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File: 133 KB, 780x1172, cassel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11916709 No.11916709 [Reply] [Original]

I can't for the life of me not find an introduction to accelerationism that's more than 10 pages and not purposely obscure cyberistic/experimental prose. Help?

>> No.11916713

i want to bury my face into her chocolate titties so badly, lads

>> No.11916737

goddamn imagine having your willy inside that sweet chocolate pusy

>> No.11916742

I want to eat her ass

>> No.11916772
File: 132 KB, 634x955, cassel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in AI/fintech and desu I'm looking for a mindset that somewhat justifies helping those tool establish themselves. I'm morality confused, but I enjoy the math.

So I got Fanged Noumena but it feels like kind of a joke that they'd expect to read a thousand pages of experimental blog posts. I read Capitalist Realism by Fisher, which I suppose is a bit related, and got background info to Delueze, but the frenchmen from the 80's don't really seem to talk about the actions that e.g. Land seems to be all about, and in any case they don't reflect upon modern tech as it's actually emerging.

I wanted to post a pic relating to time/aging, that's Cassel at 51 marrying a 21yo model. Previously he was with Belucci, who's actually 54. I find that pretty brutal and a reminder for women that shit's really not quite fair here.

>> No.11916782

Why are beautiful black women so divine, bro?

>> No.11917158

>Roux De Poux marrying a roody poo

>> No.11917180

The old should fear the young

>> No.11917248

It's impossible to hate Vincent Cassel

>> No.11917252

It's fair. Women shit all over young men for years on end and chase older guys.

>> No.11917259
File: 133 KB, 726x1024, Monica-Bellucci-Simple-Hairstyle-b226-HS126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't think Belucci could find herself a 21 yo model? I'm a couple years older but I've done some clothing modelling and I'd readily volunteer myself

>> No.11917279

you will not find authors who are explicit about these views. Land-like accelerationism is arcane by design. He is talking about very subtle concepts relating to the nature of reality using something that borders on quasi mysticism.

If you need moral justification for the rapid changes in our current environment you have to get into the mindset that you either participate in the process and try to safeguard yourself long enough until you can quit existence, or you can struggle against it and suffer even more. That's the gist of Land.

Also, read this:


>> No.11917286
File: 36 KB, 400x270, mal'amoreno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would conceivably drop Bellucci for a random younger body? A perfidious Frenchman, of course.

>> No.11917298

>black women
That looks nothing like a black woman.

>> No.11917312

what if she's not into mommy roleplaying ?

>> No.11917519
File: 260 KB, 1280x1792, applbla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safeguard how?

Thanks for the link, but half-assedly reading it, it seems like another experiemental blog. Should I put energy into that or are you trolling?

>> No.11917541
File: 134 KB, 267x200, 55BF57D9-2626-4046-9F4E-A7994438905F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts

>> No.11917558

>A black woman looks nothing like a black woman
Stop it.

>> No.11917567

This, most girls spent their 20s fucking 30+ guys, "because they're just more mature". Its kind of stupid that this is considered okay but an older guy dating a younger girl is considered evil.

But in all reproductive scenarios, women are the eternal victims. Don't look for logic

>> No.11917580
File: 43 KB, 529x794, pregnant_candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand who's uttering the last sentence.

Will the sexes merge in the future - why not? We're flattening out our desires by uploading our minds to cryberspace.

>> No.11917600

>experimental blog

that's what I'm trying to tell you, reading these guys looking for straightforwardness is like trying to read Hindu text without religious context. If you really want to get into Land, you have to open your mind to the discomfort of this obscurantism and draw your own conclusions.

>safeguard how?
If you believe what these people are preaching, we are either heading into a catastrophic future or we are going back to hyper social stratification. Either way, it's better to have enough capital and resources to ensure your survival in either situation. That's all the moral justification they will give you: the future will be bloody, better guard yourself.

you'll often see the phrase "garbage time is running out" in these circles. They are eschatological to a fault. To summarize what I just told you: dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

>> No.11917900
File: 51 KB, 315x475, 22397551[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader

>> No.11917958

Sounds gay

I read Dune once too

>> No.11918013
File: 79 KB, 480x640, Sara_Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's your personal perspective?

What's best about it?

>> No.11918059

Get the Nick Land Reader, put together by /lit/. You can find it on google
You can get by on just the reader if you browse Land threads too, although you'll be missing a lot of information without some background reading. Big N is always useful for any western philosophy, and Land mentions Marx a lot. Accelerationism basically inherits everything from Deleuze and Guattari, and if you're familiar with D&G it is its own rabbit hole.

>> No.11918069

On the Question of Free Trade by Marx