11933984

there are several memes on the chart.

>> No.11933992

I've never seen him brought up on this board, but why does he deserve to suffer?

>> No.11934035

He is an edgelord attention seeker whose favorite book is Story of the Eye

>> No.11934119

Okay, so you don't have a reason. Thanks.

>> No.11934453


>> No.11934558
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That version is so old what the fuck. Just use this version, you people probably don't have much else you can think of anyway
liberal democracy is anti-/lit/ you may as well flip the entire chart and go back to /leftypol/ shitposting

>> No.11934584

This chart is retarded nonsense.
THIS is the latest real version.

>> No.11934709

Fuck off with this chart you retard. No one knows any of those people

>> No.11934726

There are a lot of essential people from /lit/ classics on it. Slothrop, Oedipa, Siddhartha, Novalis, Lolita. There are some I am not sure about but they aren't that obscure

>> No.11934759

We should just complete this one and then change it after if anyone has anything better.

>> No.11934784

No because the fag's been changing around and deleting a bunch of shit without asking.

>> No.11934785

>Slothrop, Oedipa, Novalis
Literally who?

>> No.11934791

Then change it back. It's easier to do that then remove everything

>> No.11934796

u know novalis was an actual dude and not a character right

>> No.11934800

It's not so easy willy-nilly because then you have to re-arrange or decide who to delete in it's place and it ends up being a bigger mess.

>> No.11934805

What big contentions are there?

>> No.11934809

There are literally too many for me to tell you, it's a fucking mess.

>> No.11934829

It's going to be a mess either way. Look at /his/ and /mu/'s, theirs is even worse.

>> No.11934847

It doesn't have to be so, though. If you're gonna go with this chart we need major revision discussion, like multiple threads worth (which /a/ did so we'd be capable of too).

>> No.11934900

We should do marx :^)

>> No.11934906

Honestly move him to 100D because he caused more deaths than anyone in history.

>> No.11934908

I agree, the guy's responsible for such atrocity 100D row doesn't even fit him. Him and Satan should have a special 105D

>> No.11934944
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Added dudes from Waiting for Godot, Gatsby,
Patriach of the Buenos family from 100 Years of Solitude

Moved Marx for causing over 60 million deaths through his niavity.

>> No.11934954

christ these fucking duplicates. I'm not gonna tell you what they are either, find them yourself.

>> No.11934969

Duplicates are fine for now. We can easily just replace them later

>> No.11935006
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Added Hal, the Idiot, the boy from Death in Venice. Moved Althusser the literal murderer over right. Moved Rimbaud over and switched with McCarthy

>> No.11935081
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>Celine at 70 deserving

He can seem like a harsh guy if you aren't familiar with him but he was actually a really compassionate dude. His distrust of humans came from the fact that he was around in a time where millions would die in pointless wars and suffered a lot in the trenches of WW1. He turned to animals when people failed him and even claimed he would willingly sacrifice his own life just to save a scraggly old cat.

>> No.11935084

This is unsalvagable. I'm out.

>> No.11935102

Who's at 50 80 and 90 100?

>> No.11935118
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I think that is fair. It's too politically biased to put him too far right anyway.

50 80 is Zeus's father Cronus. Don't know 90 100

>> No.11935152

No one who is complaining is giving any constructive criticism as to what to change.

>> No.11935168
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>> No.11935176

50s 25d?

>> No.11935242

The problem is that everybody thinks the character they came up with belongs at one of the corners, so those fill up, and when new characters are thought up they just get shoved in a random empty square. The deserved axis is obviously pretty subjective, but the suffered axis that should be slightly more objective ends up putting people who lived through WWII PoW camps at a third of the suffering of people who were just sad

>> No.11935286
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Added Toadvine, Sappo, Japanese British dude, Franzen, Oblomov, Icycalm, Diaz. Fixed Deleuze

>> No.11935290

Most people will probably realize that. There isn't any other way to fill up the chart and still use the people that people know about.

>> No.11935412

What is that thing at 45,10?

>> No.11935432
File: 1.37 MB, 2199x2163, almostdone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added Grand Inquisitor, Cohen, Watts, Bernard, Gandalf, Gaddis, Pnin, Dune worm


What should we put in the final spots?

>> No.11935442

How come we have both George and Lennie (80, 30) and Lennie by himself (30, 25)?

>> No.11935446

Which one should we remove? Should we change the one to George?

>> No.11935474

What a wild ride...Plato Aristotle?

>> No.11935486

Aquinas, Parmenides, Heraclitus, Hesiod, Emerson, Buber? Some options

>> No.11935488
File: 1.38 MB, 2199x2163, COMPLETE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added some of the meme chicks, vonnegut, kobe abe.

>> No.11935501


it's finally over

we didn't even add plato or aristotle LOL

>> No.11935504

Heraclitus is there. We could add Plato and Aristotle. Where should they be?

>> No.11935513

probably bottom left somewhere

i'd be pretty ok replacing that ugly mongrel at 5 15

>> No.11935516

You mean Bilbo Baggins?

>> No.11935520


I feel like he suffered more than winnie the pooh though lol

>> No.11935521

corncob is there twice...

80S 45D and 80S 65D

>> No.11935527


I assume that's Satan at far top-right, in which case this thing is clearly bullshit.

>> No.11935534
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Plato and Aristotle

>> No.11935542

Who'd you replace?

>> No.11935547

>The lord of evil and cause of mans fall from grace is a good boy, he didn't do nuthin!

>> No.11935549

No idea. Some meme cartoon and some ugly mongrel

>> No.11935565

rip thoreau

yeah replace one of the cormacs, probably the right one.

>> No.11935586
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It's Aquinas now

>> No.11935590


God-as-described is an asshole who is undeserving of worship. It's true that some of these are contradictory and un-biblical, but the rhetoric is still useful. only stupid people believe that god exists, is-as-described in the historical traditions handed down, is justified, and is good. The only morally correct approach with any meaning is to reject god.

>> No.11935594

This is Paradise Lost we are talking about. The John Milton book

>> No.11935602

well that's all I can think of. all the leftists got moved to right again but at least it's spiting that /lefty/ shitposter. top lel

>> No.11935608

>Marx at 100
I'd be against this if it didn't drive that one guy up a wall.

>> No.11935611

other suspect elements at far top-right: Joseph Smith, Emil Cioran, what might be Debord, I dunno, and the alien-thingy (Xenu?!) I seem to notice Trotsky. As an actual political actor, Trotsky richly deserved his suffering far more than almost all of these fictional characters. In fact, I fail to find a better candidate for extreme top-right than Trotsky at the moment. Most of the rest of these guy are just bitter guy who wrote some stuff and killed (or organized to have-killed, don't be cute on this point) a person or two. Not so Trotsky.

>> No.11935614


Pray, how is the relevant character there described? I haven't been. I don't imagine it goes well for him.

>> No.11935623

Even ignoring that his ideology killed people in the billions he was a pretty scummy person IRL. He would rather spend his time writing pointless papers then making money to feed his own family and his children died because of it. He straight out attacks peoples characters in his writings.

>> No.11935629

It's actually kind of weird, he almost seems like the main character that we are supposed to feel sorry for but apparently he is just being prideful which is the sin he was condemned for. It describes his torture as being the worst thing ever but Pandemonium seems pretty comfy.

>> No.11935655
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Added Mariner from Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Charon, Jesus

>> No.11935662

Who is 90S 100D?

>> No.11935674

There are two Gaddis's. 20 5, 35 30

>> No.11935675

why is Celine so far to the right? are people really mad he hated the Third Republic that much?

>> No.11935679

It got carried over from the leftist chart. We had to fix it to be politically neutral.

>> No.11935681


I think it's Debord but I'm not sure. Poor form, this graphic. Yes, about half-2/3s are immediately understood, but the remainder are not. /mu/ has long since mastered the art of the large visual meme-table, /lit/ posters would do well to check in.

>> No.11935688

Looks like a woman. Debord is at 40S 80D

>> No.11935689

Anyone have a template?

>> No.11935856
File: 15 KB, 500x303, breaking-up-and-moving-on-quotes-breaking-up-and-moving-on-quotes-sad-little-winnie-the-pooh-reminds-me-of-mia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11935902

Double Eliot: 75-45 and 10-85

Double Tolstoy: 85-50 and 85-80

Double Buber: 65-40 and 60-80

>> No.11935905

Who can we put in their stead?

>> No.11935912

why did cioran do to deserve it?

>> No.11935920


Apparently: be a guy who survived war and lived quietly without bothering anyone who did not want to be bothered, writiing his thoughts down.

>> No.11935948
File: 7 KB, 99x99, shirley-jacksonjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Change out the duplicate at 65S 40D for Shirley Jackson.

>> No.11935997

Who the F is Shirley Jackson?

>> No.11936005


>> No.11936011

Awards and honors
1944 – Best American Short Stories 1944: "Come Dance with Me in Ireland"
1949 – O. Henry Prize Stories 1949: "The Lottery"
1951 – Best American Short Stories 1951: "The Summer People"
1956 – Best American Short Stories 1956: "One Ordinary Day, with Peanuts"
1959 – New York Times Book Review's "Best Fiction of 1959" includes The Haunting of Hill House
1960 – National Book Award nomination: The Haunting of Hill House
1961 – Mystery Writers of America Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Short Story: "Louisa, Please Come Home"
1962 – Time magazine's "Ten Best Novels" of the year includes We Have Always Lived in the Castle
1964 – Best American Short Stories 1964: "Birthday Party"
1966 – Mystery Writers of America Edgar Allan Poe Award for Best Short Story: "The Possibility of Evil"
1966 – New York Times Book Review's "Best Fiction of 1966" includes The Magic of Shirley Jackson
1968 – New York Times Book Review's "Best Fiction of 1968" includes Come Along with Me
2007 – The Shirley Jackson Award is established for outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological suspense, horror, and the dark fantastic

The Road Through the Wall (1948)
Hangsaman (1951)
The Bird's Nest (1954)
The Sundial (1958)
The Haunting of Hill House (1959)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle (1962)

The Lottery and Other Stories (Farrar, Straus, 1949)
The Magic of Shirley Jackson (ed. Stanley Edgar Hyman; Farrar, Straus, 1966)
Come Along with Me: Part of a Novel, Sixteen Stories, and Three Lectures (ed. Stanley Edgar Hyman; Viking, 1968)
Just an Ordinary Day (ed. Laurence & Sarah Hyman; Bantam, 1995)
Shirley Jackson: Novels & Stories (ed. Joyce Carol Oates; Library of America, 2010)
Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings (ed. Laurence & Sarah Hyman; Random House, 2015)
Dark Tales (Penguin, 2016)

>> No.11936013

Short stories
"About Two Nice People", Ladies' Home Journal, July 1951
"Account Closed", Good Housekeeping, April 1950
"After You, My Dear Alphonse", The New Yorker, January 1943
"Afternoon in Linen", The New Yorker, September 4, 1943
"All the Girls Were Dancing", Collier's, November 11, 1950
"All She Said Was Yes", Vogue, November 1, 1962
"Alone in a Den of Cubs", Woman's Day, December 1953
"Aunt Gertrude", Harper's, April 1954
"The Bakery", Peacock Alley, November 1944
"Birthday Party", Vogue, January 1, 1963
"The Box", Woman's Home Companion, November 1952
"Bulletin", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1954
"The Bus", The Saturday Evening Post, March 27, 1965
"Call Me Ishmael", Spectre, Fall 1939
"A Cauliflower in Her Hair", Mademoiselle, December 1944
"Charles", Mademoiselle, July 1948
"The Clothespin Dolls", Woman's Day, March 1953
"Colloquy", The New Yorker, August 5, 1944
"Come Dance with Me in Ireland", The New Yorker, May 15, 1943
"Concerning … Tomorrow", Syracusan, March 1939
"The Daemon Lover ['The Phantom Lover']", Woman's Home Companion, February 1949
"Daughter, Come Home", Charm, May 1944
"Day of Glory", Woman's Day, February 1953
"Dinner for a Gentleman," Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life, September 2016
"Don’t Tell Daddy", Woman's Home Companion, February 1954
"Every Boy Should Learn to Play the Trumpet", Woman's Home Companion, October 1956
"Family Magician", Woman's Home Companion, September 1949
"A Fine Old Firm", The New Yorker, March 4, 1944
"The First Car Is the Hardest", Harper's, February 1952
"The Friends", Charm, November 1953
"The Gift", Charm, December 1944
"A Great Voice Stilled", Playboy, March 1960
"Had We But World Enough", Spectre, Spring 1940
"Happy Birthday to Baby", Charm, November 1952
"Home", Ladies' Home Journal, August 1965
"The Homecoming", Charm, April 1945
"The House", Woman's Day, May 1952
"I Don't Kiss Strangers", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"Indians Live In Tents," Just An Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"An International Incident", The New Yorker, September 12, 1943
"I.O.U"., Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"The Island", New Mexico Quarterly Review, 1950, vol. 3
"It Isn’t the Money", The New Yorker, August 25, 1945
"It's Only a Game", Harper's, May 1956
"Journey with a Lady", Harper's, July 1952
"Liaison a la Cockroach", Syracusan, April 1939
"Little Dog Lost", Charm, October 1943
"A Little Magic", Woman's Home Companion, January 1956
"Little Old Lady", Mademoiselle, September 1944
"The Lottery", The New Yorker, June 26, 1948

>> No.11936015

"Louisa, Please Come Home", Ladies' Home Journal, May 1960
"The Lovely Night", Collier's, April 8, 1950
"Lucky to Get Away", Woman's Day, August 1953
"The Man in the Woods", The New Yorker, April 28, 2014
"Men with Their Big Shoes", Yale Review, March 1947
"The Missing Girl", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1957
"Monday Morning", Woman's Home Companion, November 1951
"The Most Wonderful Thing", Good Housekeeping, June 1952
"Mother Is a Fortune Hunter", Woman's Home Companion, May 1954
"Mrs. Melville Makes a Purchase", Charm, October 1951
"My Friend", Syracusan, December 1938
"My Life in Cats", Spectre, Summer 1940
"My Life with R.H. Macy", The New Republic, December 22, 1941
"My Son and the Bully", Good Housekeeping, October 1949
"Nice Day for a Baby", Woman's Home Companion, July 1952
"Night We All Had Grippe", Harper's, January 1952
"Nothing to Worry About", Charm, July 1953
"The Omen", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1958
"On the House", The New Yorker, October 30, 1943
"One Last Chance to Call", McCall's, April 1956
"One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts", The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1955
"The Order of Charlotte's Going", Charm, July 1954
"Pillar of Salt", Mademoiselle, October 1948
"The Possibility of Evil", The Saturday Evening Post, December 18, 1965
"Queen of the May", McCall's, April 1955
"The Renegade", Harper's, November 1949
"Root of Evil", Fantastic, March–April 1953
"The Second Mrs. Ellenoy", Reader's Digest, July 1953
"Seven Types of Ambiguity", Story, 1943
"Shopping Trip", Woman's Home Companion, June 1953
"The Smoking Room", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"The Sneaker Crisis", Woman's Day, October 1956
"So Late on Sunday Morning", Woman's Home Companion, September 1953
"The Strangers", Collier's, May 10, 1952
"Strangers in Town", The Saturday Evening Post, May 30, 1959
"Summer Afternoon", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"The Summer People", Charm, 1950
"The Third Baby's the Easiest", Harper's, May 1949
"The Tooth", The Hudson Review, 1949, vol. 1, no. 4
"Trial by Combat", The New Yorker, December 16, 1944
"The Very Strange House Next Door", Just an Ordinary Day (Bantam, 1995)
"The Villager", The American Mercury, August 1944
"Visions of Sugarplums", Woman's Home Companion, December 1952
"When Things Get Dark", The New Yorker, December 30, 1944
"Whistler's Grandmother", The New Yorker, May 5, 1945
"The Wishing Dime", Good Housekeeping, September 1949
"Worldly Goods", Woman's Day, May 1953
"Y and I", Syracusan, October 1938
"Y and I and the Ouija Board", Syracusan, November 1938
"The Witch", 1949

>> No.11936019 [DELETED] 
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I added her

>> No.11936057
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>> No.11936058
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Ok it's done. Let the thread archive from here.

>> No.11936061

Two Vonneguts

>> No.11936106

Is Borges on it? Remove Clifford and some of those comics and bugs

>> No.11936123
File: 1.36 MB, 2199x2163, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Removed some of the comics and memes in favor of adding more literary figures. Will add them back if people actually want them

>> No.11936143

Why is Varg (15S 40D) on here? Ignoring the totally inaccurate placement, he has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.11936144

There was two bubers

>> No.11936145

He has 15 books published thank you very much.

>> No.11936154

His "books" appear to be role-playing game guides. His popularity on /pol/ does not warrant inclusion.

>> No.11936156

He was requested twice

>> No.11936170
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>> No.11936231

Nabokov did 9/11. Move him to the right

>> No.11936263

Where is Spengler?

>> No.11936377
File: 1.35 MB, 2199x2163, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I've added all the actual /lit/ references posted since I left, in which the chart has been left in the hands of absolute dregs who have taken it upon themselves to add a bunch of literal whos.

They chart was meant to be a collaboration of people's recommendations, not a fuckfest of "oh I'll add 20 gregory berrycones and his dog" by myself.

Here is the new chart.

>> No.11936424

Yeah, the other fuck’s chart is an unsalvagable mess. With this we can at least determine some reasonable additions and changes as we go.

>> No.11936463


New thread
