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11927769 No.11927769 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about this state of mind

>> No.11927784

Is it wrong that this is mostly me but I feel happy and content?

>> No.11927789

then it's not mostly you

>> No.11927791

You're just an NPC that wears black.

>> No.11927794

The actions are, not the parts about wanting to die

>> No.11927795

Harry Potter

>> No.11927800

>Is it wrong that I feel the way I feel?
Only 90s born queers could be so neurotic and unsure of themselves that they think their whole conception of reality is wrong.

>> No.11927804

Wait until you are content with wanting to die.

>> No.11927806

Harry Pottet is as normie as it gets and is not remotely doomer tier.

>> No.11927810
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>> No.11927853

my dairy desu
or maybe the book of disquiet

>> No.11927901

based bloomer

>> No.11927908

Aren't doomers just roleplaying normalfags?

>> No.11927917

Harry Potter

>> No.11928013

>90s born queer who is so neurotic and unsure of himself he thinks his whole conception of reality is wrong

This is me

>> No.11928032

tao te ching on a good day
otherwise edgar allen poe

>> No.11928055
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>> No.11928134

When everything you were ever told growing up turns out to be a complete and utter lie you somewhat lose confidence in your perception of reality.

>> No.11928139

No Longer Human
Book of Disquiet
When I Was Five I Killed Mysef
Wasp Factor
Stoner probably
The Moviegoer
Teatro Grotesca

>> No.11928984

Just seems like that state of mind is just schizo personality disorder or aspergers.

>> No.11929001
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>“Even if it seems certain that you will lose, retaliate. Neither wisdom nor technique has a place in this. A real man does not think of victory or defeat. He plunges recklessly towards an irrational death. By doing this, you will awaken from your dreams.”

>> No.11930304

>uses his gamer computer only for 4chan and YouTube
fuuuuuuuck, how do you know? HOW?

>> No.11930551

What you mean like how men and women are equal?

>> No.11930595
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>blue ribbon
never seen this
i only take 8.6 because it's 8.6degree alcohol only for 1euro 40 cents
as a 75kg man, 2 are enough to be drunk for half the day
don't thank me

>> No.11930606

You must have some bad alcohol tolerance for a euro, need at least 4 shots straight to really get started. 8% beer wont even get me buzzed and Im maybe 70kg

>> No.11930607

I kept telling my friend that I didn't need to upgrade my computer. Ended up upgrading. Attempted to play games only to realize that most games are actually trash.

>> No.11930626
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>his €1.40 beer isn't 12%
Anon you need to step up

>> No.11930630
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I just started drinking mouthwash mix with Arizona energy drinks.

>> No.11930646

true sometimes i need a 3rd one, but at 500ml, 2 cans of 8.6 is 5 standard drinks, like 5 vodka shots of 5 cups of wine
i went through a calculator it puts me over 0.8g/liter, which is the point when police can put you in jail if you drive

well shit, i wish we had that

>> No.11930647
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Based but I can't drink these anymore, after half a can the taste makes me wanna puke.
Since I got a job I mainly drink vodka, cider and berry-flavored beers like pic related. White wine is fine too.

To answer OP's question:
Byung-Chul Han - The Burnout Society
Albert Caraco - Bréviaire du chaos

>> No.11930686
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just fyi, the on/lit/ patrician beer

>> No.11930708

That nigga did what he wanted to do and died doing it. That not everything went according to plan doesn't matter, he lived a (for him) satisfying live. Not doomer core.

>> No.11930735

>which is the point when police can put you in jail if you drive
which, assuming you only sit down at a party or at a bar, not in a driver's seat, still isn't very much

>> No.11930736


>> No.11930766
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no book will help us anon

>> No.11930878

that's very true, what are some games that you like?

>> No.11930923

one of the first few in the harry potter series.

>> No.11931025

the conspiracy against the human race

>> No.11931029

I'm kind of like the doomer in many aspects (cut off from society and "normal" life) but i'm actually optimistic and even happy sometimes in regards to the future of the world, politics etc. I know the West is pretty fucked but i see that as just part of how the universal cycle works, it's like the phoenix bird that needs to die so it can be reborn from the ashes.

>> No.11931873

i know everyones going to say chamber of secrets but prisoner is where it gets really doomer

>> No.11931878

you're not a doomer then UFCK OFF KILLER CUNT

>> No.11931882

take amphetamine when you take your /nightwalks/ instead of being drunk, and listen to philosophy lectures or podcasts. If you doomer yourself in your apt, you probably wont really read because you'lll just feel doomed. After amping up and stretching the muscles and hearing some discourse you might be better equipped to come back and read or write or plan things better.

>> No.11931892
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Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11931947

That you can become who you want to be if you just try hard enough.
Then realising that dreams aren't earned but bought.

>> No.11931956

no silly anon that's a BLOOMER book

>> No.11931975

pbr is legal and cheap, I don't know any dealers of amphetamines

>> No.11932032

but i sweat so much on speed

>> No.11932154

just get tor and some bitcoin and buy from the darkweb. its safer anyways than your neighborhood burnout dealer and you can buy niche substances as you see fit.

then dont take so damn much lol. Like amphetamine at small doses is basically a slightly more clarifying version of caffeine. Amphetamine at high doses makes you sweat and stay up for 2 days and pace around your room. Find a normal place in between that doesn't make you sweat and get high.

>> No.11932159

as an example of how cheap speed is, I buy like ~10g for about $30-35 and it last me about 3 months since a measured does is only like 80mg and you shouldnt actually take it everyday.

>> No.11932740

Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.11932748

Have you heard of climate change?

>> No.11932816

Je hebt ook 8.6 extreme he kankersjomp? Die is 10.5 procent. Als ik echt een schijtdag heb gehad koop ik twee van die, dat gebeurd gelukkig niet heel vaak meer de laatste tijd, maar desalniettemin is dat het superieure /sneldronken/ middel

>> No.11932931

I used to literally play everything, but now nothing at all. I can enjoy very few games especially if they're multiplayer. Attempted to play stalker recently, but couldn't stomach it.

>> No.11933059



>> No.11933070

kino reference

>> No.11933193
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>his 12% beer isn't €0.99


>> No.11933221

some book about vitamin D deficiency

Take 3000iu of D3 daily and possibly get shirtless under the sun close to zenith for 20-40 minutes

t. Captain planet

>> No.11933256

these two are the same price where I am (~€1.20 depending on store) so I usually don't discern between the Atlas 12 and Lander Brau 12

>> No.11933285

quit drinking alcohol it will improve you are live

>> No.11933399
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>> No.11933590

reference to what?

>> No.11933621

>You must have some bad alcohol tolerance for a euro,

"Haha yup bud"
>chugs a coors light
"Let me tell you about drinking pal"
>puts on john deere hat
"You must be some sort of lightweight"
>cuts grass at 10:00
"It takes me at least ten coors lights to get a buzz"
>salutes american flag
"This is the life... yu"
>gets shot by an heroic police officer

>> No.11934086
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This board has good taste!
my recommendation is pic related

>> No.11934496

>tip tip shot salute clap
You people are boring as fuck

>> No.11934536

Also sit on rocks and warm your balls.

>> No.11934601
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the illusory agent of upwards mobility

>> No.11934779


>> No.11935691
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Same. Although I don't have your optimism, and the idea of everything being fucked and going through cycles just drains me empty.

>> No.11935698

read me to filth
my wig has been SNATCHED henny

>> No.11935774

I dislike this trend of turning lifestyles or belief systems into memes like they're fucking RPG classes. I hate myself and my life too, but I'd rather spend time trying to improve my situation than making wojak edits.

And this may be me projecting, but I doubt that the creator of this image is genuine when he says he "tried no fap, music, reading, fitness", more likely that he half-assed those things for a short time before falling back into his bad habits.

>> No.11935785
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notes from underground



the book of disquiet

>> No.11936369
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>Casio F91-W


>> No.11936484

This is mostly true though, people just think because it takes longer than couple of years or there isn't a smooth path that it's impossible. Lots of successful people struggled until they were 40+ but you probably gave up in your 20s (or before you even started). The big problem with our generation is that because we haven't had to struggle for food, shelter or entertainment, etc that everything in life should come that quick and easy.

>> No.11936493

Several years ago, when I was very depressed and isolated and living a "doomer" like life, I would read GR before bed. It gave me paranoid nightmares, including one in which I was attending TPU (Thomas Pynchon University), which was particularly unnerving because my first and middle initials are TP.

>> No.11936511

Is society more harmful to the individual today than in the past?

>> No.11936789

You sound like a sixteen year old suburbanite having their first "existential crisis".

>> No.11936814

>falling for the "hand-made in small batches" overpriced craft bullshit
this stuff is literally designed just as an efficient way to extract as much money as possible from boomers

>> No.11937085


>> No.11937100

Why would pointing out that there are consequences to the youth being systematically lied to be considered an "existential crisis" even remotely?

>> No.11937217

G-guys... how can I survive the kali yuga?

>> No.11938248
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>> No.11938257
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Hunker down.

>> No.11938266

you probably never drank Thomas Hardy's ale. It feels like you're a vampire and just found some fresh thick blood
thanks, will keep it in mind

>> No.11938354


I just want you to know that I like your take on this classification and labeling.

>> No.11938463
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Natsuo Kirino's Grotesque is one of the less-known despair-core works.
Also No longer human, Notes from the underground and everything from Le Holleback.

>> No.11938473

>The big problem with our generation is that because we haven't had to struggle for food, shelter or entertainment, etc that everything in life should come that quick and easy.

>> No.11939008

If you cant handle the mirror then go away this is not a place youll enjoy

>> No.11939049
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Hm. I am almost all of that except that I still can laugh.

>> No.11939088

i'm bottom left

>> No.11939094

>this state of mind
Being depressed? Yea, loads.

>> No.11939124

No, seriously. Imagine being so self-centered that you think being depressed is some kind of new, special ideology. There's no such thing as "doomer". You're literally just depressed.

>> No.11939185


>> No.11939186

House of Leaves

>> No.11939224

This Picture Is Fucked

>> No.11939480

how the fuck is this so accurate

>> No.11939489

literally nothing in the whole pic except Dosto and Slint

>> No.11939517
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It's only "accurate" because the faggot who made it used a whole lot of images, there is no merit about that, it's literally cheating.

If he used 6 - 8 images then it would be interesting when you see yourself represented there. But with all those images? Is like those pseudo-scientific theories (see indigo children) that are made in such a way that literally anyone can see themselves represented so they feel special.

>> No.11939826

is this the anti-NPC?

>> No.11939830

this, it is just an amalgamation of various anon interests

>> No.11940065

my diary, desu

>> No.11940739

NPC who believes he's not

>> No.11940797

>recently switched to liquor because it's more convenient
hallmark of a problem isnt it
but there's just nowhere to piss in europe so liquor beats beer here

>> No.11941197

Stop drinking hobo beer