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11914803 No.11914803 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books or studies on why African American culture has dominated American popular culture (and through American hegemony spread through all of western culture) in the past century? All modern forms of popular music are black in origin, language through slang has been greatly influenced through terms originating in African American communities, even something that was previously implicitly very white like internet memes are now in great quantity coming from African Americans (so called "black twitter," black Instagram and Facebook circles, and formerly Vine). Why are African Americans so vastly overrepresented in culture? And what I find fascinating is that this has been accelerating despite deterioration in race relations. We're at a point where black culture is not only greatly overrepresented, it's actually overshadowing contributions by the majority group.

>> No.11914814 [DELETED] 

Fuck you nigger

>> No.11914829

because people want to feel like they are good people without actually exerting any effort or making any sacrifices whatsoever

its super trendy right now. you can feel like you are a great person, all you have to do is watch black panther, sit through it, and afterwards pretend that you like it. then you are so charitable. then you can feel good about yourself. then you can go on wanking, drinking starbucks, and generally just being a fucking piece of shit and feel more self righteous in your self centered apathy

>> No.11914839

>its super trendy right
I'm not talking about just the last decade. It started in the early 20th century with jazz bands and slowly grew like an 2^X curve. I'm genuinely curious because no other group, including the largest minority group (Hispanics) which outnumber African Americans by more than twice haven't left anywhere near as much impact.

>> No.11915063

it's influential on American popular culture, but no where near as much as the European influence and to say that all modern forms of popular music are black in origin is a massive exaggeration

>> No.11915065

>All modern forms of popular music are black in origin
No they're not
Whites are massive cucks and Jews are more than willing to cater to their perverse souls.

>> No.11915066 [DELETED] 

you're literally in hell anon

>> No.11915070

A lot of whites like to role-play as niggers.

>> No.11915075

Rock, EDM, and Hip Hop are all either black music or directly come from black music.

>> No.11915133

it was an early influence on rock music (along with music from Europe and Asia) that was quickly overshadowed by the influences from Europeans. i know nothing about EDM. hip hop is also heavily influenced by white music and culture.

>> No.11915134

You're delusional.

>> No.11915135

i'm far more educated about this than you

>> No.11915145

Ok sure.

>> No.11915146

thanks for taking my word

>> No.11915888

>all either black music or directly come from black music
Can you perhaps enlighten us with some resources ? I myself tried to research the matter through this view but all I got was that african-american music has its roots western classical and folk music. The closest thing to pure african music is tribal music with its main instrument, the drum and chants for vocals.

>> No.11915958

Consuming black culture is a bit like going to the zoo. It’s exotic for nonblacks. It’s like seeing mandingo pound on a tiny blonde qt, an act of almost bestiality, mesmerizing. Listening to illiterate retards from Atlanta like migos is like seeing a chimpanzee learn to talk, but fails and all that comes out are mumbles. Truly mesmerizing. Eventually, things stop being enjoyed ironically and post-irony sets in. All the way back to jazz, blues, and other black culture

>> No.11915983

Because it's fun and easy to access and requires no deep thought, that's literally it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6s6YKlTpfw see this? It's entirely different from an 808 beat and a couple of synths and a mic.

Another thing is for blacks they see their role models in sports and music, so that's where they gravitate, did you know that some of the finest boxers to ever live were jewish? Yet as jews have climbed the economic scale in the US the % of jews in boxing diminished from the time they were in the New York guettos.

>> No.11915988


As for the vine whatever that is, same reason, economic mobility, engineers, businessman, medical doctors aren't on twitter making memes, they have work to do. Now go look at the % of these same degrees in the African American community.

>> No.11915996
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I also don't understand what you mean by culture

>> No.11916087

I dunno, I would say among white North Americans there is a sort of jaded feeling regarding cultural trends, at least in the sense that we no longer have these sweeping generational products since as late as when grunge died. We simply pick up things for a while and drop them when we get bored, because we lack that passion and that fun to some sense. I would say this actually shows up in memes, since all the post-ironic images from the past decade have nothing but a quick, cheap laugh, and for them to mean any more is near impossible, whereas you will find all black memes are tied into the idea of togetherness and mutual struggle in some way. That is what white people are jealous of. They've been gradually convinced into believing that nihilistic hedonism is the only sensible way of life, and now as they begin to discover that age-old truth that progress is not linear, they are ideologically lost, adrift, and seek out another perspective because this one sure isn't working. Now, it doesn't always run that deep, but I can say this is the case for many, whether they know it or not.

>> No.11916145

oppression breeds creativity, that's why. white culture has nothing to fight against so it ends up being corny as fuck

>> No.11916147

>aesthetics is the most difficult to see

>> No.11916530

Kanye's new philosophy book when it drops.

>> No.11916555

No one mentioned "pure African music." Just that all popular genres of music listened to today were invented by African Americans.

>> No.11916778

If their music is western but with a high repetition and simplification twist does that count as an invention? Especially when you consider the fact that Beethoven himself has done "african" structured music before these inventors grandparents were even born. Another thing is that the instruments and the scales(as mentioned several times already) are western so it removes even the last ounces of innovation there could be. Neither rapping, repetitive music and especially not electronic music dancing music were something first done by african-americans. Of course you're free to prove me wrong at all times but one sentenced posts without any resources would not do it, especially when you're the one claiming things.