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/lit/ - Literature

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11915798 No.11915798 [Reply] [Original]

I used to read a lot but then I had a mental breakdown and since then I've found my thoughts are too distracting and dramatic for me to focus on text. Every thought I have, no matter where it comes from my reaction to it will always be the elimination of all thought. But that's not what I want to talk about, I want book recommendations: stuff similar to Richard Brautigan. Surreal westerns that read easily but are very imaginative. Thanks /lit/, I love you.

>> No.11915823

Cormac Mcarthy and Ken Kesey’s Sometimes a Great Notion. Love you too OP.

>> No.11915856

What was the breakdown like? I used to have very clear and ordered thoughts myself, but then something cracked and they don’t really stop whispering anymore. Do you just have hypersensitive nerves or neurasthenia or fine subtle lightning zapping along your raw nerves or what? What brought it on, a dog attack or did one of your siblings die under circumstances that gesture towards something you and the family would rather not confront directly, because of your Catholicism?

>> No.11915885

thanks bud

I had debilitating delusions and was unable to rationalize where those thoughts came from and felt like if I was going to die one day and have all of my thoughts wiped I might as well have the craziest motherfucking thoughts anyone could think of. I have a tragic relationship with my brain. I haven't had delusions in years (that I could possibly know of) but the death of my father and grandmother have brought my depression back full force. Every day I long to be far away from this world but at the same time relish every modicum of reality there is for me.

>> No.11916653


>> No.11916662

You need to take the Wim Hof pill anon.
Basically shock your body into submission with intense exercise, cold showers, and fasting. Meditate a lot, too.
Your body is going haywire and needs to expel all of this toxic shit

>> No.11916715

i do hate myself, but not that much

>> No.11916992

That’s precisely your issue. You have no experience with self improvement and experience suffering where it doesn’t exist for that reason. I don’t mean to reduce the value of your sufferring by saying this, I’m solely referring to you perceiving what I just mentioned as painful. Even if you just take up meditation and this method, I can guarantee that your physical being will transform

>> No.11917318

i just want a good read bro

>> No.11918735


>> No.11919774

Vonnegut Jr - Eden Express
Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Pickard - The Rose of Paracelsus

All good books about sex death drugs and insanity.

For general shorter more thoughtful works?

Dao De Jing
Diamond Sutra
Lotus Sutra
Baghavad Gita
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Revolution of Everday Life
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

>> No.11920686

Fuck this whim hoff meme. Watch based Devaraj, get on bio-energetics.