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/lit/ - Literature

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11913522 No.11913522 [Reply] [Original]

Post a film get a book recommendation

>> No.11913544

film; rebels of the neon god

>> No.11914042
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really hoping to get some good book recommendations from this

>> No.11914112
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This is a tough one. No generic war memoirs.

>> No.11914133
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Unironically Hemingway

>> No.11914144
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>> No.11914149
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My favorite movie of all time

>> No.11914169
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A literary equivalent to this would be quite spicy

>> No.11914199
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That movie was inspired by Rene Daumal's Mount Analogue.

>> No.11914357

Good to know. Is the ending similar?

>> No.11914368
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>> No.11914525


Finnegans Wake
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest

>> No.11914575
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Tree of Life

>> No.11914578
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fallen angels

>> No.11914600

Any Eric Rohmer

>> No.11914613

Dream of Red Chambers by Cao Xueqin, Edward Yang's films clearly drew inspiration from that novel. By that same token, watch his film "A Brighter Summer Day." It's one of the best movies I've ever seen.

>> No.11914728
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(Other than the book it is adapted from)

>> No.11914738

Where the Wild Things Are
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Charlotte's Web
Goodnight Moon
The Giving Tree
The Cat in the Hat
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Green Eggs and Ham
A Wrinkle in Time
Where the Sidewalk Ends
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

>> No.11914794

Taiwanese kino

Hou hsiao hsien is still better tho

>> No.11914805
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>> No.11914815
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Hard mode: no Mishima.

>> No.11914831

Are Germanbros as rare around you as they are around me? I don't even bring him up because I've only heard one person mention him

>> No.11914841

Awesome movie, I felt tears run down my face when the kid reads at the end. Great cinematography too, and overall a really touching story. I don't know anything too similar but Kokoro by Soseki and The Setting Sun by Dazai come to mind. Both are much more bleak however, but they do deal with some of the same stuff thematically

>> No.11914912
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this masterpiece right here

>> No.11914923


>> No.11914927

I have mixed feeling son this. It never did anything for me but my hometown is featured in the movie

>> No.11915056
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Help me with this /lit/, non-fiction recommendation would be awesome too.

>> No.11915059

This and The Look of Silence absolutely BTFO’s Dosto and Raskolnikov.

>> No.11915079

The True Story of Ah Q. Not on a war theme, but IMO the sardonic tone of that film is straight out of Lu Xun's work.

>> No.11915084

>By that same token, watch his film "A Brighter Summer Day." It's one of the best movies I've ever seen
This is correct. Also The Terrorizers.

>> No.11915085

Throne of Games

>> No.11915109

...oh, and Catch-22, obviously.

>> No.11915119

Yup. It’s a lonely world for a Germanbro.

>> No.11915181
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I really like cult-related stuff

>> No.11915183

Death in Venice. Also Dream Novella kinda sucks.

>> No.11915204
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>> No.11915281
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Hardmode: Can't pick Zombie by Joyce Carol Oates or anything about Jeffrey Dahmer.

>> No.11915364

that part where the movie just breaks into a cool polka marching band man oh man I bloody love it

>> No.11915367

not to brag ok to brag a bit I actually met Joshua Oppenheimer at a film festival (got his autograph) and I couldn't help but spaghetti myself

>> No.11915377
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>> No.11915379

How is Yi Yi? Been meaning to watch that and Brighter Summer Day.

>> No.11915396

this looks well gay

>> No.11915397


Watch both, 2 of the best movies to come out from asia hands down.

Shame he died and never made another movie after yi yi.

It's hard to imagine a movie from any society capturing its youth so perfectly at a particular time and place like Brighter summer day did btw.


>> No.11915409

Crowley’s Book of Lies
Heidegger’s Being and Time

>> No.11915424

Yeah, I heard Edward Yang died old. We currently only have Yi Yi and Brighter Summer Day available in the UK thanks to Criterion but I hope they manage to acquire some more of his films because they do sound engaging.

I definitely plan on watching them both sometime, I just need to find the time to watch them as they're both a little longer than I can fit into my schedule at the moment.

>> No.11915431

Both brilliant. His other stuff is great too, in a different vein.

>> No.11915443

* young, not old, I dunno why I typed Old

>> No.11915449
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Please recommend me books similar to Life is Sweet.

If you haven't seen it, then it's a sort of gentle comedy about a dysfunctional family: a father who's a chef who wants to open a snack truck (popular in the UK); a mother who's a dance teacher; an older daughter who has a plumbing apprenticeship and a younger sister who doesn't do anything other than spouts political buzzwords, suffers from depression and bulimia (and has gross sex with a skinny shit from the neighbourhood).

The further the film goes along, the more uncomfortable it gets. The younger sister reveals more about her depression, her mother expresses grave concern but also anger that her youngest daughter doesn't appreciate the sacrifices that the mother and father have had to make to have children; a family friend opening up a disgusting restaurant fails on his opening day and becomes publicly drunk and violently harassing; the father breaks his leg; etc etc. If you haven't watch a Mike Leigh film, this is a good place to start.

>> No.11915479

>Hou hsiao hsien is still better tho
Yes. but he has never done anything as good as A Brighter Summer Day.

>> No.11915482

Other horror movies released the same year (2009):
>13B: Fear Has a New Address, 9 Miles Down, After.Life, Agyaat, Albino Farm, Amer, Anacondas: Trail of Blood, The Angels' Melancholia, Antichrist, Blood: The Last Vampire, Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hatchet, Book of Blood, Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever, Carriers, Case 39, Chain Letter, Children of the Corn, The Collector, Crush, Deadline, Dead Snow, The Descent: Part 2, The Devil’s Tomb, The Disappearance of Alice Creed, Doghouse, Don't Look Back, Drag Me to Hell, Dread, Evil Things, Fear Island, The Final Destination, Forget Me Not, The Fourth Kind, Friday the 13th, Giallo, Grace, Grotesque, The Grudge 3, Halloween II, The Haunting, The Haunting in Connecticut , Heartless, High Lane, The Hills Run Red, Hit and Run, Homecoming, The Horde, The House of the Devil, The Human Centipede (First Sequence), Infestation, It's Alive, Jennifer’s Body, Kill Theory, King of Thorn, Laid to Rest, The Last House of the Left, The Last Resort, Lesbian Vampire Killers, Lo, The Lodger, Macabre II, Malibu Shark Attack, The Meatgrinder, My Bloody Valentine, My Super Psycho Sweet 16, Necromentia, The New Daughter, Night of the Demons, Night Train, Not Forgotten, Offspring, Orphan, Pandorum, Penance, Perkins' 14, Phobia 2, Porn Star Zombies, [REC] 2, Red Sands, The Revenant, Run! Bitch Run!, Saw VI, Smash Cut, Sorority Row, Spirit Camp, Splice, Stan Helsing, Summer's Moon, Survival of the Dead, Tell Tale, The Thaw, Thirst, Tormented, Trash Humpers, The Unborn, The Uninvited, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, Wake Wood, Walled In, Whiteout, Wolvesbayne, ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction, Zombieland
+ another 700 shitty movies I'm not adding. Exactly THREE of these are on par with The Loved Ones.

>> No.11915504

the only good one there is antichrist

>> No.11915525

Well, really The Loved Ones was the best movie to come out of that year, but I say on par so as not to discount pleasant surprises like Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever, the second best disco horror to be made. Also it had a great intro.

>> No.11915529

The Vorrh

>> No.11915543

Which poet most closely resemblesbles Brakhage stylistically either in regard to his painted film stuff or dog star man

>> No.11915593
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Anything with unicorns in it that's good, thank you.

>> No.11915602

Michael Morpurgo's I Believe In Unicorns if you're up for a drama about a boy's experience in war-torn Europe with the only escape being discovering books and stories about unicorns. More along the lines like War Horse rather than fantasy wizards and shit so maybe it's not exactly what you want but it's pretty good

>> No.11915618
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surrealist horror

>> No.11915621

Eugene Gomringer

>> No.11915629

Rilke - Book of Hours

>> No.11915632

A Night of Serious Drinking by René Daumal.

>> No.11915637

Deep Red > Suspiria (both great though)

ok you might really like House on the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson. I'd imagine if it was adapted into a film it'd be just as colourful as Suspiria. It's a vibrant, weird tale that cuts the fucking breaks halfway through and doesn't stop. It really surprised me how far that book took it to try and weird out the reader. It's also very short too so you could finish it in a weekend.

(also have you seen the Suspiria remake? Is it good?)

>> No.11915709

The book is unfinished iirc

>> No.11915753

There’s rips of Taipei Story and The Terrorizers

>> No.11915760
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>> No.11916477

Simulacra and simulation

>> No.11916561
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>> No.11916597
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Inb4 Donnie Darko

>> No.11916632
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I don’t watch movies and I refuse to go to /tv/ pls suggest some like this

>> No.11916634

dispatches by herr obviousy

>> No.11916649

This is my dad's favorite movie. You'd probably like James Thurber, Library of America has a good edition of his works.

>> No.11917339
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Any rec based on Has' works is sufficient.

>> No.11917433

Based anon, Jimmy Stewart is one of my favourite actors and Harvey is wonderful.

>> No.11917447

Never see anyone mention Has. Can you tell me what The Hourglass Sanatorium means because I've seen it three times and it always leaves me dumbfounded.

>> No.11917606

Is this film worth watching or is it highly rated because it's an "important" film?

>> No.11917650
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>> No.11917659

Atrocity Exhibition

>> No.11917665

Literal kino

>> No.11917676
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>> No.11917684
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>> No.11917713

Great taste.

>> No.11917752
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>> No.11917770
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>> No.11918938

Already a book

>> No.11918941

movie fuckin sucks so probably harry potter if you like magic so much you stupid bitch

>> No.11918954

>when that one kid recorded a tape telling the protagonist Elvis sent him a ring.
Truly moving, I need to watch this movie again

>> No.11918957
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Inb4 read the book. It's a completely different story from what I've heard.

>> No.11918965

movie fuckin sucks so probably the handmaids tale if you like shitty dystopian fiction you stupid bitch

>> No.11919044

bump for these

>> No.11919049


>> No.11919050

That movie is excellent, shut the fuck up you tasteless sparrowfart.

>> No.11919164
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Really want to read something similar to my favorite movie <3

>> No.11919180

I wasn't expecting any replies, thanks.
Its a great film. The old women were on point too.

>> No.11919203
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>> No.11919204
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>> No.11919206
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better never to have been

>> No.11919217

Unironically John Green

>> No.11919226
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>> No.11919251

I have an inkling you would like Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

>> No.11919253

the short timers

>> No.11919262

Visions of Excess by Bataille. That's all I could think of when I saw Akerman's masterpiece.

Also watched the Bresson last night because of this thread. Definitely not my favorite by him, but still good.

>> No.11919288

I watched that movie last weekend. It definitely is a great work of art, but I felt it was too cold on the treatment of its subject. Too clinical. Grand filmmaking though, not quite like anything I had seen before and very clear on its ideas. Do you recommend anything else from Akerman? This was my first by her.

>> No.11919323
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oh gee oh my, thats a grand suggestion friend

>> No.11919613

Yes, it's definitely clinical, cold, mechanical, objective, etc. That's exactly "it", that's the entire movie. It wasn't "too cold", because the subject is the coldness itself. It's a metaphyiscal depiction of life, in that it reduces all meaning to math, patterns, and determinism. A lot of people derive feminist understanding from it, but I don't think it applies as much, because it's not so as much about "her" as it is about "us" and humanity at large - forms trapped in a box. You don't have to enjoy all of that, but you may have a hard time liking her other films if you're not too interested on how direct/structural she is. I've also seen La Chambre, Hotel Monterey, News from Home, D'est, and Portrait d'une jeune fille de la fin des années 60 à Bruxelles, of which the first 4 are a sort of progression of radical structural films that go from her small NY room, to a bigger room in NY, to the streets of NY, to a country that is a proposed opposite of NY. I enjoyed all minus News from Home because it's the one that allows the least personal interjection out of including a context of independence via letters that her mother sends her, which she reads out-loud as she slowly ventures more and more into the city. Portrait is apparently really beloved by those who see it, but I found it to be just an alright/traditional coming-of-age movie of youth in 60s France. I say give her another go with D'est.
Super! This seems interesting, thanks. Only read Story of the Eye, which I mostly did out of duty for the "trangressive" canon. I didn't get much out of it, but his non-fiction stuff entices me still.
You mean The Devil, Probably? What did you make of it? I saw it months ago, and I felt like it's one of those movies that just surpassed me. I answered the guy because no one else had, and really I only grasped on to the few things I gathered (young man seeking answers to existence via religion/political movements finds himself at face with the "truth" mass death is inevitable destiny, therefore suicide must also be). Coincidentally I also saw a Bresson last night - A Man Escaped. By far the one I've liked the most.

>> No.11919638
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>> No.11919731

Big bump just watched it. Breathtaking but also very confusing.

>> No.11919746
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>> No.11919787

Well?! Will anyone give me a suggestion?

>> No.11919809

Seconding D'est
Also, the lack of critical attention that No Home Movie recieved shocked me, that film will break your heart

>> No.11919815

Imagine if we had an actual film board

>> No.11919861

Less Than Zero

>> No.11919867

fuck this movie sucked

>> No.11919913

Well I'm an Indonesian diaspora and the movie is not that uncommon within the community, only watched it because I saw Herzog talked about it in an interview.

>> No.11919948
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I know it's a book adaptation in the first place but any others?

>> No.11919958

>he doesn't like /tv/

>> No.11919991

It's pretty long but a good film it's mostly surreal and a dark comedy at times especially in the second half

>> No.11919998

Nothing can compare to this film

>> No.11920010

It's a really good, entertaining film. I don't think it's particularly 'important' and I'm not sure where you'd get that idea from.

Jiang Wen is great. See also In The Heat of the Sun and The Sun Also Rises (nothing to do with Hemmmingway)

>> No.11920096

bumping because i'd really like a recc based on Life is Sweet please anons help me here

>> No.11920100

yeah it's a shame we don't have a real film board but i'm glad /tv/ got deleted what a cesspit

>> No.11920108

Yeah, I remember thinking the sister of James Stewart in that film was hilarious. Loved the cynical orderly too.

I watched Anatomy of a Murder recently and Jimmy was great in that too, loved the parts where he just started playing some jazz record and someone asked him "should lawyers really listen to this kind of thing" and he just responds that it's what he likes. Impossible to not be charmed by that guy.

>> No.11920114

You're a fucking idiot, Children of Men is brilliant.

>> No.11920115
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>Evil Dead
>Not Witches

>> No.11920118

god I hope this film comes out in the UK now Criterion is doing there thing over here

>> No.11920122

Fight Club

>> No.11920127
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Enjoy ;-)

>> No.11920130
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>> No.11920237

The book of disquiet, Fernando Pessoa

>> No.11920280
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>> No.11920314
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>> No.11920333
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basically anything about eastern European jews facing hard times and/or facing changing times

God, I love Topol in this movie.