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/lit/ - Literature

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11916565 No.11916565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved YouTube channels?

>> No.11916568
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, fuck off contranopoints.

>> No.11916586
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Cuck philosophy (leftwing philosophy major)
Truediltom (neoreactionary libertarian who lifts and destroys ancaps in debates)
Gregory Sadler (buff philosophy professor)
Zero Books (marxism)

>> No.11916666

eric taxxon ( some of his points are wack but o well )
Riley J Dennis

>> No.11916670

Eric Bugenhagen

>> No.11916674


>> No.11916676

America First with Nicholas J. Fuentes

>> No.11916678

not hontra

>> No.11916688


>> No.11916690

Based and redpilled

>> No.11916721

Tingting ASMR

>> No.11916731

Hello, Epic department?

>> No.11916732

Contrapoints is pretty good. I'm subscribed since he was an antheist Nick. I'm not entirely sure why trans folks forcebly try to fake a high pitched voice that never sounds female, though.

Sandler is knowledgable, as he has to be, given he's a philosopher. But he's also a bit too sure of himself and comes across dominating/fixed in an unfriendly way.

I quite like Zero Books and that dudes comments, but his argument for the decades old ideology never really end up being closed and coherent. Marxists sure enjoy playing with their academic words and building more words on it, but it never really applies in the first place.

>> No.11916739

>Sandler is knowledgable, as he has to be, given he's a philosopher. But he's also a bit too sure of himself and comes across dominating/fixed in an unfriendly way.

Because he's an actual professor of philosophy he can't treat YouTube commenters as his equals, nor should he.

Cuck Philosophy is pretty good.

>> No.11916740
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Fuck off kikes

>> No.11916765
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Well we're definitely crossing of the "skeptic" community
1791 is pretty good, it's right wing but i can't quite tell exactly what type of right wing. I like to have a balance of left and right views and everyone already said most of the left wing youtubers. three arrows is good too but is more history rather than philosophy

>> No.11916792

How much do Mr cuck and Mr contra pay you all to advertise here?

>> No.11916799
File: 272 KB, 1117x766, burden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in another thread recc'd Burden and I really enjoyed it.

>> No.11916809

Leftists using youtube as propaganda.
Yare yare.

>> No.11916814

seconding cuck philosophy. really good content

>> No.11916815

This reminds me a bit of NobodyTM. Not quite as disturbing but has the same vibe.

>> No.11916820

bout tree fiddy per post

>> No.11916821
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you know katie got those classics

>> No.11916827
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thank you for molesting my eardrums

>> No.11916831

Wouldn't doubt it.

>> No.11916840

>whoa like violence and frivolous leisure can like exist in the same world?

>> No.11916928
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>> No.11916948

>cuck philosophy
literally obsessed with a right wing fringe he barely understands, he's just barely competent enough to argue against /pol/ shitposts, which he does all the time, but it's his worst content anyways
I could understand this guy having a following on r/philosophy but why the fuck is he getting a pass on /lit/?

>> No.11916996

he reads and puts citations in his videos, which alone puts him ahead of 95% of politcal video essayists. I can understand if you don't agree with him politically, but you should appreciate him academically

>> No.11917003
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>Appreciating the academics of an undergrad philosophy student.

>> No.11917012

Fuck of with this disgusting tranny. His reddit humour videos and masturbatory self congratulatory videos are cancer.

>> No.11917020
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>*squelch* <<sees citations>> *squelch*