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File: 31 KB, 364x493, PicassoDonQuixoteSancho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11918125 No.11918125 [Reply] [Original]

Don Quixote is the best work of fiction ever written, nothing has surpassed it

>> No.11918143

He's a cowboy

>> No.11918144

Moby Dick.

>> No.11918147
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>> No.11918151

close but no cigar

>> No.11918160

Prove it.

>> No.11918167

There’s nothing to prove. Nothing is on the level of Don Quixote. It has everything, written beautifully, and there’s not a single boring moment.

>> No.11918186

That's optimistic.

>> No.11918204
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>That's optimistic.

>> No.11918254

Clearly haven’t read it then. I am yet to meet anyone who didn’t thoroughly enjoy it.

>> No.11918256

Even Homer nods

>> No.11918267

I just read the summary on Wikipedia and it seems hilarious. The famous scene where he tries to fight the windmill because he thought they were giants, i've read about that when I was very young I didn't know it's form this book. I think ill check it out

>> No.11918273

You will not regret it.

>> No.11918303
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>American: The Post
Sweetie, nobody outside if your hick country gives a shit about Melville.

>> No.11918315

It’s only famous because it happens within the first 30 pages. It’s the only thing people can remember lmao

>> No.11919564

This desu tbqh. I enjoyed the book, but it isn't exactly as graceful as people here sometimes make it seem. It can be quite tedious, though there are some great moments, like when he tries to rescue a kid who's getting beat up only to almost get the kid killed because he trusts the honor of the man beating the kid.

>> No.11920409

Pretty retarded declaration, like any product of the installment-published era of the novel its full of filler. There's a lot that's brilliant there but regardless, DQ is a book filled with fiiiilller

>> No.11920417

Its honestly the perfect novel.

>> No.11920423

It's great and probably the most readable of the "best classic of all time" candidates. There is literally no excuse to delay reading it if you haven't

>> No.11920429

>like any product of the installment-published era of the novel its full of filler
This. That's why I can't stand people declaring novels like War and Peace or Don Quixote "perfect novels"

>> No.11920446

the filler in war & peace is better than almost anything ever written

>> No.11920490

DQ wasn't published in installments you retard

>> No.11920525

>comparing books from different countries and languages
DQ is great, yes, but it is to spanish what the divine comedy is to italian, les misérables to french, faust to german, moby dick to english, metamorphosis to latin and os lusíadas to portuguese.

>> No.11920529

M o b y D i c k

>> No.11920965

True, everyone who disagrees hasn't read it

>> No.11920973

*meets you*

>> No.11920984

Thomas Mann loved Melville

>> No.11921106

yeah but King Lear.

>> No.11921234

Anons clearly don't know Ariosto

>> No.11921288

So Borges was right? Is the short story better than the novel?

>> No.11921293

For me it's the Divine Comedy

>> No.11921315

The Bible

>> No.11921340

>moby dick to english
I thought Shakespeare was the go-to comparison to DQ, given that it helped form language, etc.

>> No.11921348

>The Holy Bible
Anon, I...

>> No.11922069

>t. butthurt spaniard

I am Hungarian, and I loved every bit of it, Pedro.

>> No.11923264

It wasn't published in installments idiot

Borges never claimed this, he just thought he wasn't a good enough writer to make a whole novel

>> No.11923723

righto OP

>> No.11923729

120 of sodom.

>> No.11924016

W...w tf is..is that anon?

>> No.11924021

>he just thought he wasn't a good enough writer to make a whole novel
That's not at all what he said.

>> No.11924252

Yeah it was

>> No.11924401

Develop some taste