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/lit/ - Literature

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11915022 No.11915022 [Reply] [Original]

Can you be cute and a good writer at the same time?

>> No.11915030
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Yasssss. However it may become/eventuate into a distraction factor which could impact the qualities and quantities of the product.

>> No.11915037
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>> No.11915040

what does looks have to do with ability

>> No.11915044

good writiers are autistic and autistic people dont care about their looks, if anything negative cares

>> No.11915050

No. Good writing is powered by destructive emotions and a powerful propensity for self-loathing. Attractive people might make a show of feeling negative emotions, but they cannot and will never experience genuine sorrow. Their performative sadness is just another manifestation of therapeutic's triumph and the consequent rise of shallow "psychological man"

>> No.11915100

why was such a retard gifted with such cuteness

>> No.11915203
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Gaddis is the ultimate answer

>> No.11915220

Lesser possibility of resentment. I'm sure it's actually related. It's not that ugly people are all good writers. But that being a 8 or9/10 usually undermines the suffering that could be sublimated by writing or even creation in general.

>> No.11915226

Sauce? Is she a writer?

>> No.11915296

>can Rimbaud exist
He did at least once

>> No.11915315
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>> No.11915325
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Comme il est mignon!

>> No.11915332

I agree with the major but dispute the minor. I’m good looking as fuck but also went through a period of crazy depersonalizing anxiety, despair and self loathing which sent me on a track to reading absolute fuck tons of philosophy and literature, and writing (academically and creatively). Now I’m on the other side of a lot of that despair and anxiety but travelled deep enough into the underworld during that low period that I can still converse quite fluently with the ghosts and devils I met during my travels

>> No.11915333
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newfaggot right there.

>> No.11915350

>i'm attractive but i feel sad sometimes
OK friend.

The thing is, the ambient mood in an attractive person's life is positive. People treat them nicely, smile at them more, check them out, assume they are generally more competent and intelligent than they are, and so on.

For ugly people, there is an absolute indifference. You'll experience it more and more as you get older and more invisible. It's very harrowing, especially because beyond childhood and adolescence no one is paid or obliged to give a shit about you.

>> No.11915356

>”you were just hallucinating your hallucinations!”
Yeah bro good looking people don’t ever experience mental illness. Anxiety and depression are completely reducible to not having gotten to take Stacy to the junior high dance

>> No.11915358
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>All suffering in the world comes from this one specific problem I have.

>> No.11915390

Chads detected.

>> No.11915437

not a word

>> No.11915448
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>> No.11915452

Look it up erroneous dingus.

>> No.11915690


>> No.11915869

"The Controversial History of Eventuate

Eventuate started life as an Americanism in the late 18th century, and was stigmatized in the 19th century. A British commentator called it "another horrible word, which is fast getting into our language through the provincial press." Other British grammarians, and even some Americans, agreed that it was horrible. A few modern critics still consider eventuate to be pompous and unnecessary, but it is less controversial these days."

Made up word you fucking yankee doodle retard

>> No.11915894

what a cute sissy boy

>> No.11915908
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>> No.11915972

God I wish I was her, she's so cute, I would just fondle myself and masturbate all day.

>> No.11915987
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>> No.11916359

I hope so for my sake

>> No.11916388
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>> No.11916528
File: 96 KB, 495x630, 1949-a-1956-gilles-deleuze-habite-avec-quelques-amis-dont-michel-tournier-qui-a-pris-cette-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Deleuze had something James Bond like about him despite his huge jew nose and goblin ears.

>> No.11916538
File: 124 KB, 1360x638, 16665795_10154214956401860_4699184421133370117_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

hon hon posting will never get old

>> No.11916808

With that mindset you would quickly become unattractive even in that body

>> No.11916853

I'm cute and I wrote this. Check it, pandemic story.


>> No.11916861

i am very cute and many of you have read my book ;)

>> No.11916870

Great post Pynchon, very cool!

>> No.11917064

How would you know if you've deluded yourself?

>> No.11917099

>Made up word
What word isn't?

BTW, you cherry-picked that quote then misinterpreted it.

>> No.11917184


>> No.11917309

Imagine being her. Imagine taking a visit to a sauna as her. Imagine sitting in this hot steamy wooden room, sweat dripping from your cute little nose down on your moderate young breasts. Imagine fondling them, slightly pinching your delicate nipples. Imagine sliding your middle finger in your hole, feeling the insides. Imagine, working the sweat around your little anus, stretching it for further probing with the same very finger that wandered your womanhood just a moment ago. Image your unsteady breath, your toned belly muscles convulsing, your little toes curving...

>> No.11917351

God you faggots make me sick

>> No.11917357


>> No.11917681


>> No.11917695

>good writer

nice joke

>> No.11918621

Don't be such an incel

>> No.11918741

Look at his NAILS

>> No.11918756

Just really pathetic way of thinking and disgusting handle of language. You could actually do the exact meme'ing you're doing without being a mincing dust mite about it. So obvious you aren't really verbally talented and also spatially limited, your descriptors make no sense, they're lazy and colorless, every part is mechanical, there's no spirit in the set or setting and her body isn't even really obvious, its almost pedophilic how you belittle the majesty or power of the human form. Just a weird faggot, if you've had sex you're probably bad at it. Think about what you say before you type it or speak it, every word will be owned by you in the end, anon.

>> No.11918761

Who is this retard? I don't care enough to reverse image search, I only care enough to ask /lit/ since I've seen her posted a good number of times.

>> No.11918797

I think it actually does substantially reduce your chances of becoming a writer or philosopher. In some random /sci/ thread someone made a sarcastic reversal along the lines of
>Imagine building computers and rocket ships but never once reflecting on life since society values it and gives you money for it.
To which my reply was
>Sounds good actually, like a happy person in a functional society.
That made me realize something: it may be that all introspection has its roots in either dysfunction or disappointment. Pretty people suffer less disappointment, and they're treated much better in general so they're less likely to develop dysfunction. Hence, they're less introspective. It explains a lot about really attractive people, and about how few of them become acclaimed artists instead of popular celebrities. How many exceptions can anyone think of besides Rimbaud?

>> No.11918811

Looks like he could Michael Fassbender's dad.

>> No.11918812

you ca't be on yootoob or instargram or twiter
they are the diametric opposite of literature

>> No.11918985

some antifa college bitch who happens to be extremely cute, she brings up Nietzsche out of context

>> No.11918997
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>> No.11919005
File: 11 KB, 220x281, 220px-Cioran_in_Romania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it literally goes in inverse. Cioran and schop are a little woke but exist in the same realm as pussy.
Diogenes is the most woke person to ever live and he was a homeless masturbator.

>> No.11919033

God damn you have no idea how jealous I am of his hair.

She has gorgeous individual features but her face is a bit too wide.

>> No.11919067

Toad is a pussy, he should've bitch slapped that motherfucker and take them cookies, like a boss

>> No.11919070

those cheekbones are cute though

>> No.11919077

Excellent final sentence

>> No.11919085

>tfw used to sneak into German classroom early and write up Nietzsche quotes on the board

I was a fucking idiot at 16

>> No.11919088

This board has gone to the shitter. I miss slow /lit/.

>> No.11919096

I don't disagree. I don't mean her actual cheekbones, I mean the ratio of her overall face width compared to face height. Even without the cheekbones, she'd have kind of a squat face.

>> No.11919134

I kind of miss being such a retard in school and getting away with it

>> No.11919141

Really? You don't look back on these things with mortified embarrassment?

>> No.11919148
File: 36 KB, 600x450, contented_cat_pastel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assembled a team one Saturday night to sneak into the school, cut down a tree, and drag it over the driveway. Got away with it

>> No.11919165

Hmmmm, now that you mention it, I remember rearranging the letter board of a local pharmacy at night into something plausibly offensive.

>> No.11919167

no, I enjoyed causing nonsensical mischief and getting into ridiculously stupid situations, in retrospect I felt like an assburgers /mischief/ pepe. My life was an autistic performance and it was perfect

>> No.11919184

Spent an afternoon with two friends, just aimlessly wandering around city hall, peering into offices and using the elevator, for no real purpose (kind of hoping to see the Lord Mayor). Went to TOOL concert that night, don't into TOOL anymore. Wasn't even stoned

>> No.11919228
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>> No.11919418

A bigger board will always bring in more shit but quality content increases as well, I welcome this newfound traffic

>> No.11919426

hehe yes :3

>> No.11919429


>> No.11919498
File: 154 KB, 1300x1370, peter-sloterdijk-1988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only once per generation.

>> No.11920037

>You could actually do the exact meme'ing you're doing without being a mincing dust mite about it

>> No.11920341


>> No.11920352

>majesty or power of the human form
>pedophilic - as abjective


>> No.11920461

Cute, yes

Beautiful, no.

>> No.11920489

le file mignon

>> No.11920495

lit af.

>> No.11920679

No you literally cannot

>> No.11921869

To add to this, would van Gogh have become so celebrated if he'd been drop-dead handsome? He was always chasing women and getting really depressed because they found him to be a clingy downer, but if he'd been gorgeous, one of them would have husbando-ed him, and then he wouldn't have been able to channel his suicidal depression. I guess all art comes down to a desire for sex, on some level. The truly beautiful can have as much sex as they want.

>> No.11921882

Yes me

>> No.11922040

There's no given physical quality that should inhibit your ability to write well, except maybe not having hands.

>> No.11922049

Uagust, baby, youre unreal.

>> No.11922055

Good thing he stopped writing young, if he kept going we would've remembered him as a gross old man.

>> No.11922304


>> No.11922314

why are incels here so elitist about female beauty, any other reason than ironyplay?

>> No.11923406


>> No.11923441
File: 82 KB, 244x368, Christie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, that question is utterly retarded

>> No.11923453

Uggo. Symmetry alone does not a beautiful face make.

>> No.11923879

It helps tho

>> No.11923904

I agree, that's why I said "alone".

>> No.11924434

No. I'm a 7.5/10 and suck dick at writing

>> No.11924971


>> No.11924983

Always love a rare mishima

>> No.11924992

Sure. Assuming you're not so brain damaged and narcissistic as to be constantly thinking about taking selfies instead of writing.

>> No.11925073

In my own experience, the catalyst for me ending up working on a book was that I was so horridly 1/10 for years after having been an 8.5/10 kid with a potential to become 9/10. My features are delicate and soft so they get completely buried underneath fat, which I was over 40kg overweight just a year ago

Currently dropped 26 of that and by the time another year is done I should be unrecognizable from that time. After enduring the extreme mental torture of being made to feel so undesirable that you're nigh unable to touch another human, it has certainly taken me to such a low place that I would have never been in if I didn't have to hate every second of my life for my entire teen years.

It's highly unlikely that anyone who has never been in a place like that can produce anything that meaningful in return either.

>> No.11925131

If you have a good upbringing,

>> No.11925359
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lol, incel

>> No.11925379
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Anybody can be "depressed" and feel the need to express themselves in art if they have a physical deformity, are poor or are socially isolated. It takes a great man to be able to do it beforehand.

If you stand back and look at what these "self-loathing" ugly tortured souls write, at it's core it is narcissistic drivel, as ugly as the author. If you like it, it is because of your own delusion that your pain is somehow special and makes you superior. I'm talking mostly about /lit/core book of disquiet autists, as this thread seems to be filled with them.

>> No.11925385

you might be gay

>> No.11925395

looks about average girl next door to me

>> No.11925398

I don't think Rimbaud is chad looking, or that Van gogh was ugly at all. Few people are really ugly, but not everyone had confidence, assertiveness.

I don't think i'm that ugly, but I'm not "the erotic dream of a young woman", they don't like me because i don't want to play the game where i have a greande in the mouth and i have to dance like I owe it to them.

>> No.11925436

Looks have to do with how other people perceive and in turn treat you, so it determines your path of action in life substantially, in every regard.

>> No.11925477

Even your post reads like a lost tween who only just discovered that life mat be hard, blog away you insufferable cunt.

>> No.11925561

>I don't think Rimbaud is chad looking
He's extremely good looking. That you've become hung up on some idea of "chadness" just shows you have no personal schema of attractiveness beyond what you glean from 4chan. I never remotely suggested that van Gogh was ugly, I implied that he wasn't drop-dead handsome, which he was not.
>I don't think i'm that ugly
If your judgment is as good as your reasoning, you're definitely hideous.
>they don't like me because i don't want to play the game where i have a greande in the mouth and i have to dance like I owe it to them.
Sure, bud.

>> No.11925792

"chad looks" on 4chan now simply come down to a strong jaw and non-shitty hairline