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/lit/ - Literature

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11919730 No.11919730 [Reply] [Original]

What books have you read that have made you a happier person?

>> No.11919732

The Bible

>> No.11919749

Not my diary desu

>> No.11919750

Raise high the roof beam, carpenters
>invisible man was really funny, idk if that constitutes as happy

>> No.11919752

The Importance of Living

>> No.11919755

only post best post

>> No.11919761
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>New Testament
>Cloud of Unknowing
>Longer Sukhavativyuha Sutra
>Shorter Sukhavativyuha Sutra
I ended up becoming a weirdo syncretist, though. A friend recommended I read some stuff on Tenrikyo but I'm not sure.

>> No.11919768

Orlando made me really happy for some reason.

>> No.11919772

absolutely none
i get more miserable with every book

>> No.11919780

Lowbrow fiction has the power to do what all the world's storied sophistication can't.

>> No.11919783

W by E. E. Eussion

>> No.11919887

12 rules for life. It contained some basic wisdom I lacked, being a fatherless bastard I am.

>> No.11919911

The Magicians by Lev Grossman

>> No.11919933

Not one book will achieve that if you keep posting unobtainatble cuties

>> No.11920015

Man's Search for Meaning

>> No.11920026

i dont need a book for that, im happier in general since i beat the shit out of 2 niggers who tried to steal from me 3 months ago
im getting used to life in germany

>> No.11920030


>> No.11920104


>> No.11920258

Les Miserables made me feel a lot happier but I had quite a cry about it too, but that sort of tears of joy cry. It made me want to become a better person than I already am and ever since I've tried to be more understanding and charitable to those around me. I genuinely think we could all be a little more like Jean Valjean.

>> No.11920288

Almost every book I've ever read has left me happier than I would have been if I had not read it

>> No.11920295

Death of a Jezebel by A. Non

>> No.11921176

It's spelled "kiss" you raging homosexual

>> No.11922863

there was an issue of "Blue Blood" magazine i read once that had a review of a book that i had a short story in. the reviewer didn't know me and had no reason to, but they held out my story for particular praise. reading this gave me a weird feeling almost like an orgasm, except centered just behind my eyes.

>> No.11923148

every pynchon novel

>> No.11923369


>> No.11924841

The 'tales of the city' series, it has some incredible happyfying power.

>> No.11924864

hello underage

>> No.11924884

None, really. I enjoy reading but I treat it more like a passtime than a method of making myself happier, so I suppose the activity makes me happy (or at least less miserale) instead of the books themselves. Maybe I've been doing it wrong.

>> No.11924890

Ban me, I deserve it.

>> No.11925146

The Three Tomes by Eduoard Musbodijk is excellent, left me on cloud 9

>> No.11925153

Same <3

>> No.11925196
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>The Enchiridion of Epictetus
For obvious reasons

>Terraforming Earth by Jack Williamson
The extreme timescale shows the true size of human problems: very small

>The Canfield Decision by Spiro Agnew
Now I know I'm at least less of a retard than Spiro Agnew

>> No.11925203


>> No.11925485
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Schopenhauer's essays, (un)ironically.

>> No.11925496


Is Croshaw's stuff actually good? I saw it and I was intrigued by the idea of a video game story but never thought about it beyond that.

>> No.11926415

Me too friend.
I reread it recently and, I still like it.

>> No.11926556

Plato’s Complete Works
Aristotle - Complete Works
The Stranger
A textbook on emotional intelligence called Resilience

I feel joy, breath fully and effortlessly, and sleep like a baby.

>> No.11926610

>Nobody has written “The Importance of Importance”
>Nobody expounded on the meaning of important in the import of things which are of a subjectively verifiable priority which is higher than not
>Nobody added to that by saying that on which import is placed is but a direct refection of the phenomenological bases of our psychologically attributed values which are but a function of our activities from conception unto the prescription of such working values

>> No.11928029
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>> No.11928982

unironically atlas shrugged by ayn rand

>> No.11929002

The Sound and the Fury taught me that existential crises are normal and natural, because all things important to me are internal and inherently meaningless, and that even when I realize that I will still struggle with it, because that's what it is to be human. It eased the feelings of isolation and I don't think about suicide as often as I used to

>> No.11929132

Nicomachean Ethics
Ficciones but only because it made me fully grasp Aristotle's argument that intellectual virtue/contemplation is the highest form of happiness
Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina when the whores suicided

>> No.11929258

and yet here you are with all the free time in the world spent on 4chan

go write the book faggot

>> No.11930761

Can you summarize

>> No.11930765


>> No.11930789

Unironically Ego and his Own.

>> No.11930935



>> No.11930962

>Everything by Nietzche

>> No.11931600
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>> No.11931621

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

>> No.11932004

selfishness is our greatest virtue -Ayn Rand

>> No.11933053

please tell your inspiring tale, i'm thinking about drying up

>> No.11933292

Life of Pi changed my life

>> No.11933300

Orlando is great, Woolf is great. It won't make you happier but To the Lighthouse is incredible

>> No.11933305

Twilight's fucked up man