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11921029 No.11921029 [Reply] [Original]

>eastern "philosophy"

>> No.11921035
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that's ok, you'll have plenty of lifetimes to wake up.

>> No.11921066

just be like water bro

>> No.11921110


>> No.11921119

>bro the flag isn’t moving and the wind isn’t either it’s just all in your mind brah
>your mind like makes these things up dude the only reason an orange is orange is becuase your mind interprets it like that man
How insightful

>> No.11921124

>Dude, nothing real matters if you’re at peace with yourself lol

>> No.11921126

It is, it means you can stop being angry and autistic.

>> No.11921139

I think my local yogi summarized it perfectly when I was younger and questioning my liberation

>Christianity, Islam, etc may be interesting, but will ultimately lead you to samsara

After that I ditched most of my "righteous" biblical books, scriptures, theology and throw them to the trash. Self is all I don't need.

>> No.11921143

>What is the sound of one hand clapping?
>A monk asked Zhàozhōu, "Does a dog have Buddha nature or not?" Zhaozhou said, "Wew”
>If you meet the Buddha, kill him.
>A student asked Master Yun-Men (A.D. 949) "Not even a thought has arisen; is there still a sin or not?" Master replied, "Mount Sumeru!"
>A monk asked Dongshan Shouchu, "What is Buddha?" Dongshan said, "Three pounds of flax."
>A monk asked Zhaozhou, "What is the meaning of the ancestral teacher's (i.e., Bodhidharma's) coming from the west?" Zhaozhou said, "The cypress tree in front of the hall."
Are Koans just shitposting?

>> No.11921144
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>> No.11921158
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You know I don't believe their bullshit but I would love to with monks or some shit. They are the chillest dudes. Anyone I've met who follows anything about eastern philosphy is just chill and great to be around. All the christians are just nervous trainwrecks worried about hell and where they'll shop next

What's the point of worrying? An individual can't do shit.

>> No.11921167
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>An individual can't do shit.

>> No.11921168
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>Zhaozhou said, "Wew”
Unbelievably far ahead of his time by the magnitude of a few thousand years. Unless the translation is shit, otherwise that is fucking hilarious

>> No.11921174
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>> No.11921183
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What did that amount to in the long run? They fucking own America end most of the western world lmao. His actions let that happen. Imagine if Hitler was alive today. What wold he say his "change" amounted to?

>> No.11921190

>dude I had a dream I was a butterfly bro.

>> No.11921206

>I'm Stupid: The Post

>> No.11921212

>dude I died then I came back as a zombie lmao
>nah dude it's a metaphor lmao
Eastern philosophy is useful. Things like christianity is just dick sucking and fear.

>> No.11921213

>>Dude, nothing real matters if you’re at peace with yourself lol

That's just a bad gloss, baby. Many Eastern Philosophers allow room for "Mattering"

>> No.11921221

There is one autistic Chinese poster (probably Canadian) who always posts about how the Japanese didn't understand Chan and how Dogen was a pedophile and a puppet of the Japanese government

>> No.11921227
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>western "philosophy"

>> No.11921228

>he believes Eastern philosophy

>> No.11921237

>he thinks that's an argument

>> No.11921249

He actually said wú.

>> No.11921254
File: 31 KB, 451x469, 5D9052D5-D2E5-4E83-94CD-7CC6D289F9AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is water

>> No.11921267

Eastern mysticism/philosophy had come to the West under a very spiritualist lens, with clear emphasis on new agey ideals like "oneness", "Self-reflection" and meditation. There is not enough understanding from an anthropological perspective as to why the East (already a huge generalization) developed and uses these type of philosophy. I am willing to bet that most westerners who preach about don't know the first thing about it, because for the others its a lived experience in their religion and customs.

>> No.11921322

calling things "new agey" is not real criticism.
>its a lived experience
precisely. but you don't need to live your whole life in a monastery to have these experiences.
all it takes is for you to reach a very mild meditative state for you to realize that it is very much not "just sitting down, being calm, relaxing" or whatever.
And at this very early stage of exploration into the eastern traditions, they already blow Christianity straight out of the water:
Here is something you can do right now, in your room, and you will actually feel something. It's empirical. You will come into contact with something very other which you cannot simply explain way with some neurological technobabble.

>> No.11921625
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>Eastern philosophy is useful.

>> No.11921638

>All the christians are just nervous trainwrecks worried about hell and where they'll shop next
You degenerate belong in a cross.

>> No.11921689

Zen is far more sophisticated than chan mongoloids who became basically lazy tradition-worshipers rather than seeking the authentic transmission

>> No.11921723

not an argument

>> No.11921746

Was christ a degenerate?

>> No.11922014

Look up the perennial phikosophy

>> No.11922072

Chan and other pre-pure land texts are better than Zen texts

>> No.11922540

-rules the world.

>> No.11922555
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>> No.11922573

These are hilarious, man i love koans

>> No.11922783

i think you're confusing easter philosophy with kant

>> No.11922790

I swear that must be the same guy in every thread in the archives shitting up every opportunity people take to learn about zen.

>> No.11922804

*destroys itself*
based western philosophy

>> No.11922817

that is false
chan =/= taoism btw

>> No.11922851

No, it doesn't. The west is ruled by a talmudic pedo-usury hegemonic cabal which is actively working to miscegenate the west into a amorphous blob of 85-IQ worker drones. And guess what, the ideas which propelled them into power, the ideas which motivate them, which inform their discourse and the ideas they disseminate to the populace in order to indoctrinate them; all these ideas are fundamentally stem from and were the inevitable product of western philosophy. People think 'becuase globalization etc happened that means western thought is the best" are utterly moronic. Western philosophy unleashed a pandora's box of unwholesome, chaotic and anti-traditional ideas, which gave rise to the poisonous ideologies held by the demonic peoples who are the destructive and treasonous puppetmasters of the west. Western philosophy is the reason why our ruling class is literally trying to destroy our culture.

>> No.11922867

it's an anodyne for how shit life is

you try living in a tool shed with your twelve brothers and sisters that have onomatopoeiatic names

>> No.11923005
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>>A monk asked Zhàozhōu, "Does a dog have Buddha nature or not?" Zhaozhou said, "Wew”

>> No.11923009

Why are you posting my wife on /lit/?

>> No.11923024


b a s e d

>> No.11923031
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>autistic grammar wank anal itic philosophy

>> No.11923037





>> No.11923039
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>Big N wrote about throwing off your chains and becoming all you can be
>his philosophy is used to enslave us even further

>> No.11923046

kant was from india

>> No.11923048
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>> No.11923062

liberation > salvation

>> No.11923072

Big words for a degenerate traditionalist.

>> No.11923585

not an argument

>> No.11923828

>worker drones
Bullshit. Should be 'consumer drones'.

>> No.11923846

This. Hitler was a Jewish agent, the 'Items of Power' that he (indirectly), created for Jews to use essentially renders them completely immune to everything. They own everything, yet one cannot even oppose an individual (that happens to be Jewish) let alone the group without being destroyed by those items. A simple 'antisemitic' ends all, especially as Westerners are all trained by schooling and media to be subservient and support of Jews.

But why I am posting this, kind of offtopic.

>> No.11924119

10/10 post

>> No.11924130


You sleep through life motherfucker.

>> No.11924132

Haha, LMAO, you're goddamn right pal. YESSIR, yee-yee bubba, haha, well you get the point. To be fair, I'm sure Shaq's the kinda dude who keeps a copy of the Kama Sutra under his pillow.

>> No.11924136


>> No.11924141

I love you.

>> No.11924154

Christianity is not a western philosophy :^)

>> No.11924162

Why is Taoism so fucking B-A-S-E-D?

>> No.11924188

is this a 6ix9ine lyric

>> No.11924224

>Hitler was a Jewish agent,
hot take