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/lit/ - Literature

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11915730 No.11915730 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your background, anon? How did you get into literature? Is your path the typical literary kind?

>> No.11915757


>> No.11915801

I was very into movies but wasn’t really an avid reader. Read like a book a year or less. Then I really really got into Bresson, so I read C&P. Then I picked Anna Karenina, which I knew was supposed to be one of the best novels (it is). And now I read a lot more. Trying to catch up on some grounds like philosophy though. It was great reading Stirner and feeling that I already had similar ideas, etc. Been reading Plato on and off for a few months. I read mostly novels though. Also english isn’t my first lenguage and I thought it was ez but after trying to read Shakespeare and others I realize it isn’t so. I’m climbing my way up from
Hemingway and John Williams. And then with other lenguages I don’t really care if I’m reading translations, you get what you get.

>> No.11915812
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I used to read a lot when I was a kid but I stopped around middle school. In high school I started to lurk on 4chan sticking mostly to /mu/ and /int/. Then I started to lurk on /lit/ becuase the average IQ of this board is slightly higher than other boards and I decided that I needed to read the books so I could meme a little. Then after about a year of reading books for the memes I started to unironically enjoy it.

Tldr: I memed myself into liking books

>> No.11915836

I really, really like this image. Mind if I save it?

>> No.11915880

Parents bought me that J.K. Rowling book when I was 5 years old.
Still recovering

>> No.11916034

>How did you get into literature?

my dad introduced to old science fiction novels at a young age, mainly HG Wells and Jules Verne

>> No.11916045

unironically Game of Thrones but it was way before tv show (2007 I think?), then stopped reading at all for a while, then at the age of 17 I started to read a lot of historical books.

>> No.11916283

I don’t care

>> No.11916284

My mother was a very, very poor farm-girl from Northern Ireland who never had much of an education. When she married my father (who was very well off and well educated) she decided she wanted her children to have everything in life that she didn't. She taught us all to read at an early age and had us reading books well beyond what most children were reading at the time. That's where my interest in literature came from.

>> No.11916335

I’ve been attached to books sine I developed the motor skills to hold them myself. I’ve always liked challenging myself with more difficult books since then.

>> No.11916356

I was very shy and had a bit of a speech impediment after I moved to a different country and was learning the language so my father made me read out loud every evening before going to sleep as he thought that would help me learn how to speak.

>> No.11916358

What kind of story is that?

>> No.11916406


>> No.11916494

>What’s your background, anon?
autistic hermit
>How did you get into literature?
the only public place quiet enough for me to frequent as a child was a little 250 year old library down the block so i just read a lot
>Is your path the typical literary kind?
idk probably