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File: 405 KB, 1200x1200, EA46F721-2E00-4F1D-A256-EF2989C21009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11921521 No.11921521 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everyone hate him?

>> No.11921524

He supposedly bifurcated mind and matter into two different mutually incommensurable substances so that their relationship or mutual causality would remain unexplained through to Kant and beyond

>> No.11921543

Only pseuds and first year undergrads hate him.

>> No.11921560

Reddit hates him and replaces him with a "muh dick" meme that isn't funny because they're homosexuals incapable of understanding philosophy.

>> No.11921582

>I think therefore I am
y tho

>> No.11922186

>doubts everything
>Hits bong
>cogillto egro some
Woah. That's an incredibly low standard for philsophy. Thanks for the fractions I guess.

>> No.11922197

there's literally nothing wrong with give her the dick

also i like his lost in a forest story

>> No.11922201

he invented graphs and useful math and people hate both those things

>> No.11922297

Because he was right.

>> No.11922319
File: 7 KB, 206x245, low quality NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*squech* funny signalling device, upvoted succes~99.9% *squelch*
>(output, say and transcribe), <<"there's literally nothing wrong with give her the dick">>
>[pause]....analyze [statement unlikely to give reply, must add statement], scanning memory banks for René_Descartes.jpg.....[RETRIEVED!] (output, written) <<also i like his lost in a forest story>>

>> No.11922329

Honestly I had a lot of fun graphing things on the Cartesian plane, so I gotta give him props y'knae

>> No.11922331


>> No.11922370

cartesian product A×B is pretty cool too

>> No.11922578
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1499555876109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until Ayn Rand answered him with the Objectivist Theory of Concepts.

>> No.11922605

Pre- cartesian hate him because he minsterpreted Augustine
Post- cartesian hate him because his metaphysics was bad and he should feel bad.

>> No.11922620

In my experience people tend to oversimplify rationalism by saying shit like "muh ivory tower xdddd hume was a REAL man who hung out at bars and TALKED to people" as if descartes was a neet or something, meanwhile Kant never left Konigsberg but everyone gives him a pass.

>> No.11922627

Is this the next big meme
I hope so

>> No.11922768

>meanwhile Kant never left Konigsberg but everyone gives him a pass.
i mean you know how he looked right

>> No.11922778

the NPC forced meme hasn't worked that well in 4chan but it got a lot of people mad on twitter if you want to count that as a success

>> No.11922787

there are actual articles about in the mainstream press, it very rapidly saturated the public. Normally 4chan memes fester for months or years before breaking out into the wider internet

>> No.11922805

yes, but it hasn't really organically integrated itself into the chan culture, it has just made mainstream people very mad for some reason

>> No.11922826

>for some reason
it gets them in their egos. The sort of general vaguely liberal-left mainstream is all about being 'unique' and 'expressive' and whatnot, being an individual that rises above.

Pointing out that they are just all following a script and incredibly predictable pisses them off intensely but they cant really respond because they are literally not capable of thinking about things like racism or sexism in a non-NPC mode.

>> No.11922864

private void deflect (int postNum){
print (">>" + postNum + "\n" + "autism");

>> No.11922873


>> No.11922881


>> No.11923630

Cartesian circle. The dude's reasoning skills were wack.

>> No.11923661

>The dude's reasoning skills were wack.
Yeah, a misreading of his work totally makes me smarter than a man who considerably advanced several fields of thought.

>> No.11923676
File: 55 KB, 680x574, IMG_2855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause his assumption is premature.
Hegel talks about how he made this assessment after years in society and education, it was similar to structuralism in a way.

>> No.11923690

Because my good sir, the vagina is found at the end of the shaft similar to where the knife goes before the cut.

>> No.11923697

Science pussy ore is science pussy?

>> No.11923708
File: 534 KB, 720x404, 62mHs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11924806
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1538107372577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's hegel, there's the presupposition of I, there's the inclusion of modern knowledge of being; people focus too much on that one statement instead of everything else he did.

desu senpai he's really cute

>> No.11924814

i hate therefore i exist

>> No.11925304

Because he kept going after the second meditation.

>> No.11925341

you're missing two braces and your spacing is inconsistent
his mind-body dualism is the reason everyone acts like a stupid retard nowadays. it gave rise to many false ideas, e.g. of the autonomous self, of the separation of rationality and emotion, of the impossibility of experientiality being inherent in matter.

>> No.11925368

Best post in this thread