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11917680 No.11917680 [Reply] [Original]

Write what is on your mind.

>> No.11917694

I hate pornography.

>> No.11917701

I have anxiety from feeling unfulfilled. I've been unemployed for about 4 months now and I'm worried that a job won't change anything.

>> No.11917735

I want to rant. RANT. Raaant. I just want to babble on about something semi-coherently. It feels gratifying. It satisfies me. Don't I deserve some satisfaction? I'll tell you what. It's all coming to a head. The whole world-pattern. Everything. All of it. Politics, economics, culture, technology, art, military, science, literature, it's all pointing in one direction at one thing.

What is that thing? Why can't I make it out? It is blurred and refracted as if distorted by some kind of solar phenomenon, an aurora of flashing confusion.

It's not some technological singularity. It's not extinction either. But it is major, very major, and very very painful. But it may be exactly what the future needs, a growing pain perhaps on the scale of the black death, perhaps, we may hope, less horrific.

But it is coming. In our lifetimes.

>> No.11917745
File: 242 KB, 750x746, 68267ACA-D948-4DF7-915A-4D4AE4B301CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate women. Every woman I’ve ever met has been blatantly superficial or tried to hide it behind some half-baked facade that they didn’t even really intend on keeping under scrutinization. They disgust me with their abhorrent selfishness. I’ve been unable to have an emotional connection with a woman in years, and I’ve tried, god knows I’ve tried. Please show me the error in my ways I’m tired of hating women but I just can’t stop myself becuase all I see is nothing swimming behind beautiful arabesque masks when I look at them.

>> No.11917762

Today, the day of all days, is the day after yesterday which is, in itself (en soi, an sich, etc. and e.g. so forth) a day following the one which has on this occasion preceded it. Now that the sequence of days hitherto has been established beyond yes any doubt whatsoever and whosoever eternal life and all that it entails the Son was budding forth with life anew and afresh the fresh prince of the earth indeed, as it were, now that it has been proven beyond any such doubt I hereby proclaim today not just the day of all days but the day before even the day to which today would serve as yesterday yes even that too though, to be sure, one cannot really make heads or tails or headtail of it. Indeed, most notably, the poets who sit 'round their leeching existence most prattle on and on about this day and that with their "sublime...etc." words that are conjured up from "within the breast...HER breast" (John 3:16 KJV) have you ever heard a poet more noxious, more foul than the one you see before you I admit I am not much of an poet but who can make such claims notwithstanding the one to whom he directs himself, eh?

>> No.11917764


Used to be cool,
but now I'm a fool.
At least I have my trusty fidget spinner
and this dope ass juul.

>> No.11917781

I've come to terms with it, but the fact is I can't live with women. A friend finally confronted me with it the other day, he told me: "You're just playing the part of a NEET, you can't survive like this."

Why won't I give up on living the "dreem"? Why do I find more happiness in the day-to-day ambling of a layabout, the ability to pick up my board and hit the surf whenever I want? What desire to I have to work for someone's money, let alone build my own capital.

Why does success feel like a mound of pebbles? Why can't I tangle myself up in the trappings of day to day life?

Maybe I'm trying too hard.

>> No.11917790

live without ***

>> No.11917797

Good lord what a faggot. in all honesty just get a lobotomy bro, really helps with consciousness expansion.

>> No.11917812
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I am really sad at the state of western society. I am very sad that people can't get along. I am very sad that we all choose to curse each other instead of bless each other.

I am very sad that we don't work together more and have togetherness. I am very sad that people feel isolated and that it is the natural way of things

I am sad at continually hearing about people killing themselves and people wanting to kill themselves. I am sad that the only solutions that people consider feasible are within the terms of things that do not work

I am sad that intellectualism is valued and empathy is not. I am sad to know how much sadness there is all around and that nobody seems to know much what to do about it

But, I am happy to know there is hope, there is good, and it rests on each of our shoulders, unironically

but I'm still sad too :(

>> No.11917814

Why do I even bother? Every time I try to do anything, I end up hating it. I know the problem is me, but I don't know how to fix it. I don't really want to try to begin with.

>> No.11917819

You know I tried my hand at a few different books on Buddhism (the history and the practice) and I wasn't really able to separate it from any other religious woo.

I can appreciate the secular aspects of it because the language is a lot clearer, but the woo is still definitely there, and I don't have a lot of patience for metaphor especially when it's intentionally obtuse.

I ended up trying acid and I was out for about 16 hours from start to finish but in the end any sort of revelation I had when "trippin" was just some faggy platitude and I realized that it's the same thing as marijuana but because the intensity is cranked up and the duration is stretched out it's supposed to be significant.

Naw, I just got high for a really long time.

Is this the brainlet curse?

>> No.11917820

and THINK it is the natural way of things

I don't think it is. but I'm sad for those that do think it is

sad :(

>> No.11917821

Why do you think getting along would make the world a better place? All it takes is a single person to go against that line of thinking and strife is set in. Of course, if you wanted to "get along" would you not be tolerant of his uncompromising outlook?

>> No.11917825

What is wrong with the world today? Increasingly the sentiment in popular opinion is that something's wrong, but as to exactly what, no one can quite say. You may here some crackpot suggestions here and there, political gripes, superstitious hatreds, and perhaps earnest pleas. Still no one knows.

I want to know. I must know. The the world is a sizable place and breaking it all down to the neat jigsaw components you need to proceed is a rigorous task in itself, let alone configuring them properly so you get to the bottom of it.

It's all happening at once. Climate, social, political change, tempests of maneuverings and silently shuffling troop deployments of strategies. It's all staring me down in the face. I can't turn away from it. I must understand or I will feel powerless. If I am the one who understands I am powerful.

There's a way to get things right. There must be or life is just a joke.

>> No.11917835

Nah I understand. Buddhism isn't something you can really just "try your hand" at desu. Now acid, that's what'll really get you looking with your mind's inner eye. I wouldn't say it's a brainlet curse, more like a shitty trip.

>> No.11917845

>something's wrong

I think that's just baseline human paranoia.

It's important to separate ourselves from vanity not because it's self-centered necessarily but because it's impossible to be an impartial observer of yourself.

Vanity is telling yourself that you're the only one who feels like there's a problem.

Anon, we all have to do this together.

>> No.11917851

I'll tell you one thing the internet is partly to blame. We're all part of the problem.

It's a burdensome effort to really dig into these things. Trust me I've filled hundreds of pages of notebooks on the subject just clawing away at it.

>> No.11917859

The way people explained it made it sound like I could disassociate and rearrange the pieces, so to speak.

Maybe I'll try it again, but first a friend and I have some ayahuasca we're gonna burn through the weekend with.

Thanks for the response.

>> No.11917860

You fucking moron, vanity is the one thing capable of spurring us onwards to greatness.

>> No.11917865

This is partly a god is dead kind of situation. Nietzsche unironically foresaw this day and age. I'm not sure if his proscription is exactly what we should heed, but the existential point is well founded.

It is our responsibility as the living here and now to assert ourselves as men before the darkness. To face it down in battle until the bitter end and to fight for what's good and honest and pure and true.

>> No.11917866

I went off venlafaxine cold turkey and the withdrawal is crushing me.

>> No.11917873

Probably wasn’t acid if you live in the U.S. Mexican niggers love to cook up fake tabs and sell them as the real shit in the americas

>> No.11917875

I've only ever tried it once myself. The friend I was with - also tripping - wanted to watch Planet Earth. We get to the ocean episode, everything's going pretty smooth, then a fucking clip with a squid in it sends me into catatonic shock (not literally, ofc). It felt like I watched that eight-limbed bastard crawl around in the ocean deep for hours, anticipating its every move.

>> No.11917879

yup, we would have to be tolerant of intolerance as well. but you are also thinking along the lines that the only way to change someones outlook is by rational discussion alone. if more and more people were empathetic, it would naturally spread, and continue to spread. this is possible if it were done right. eventually everyone addicted to "strife" would be affected, maybe not have their mind changed completely, but they at least might become more tolerable. besides, how is it logical to be anti-harmony when others are enjoying it so much?

we don't all have to agree on everything, but we can still get along. the problem is not that people dont agree on things, its that the disagreements are what they use as an excuse to curse eachother instead of actually move towards finding common ground and accepting each other. with respect, we have much more chance of changing each others minds

>> No.11917887

Vanity is excessive confidence.

I'd prefer confidence.

I agree that we have to stand "before the darkness" but I do think responsibility is a spook in this situation. I'd say more accurately that we have two choices: do or die. We either move forward or we die.

Is entropy the other half of a two-part cycle?

>> No.11917898
File: 64 KB, 640x474, dumb selfie girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah vanity is doing great things for our society right now isnt it

>> No.11917904

You have noble aspirations, but, sadly, nothing will ever come of them.

>> No.11917908

well placed confidence lets hope, and well placed confidence only. confidence based in things worthy of providing confidence, not in bullshit crap

>> No.11917911

You're goddamn right it is, brother. My vanity rating is through the fucking roof, something like 12/10 in all honesty. Would be higher, but you get my point.

>> No.11917921

I respect your opinion and your right to have it bro, but I'm not the only one who has ever felt this way. Empathy is the only reason we have gotten this far in society at all, so if you think nothing has come of it, you are quite mistaken. It's already been going on for thousands of years. The process is slow. Whether empathy or domination wins in the end, is up to us. including you. so what you choose to believe is possible will affect your choices, and your choices will affect the outcome

>> No.11917924

My friend went on at lengths about the differences between LSA and LSD, blotter, and so on...

The same thing has happened with me in the past, so it wouldn't surprise me.

We mostly walked around the house having the same conversation over and over on acid. I'm really going to try and put myself in the right position to hopefully (at the very least) break the surface tension on this supposed "higher consciousness", but the more I read from Buddha the more it sounds like an "all-or-nothing" scenario, what with the bodhi tree and all. I will be fasting for the trip itself, we're both survivalists and the trip will be taking place in the woods relatively close to civilization so that we're nannied to some extent. I've done DMT so I'm familiar with the hallucinations, but the ayahuasca promises to be much, much more.

My confidence is a knowing. When you program a line of code into a computer you take confidence in it's output, that is the severity of my conviction.

>> No.11917929

Everyone thinks something is wrong with the world today. But people across every decade have been thinking the same thing. The reason you think so is your narrow point of view, you've only lived in the time you've lived, so you can't really compare it to any other time.

You'll be fine, you're gonna die, then the next generation will think of how luck you had it and how shitty their current world is

>> No.11917931

Empathy is a genetic expression of fatigue, your DNA's way of telling the world it is too tired to continue fighting.

>> No.11917932

I hate myself and want to die.

>> No.11917936

Maybe responsibility is the wrong term. But it behooves us to do it because as you said, we're dead otherwise. And it will turn us into heroes. Who doesn't want to be a hero?

>> No.11917939
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>> No.11917943

>Who doesn't want to be a hero?

Pebble mounds, bro.

>> No.11917948

all the species which survive to proliferation are experts at cooperation. empathy fuels cooperation. we humans have taken over the world purely because of our social abilities, and our social abilities were only made possible in the first place by our empathy

>> No.11917952

Not going to disagree with you like that up front. But this time it's different. I know history. I've felt it. I've immersed myself in it. People were saying the same thing about Elvis and so on. But there is something foul afoot that transcends the despicable norms of history. We are in the prelude to a world event on the scale of WW2 at least, and perhaps far more protracted.

No other generation has confronted the environment collapsing.

>> No.11917969

My nigga read Kropotkin? But yes, what you speak of is called symbiosis. Without it even the very mitochondria in our cells would have never merged with the eukaryotic cell and higher life forms wouldn't exist.

>> No.11917970

>"Liberalism was thus a titanic wager that ancient norms of behavior could be lifted in the name of a new form of liberation and that conquering nature would supply the fuel to permit nearly infinite choices. The twin outcomes of this effort - the depletion of moral self-command and the depletion of material resources - make inevitable an inquiry into what comes after liberalism."

So what comes after liberalism? What is next? When? How?

>> No.11917973

I disagree entirely. The only species that have maintained high status in the world do so through subtle forms of cruelty and dominance.

>> No.11917976

seriously, whales kill billions of life forms in a single lifetime

>> No.11917982

me fucking your mom tonight

>> No.11917984
File: 78 KB, 640x800, dc2lopsmrcr11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sow harmony, or sow discord

but remember, you will reap what you sow

>> No.11917999

I do believe that we are witnessing the collapse of liberalism, but what comes after that I'm not sure.

>> No.11918002

Exactly. Look at chimpanzees, for instance. Most groups are relatively docile in relation to each other, but are often the victims of the more pugnacious groups. Some male chimps will form coalitions and work in what appears to be a dominance cult wherein each participates in ritual ass-kickings to prove who is the best. It's because they are prone to violence and the like that they are able to dominate the weaker, more "empathetic" chimps. So while empathy is more conducive to survival, those who are empathetic are most often the victims of those who aren't.

>> No.11918010

that's why you shouldn't be a pussy

but you should still be empathetic

true empathy empowered would protect the innocent, at whatever cost. empathy is not simply comprised of rolling over. true empathy demands something to be done

something ive also heard of about chimpanzees is that if the chimp who tries to be a "leader", if that chimp is basically a douche and is malevolent, the others chimps will kill him

the leader chimp has to show empathy to remain as leader

>> No.11918020

the scene is dead because its all people looking for the scene, you hear about people like them but by the time you get there its just all people like you

>> No.11918022

You know what, you actually make a solid point. Real shit, I like what you're saying about the leader showing empathy. But what about the chimps who kill the malevolent, douchey leader? Are they really acting out of the group's interest or their own? We most likely can only speculate here, but I want to know what you think.

>> No.11918027

Collapse of liberalism. Goodnight then. That's not devastating enough for what I'm envisioning. The authoritarian resurgence we've been seeing is weak compared to the intensity of the 30s and 40s. The world is not facing so bad a economic crisis. Admittedly that may change. But even something as bad as a ww3 will be different, since the technology is new. Even something as bad as war isn't as bad as it once was.

You won't have you and I charging machine gun emplacements over trenches. It's all surgical these days, air war, missile strikes and commando raids.

The main component of the crisis is ecological. But also psychological and spiritual, perhaps, although I've lost faith in that word.

There are scarce few tight knit loving communities in the world, symbolic families such as the of the faithful going to the same church. It's not a god shaped hole, it's a human shaped hole in the heart.

>> No.11918034

a job will make everything much much worse

>> No.11918050

Don't worry, pornography hates you too.

Why do you feel unfulfilled?

If you sincerely want to be shown the error of your ways, we're gonna need specifics.

Are things really much better in the East? Be honest with yourself here.

Retard-tier opinion

>> No.11918053
File: 40 KB, 300x300, belief in the fantastical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a huge believer in it but I do believe in some sense the earth is conscious. Gaia theory so called. Our being is seamless and woven into the earth's all biological phenomena are unified in one single tree of life and binding thread of DNA.

The earth is hurting now. Pollution, environmental devastation, mass destruction of whole biomes. The scientists in desperation report on it every day but the people do not listen.

Once a critical mass is reached, it will catch up to us. And catch up it will quick. The methane patches in Siberia. The coral reef die offs. The destruction of biodiverse jungles and mass tree death. This is not meaningless. This is the air we breathe. This is the water we drink.

>> No.11918055

the difference between men and women is that women are nicer to look at and less likely to fight you, you're just angry because your narcissistic fantasy won't come true
>I hate women
>They disgust me with their abhorrent selfishness
>beautiful arabesque masks
I mean look at yourself buddy, I've never met a woman as pathetic as you. truly ask yourself, have you ever met a woman as pathetic as you? I sincerely doubt you have. theres nothing behind their pretty faces but also there is and its selfishness? behind your malformed mess you call a face is nothing but stupidity and hate
I really am trying to help you here, you really suck as a person and no woman is ever going to be authentically nice to you because you repulse all but the most degenerate of them

>> No.11918066

>Why do you feel unfulfilled?
I'm not entirely sure, but don't do anything. I've either been in bed or on the toilet for the last 3 days. I can't think of what to do with my time other than read and talk to friends online. I'll sometimes go to the library or go out to eat, but none of these feel like real activities with substance. It might be since my entire day is made up of "free time" that's causing me to waste it doing nothing.

>> No.11918067

this is very stupid

>> No.11918075

>the difference between men and women is that women are nicer to look at and less likely to fight you, you're just angry because your narcissistic fantasy won't come true
What fantasy
>I mean look at yourself buddy, I've never met a woman as pathetic as you. truly ask yourself, have you ever met a woman as pathetic as you? I sincerely doubt you have.
Yes I’ve met plenty more pathetic
>theres nothing behind their pretty faces but also there is and its selfishness?
That’s obivously talking about their intelligence
>behind your malformed mess you call a face is nothing but stupidity and hate
I really am trying to help you here, you really suck as a person and no woman is ever going to be authentically nice to you because you repulse all but the most degenerate of them
What have you done to try to help me? All you did was berate me.

>> No.11918082
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I want people to buy my book

>> No.11918092

The NPC meme just does not make any sense to me.

>> No.11918096

t. npc

>> No.11918102


>> No.11918104
File: 371 KB, 665x666, B1544820-D818-4E76-AF04-ED819FA102AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.11918109

Part of the whole Gaia theory is that the earth sends warning signals in the form of natural disasters to express its impending doom. It does seem ironic that Paris-agreement quitting super-polluting USA has been getting slugged and uppercut by hurricane after hurricane, which are predicted to significantly worsen as climate change accelerates. God's Wrath?

>> No.11918111

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.11918112

>That's not devastating enough for what I'm envisioning

What is it that you are envisioning? Liberalism is responsible for the consumerist society and destruction of the earth that you talk of. Technology was promised as an alternative to restraint, in order to grant humans liberation liberalism sought to use technology to override human nature, this technology being provided by the market, culminating in consumerism. . What happens when consumerism ends? Look at what happens when debt isn't repaid we live in a global market, a couple unpaid debts caused a global crash.

>There are scarce few tight knit loving communities in the world

This is again caused by liberalism, liberalism sought to grant liberty by abandoning tradition as societal norms were seen as restrictive. When you have a breakdown in cultural norms that bind communities you have a breakdown in community. There are millions of people in the west who feel the exact same way you do about the state of affairs, a feeling that things are about to 'change' for better or worse.

I believe that the collapse of liberalism will change absolutely everything. It will be one of the biggest and potentially devastating transformations of all time.

>> No.11918123
File: 73 KB, 588x600, 7QNU4A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 10 000 dollars and 3 weeks to live what do you do go.

>> No.11918133

Renounce it all and give glory to Christ.

>> No.11918138

Then let me explain it to you. Modern culture with its consumerism and materialism promotes a two dimensional personality. In a sense this personality regresses to the mere organismic responses of the human animal. The seeking of pleasure and avoidance of pain are its principal characteristics. But these so called NPC's are people thoroughly immersed in the mainstream culture, which is in fact a vast scientifically designed behavioral programming interface. They swallow every pill they're given and never quite break free from the mind shackles thereby imposed.

>> No.11918141

Honestly I'd probably just have a huge rager

>> No.11918153

Who's the girl above Anne?

>> No.11918161

You think Christ would be mad if you were twice as hedonistic for three weeks instead? Honest question.

>> No.11918165

How anyone can unironically say shit like this is beyond me

No fun at all

Is there honestly nothing you want to do with your time?

>> No.11918170

What you're calling liberalism is to your thinking a type of doctrine or system. It's not, it's the expression of the natural lapse and drift of collective volition. It happened late in the Roman empire as well, and at other historical pivots.

The catastrophe I am thinking of is mostly ecological in nature, but it also has to do with how technology mediates our lives. We would have technology with or without liberalism and it would still fuck us.

There's many parts to this beast.

Even so, how a person finds themselves situated with the world does not inherently devalue them. We should have some compassion for others because without that it's just getting at each other's throats and unmitigated anthropogenic suffering.

>> No.11918175

I'm not saying I believe it. I'm just explaining the idea. I did you a favor, asshole.

>> No.11918198

You sound insecure. The lack of self-confidence is in between the lines of your post. Maybe you're looking through a narrow tunnel of social media and you're letting it feed your anger and hate. Maybe you were genuinely hurt and have been dragged down so much you've become bitter. Finding a partner to trust and reciprocate love (and be compatible with) is just as hard on their end as it is on yours. It takes time, patience, getting hurt, and not living in the past. My genuine advice is to not be so blatantly critical and look inward with some self-reflection or even therapy because loathing something that much is not healthy. There are so many things in life that we have to fight and challenge ourselves to achieve, why would getting a partner be any less difficult?

>> No.11918200

A man creates a sentient being. He then gives it a choice between it's own independence or staying with him. It chooses to leave and come back to him later. The man lives alone for years waiting for his creation to return. It does but finds its father on his deathbed. The being tells him of his life and his father is pleased for him and dies without telling him he was alone this whole time.

>> No.11918202

Why are you mad, friend? Anyway, I'm not the guy who asked for an explanation

>> No.11918203

nigger mods and jannies keep power tripping here.

>> No.11918209

I'm mad because the world's going to shit and my life is mostly shit and everything's shit.

>> No.11918210

>Is there honestly nothing you want to do with your time?
Honestly, no. I've been going to the gym, but that's about 3-4 hours a week. Nothing I used to enjoy really appeals to me anymore. I've never been like this before, so feeling like this is really alien to me, and as a result I have no idea how to combat it. Recently I've been getting random bouts of anxiety on top of it.

>> No.11918211


>> No.11918218

I'm happy for you, baby. I truly am.
What we had was brief and sweet and nearly fucking you on those stairs was one of the high points of my life. I still go that way sometimes just to reminisce. It feels weird. I've jacked off to that moment multiple times. The memories of your breath going from warm to wet to no breath left at all while your legs become wet noodles completely floors me. I wish I had just pulled your pants down. Fuck it. If anyone catches us we lose our jobs. Maybe some other jobs. I don't care. That would've been fucking amazing.
It's a shame you didn't drop the fucking cuck back then. I felt hurt and miserable because I really liked you. I would've liked to be with you back then. I really would've.
But you didn't. And I didn't dwell on it. I went with my other plan and you stuck with that fucking prick. And that was it.
But we both know and we both feel it sometimes.
Now you're gonna get married and I hope this new guy can make you feel that way. I know you loved it and I'd like you to feel that again. I do too.
Have a good one. Cheering for you, Red.

>> No.11918228

Emerson, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard have the best prose in philosophy.

Who else you guys like?

>> No.11918241

You stupid fucking ungrateful imbecile I know what's best for you. Wash your scrotum and brush you teeth and it will all go away trust me. I have no idea whats really wrong with you but Im fairly certain I know enough to tell you all your problems are trivial and easily fixed by cleaning your room. Killing yourself really isnt the only way out, our culture really doesnt thrive on having victims, guile, and the betrayl of your own kind and this war won't last forever because this ends peacefully I can assure you. Do the dishes.

>> No.11918243

Deleuze and a lot of Husserlian phenomenologists have flowery and impactful prose.
Nick Land too.

>> No.11918262

Kierkegaard, no. Emerson and Nietzsche are outstanding though. Merleau-Ponty is very bubbly and intrigued. Genuine joy to read.

>> No.11918271

I'd add Schopenhauer, some Wittgenstien, Sartre at his best, and if you count him, Chesterton.

Please give this essay by Chesterton a read. Your mind will sparkle with invigorating new insights. This guy has jumped to the top of my list of all time favorite writers almost overnight.


>> No.11918276

I can't escape the fucking INTERNET. It's all over my mind. Gives me ADHD. I can't focus, can't write, my mental discourse is sick with irony, everything is happening at the same time all the time aaaargh

>> No.11918278

You know just telling yourself that doesn't help much.

>> No.11918283

I know son, I know. I've been trying to figure this problem out. I'm the self-proclaimed sage of the interwebs and I'm going to figure it all out.

>> No.11918284

>What you're calling liberalism is to your thinking a type of doctrine or system

Liberalism is too broad to be defined as a set system or doctrine, which I never claimed it was. I'm aware of the collapse of the Roman Empire too. Liberalism is a philosophy, that places liberty as the most valuable ideal to uphold.

What I'm saying to you is that that desire to uphold liberty has inadvertently caused many of these ecological problems you are now talking about. We would have technology without liberalism but we would not have consumerism without it, as liberalism relies on technology to provide liberation from cultural restraints for example sexual restraint can be freed via birth control and abortions. Read back over my post.

As for problems with technology you will have to be less vague.

>> No.11918287

Wittgenstein in On Certainty is great. It's like he's making up for hitting that kid by being the best Montessori teacher to come across all the natives.

Carlyle Shelley and Wilde all are more fun when they're on srsbsns of rhetoric and letters. Does Lewis Carroll count?

>> No.11918289

Writing for myself is impossible. Everything I've ever written in personal journals has been with the intention that someone would read it next to my supine corpse.

>> No.11918301

Parts of the Tractatus truly leap out. Also his notebooks contain some truly spectacular prose.

Lewis Carroll was technically a logician by trade, but he isn't much known for his work there. I'd consider him more of a story writer than a philosopher.

>> No.11918309

Anhedonia. The bouts of anxiety are probably related to the feeling of life passing you by. There is no true cure other than to pick a task that provides a sense of progress and stick to it. Its a gift in disguise imo, when you no longer enjoy the hedonistic desires you will learn to chase the more fulfilling ones. I used to be addicted to gaming, porn browsing the internet, after anhedonia hit I only spent time reading and programming.

>> No.11918313


I don't think it's completely possible to write entirely for yourself. In my experience, in order for my writing to make any sense at all, I have to think someone else will read it. There's no harm in that. Someday you'll be famous.

>> No.11918314

try shrooms.

>> No.11918320

I'm not writing a thesis paper here. But I am reminded of a quote of VI Lenin's, that liberty is a precious resource, so precious that it must be rationed."

I firmly believe the state should pick no bones about outlawing certain unhealthy practices, such as tobacco use, fast food, and excessively fuel expensive vehicles. We do not live in such an enlightened state. Enlightened authoritarianism is the only political system with tight controls necessary to make the quick swerve we need to avoid ecological catastrophe. It is not inherently evil. It depends all on who you put at the helm. A decadent lout like Trump is surely not the one.

The point about technology is too longwinded to elaborate. Suffice it to say, technology has functioned to isolate us and amplify our personal anxieties and fears. It feeds on mass hysteria and the will to believe. The internet as a medium is a great vortex of chaos.

>> No.11918325

Mow the lawn

>> No.11918331

He wrote the Game of Logic. Smullyan still uses some of his shit from Alice, but even without the math and logic focus, Alice is a religious treatise against state murder through the death penalty.

>> No.11918336

Boy howdy are shrooms fantastic.

People crow on and on about acid but the truth is I had a significantly enlightening and pleasurable experience on them shrooms.

>> No.11918338

no I am the sage of the interwebs

>> No.11918347

Do you think you're a loveable person?

>> No.11918363
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Impostor! Unsheathe your blade and settle this with honor.

>> No.11918364

Yeah, I do.

Do you?

>> No.11918385
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Can someone give me some advice about my problems?

I yearn for a creative outlet but I'm not sure what. My heroes are Joyce, Borges, Proust, Kubrick, the Coen brothers, and various comedians. I'm getting very good at digital and social media marketing, I make a living doing it, I nerd out on it a lot, but I would like to do something more creative. And I want to be great at it, I want to move people, I want to create art. I've tried writing fiction on and off. All of my friends have told me at some point that I could do standup comedy/comedy writing, but I don't know if I am funny or they're just fucking stupid.

I've been alternating between Ulysses and In Search of Lost Time for 1.5 years now and have not finished either of them. Every time I start a different book I feel like it's not as good as Joyce/Proust and I get frustrated and put it down and try Joyce/Proust again. The only thing I read entirely through was Ficciones, Nichomachean Ethics and Madame Bovary. I've began and stopped in the middle of over 50 books in the last 2 years, always stopping to go back to Ulysses or ISOLT. The worst part is it completely goes over my head, and I have no literature education aside from 101 and 102 classes in college.

>> No.11918389

I'm trying to figure out what a book with pictures of different scenes made from small everyday items was called.
Help would be much appreciated!

>> No.11918394

Needs more detail

>> No.11918396


The average daily temperature this time of year is supposed to fucking be 20 degrees cooler than it is. What the fuck is going on? This is driving me crazy, I need the fucking cool weather man, I'm sick of this sweaty clammy humidity in OCTOBER it's not right man. It's not right. It's not right.

>> No.11918406

I know that pain bro. The blasted summer will never end.

>> No.11918413

haha same fuck

>> No.11918419

looks cool thanks

>> No.11918422

You need to do a little more random drift until you hit on some books that click with you.

For me I knew I was to be a writer by the time of my 16th birthday and have been working at it ever since. It's second nature to me and I do it whether I receive recognition or not.

For you it's needed that you be more workmanlike about it. You need to instill a discipline without necessarily getting it for free because of years of adolescent and young adult training and passion.

Try to organize your thoughts and keep a journal. A journal will help you spell out all the elements.

>> No.11918429

I'm not sure what anyone of us could tell you based on this.

>> No.11918439

>Enlightened authoritarianism is the only political system with tight controls necessary to make the quick swerve we need to avoid ecological catastrophe.

Unfortunately I think even if America did adopt this it wouldn't be enough to prevent ecological catastrophe. America is far from the only country destroying the earth. For example China is another superpower furthermore a manufacturing superpower that is playing a part in the destruction. People have to buy oxygen in certain parts of China due to the amount of pollution in the air. That would mean America would have to exert power over foreign nations to get them to stop what they are doing. Might be possible for some of the weaker nations, but will be very hard for superpowers such as China.

>It is not inherently evil

Agreed, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. And after centuries of progress towards promoting the idea that liberty is the most important value, how would the general populace ever support something such as authoritarianism? Especially with the historical associations people too frequently make with Nazism.

>Suffice it to say, technology has functioned to isolate us and amplify our personal anxieties and fears. It feeds on mass hysteria and the will to believe. The internet as a medium is a great vortex of chaos.

Agreed. This is one of the reasons Amish are so anti technology. Face to face conversations with strangers are increasingly becoming a thing of the past for many people. People compete on social media for validation, presenting their lives as perfect, which only makes people have wonder why their lives aren't as good.

I do believe that many of these problems would exist without liberalism as people are prone to fight for attention and status, however what solution is there to something like this? Being a Luddite? Banning technology? The only way to improve the situation and to move forward is a change in cultural attitude, an enforcement of cultural ideals which teach people to not place value on such shallow things.

>> No.11918484

It is true that China (and India, and Russia, and Europe collectively) contribute significant pollution. Brazil with its amazon forest is the lungs of the world, scrubbing it clean, eating up CO2 and pumping out fresh oxygen . And profitable logging ventures there have seen much of that lung removed.

China however has felt the effects of pollution an ecological devastation directly. And it is a top down controlled country that has responded to the demands with drastic economic rearrangements.


USA however is being run by conservatives who embrace a libertarian ethic of consume what you will at any cost and strip the earth clean of resources without regard for "externalities". USA is a huge culprit but also a green technology hub. It is both a big part of the problem and a big part of the solution.

>, how would the general populace ever support something such as authoritarianism?

The general population has supported authoritarianism tacitly or otherwise for most of history. In times of great necessity, the people are often willing to relinquish their freedoms for a collective effort in good faith to resolve a crisis. Look at how the USA, capitalist mega-center of the world, responded in the heights of WW2. It banded together voluntarily on a scale that rivaled the coerced cooperation of Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany.

>I do believe that many of these problems would exist without liberalism as people are prone to fight for attention and status

Perhaps liberalism is partly the cause of the web's insidious pull. But the technology would play with us regardless. In some science fiction scenario where the internet was a highly regulated system designed to relay harmonious exchanges and verified information, it would be a far less potent tool. And it would be susceptible to other kinds of corruptions.

>> No.11918504

you have such fucking awful diction, you need to stop reading newspapers and salon articles fag

>> No.11918509

>lung of the world
also, you're wrong and don't know what you're talking about phytoplankton are the biggest source of oxygen on Earth and are being depleted by ocean acidification, pollution and global warming

>> No.11918512

Not him but diction is spoken. You probably mean prose style.

>> No.11918575

Suck my balls. I've been writing in this thread since it was created. You're a pseudo who doesn't understand that some issues require a dry prose style.

The amazon rainforest is extremely important. You're an idiot too if you think it can be chopped down willy nilly.

>> No.11918580

What do you like to read anon?

>> No.11918582

diction means both choice of words(whether written or spoken) and style of spoken or sung language

>> No.11918590

>The general population has supported authoritarianism tacitly or otherwise for most of history

Agreed I would actually say that liberalism results in statism due to the necessity for the state to protect peoples individual liberties.
However times have changed from ww2 and also as you mentioned conservatives (who are actually just first wave liberals) don't support this idea of green technology, and also happen to be much more opposed (though not entirely) to statism.

I believe that only an abandonment of consumerism will be able to prevent upcoming ecological disasters that you speak of. If there is a desire it will be met. Authoritarianism in a liberal era is a pipe dream. People would rather the earth be destroyed than relinquish this idea of liberty.

I think technology should not be relied upon for survival. We are headed to and some would say are already in a Corporatocracy where the liberty of individuals and very minds are owned by tech corporations. Combine this with the worries voiced by richard stallman and the FOSS movement, and luddites seem more and more ahead of the curve.

But again Corporatocracy is a result of consumerism which was caused by liberalism. Corporations would not have such power if not for the fixation on liberty being achieved by any means (conservatives say the market liberals say the state but they are ultimately both liberals).

>> No.11918595

What would you rather have, liberty and less happiness? Or less liberty but more happiness?

>> No.11918600

No, it means manner of speaking. From dicō, I speak. Someone with poor diction has bad enunciation or pauses awkwardly or slurs or speaks like a slawjaw.

>> No.11918603

I agree with most of your analysis. If liberalism does fail to completion it will be with some violence. I support reformism at this point, since liberty is something i'd rather have more rather than less of in most scenarios.

American conservatives don't support green tech for obvious reasons: they're subservient to their corporate donors and thick as thieves with the oil lobby. The Dems to their credit are significantly better on this score. But this is a free market supposedly and the technology is being developed and deployed regardless of the pols and their scheming.

But I'm going to withdraw from this conversation now. It's been nice talking to you. You've been a stand out poster. Best of luck.

>> No.11918609

You too, it was fun talking.

>> No.11918632

fuck happiness

>> No.11918708

No I dont think anyone thinks you're a loveable person

>> No.11918727

you are operating under the assumption that all lifeforms are inherently selfish


you are misinformed

>> No.11918737

I cannot compete in this world. Everybody is better. I have nothing to contribute.

>> No.11918750

not sure that things are better in the east, but the east getting fucked up Im pretty sure is at least partly a result of getting westernized. im not even sure the east is the east anymore as much as it is just another west

>> No.11918796

why compete? whats the point of competition? why not enjoy life, and help others to enjoy theirs- enjoy our lives together? why compete? why prove anything?

>> No.11918798


>> No.11918852

I agree with this anon's response.

>> No.11918880

Live your life anon. Fuck the whole rat race, rat trap, look at me look at me, compete for attention bullshit.

>> No.11918931

considering going full nofap to see if i can channel my libido into other, more productive things

>> No.11918968

I've been on it for a week and no. I feel better about myself though.

My girlfriend won't let me have little fruits. This is bullshit.

>> No.11919001

I just finished writing the first draft of the first scene of the first chapter of my first novel. I feel pretty good. I also feel very nervous that it will never be good. Even after I edit it to as close as I can to the vision in my mind for what I want the novel to be, I worry no one will like it or even worse, no one will understand it, or worse still, that even the layman will find it too simplistic. I also worry that I won't be able to finish because I won't be able to put in enough meat in the center to connect the ideas I have together and it will wind up a disconnected pile of themes and ideas that never run together.

>> No.11919012

Italian literature is so good holy shit.

>> No.11919015

unless you're danielle steel this is every writer's worry

keep going anon

>> No.11919042

Just do the work, and then evaluate it. If you stop yourself with analysis paralysis you'll wind up like me, stuck on a promising novel for the lion's share of my 20s.

>> No.11919178

what is your novel about

>> No.11919215

I don't really want to give away the plot but in a word: cyber-espionage.

When I started writing it many of the plots and events I was writing about actually ended up happening. Many hackings and much cyber between China and the USA, and other elaborate and intricate conspiracies of digital sleuthing and data brokering.

The novel is an asset. It's good a timely premise, vivid and numerous characters, a globe-trotting high adventure plot, intrigue, cute wiz kid coder boys, murder, politicking. I know if I just get to finishing it someone will buy it and the reading public will have it for lunch.

>> No.11919224

cool. nice to see someone around here be confident and proud of their work for a change

>> No.11919371

My residential college has a fancy communal dinner on Thursday evenings, and I really wanted to go to this one, because the food was extra nice, but none of my friends responded to me when I asked them to get dinner, which of course because they’re not really my friends, and no one would be my friend, especially in the state I’m in right now, but it made me realize, that I’d have to be hungry tonigh and tomorrow and every day after this, knowing that my friends aren’t my friends, and having the uncomfortable sense of that hang over everything I do, dominating my thought and making me feel down, and yet ironically enough maybe finally giving me the courage soon to eat alone, which for a long time has been the final admittance I’ve held off on when it comes to admitting my poor self to that part of the college’s life that eats alone, the ciphers, the forgotten students that have no friends, worrying about becoming them, when in reality I already am, and I should just go as I am and sit alone and eat alone and maybe read a book or something.

>> No.11919385

imagine caring at all about eating alone or having no friends

>> No.11919405
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>the forgotten students that have no friends

Make friends with them then you megadork

>> No.11919410

Lol you are're a faggit, and you shed kill yoruself

>> No.11919414
File: 50 KB, 970x545, ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i had a few close friends.
all i have are acquaintances, and too many.

>> No.11919416

Honestly I don't know why I'm here. I find it funny I guess. 4chan is a goldmine of dark humor.

>> No.11919448

Based and redpilled. Good post anon, something to live with in mind.

>> No.11919481

You sound like a frustrated teenager, don't let another person judge your well being brother, as long as you reflect on yourself and find a happy medium that makes your life fulfilling, that is all that matters.
Checkout Meditations, a short book to live by.

>> No.11919493

>353 pages
>dnd wacky story
Anon... pitch me something unique that isn't absurd first, at least!?

>> No.11919609

I overthink things. I think I should just accept the whole "life sucks and then you die" mantra as my alcoholic boomer uncle kept telling me. It's a pill I should swallow sooner rather than later so that I avoid disappointing myself and having unrealistic expectations when the reality is my life has completely stagnated since my early 20s.

>> No.11919615

What have you been reading specifically? Any tips on where to start?

>> No.11919619

>my life has completely stagnated since my early 20s
what did you think was going to happen

>> No.11919627

>I think I should just accept the whole "life sucks and then you die" mantra
This isn't true. It's an illusion. You think it's true because of the society and culture surrounding you, but it's an impression no more grounded in reality than the rest, and to insist otherwise is not only incorrect but also objectively harmful to your experience of life for no real benefit. Nihilism isn't the end, anon. It's the start.

>> No.11919646

Mostly naive bullshit that I was going to escape the whole mundane cycle/trap of the rate race, that I could break out of it somehow. Also, I had this youthful confidence that reading, pursuing intellectual interests, etc. would make me a happier and wiser person. Except now I'm just another jaded wage slave who fits the doomer meme depressingly accurately.

Basically, what I'm trying to say is that I thought I could be "different" when I'm really not and was stupid to think so in the first place. And trying to rely on more abstract thought and introspection (like the anons here) to fix my problems is just making me more toxic if anything.

>> No.11919664

I'm 23 and I just moved out on my own for the first time. I lived with my parents until 21, then lived with my gf for two years. I just left her and moved two hours away to go to uni. But this is the first time I've ever really been on my own. I have college roommates but they just make me feel more isolated. Tonight is my first night here and I feel so horribly alone. It doesn't help that I'm in a student housing complex that has a very high ratio of people to space. I've never been so surrounded by people while feeling so lonely. It's a very strange feeling that I've never experienced in the past.

>> No.11919668

You say that my attitude will hurt my life experience for no real benefit. When I was younger I'd agree, but I think it's the opposite sadly. The sources of my unhappiness seem to come from being overoptimistic and naive, and accepting the likelihood that I'll be stuck in my current pit of monotony and mediocrity will probably do me more good in the long run. Because that's the reality of my life, and the longer I take to accept it the more I'll set myself up for future disappointment. I'm already a misanthrope as it is and any time that I dare to hope things will get better, it just becomes worse. That is what I find truly harmful to my life experience. But if you say nihilism is only the start, what do you suggest I explore next?

>> No.11919669

It also doesn't help that I had to sacrifice some of my creature comforts living here. Like a private bathroom or kitchen. Being confined to a bedroom by others is nauseating

>> No.11919718

i am trudging through a book which is a diary of a female poet and her battle with solitude and loneliness.
i find reading such a book to be a battle, as i can only read small amounts everyday.
there are certain books where it is seamless to turn page after page. this book isn’t the case.
i am determined to finish it no matter how long it takes, nor how uninteresting it may be.
it provides insight to the mind of a creative and how they view the world.
i find it uninteresting sometimes because a good portion of it is the minute details in her everyday life.
however, she can speak fundamental truths about the nature of the human condition. i suppose this makes up for the bits i find boring.

>> No.11919726

are you reading LIVEBLOG

>> No.11919738

it’s called “journal of a solitude” by may sarton.
pick it up at the local library browsing the miscellaneous books on sale.
i think i got the original print too. pretty neat

>> No.11919759

more liberty, but less happiness.
happiness to me can often be misleading, much like a mirage in the desert.

>> No.11919805
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I cant help but feel disappointed with life.
It seems like such a waste of time. A few brief moments of beauty completely engulfed in a sea of mediocrity.
Whats the point of it all? Why does everyone just put up with slogging through shit all the time?
I know I ask these questions in vain as there is no absolute answer to them. I dont even know why im writing this post to be honest.
Its late, Im tired. Ill go to bed and feel better in the morning. Another day of the same monotony awaits.
Id give anything just to fuck and then cuddle with my ex girlfriend just one last time

>> No.11919824

Where at?

>> No.11919880
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Every once and a while ill go spend a few days at my best friends appartment. We pass the time together smoking weed, playing video games, talking, drinking, watching movies, playing boardgames and cardgames, hanging out with his other friends, lifting and eating great food.
We do all of this while rarely leaving his small but comfotable apartment on the 56th floor of his building. I feel completely isolated from the rest of the world in that little apartment high above the world. Its such a freeing and soothing feeling. Its one of the only time i truly feel at peace.
I wish i could spend my entire life up there, living that lazy laidback lifestyle, shielded from the harshness of reality

>> No.11919934

Recently I’ve been feeling this overwhelming desire to pursue and engage in genuine masculine activities or hobbies. It feels like this deep primal urge inside of me. I feel a longing for adventure, danger, physical activity, survival, toughness, and accomplishment. I want to know what it feels like to truly be a man, free from the monotony of my everyday life and the confines of my dorm room. I don’t know exactly where to start but I know I need an outlet for this feeling. How does a 19-year-old college student in the US fulfill this desire? How did young men do it in the past? Is this feeling an essential part of my growth from a boy to a man?

>> No.11919944

Buy a gun, go to the gym, learn to cook

>> No.11919945

Im unsure if I lack empathy or if other people just exaggerate in order to fit in.
A few months ago in my country (Canada) a bus carrying a hockey team crashed and ~20 young men were killed.
Everybody I know acted like they were devastated. It was all people talked about for weeks. Some people genuinely seemed to be heartbroken by it.
Me, i felt absolutely nothing. No heartbreak, sadness or sorrow. While i do think its very unfortunate what happened, no feelings were ever elicited over it. I knew none of those boys on that bus. My only connection to them is by nationality.
I truly dont understand how so many people could feel so much pain over the accidental death of some people they have no real connection to

>> No.11919950

You can do it. Don't browse or visit nofap or view it as "nofap" because it creates a negative association. View it as liberating yourself from being slave to the sexual instinct (one that you perverted and reinforced).
The trick is to practice it mentally. If you get aroused you've already lost.

>> No.11919954

>Im unsure if I lack empathy or if other people just exaggerate in order to fit in.
I often think the same thing. However, when one of my parents died I didn't feel as much as I knew I should have felt. I still cried a couple times and it can still bring me to tears over a year later if I'm feeling sentimental, but I didn't react anywhere near as much as a "normal" person would. That's how I found out my brain was probably a bit fucked when it came to those things. It might take something like that for you figure it out yourself too.

>> No.11919960

This. After a few weeks pornography started causing revulsion rather than arousal.

>> No.11919980

bot thread ignore and dont bump

>> No.11919985

lol fag

>> No.11920033

My sex drive is driving me crazy. Im at a point right now where id fuck anything with a wet hole.
I fucked this fat ugly girl for a while earlier this year. Im looking through her facebook pictures right now and im honestly repulsed. If she texted me right now asking to hookup i would say yes in a heartbeat though.
What have i become. I want this to stop

>> No.11920075

The sex drive is driven by habit mechanisms. The more you indulge, the stronger it grows. DeltaFosB induction occurs and strengthens it. The sexual urge is stronger than the urge to take drugs.
If you do not take measures to lessen your indulgence, it only grows stronger. I would masturbate once a week in my early and mid teenage years. By the late teens, it became daily and by my 20s, it was twice a day and even that was soon replaced with the urge to do it even more frequently. The only solution is abstinence, deliberate abstinence where you do not permit inasmuch as a single thought and intentionally go out of your way to remove any arousing stimuli from your environment. Otherwise, you'll be stuck doing this and your only respite will be the brief refractory period lasting 30 minutes only to be disturbed and agitated upon the next sexual images or thought, which in such a weakened state is hard to resist.
I tried indulging myself to the most extreme (4k HD pornograpghy to be viewed at high frequency) seeing if it would go away. It didn't. It made everything worse and made the chains of this habit even stronger.
Should you regress, you absolutely must resolve 2 things 1. To never again look at pornography on the PC. And 2., to resort only to static, non hardcore images.

>> No.11920181
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>> No.11920778

A little after the morning has set, when it would become embarrassing to sit in bed any longer, I leave my dorm for breakfast. If Lianne, the sweet Christian girl, is swiping cards at the front desk that morning, upon my entering the first floor, she will give a bright greeting that does not feel artificial at all. Though my expression is flat, and worn under a seemingly glum shroud, I do appreciate that sort of thing, honestly. So when she does it, I smile gently, and, in a low voice, tell her “yo”, and move out to catch the shuttle.

On the shuttle people talk if they know each other, and they do not if they don’t. I think that’s normal, but one time, a student made fun of the fact, and suggested we ought to speak to one another, even if we’re strangers, because we’re all students here, and there’s no reason you should spend 10 minutes sitting across from someone and trying desperately to only meet eyes with their shoe. I believe in that spirit, but he felt too proud at having announced it, as if it were a sort of revelation. I don’t talk to anyone on the shuttle, I did once.

When I’m off the shuttle, I usually go to dunkin donuts for breakfast. I always say it’s some of the most decent fast food you can get. I usually get there after most people would have gone, but I prefer to get there when there is a lot of people waiting for breakfast. It feels like I’m a part of a community when it’s like that. To even have the shared experience of wanting coffee and an english muffin is satisfying for me. I don’t like to go there when there’s only a couple people.

>> No.11920796

tard post

>> No.11920827

Everything is permanently and irrevocably ruined and I'll never get a chance to be happy again

>> No.11920831
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Don't say that.

>> No.11920836

It's true anon
At least sometimes i forget the pain and it feels kind of okay

>> No.11920841

It's not true.

>> No.11920849

I agree.

>> No.11920855
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I cant decide whether to publish a book I know will get me attention and money or publish a book that I feel will ruin all of my personal and familial relationships. The pay off would be being able to be honest with the people around me but it means not having people around me.
Meanwhile publishing the book that will get me credit and fame will keep people around me but they wont know me, just as they dont know me now.
Why was I born wrong? What is this wrongness in me for?

>> No.11920864

My interest for having a relationship with a woman goes out the window the moment I cum, are women only to be seen as sexual beings?
I am pretty misanthropic and dislike all people but these feelings towards women get subdued when I turn horny, however once I cum I am back to myself and cannot imagine sharing a house and daily life with a woman

>> No.11920867
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I've come to the realisation that dictatorships are best form of government. With democracies such as the West the problem is that the vision for the country changes every five years. Projects are cancelled,foreign relations are reset and long term political goals change every decade. Meanwhile,a dictator can work his whole life which is a good five decades towards his singular goal for himself and his country. This is similar to a monarchy but avoids the incompetence caused by nepotism and leads to a truly meritocracy. While this may not be enforced I believe a person should be allowed to contest any elections for a leading position for the rest of his life. Change is not always a good thing.

>> No.11920872

Yeah... we live in a society you know

>> No.11920878

It is true. It's absurd to think changing the direction of the nation every few years is going to result in anything other than stagnation. It's like a constant game of tug-and-war. You're just stay fixed in one spot.

>> No.11920892
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funny way to play tug of war

>> No.11920908

That’s literally me. I lost my job and sit at home for nearly four months now. And the thing is that I feel kinda comfy and good about it. Not that I don’t realize that I need a job to provide for myself, but when I think that I again will have to wagecuck in the office just kills me. It truly devastates me.

>> No.11920918

I can't say. I told you that such a mindset will hurt you because I've been there myself and I know what it does. Even by nonchalantly carrying that idea around in your head, you're setting off a chain reaction in your mind that puts a weak underline on every activity you do and says "Why bother?". At the first sign of struggle, then, instead of thinking "I must bear through this", you repeat in your head that it's awful and grow progressively weaker until all your strength is gone. I went through this exact situation very recently. Resignation may sound like a neutral state of acceptance, but in truth it's a very sad state of mind, because it takes the idea that your life is destined to be miserable by default. In such a framework, there is no potential for anything but failure. I have said this before, but this is why chronic pessimism is such a modern phenomenon: If you cannot maintain a desire to live, generally, you die. And you may think this is all well and good since you have verified your pessimism empirically, but in truth you are one of many, and unfortunate life is a product of chance. If you think you deserve to be happy more than them, why?

I'm not trying to be condescending here - I only mean to show that your current line of thought (whose foundation is much shakier than you believe) is harming you a lot for no practical benefit. You will not grow from staying in that pit. You've got to look elsewhere. I don't know where that is, but for my recommendation, mindfulness is a good place to start.

>> No.11920923

Nonverbal communication is god. I must be a better person than I believe because I seem to get on very well with most people. I say hi to almost everyone enthusiastically. Not the in your face type of enthusiasm, where the other person can't breathe without thinking it's cause for conversation, but I like seeing people. I can meet freely with people and am at ease, in fact excited, to be around traffic jams of people.
People are so interesting.
I don't believe that should stop me from being critical with myself and ensuring that I don't take advantage of anyone. But it's such a strange, not unwelcome, thing communicating with someone foreign so easily.

>> No.11920937

This is true for most people you meet in general. You're just paying closer attention to women because they're pretty.

>> No.11920948

I am starting to realize that being a normie is the ultimate way to happiness. If you think of it it makes perfect sense. Most people who stay aloof of everything “normie” while doing intellectual masturbation just lose their precious years and time because they most likely will not achieve anything of value in their life, besides of learning useless scientific facts and other bullshit to become more “enlightend”. I could elaborate more, just need some time to form my thoughts

>> No.11921000
File: 15 KB, 197x280, (...............................).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am starting to realize that being a normie is the ultimate way to happiness. If you think of it it makes perfect sense. Most people who stay aloof of everything “normie” while doing intellectual masturbation just lose their precious years and time because they most likely will not achieve anything of value in their life, besides of learning useless scientific facts and other bullshit to become more “enlightend”. I could elaborate more, just need some time to form my thoughts

>> No.11921023

I fucking saw that coming REEEEE

>> No.11921039

Nothing satisfies me and everything bores me. I feel like an unbelievable cunt for it because we as a species have never been so privileged in all our history of existence, yet here I am thinking it's not enough.

It's like oscillating between "there's something better for me out there" and "why the fuck do I need any of this bullshit anyway?"

>> No.11921052

I tasted my own urine today. Just to make sure I’m still human. My experiments are going well. I am hours into my day long commitment to stare at myself in the mirror nude. I am beginning to see my reptilian self. I am the lizard. I AM the lizard. I taste the bug on my tongue. I have committed myself to learn what a woman feels when she is penetrated but the matchstick won’t fit in my penis. I am so fundamentally lonely. I am adrift in an indifferent universe, only my friend tethers me to reality. I wonder if he senses how I feed off of his life force

>> No.11921070

>I tasted my own urine today. Just to make sure I’m still human. My experiments are going well. I am hours into my day long commitment to stare at myself in the mirror nude. I am beginning to see my reptilian self. I am the lizard. I AM the lizard. I taste the bug on my tongue. I have committed myself to learn what a woman feels when she is penetrated but the matchstick won’t fit in my penis. I am so fundamentally lonely.
>[information tether. library. status = incoherent]
This is what happens when an NPC resides on a place like 4chan for so long. These are the musing of an average NPC riddled with faulty information he picked up off conspiracy forums and 4chan.

>> No.11921577

Try to spend some time with them outside of the environment you normally interact with them. You have a chance of strengthening your bound with them or at least both of you will gain a better understanding of each other.

>> No.11921588

Looks like you used the same function twice. You've been found.

>> No.11921599

Ever since I got rejected by the girl I love in late August, I've been feeling like absolute shit. Don't know what else to say.

>> No.11921655

You’ll get over it anon

>> No.11921666

Daaamn... I had trips

>> No.11921724

Why is pizza so good? It has to be the crust. I put some decent mozzarella and my homemade sauce on some regular bread and it was pretty bad. I made some dough and a couple days later made a pizza and it was good.

>> No.11922346

same experience anon, same advice has been working for me

>> No.11922542

all the time we share together

>> No.11922618

I just want someone to probe my mind and understand what I'm going through... Understand isn't really the right word, I want someone to 'know' to fully know all of the ins and outs, to know exactly how confused I am and how I have no idea how to go about doing this. I have tried writing about it countless times but it's useless, no one can help me but myself, but beyond knowing everything there is to know about the situation I also know damn well that I'm not fit for the job. If I fail my ego is going to be shattered to pieces and after that I have no idea what's going to happen. If I succeed everything will change around me with me staying the same for the most part, and it's equally maddening.
I'm so fucking scared.

>> No.11922657

I did go to the psychologist and it worked (he told me I was overthinking everything and not feeling enough) but in the last two days I've been in the same headspace I was before, I want to blame the flu for this but Im afraid that my problem is not rumination but maybe something more complicated (I know the irony of ruminating about rumination)

Also I don't know if i should buy a compilation of Rulfo's books or buy Bolaño and if I were so: should I go for 2666 or the savage detectives?

>> No.11922693

Savage Detectives is an easier starting point

>> No.11922720

Would you like me to analyze you, anon? I have training.

>> No.11922749

I smoke an eight of dank a day and jerk off to vore.

>> No.11922792

Jerk off to vore? Mein Gott...

*pushes round lens frame glasses back*

>> No.11922995
File: 137 KB, 583x960, pope2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this meme today.

>> No.11923011

Why is America such a shithole and why are Americans okay with that? Is it the propaganda? It has to be.

>> No.11923036

Can you do an Orthodox one please?

>> No.11923047

>white wine

>> No.11923199

Even if I wanted to, I'm not good at meming, especially if it involves drawing like a beard .

>> No.11923207

Someone make it Red and put a communion wafer in his other hand.

>> No.11923223

Sneed! I love Sneed! I love for Sneed! Sneed is my life! Sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! SNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! I LOVE SNEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!

>> No.11923502
File: 83 KB, 697x497, all hope lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an enormous penis. I do not say this to brag, much less to make you feel bad about your penis, which is almost certainly smaller than mine. Truth be told I do not much enjoy having such a long and thick cock anymore, though at one time it gave me and many women a great deal of pleasure. If you will only give me a moment I will try to explain.

The first thing you must understand is that I do not have an above average penis or even a large penis. I have a truly massive penis, a gigantic skewering dick more than a foot long. Growing up I believed this to be the normal state of the world. I believed at that time that all men were endowed with footlong fuck sticks. But this happy ignorance was not to last, and one day I discovered from a trusted friend that his penis was a mere seven and a half inches. I pitied him, I confess it, though now I wish I had his cock and not my own.

I had a woman when I was young, a beautiful and buxom creature whose lips were more luscious than any I have yet encountered. She had gorgeous breasts and a tremendous ass, and her skin was soft and quite warm. We pleasured one another frequently, she with her inviting mouth and tempting holes and I with my enormous penis. We were happy. Would that I could be so happy again, or that I could forget that happiness, since it now forever unattainable.

It was my custom in those days to walk hand in hand with my woman, reveling in our mutual love and lust. Not infrequently we would sneak off during those walks to some private place to fuck, and not infrequently I would think myself the luckiest man alive. But one day it was fated to end, the day we happened to run into a friend of hers, a dark haired woman whose beauty was strange and yet no less than my own dear lover's. She had an aura of fecundity, and I was enthralled. By some terrible turn of events my lover left us alone, and the moments clawed their way through my heart until I could not stand my own lust. She began to lick her lip, and with deep brown eyes begged me to fuck her as she needed it. She needed me, she said, because she had heard how huge and pleasurable my penis was.

I obliged. Oh dear God! I obliged, and what a difference it has made. Yes, a few minutes of ecstasy, but now my woman is gone forever, and the dark haired beauty could not handle my massive throbbing cock and has sought refuge in the arms of another. I have found many beautiful women of every kind, but none can handle my enormous penis. I am doomed, I fear, for the sake of that infidelity, condemned to an eternity of large-penised loneliness, isolation from both the eager fuckable sluts and the more delicate, adorable girls I see each day. Pray you do not end up as I have.

>> No.11923517

Nice pasta

>> No.11923527

I want to put my little baby dick side by side with urs

>> No.11923625
File: 43 KB, 494x339, IMG_20181013_032205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good book if I have a hairy armpit fetish? I've already read Confessions of a Mask.

>> No.11923727
File: 625 KB, 1352x2000, Hail Sigmar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a paladin. A beacon of justice and hope. A warrior of light. A soldier of heaven. I shall uphold the honorable course at all times and live by my own creed. As my reward I will choose the time and place of my death and join the fold of the cosmos and the All-Father's embrace.

>> No.11923732

I'm going to help with laundry today!

>> No.11923801

I really dislike the term "incel". The people who use it as a self-identifier are morons who think getting laid is the meaning of life and the solution to all their problems, but the way people use it as an insult is also kind of mean-spirited as if all virgins are contemptible

It's also made people start using the term "volcel" to differentiate which is fucking retarded because just "celibate" should suffice for people who abstain from sex

>> No.11923824

Have a bunch of university work which prevents me from reading the shit I want, but I also don't want to do the university work, so I end up in a state of inertia and do nothing, when I do read shit I want to I am constantly plagued by a feeling that I should be doing my work. Also want to die.

>> No.11923842

That's good :)

>> No.11923948

56th floor??

>> No.11924121

I could if you wait around for the next 'post what's on your mind' thread

>> No.11924473

lol i just saw i got baned like a week ago for making a sokal squared thread, mods certified salty

>> No.11924493
File: 137 KB, 583x960, orthodox pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that didn't take as long as I thought

>> No.11924510 [DELETED] 

i just made a new cringe memory tonight. i was at a navaratri festival and u had to walk down this kinda steep hill to get to there and as i was walking down i saw someone with a cane crumple and fall, i thought it was like an old indian but i saw it actually an anthropology professor from my school, why didn't i stop and help? it's weird. then when i went down to the main area, this indo-caribbean chick came up to me and introduced me to her basedfriend (i was alone of course, but i wouldn't have been if i had help the prof) it's like one of those scenes in a hesse novel that seem minor but actually have some kind of symbolism about the protagonists life, like when siddartha is walking into the town and he briefly meets a girl fetching water from the river or whatever, i'm like dude this is too hessian, now i'm all introspective n shit, that's what's on my mind man

>> No.11924569

reading a book is like being in the dark and being given some light. When I come here after being given that light and see that book discussed its like a completely different book was read a lot of the time. Sometimes people show up that know what they are talking about but too often seeing a thread about a book before you read it and after is a completely different experience.

>> No.11924574

im going to do it
i'm finally going to do it
I'm going to read a book for the first time in months

>> No.11924580


>> No.11924581

youre right

>> No.11924606
File: 1001 KB, 3840x2160, Quotefancy-997543-3840x2160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing 19th-20th century at uni. We're seeing Leopardi, Montale, Manzoni, Pirandello and Pavese. So far into the semester we've gone through the first three and they all have been amazing, especially Leopardi. There's a pretty good 2014 film about his life on Netflix if you have that.

>> No.11924627

that Leopardi quote is beautiful.

>> No.11924632
File: 322 KB, 664x1043, E06701A5-6075-4309-9E76-387E20B23E4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting Slothrop pig memes was much funnier after reading Gravity’s Rainbows so I’d say your right

>> No.11924638

That's the way it is with all media.

>> No.11924819

>morons who think getting laid is the meaning of life and the solution to all their problemsIts
Almost as if....They're programmed but don't see the programming. They don't question it. Or try to resist it. The sign of an NPC.

>> No.11924916

I need a break from existence. The base reality is that I always feel that I'm here and now experiencing life. Nothing can stop this. Even death doesn't seem certain although I know it'll be when it comes. Escapism and contemplation or work and other people are all the same as the awareness of being secluded from the things surrounding me never stops. Repetition of conscious nothingness is all that there is to come. I need a break from it all.

>> No.11924942

Be strong, friend

>> No.11925177

same for me too. VR made everything worse

>> No.11925290

Every "hobby" I have just involves consumption of some kind. I literally cannot get away from capitalism and it affects my identity and it kills me. Fuck.

>> No.11925296

live inna woods or join the military

>> No.11925303


I have little money and absolutely despise imperialism and what any military stands for.

>> No.11925353

be a military cook
never see combat, you just make food for the lads

>> No.11925401


I don't think you understand how against the military I am. I am not going to support it in any more ways than I am legally required to via taxes. I refuse.

>> No.11925410

I gave you a way to escape capitalism and you cry about it.

>> No.11925412


How the hell do you escape capitalism by being its armed goon?

>> No.11925418

just be a cook or fix trucks or something you goober.

>> No.11925425


How the hell do you escape capitalism by supporting quite literally its armed goons? Why does everyone have this weird fetish for the military?

>> No.11925443

>free food
>free shelter
>free clothes
>more days off than wage slaves
>actions are not profit driven on a day to day basis
>merit based hierarchy
the military is incredibly socialist in its day to day life which is why I say just be a cook or fix trucks or something and you dont have to be the "Armed goon" that sees combat.

Get a desk job. Be a storekeeper. idfk

>> No.11925446


This is some serious delusion. I don't think you completely understand a problem if your only solution is "idk get a job"

>> No.11925452

oh so you just want to be a neet
just say so then nerd

>> No.11925458


Okay, so your conclusions to my post about how capitalism is terrible, affects identities, and only really creates "hobbies" of consumerism are insulting NEETs and saying to get a job. I genuinely don't understand your line of thinking here.

>> No.11925460

This, the point is to expand the military to where it encompasses society completely. Full socialism.

>> No.11925466

being in the military takes you out of the capitalist system
the military gives you a new identity
you can pursue hobbies on a military base

It provides you a solution to life under capitalism but you just dont want THAT specific brand of not capitalism

>> No.11925467


Exactly what part of the military is socialist or is this the CLASSIC American "government = socialism"?

>> No.11925475

>Exactly what part of the military is socialist
these parts >>11925443

>> No.11925483


That's not really socialism at all. I suggest actually reading about the subject you want to speak about.

>being in the military takes you out of the capitalist system

That's already wrong. It gives you the identity of "capitalist goon." I can pursue hobbies without the military. The problem is that 99% of hobbies are based on consumption.

>> No.11925499

at this point im pretty sure your problem just lies within yourself

>> No.11925509


It does, but it's not only me.

>> No.11925568

Yesterday some dude assaulted me and stole my phone. I was drunk as fuck, and this dude just fucking gave a karate-push of some sort, I don't know.

I guess that's karma.

>> No.11925579

I need to pee pretty bad.

>> No.11925586

Bro you got dabbed on hard. How can you look at youself in the mirror?

>> No.11925592

Back in school I used to punch down syndrome kids in the back of the head and pretend like they were freaking out for no reason.

>> No.11925637

lol, fuck you! "dabbed on"

I was drunk man, two guys assaulted me, you expected me to fucking fight? Fuck that

>> No.11925648

bro, you got your ass kicked with a single karate chop.
A fucking karate chop. Thats fucking hilarious

>> No.11925654

What is your education level?

>> No.11925657

You deserved much worse.

>> No.11925664


Yes and no. A job will bring stability, and at least enough of an anchor to stand on. The shitty part, is finding a job that will pay you something where you can do more than eat literal dog food, AND allow you to keep enough of your sanity and mental energy to be able to do the shit you want to do when you get home.

>> No.11925665

dabbed on epic style

>> No.11925666


I dropped out of college when I realised that my major would only really put me on the path to marketing and I'd rather kill myself than do that.

>> No.11925671

Man, I don't get your point. What was, in your vision, the perfect response? Wait a little more to give my phone? You think I should just get beat a little more just for.. I don't know, something?

can you please elaborate more, oh, kind anonymous friend

>> No.11925673

It's your own fault for getting drunk. You're pathetic.

>> No.11925677

my point is thats funny as fuck
the phone is a bummer but its just a material object youre projecting value onto so you'll be fine

getting your ass knocked out with a single karate chop is fucking hilarious

>> No.11925690

I feel you, it really was a unusual robbery, you know? The dude just shoved me so hard that I managed to run, I'm just glad I'm not dead over some fucking phone on something. Happy to have made you laugh on my expenses, you motherfucker lol

Thing is, you are right, man. That's what I meant by "karma" on my OP. I'm planning on reflecting on this whole situation in my diary when I get home, today

>> No.11925704

So how's everything else going?

>> No.11925723

Apart from that, I'm fine, still on a nasty hungover tho, feeling kinda confused and with a heavy belly ache. Wish I could smoke weed in the office. How about you?

>> No.11925744
File: 50 KB, 750x563, 235235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the drunken degenerate must fear the sober salafi

>> No.11925768
File: 1.19 MB, 1400x990, strataflorida_lge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took a huge cleansing poisonous smelling shit and now I feel pristine and light again.

>> No.11925776

Nothing at all. I might take up a CDL. Trucking always seemed nice. If I had a keyboard mounted, I could type at the wheel while looking out on the horizon. Not to post but just to write books.
How much are you making at the office? You ever ask yourself if it's worth it?

>> No.11925812

After working my ass off last week I effectively did nothing this entire week. I don't understand how I can be a working machine one week and the world's laziest bum the next. Incentive is a curious thing.

>> No.11925817

>I was drunk man,
>you expected me to fucking fight

Naturally we do. Given that you were drunk it's only natural that you would fight, get your ass kicked, and amp up the entertainment factor of these posts tremendously

>> No.11925821

I felt the hate rise up in me
Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wander out where you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

>> No.11925834

At least I'm not a four and a half foot tall Guatemalan woman who cleans toilets for a living

>> No.11925867

That's already wrong. It gives you the identity of "capitalist goon." I can pursue hobbies without the military. The problem is that 99% of hobbies are based on consumption
Most hobbies are based on production. Large scale capitalism hates hobbyists because they do it for free or cheaper. You just mean your hobby is consumption without production. You're a filthy capitalist pig, basically.

>> No.11925892

Idiot. Now you owe the university shekels and are precluded from graduate education where you can milk the system.

>> No.11925909

Trucking sure sounds nice. At the office, I'm making a little more than the medium income that brazilians make. I'm studying Economics, so it's just a temporary job, you know? Are you american?

I feel you, sorry to disappoint lol

>> No.11926124

"Queef" is such an exquisite word. Queef. It just rolls of the tongue. And to think it means something so delicate, so subtle, like a baby's yawn. Queef.

>> No.11926125

Maybe I'll drive down to Brazil one day, and pay you a visit. Just need to ferry across the Darian Gap. Still is going to take a while but it would be a nice little meet up.
Perhaps all of /lit/ should do a drive down to south America. We'll plan something big for 2019.

>> No.11926130


>> No.11926136
File: 25 KB, 399x322, 1531305401145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a nigger word.
>ayeyooo, QUEEF
>u finna bust some crackas up?

>> No.11926139

Reminds me of "quiche". Another word that I find satisfying to pronounce. Queef. Quiche. Sheesh. Leash.

>> No.11926151


It's a good thing I've ordinated my sexuality, bccause I too hate most women. They are not worth breeding with, nor speaking to, nor even associating with. If most men fail to reach their potential, most women had no potential to begin with.

>> No.11926448

Queefesha be cry

>> No.11926593
File: 3.57 MB, 980x952, Freungian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a work of literature. Not considering the last 2 episodes and considering End of Evangelion as the canonical ending, the story is better than most stories in recent years. Freudian Psychology might be outdated but goddamn it was fun watching NGE in a critical lens using Freudian Psychology.

>> No.11926614

I hate it but I watch it anyway because I am weak

>> No.11926670
File: 124 KB, 680x680, 135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If true literature is what you seek you'll find it in Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.11926685

Just took a big shit. Need to finish reading for next week's lectures and I'm gonna have a big ole' jerk off session to some depraved shit.

>> No.11926688

Real person

>> No.11926692

>terrible dialogue
>really fucking banal imagery throughout, you only notice the "iconic scenes"
>constant fan service and weird psycho-sexual faggotry
>overacted screaming and absurd emotional responses to stimuli
>nonsensical plot that defies both logical theosophical structure and anything resemble a proper story arc for most characters
>idiotic ending

>> No.11926694

NPC and proud.

>> No.11926749

It's like how when you were a kid how you thought digimon was the shit, but as you grew you learned it was just shit.

>> No.11926786

New thread >>>11926776

>> No.11926787

Remember that scene in Fargo season 2 where the judge said she'd crush the dude like a bug. I want a older woman to get mad and stomp me into the floor Looney Toons style. I'm getting a boner now.

>> No.11927625

>I'm mad because the world's going to shit and my life is mostly shit and everything's shit.