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11926541 No.11926541 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11926674

Tfw you realize you have more in common with Sade than Kierkegaard

>> No.11926706

Probably because Sade more or less fashioned the contemporary conception of sexuality, Kierkegaard is horribly outmoded.

>> No.11926715

That was my reaction to Bataille tbqh.

>> No.11926717

Oh I was talking more about writing everything in the loony bin that your mother sent you to and the legacy of your work just being an embarrassment to your family.

>> No.11926729

Do you also have your wife sneak in dildos for you to use as well

>> No.11926741

de sade is really boring

>> No.11926796

Worth a read?

>> No.11926806

20 cm long. 16 cm circumference. Ebony wood only - still too small.

>> No.11926807

I heard this is basically just shit an edgy middle schooler would write during detention. True or no?

>> No.11926814

I do get that vibe from this particular book. Justine and Juliette are a lot more interesting in my opinion.

>> No.11926821
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What's the most NO BONER NOOO book of all time?

>> No.11926826

The Bible

>> No.11926827
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Absolutely degenerate

>> No.11926864

Thanks, got something fun to read now

>> No.11926874

it is weirdly seductive at times

but in the right way ;0

>> No.11926891

probably something like Alice In Wonderland or some other magical realist work with youths

>> No.11927920

>ok now he's just talking about eggs
>wait no no stop that

>> No.11927936

Infinite Jest when the French-Canadian cripples shove that broomstick down that Italian guy's throat. For some reason I got really turned on by the shock, violence, and despair of that whole scene, please tell me I wasn't the only one

>> No.11928807

Incel poltard autist

>> No.11929070

>Thigh fucking
>spraying fuck everywhere
>All the cool sick shit is put at the back and not really part of the actual story

This book sucked, it was such a fucking slog.

>> No.11929074

Only if you like un-apologetically repetitive shit.

>> No.11929078


Yes, and that is precisely its appeal.

>> No.11929153

i get turned on by torture scenes and that did absolutely nothing for me

>> No.11929431
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It's pretty repetitive. Why did he feel like it had to be so long?

>> No.11929436
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>sex and sexuality
Cringe and bluepilled, absolute yikes-tier

>> No.11929447

> he says as he throws around /pol/ terminology

>> No.11929493


The repetition is itself one of the central stylistic points. The banality of evil. This is reflected in the plot: the four friends solemnly resolve to fuck off to the chateau/castle with their victims, and to execute and enjoy one of the greatest and most complex crimes ever committed, and get away with it. Getting tired of it, or bored with it, would constitute weakness, specifically weakness of resolve. The crime must be completed. The whole point is to celebrate and revel in evil for evil's sake, rooting same in that favorite evil of the participants: bisexual degenerate lust, married with murder, complex treachery (which our Mary Sues always get away with), etc.

Witness the final list of survivors, a simple box score at the coda. From among a crew of 46 (divided into 8-10 classes depending on how you count), only 16 live. Obviously the four heroes live, and their storytellers (also their co-conspirators, procuresses and muses) also live, joined by the four fuckers with the ridiculously big/variously-big dicks, as strong supermen (as indicated by their giant dicks). The three cooks are also allowed to live as non-entities who kept the party rich in good meals the entire time, but their counterparts, the maids, are dragged in at the end and killed. Only the daughter-wife "Julie", of the victim-class, is permitted to survive, this because she goes along and derives enjoyment, becoming evil herself.

The sixteen children (eight boys and eight girls, two apiece-apiece ranging from ages 12-15 when you pay attention) are obviously all killed off. The four disgusting hags kept round for rare pleasure, likewise. the four fuckers with lesser dicks are killed (again, triumph of strong evil over weak goodnes/smaller dicks). Three daughter-wives and three maids are finally killed as well. The perfect crime.

>> No.11929629

I once masturbated to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.

>> No.11930219


>> No.11930439

is there any femdom and particularly ball abuse in this novel

>> No.11930493

Henry Miller's Opus Pistorum

>> No.11930692


>> No.11931154
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B-books for this feel p-please

>> No.11931271

100 years of solitude. Lotta incest in hot sweaty jungles.

>> No.11931991

Is this actually a masterpiece?