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/lit/ - Literature

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11922310 No.11922310 [Reply] [Original]

How would you define reckless literary activity?

>> No.11922316

throwing books at strangers

>> No.11922418
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>> No.11922428

Reading an hour after eating

>> No.11922432

Honestly, I find Justin Murphy fascinating. He's like a flaming bag of Onions that became self-aware and I mean that in the kindest way possible.

>> No.11922438

Onions = Soyl-ent

>> No.11922514

Reading a few chapters of one book here, followed by a few chapters of one book there, and you just bounce around because you can't focus on shit anyway. And like hell that you'll actually remember anything you read anyway, so you desperately try to glean at least SOMETHING from a chapter or two, while you go through your miserable life.

>> No.11922554

Don't worry. It'll get better.

>> No.11922566
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This website.

>> No.11922689


Poor lad. He's in big trouble now. Made the Daily Mail and everything.

>> No.11922737

reading choose your own adventure books in order of pagination

>> No.11922862
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Calling your own students retards on twitter

>> No.11922866
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>> No.11922889

poor justin

>> No.11922921


>> No.11922978

I can't help but feel he deserves to be punched in the face for his horrible taste in eyewear.

>> No.11922991
File: 258 KB, 960x1200, DogHOW4X4AA4mln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah he's too based to be punched.
and the glasses aren't that big of a deal. maybe he should start smoking to get a less onions voice.

>> No.11923023

Yeah, they're the sort of glasses an amiable 47 year old woman who's a receptionist at a hospital would wear

>> No.11923025

why do people construct such nightmarish neighborhoods

>> No.11923068

westerners never had any taste in urban planning desu

>> No.11923074

i wish someone would allow me to design a city, it would be so fucking based. extremely inefficient and badly designed but it would look so good

>> No.11923089

>If you're pro-choice in the abortion debate, I find it very difficult to see how you could possibly have ethical objections to necrophilia
>Dr Justin Murphy, from the University of Southampton, was blasted by students after a string of 'hateful' tweets including one where he used the slur 'retard'.
>responding 'it's a great tweet' following a furious backlash.

seems pretty ballsy to me

>> No.11923093

the guy in the pic said that? crypto-shitlord isnt he, he looks exactly like a soi

>> No.11923105

I find him highly suspicious. Everything about him is just slightly off, and his supposed radical commitment to authenticity comes across as incredibly inauthentic.

>> No.11923124

FUCK /lit/ ruins something else !

>> No.11923125

it's almost like this soiboy thing is an internet meme and not a real indicator of someones thoughts and values

>> No.11923141

You haven't even heard his voice yet. It's so obnoxious that, regardless of whether what he said is insightful and well thought-out, you can't help but feel an urge to disagree with or at least mock him.

>> No.11923142

>muh sekrit club

>it's almost like
shitty snide/sarcastic moralizing, a surefire sign of onions.
it's not an indicator, true. it's a near-perfect predictor.

>> No.11923154

Probably because he's some sort of fed

>> No.11923225

because UK

>> No.11923246

had no idea this guy was so cool

>> No.11923249

physiognomy is real m8

>> No.11923313

What is it with Weirdos and farts?

>> No.11923317


>> No.11923322

>What is it with Weirdos and farts?
farts are pretty weird desu, you're literally releasing shit gas up into other people's noses/lungs, weirdos are just hyper attuned to things like that at all times

>> No.11924684

Is this something that just happened recently? Can I get a link?

>> No.11925815

>ethical objections to necrophilia
who has these? it's just fucking gross

>> No.11926214
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>> No.11926219

These people need to be gassed.

>> No.11926777

desecration of corpses has been a thing in pretty much every society. Maybe our modern bugpeople are too utilitarian to formulate any strict moral statements about this, but I don't think it is just a matter of repulsion, it still feels morally wrong to your average prole.

>> No.11926783

meant to write revulsion not repulsion

>> No.11926862

There's some sort of housing crisis in the UK that is maybe somehow partially related to the high levels of immigration they've been allowing. All those nice, bucolic, little "green spaces" are going to get paved over and covered with flats like the ones you objected to.

>> No.11926870
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>it's a near-perfect predictor.
Unprovable statement detected. Accept that your boomer meme is retarded

>> No.11926883

>reddit screenshots

>> No.11926907

Says the redditor defending reddit memes

>> No.11926985

>be American
>go to bongland
>assume they're not subhuman snaggletooth scoundrels
>be proven wrong and persecuted
every time

>> No.11926993

Roasting everyone with satire. Pissing off the fancy pantses, speaking truth to power

>> No.11926996

he's just a midwit attention whore. People who put themselves in the line of sight of many others tend to be narcissists. Just like people who seek out power tend to be psychopaths.

>> No.11927720

>muh soul
>muh willful ignorance and ironic conservatism

grow up

>> No.11927745

How is it nightmarish?

>> No.11928250

back to ratanon you faggot

>> No.11928362

>muh reducing thoughts to affected stereotypes and denying authenticity purely because you disagree with said sentiments

>> No.11928483

this was a good post i got btfo

>> No.11928896

It's actually interesting how much tumblr humor has incommon with chan humor.

>> No.11929206
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Is he /ourguy/? I like his streams and he seems like a pretty smart and agreeable dude, but he does tend to go on about himself alot.

>> No.11930032

postin with a tripcode

thats right

im dangerous

>> No.11930400

I enjoy his streams. However don't be surprised if the cathedral is intolerant, he can't survive there and do what he does online and he knows it.

>> No.11930414
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>ywn have a retard vacation
feels bad man, academics are truly living the life

>> No.11930420

>ywn meme through postmail with witty

>> No.11930423

he came out of onions culture but has been recovering for a year

>> No.11930427

he is a fed

he is literally being promoted by the mainstream media right now, basically a peterson-lite in creation, not exactly some sort of obscure dude roaming the most secret corners of the dark web

>> No.11930434
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it's a good film, no need to be ashamed

>> No.11930441

Hunter S?
DFW's autistic thesaurus use in infinite jest?

>> No.11930704

>the glasses aren't that big of a deal

I like some of his content but those glasses are driving me insane.

>> No.11930713

m a d m a n

>> No.11930732

Would be much better if Brits weren't so allergic to high-rise living. Even in London, large areas don't get above two storeys.

Mind you, I think it's because they experimented with high rises and they rapidly turned into hellholes. So maybe there's something in the British character that means when you stack more than two or three on top of each other they all go Lord of the Flies.

>> No.11931060

huh?, elaborate

>> No.11931084

Just watched his video with Christian Traditionalist Leftist Egalitarian "trad queen". Boy what a ride.

>> No.11931092

Mein Kampf book club.

>> No.11931113

what's your prediction on how retard vacation is going to end?

>> No.11931356 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 2479x1653, vienna-schonburg-palace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The urbanistic blackpill is when you drop randomly the little yellow guy on Google Maps in any big American metropolis and end up looking at an array of miles and miles of boring little houses you cannot reach by foot from downtown unless you are okay with walking for more than 3 hours in an impersonal suburban maze.

At least in the UK they had the decency of keeping the red brick aesthetic of Northern Europe to build what it took to withstand the post-WWII demographic explosion.
In France, architects went full Le Corbusier copycats but without his talent so it's all huge towers failing apart now that landlords became cheapskates thanks to neoliberalism. People who advocate for brutalism have absolutely any idea of what it's like to live in something like this.
The 20th-century was an absolute disgrace in terms of architecture. The only way we could make Western architecture great again is if every architect who hasn't spend years living in Vienna would be banned from practice.

>> No.11931395
File: 1.62 MB, 2479x1653, vienna-schonbrunn-palace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The urbanistic blackpill is when you drop randomly the little yellow guy on Google Maps in any big American metropolis and end up looking at an array of miles and miles of boring little houses you cannot reach by foot from downtown unless you are okay with walking for more than 3 hours in an impersonal suburban maze.

At least in the UK they had the decency of keeping the red brick aesthetic of Northern Europe to build what it took to withstand the post-WWII demographic explosion.
In France, architects went full Le Corbusier copycats but without his talent so it's all huge towers failing apart now that landlords became cheapskates thanks to neoliberalism. People who advocate for brutalism have absolutely no idea of what it's like to live in something like this.
The 20th-century was an absolute disgrace in terms of architecture. The only way we could make Western architecture great again is if every architect who hasn't spend at least a few years living in Vienna would be banned from practicing.

>> No.11931408

She was a lot better than I was expecting desu.

>> No.11931417

Still not sure what "post-Liberal Illiberalism that is not anti-Liberal" is though.

>> No.11931441

it's liberalism

>> No.11931959
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so a song about retard vacation is actually happening

>> No.11931970

This man is 32 years old.

>> No.11931979


>> No.11932386

the 20th century was a disgrace in terms of absolutetly everything. Nazis, Communists, fucking FDR, post65 mass immigration and erosion of all tradition trending towards a globalized capitalism regulated by enormous kafkaesque bureaucracies with no oversight, trying to turn every metropolis on earth into the same grey dystopian mix of all races and cultures ending in an atomized nothingness mediated by mass media.

Basically the only positive developments in the entire century were film and pop music, which can't make up for the huge losses sustained in every other area of culture.

>> No.11932397

wow, that's the weeniest-looking junior tighty whitey bourgeoisie onion drinker i've seen.

>> No.11932422

I lived in a Brutalist building for a year and it was about as shitty and depressing as you would expect. The colour of the concrete perfectly matched the overcast sky.

>> No.11932590
