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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 260x335, 61DAYVUWUnL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11915471 No.11915471 [Reply] [Original]

Fckng niggers start censoring. I had a bad feeling for some days in my stomach, was going to buy it soon. But I got surprised. Will probably go for twice the price on ebay now.

>> No.11915478

Why did it got censured ?

>> No.11915481

I guess because of the (((slight))) hatred towards females. Like I really want to read this and have it as a printed book. Stupid moefoes.

>> No.11915486

Same with abebooks and B&N

>> No.11915500

Doesn't make sense. They allow Mein Kampf too, I doubt it got censored. Probably just the Author pulling some autistic stunt to be even more obscure.

>> No.11915505

the author is OP

>> No.11915507

Yeah, no shit. He shills here like every day.

>> No.11915510

I'm reasonably sure the author broke copyright law with that cover. That could be it.

>> No.11915512

Upload it to libgen already you greedy jew.

>> No.11915808

When do you think will I be able to read it?

>> No.11915825
File: 236 KB, 750x747, 9B8F49C0-5BE9-4364-B097-C5D58053CDE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11915829

Where's the original picture from?

>> No.11915839

But what is it about ? Ffs

>> No.11915843

Good question, his other book's cover "the tainted turd" is in a similar style

>> No.11915855


>> No.11915881

Is there no other place i can buy a physical copy now?

>> No.11915943

I looked for one hour online and asked at 3 bookstores in Germany. No luck

>> No.11915945

Yeah because that's what "censorship" is. Getting taken off Amazon.

>> No.11916104

Try finding it somewhere else then.
Resist the beginnings.

>> No.11916350

NO. Both images are public domain, zero restrictions.

>> No.11916366

NO. This is the author. Amazon sent me an email out-of-blue on October 2. Here's the meat of it:


We’re contacting you regarding the following books:

The Tainted Turd
Behead All Satans by M.N.M-D.R.

During our review process, we found that the subject matter of your book is in violation of our content guidelines. Our content guidelines apply to the book interior, as well as cover image, title and/or product descriptions. As a result, we cannot offer this book for sale. If we identify additional submissions with similar content that violates our guidelines you may lose access to optional KDP services and/or face account level actions up to and including termination.

>> No.11916371

i just impulse bought a copy while tripping on acid last week. haven't tried reading it yet but i look forward to it. i know literally nohing about this book beyond the name and cover and the suspicion that it was written by a /lit/izen

>> No.11916392

wtf do you guys think will happen if i start an account with Lulu or some other print-on-demand site?
all these amazon-like, self-publishing platforms have an "offensive material" clause in their TOS...so they can just ban anyone at the drop of a hat.

>> No.11916416


>> No.11916445

You lucky son of a

>> No.11916449

Well fuck me then. Will you print somewhere else?

>> No.11916500

i thought about setting up my own thing while trying to stay as anonymous as possible:
website, ability to process various payment methods, physical books in stock vs POD, shipping.
but taking on all that is a logistical, expensive clusterfuck.
honestly, i don't know what i'm going to do or where to go next. both books banned for "subject matter." Mein Kampf is fine, though.

>> No.11916522

I feel sorry, I really wanted to buy it in like a matter of days. The Amazon-Company Souq still has it listed though.
I guess there is just a little to no chance of getting it back on, not a big topic to go viral. Except for when a bunch of people demands it a customer support, preferably on amazon.com.
I suppose whereever you are located, you will need to give an imprint for the website.

Does anyone know of at gab.ai-like website for books? ugh

>> No.11916625

Damn, now I want to get it more than ever. Is there any way (within reason) to get a copy now? Paypal, Craigslist, etc.?

>> No.11917088

>gab.ai-like website for books
good question.

>> No.11917347

if you need any kind of help feel free to ask

>> No.11917586

What would you do next if you were me?

>> No.11918162

That really does depend on your interest here. If you want to make money of it, then I would try self-publishing sides with pod. Try and see how far it gets you. Maybe get in contact with a press/print company yourself and see if there are possible deals, that could mean somewhat dead capital though, you need to see how much you are willingly to even spent, if at all. Let's try finding info on>>11917088
Maybe someone is interested in printing such a book. For the Amazon supply of pod books in Germany I for instance know they print in Poland. Important for that fact is if you got the point ready layout.

If you just want people to read your book, then sharing it somewhere openly seems to be some kind of plan. Or you could get in touch with contemporary (online)mags that publish the book per chapter in their editions. One can print the legacy if totalitarianism in a tundra via a website as well.
When it comes to the before mentioned deals with a printing company, maybe you could be all represented by a lawyer, this anonymity will cost money on the other hand. I don't know the international law on this but at least he you can be represented fully in such contracts if the other party has no interest in knowing who you are. Another option would be stacking some and selling them on Ebay, but there night be tos problems as well, you could however just tarnish the product for us guys as far as that goes.

>> No.11918173

*sites, print

>> No.11919894
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>> No.11919904

just post the pdf faggot no one is gonna buy your edgy book

>> No.11919909

sorry OP that was mean

>> No.11919923

fugg, i wanted to buy it when i had the spare money too
can you republish it on another account so a bunch of /lit/anons can quickly get it before it gets taken down again or something

>> No.11920003


>> No.11920191

Have you asked what specifically they banned it for?

>> No.11920197

This is the first post in this thread that I don't think the author wrote.

>> No.11920199

it's quite amusing that after Amazon has banned the book, now a bunch of us (myself included) want to actually buy it

>> No.11920229

This, I really want to buy the book now.

>> No.11920232

Have you actually turned out a profit of the books? If so, you could try publishing it in a real editor...

>> No.11920737

You couldn't have ordered last week, unless it were from some website besides Amazon.

>> No.11920777
File: 53 KB, 302x272, Screen Shot 2018-10-12 at 6.56.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

closer to 2 weeks then

>> No.11920780

Yeah, now I also really want to read it. If you were able to put a few copies up for sale somewhere there would be several anons to buy it

>> No.11920863

Jesus, the amount of samefagging from the author is relentless.

>> No.11920899

I like buying anons books

>> No.11920977

Vagueness is their MO, they won't get any more specific than "subject matter."

>> No.11920990

Is this really the masterpiece everyone is saying it is? I don't want to own a book that's not a masterpiece.

>> No.11921074

you are an NPC.

>> No.11921090

This thread is proof it's another advertising ploy. Mods please do your duty and delete this guy like you always do.

>> No.11921095

Just upload it for free somewhere you fucking retard. There's no way I'm gonna pay for your meme book; I COULD possibly read it if it were free and in a ebook-reader-friendly format like epub though.

>> No.11921133

NPCs coming in hot!

>> No.11921198

basically nobody has actually read it, its just a huge meme and the author shills a lot
but hes actually published books so hes better than most of /lit/

>> No.11921325

>Posters: 9
Get help

>> No.11921658
File: 457 KB, 576x338, main-qimg-cb4548a2330b3c8025005de2067f0775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will just call amazon pretending I ordered it on the 2nd of October saying the whole order was somehow deleted. Wish me big fucking luck .

>> No.11922936

it was banned for not selling as many copies as american psycho

>> No.11923034

Has it occurred to you that these books and authors don't deserve to be published?