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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 372x300, 2007_05_tao_lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1191027 No.1191027 [Reply] [Original]

Can Tao Lin make books popular amongst the general public again?

A normal person doesn't enjoy having to stop halfway through some TL;DR *stream-of-consciousness* pretension during their 20 minute train journey to work. Thye want something that can be put down & picked up easily & that is relevant to today's culture, as well being humorous.

I really think Lin's writing style is as natural a progression for literature as electronic is for music. It's the future & appropriate for how fast the world goes now.

Your thoughts /lit/?

>> No.1191037

Go away Tao.

Stop trolling /lit/.

>> No.1191038

>A normal person doesn't enjoy having to stop halfway through some TL;DR *stream-of-consciousness* pretension during their 20 minute train journey to work.

Well, you're presupposing a whole hell of a lot with just this sentence, so you may want to go back and restructure your logic, kiddo.

>> No.1191040


DFW is the future of literature.

>> No.1191042

>TL;DR *stream-of-consciousness* pretension
That was Modernism and it was like 50 years ago :(

>> No.1191044

Posting in a bad Lin Thread

>> No.1191047

>implying electronic music isn't fucking horrible

>> No.1191050

Get the fuck out, Tao.

>> No.1191051

offical gov statistics say people spend on average 20 mins on train.

No he's just a good modern writer that is influnced by people liek Pynchon, Nabokov etc in his work. Not actual new ground like Tao.

>> No.1191054

>it was like 50 years ago
You're point being?

>> No.1191055


It was the last time anything meaningful happened. Most of what's followed has been trying to pretend history isn't happening, or else work that follows the Modernist line.

>> No.1191057


>> No.1191060

Obligatory sage for a Tao Lin thread.

>> No.1191062

>trying to pretend history isn't happening
It's all been revealed as ideology d00d, idk your probably an imperialist britisher or yank or something (possibly a hegelian or marxist who thinks their respective projects are fulfilled but you only need to take a look outside the window to see that's not the case)

You should get with the times, the shift from modernism to pomo involves a shift from questions of epistemology within literature to questions of ontology. different issues, different and exciting lit. Something meaningful, though we are loathe to admit it, is happening mais oui?

>> No.1191072

Mogwai do not try and pretend that Hospice is still a cool album or one that hipsters would listen to. That whole album is so last year. Come on.

Also, Get Out Tao Lin

>> No.1191073

I think this is correct. Readers who don't care about a "time travel" experience of how things were want to read something that "reflects" their life, if that can ever be pinned down in 50 000 words or whatever. The writers who get closer to that are likely to feel more "neccessary".

>> No.1191080

quotes around words [via HRO]

>> No.1191081


No, money-grubbing child abusing liars are ignoring the facts. The truth continues. The only meaningful post-modern art is 9/11. Its architects were ovine nincompoops, but it wiped the smile off of all the right faces.

>> No.1191084


What does "[via HRO]" mean?

>> No.1191085

Exactly. It's better to appreciate contemporary geniuses genuinely than to pretend to like the old greats when you might not be able to appreciate them at their fullest.

>> No.1191088


This is not what I mean. I mean "today's" writers writing about "yesterday's" states. Pretending the world is the same as in the "Victorian" age, but with 4X4s.

>> No.1191089

It is a reference to the popular blog Hipster Runoff which is relevant to this thread b/c it is of a piece w/ the writing mindset of Tao Lin (and also has a very distinct style of its own, which often uses quotes around words that don't strictly need it, and also is very big on attributing concepts using the format [via x])

It's making a valid point in a somewhat-interesting way, but it gets old quick

>> No.1191091

>What's that Tao Lin story about a catatonic, unfeeling guy?

>> No.1191092


Oh OK, I've never read it.

>> No.1191093


Answer, scumfuck ov Satano.

>> No.1191094

Well that doesnt exactly contradict what I said. You refer to writers like Franzen, DFW & King I guess?

>> No.1191099
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>> No.1191100


I'm not sure what you mean here. That's the kind I mean, yes, though they're the "tip of the iceberg".

>> No.1191103

Why are we entertaining this shameless self promotion?

>> No.1191104


I should clarify I picture an iceberg of frozen shit, psychiatric medication for raped daughters, and old TV Guides.

>> No.1191106

I thought you meant there's more interest in tao's tuff than his contemporaries which are competing with people who wrote better stuff years ago.

>> No.1191107


I'm not sure what you mean here.

>> No.1191108

When will irony be over? Please save us, new sincerity!

>> No.1191109

Tao, you are Carles. Prove me wrong.

>> No.1191110


Yes, now I understand, I thought you were talking about people "pretending to like" old works, but they're "pretending to [write about states] like old greats". Exactly.

>> No.1191112


Hipster runoff is only funny when you hear it.

By the way, sage goes in the email field

>> No.1191114


Who is Carles?

>> No.1191115
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>> No.1191116
File: 61 KB, 432x665, keretbusdriver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're looking for something to read on 20 minute journeys to work/uni etc, get some Etgar Keret, he's great, and worth a read by EVERYONE.

>> No.1191117

Tao Lin.

>> No.1191118
File: 72 KB, 530x353, 1132530353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope I've met Carles irl. Carles isn't as quiet as Tao & just generally gives off chiller vibes.

>> No.1191119

Is Tao talking to himself, or is one of the Taos an imposter?

>> No.1191122

oh shit im sorry tao i didnt meant that stuff above. i look up to you cause youre like a male american version of me.

i didnt talk at school either & i had no friends ;_;

>> No.1191123

Elaborate on your meeting with Carles, please. Details!

>> No.1191124

He's also 100x better than Tao Lin

>> No.1191126

actually i still do but my uni classes havent all started yet

>> No.1191131

also, sage for ignoring the fact that realism is still the dominant mode

>> No.1191132


Mathematically, this seems "hard to credit".

>> No.1191133

Tao you will not self-market yourself into being one of 'the greats.' You will never leave behind any kind of legacy.

>> No.1191135


Can't you read, you piece of shit? I answered you. Stop dickering with your masters who ignore you here. Your crap isn't worth refuting.

>> No.1191137


Come on people, commence the bombing!

>> No.1191140

also tao since youre here how did you stop being so quiet. i went to my gp in the uk & the drugs he gave me didnt do anything so i stopped going.

please tell me how you stopped being liek that, i feel like a sub-human freak all the time.

>> No.1191141


Everyone has "contributed" well - I think this is a good thread. I can't see how "bombing" a Twitter page will enhance anyone's "enrichment" of this discussion.

>> No.1191144

>Can't you read, you piece of shit? I answered you
I don't know if screaming and stomping your feet constitutes an answer to be honest, a response maybe but not an answer

>Stop dickering with your masters who ignore you here
Your inadequacies are showing

>> No.1191146


I thought you were Tao Lin. :)

Perhaps no-one here is Tao Lin. This in itself is material for a book. Perhaps we are in someone's book even now.

>> No.1191149

Isn't it just so weird how people from minority groups can't write conventional literature /lit/?

>> No.1191150



>> No.1191151

I live in the UK & am only 18. Don't really like the rest of your post.

>> No.1191153


uh thread's kind of long mang I can't tell which is which. If you're the 9/11 nitwit I'm probably just going to laugh at you and call you a degenerate moron :( but it's not like that would be incorrect or undeserved or anything

>> No.1191155


>> No.1191157
File: 61 KB, 500x626, TyBrax4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1191165


I was making fun of the paranoia in this thread, I'm sorry if it came across badly.

People's "circumstances" differ, but I know one person who jogged and listened to their iPod while singing. This became a way of "being in public" while staying "private", and remembering it afterwards helped them be more "outgoing" subsequently.

>> No.1191171


It's good when relativists die. The tradition continues.

>> No.1191172
File: 6 KB, 240x160, TyBrax16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldnt they be embarassed singing out loud?

that sounds kinda scary im even too embarrassed to go jogging

>> No.1191173


They started with very quiet singing, and jogging in "industrial" areas where few people go "recreationally", then worked up.

>> No.1191177

Tao Lin is a genius, and also uses the internet remarkably well in order to spread the word.

>> No.1191179

If this gets archived, the title will be 'Who's Kidding Who'.

>> No.1191180

Referring to yourself in the 3rd person.

Oh dear.

>> No.1191182

Only one part of this sentence is true, and it sure as fuck isn't the first part.

>> No.1191184
File: 1.41 MB, 982x709, Screen shot 2010-10-08 at 5.15.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Tao. It's Mars Argo <3

>> No.1191188


>> No.1191190

kk. i think id rather stay the same then go to that effort though.

if /lit/ was taken down i'd consider it.

>> No.1191195

This thread is in itself a work of genius, and should be archived.

>> No.1191201


Tao Lin would never call himself a genius. That's other people's call to make.

>> No.1191203


>> No.1191205

ITT: Tao Lin

>> No.1191207
File: 15 KB, 263x192, TyBrax13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. this is the most relevant ill ever be in my life i guess. or was possibly that ayn rand thread where some bro thought i was tyondai braxton for some reason.

i dont even know how do get first on HRO since RSS isnt fast enough.

>> No.1191211

The only thing TL has done in association with this thread is link it from his twitter. Everything else has been people's assumptions. Awesome.

>> No.1191214


>> No.1191218


I wouldn't be so sure. Though it would be "ironic".

>> No.1191222


Do you have a blog or something where you could commemorate this thread?

>> No.1191225


>> No.1191229


Send a link to carleser@gmail.com

Or send it as an HTML file. You can save this by going to Save Page As on Firefox.

>> No.1191232
File: 67 KB, 600x450, 95267897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this on ebay.
it was on display at Purdue University.
all of the 'art' there was made by 'azn-ammys'.

'a young asian-american hamster looking up' by tao lin

i paid $2.99 for it. no one wanted it.

>> No.1191240

I agree TyBrax, you should send it and see.

>> No.1191243

i am 'posting' in a Tao Lin 'thread' with a neutral facial expression.

>> No.1191244
File: 92 KB, 450x600, 27271022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a sore throat and my doctor prescribed a 'big-ass' bottle of promethazine and codeine.

i mixed it with gatorade and vodka and watched lightning bolt/mika miko/wavves/other buzzbands at FYF 2009.

i got a sore throat again. my mom said take some of that medicine. i said 'it's all gone'. she said, 'all of it?'.

i want more promethazine and codeine.

>> No.1191247

Purdue ftw. I'm a 'boilermaker' as well.

>> No.1191248

Surely TyBrax is Carles, the whole thing is an epic 'double bluff'.

>> No.1191249
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>> No.1191250

WTF happened to the tinychat room ;_;

>> No.1191252
File: 449 KB, 1024x683, 2228302456_71d334e20d_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A normal person doesn't enjoy having to stop halfway through some TL;DR *stream-of-consciousness* pretension during their 20 minute train journey to work. Thye want something that can be put down & picked up easily & that is relevant to today's culture, as well being humorous.

>mfw I'm reading Ulysses on the train every morning.

>> No.1191253
File: 132 KB, 600x800, 102800771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this t-shirt and wore it to class many-several times.

no one cared, except for my japanese art history t.a.

i think she said something like, 'wow you read shitty blogs'.

>> No.1191258
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 36693924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys when taco bell introduced the emo taco?

it tasted depressing.

>> No.1191260


>> No.1191263

tao lin tweeted this thread like an hour ago

>> No.1191264



>> No.1191265

tao lin also started this thread on 4chan like an hour ago

>> No.1191266




>> No.1191269



You're clearly Tao Lin. This is a massive "double bluff".

>> No.1191270



>> No.1191271


You confirm what I thought, Courage Wolf. Truly, you are Tao Lin, the Saviour of the American Novel.

>> No.1191272

who the fuck is tao lin and why should we care?

>> No.1191273
File: 55 KB, 306x272, Hold On Anteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sent a txt to a girl I like today. She messaged me yesterday saying she missed me. I thought I should wait a day, I guess. She hasn't replied. I'll wait a little longer though. It's not like I have anything better to do.

captcha: vitamin scoggiat

That sounds like an ice cream I could eat with the girl I love in about 30 years time. In the future healthy food will taste good.

>> No.1191274

is he a philosopher? if not then he's worthless.

peace out

>> No.1191275

ITT: 3 people

>> No.1191276


Hey Mr. Lin.

>> No.1191278


You can find out by putting the name into Google. Or were you being "rhetorical"?

>> No.1191280

i really dig tao lin. awesome writing, awesome guy

>> No.1191281

i sucked tao lin's dick @ booksmith

the semen tasted strange

>> No.1191283
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 51LBLcvjXlL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this tastes really good

>> No.1191286
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I am not Tao Lin. There is no Tao Lin.

I'm still waiting for her to call btw, if your interested. I know it's not all that important to this discussion, or whatever, but honestly I can't concentrate on much else.

captcha: reclatt section

Sounds like a place for healthy bones.

>> No.1191287
File: 681 KB, 1500x1120, 1286575688693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i look like a hipster

i was trying to dress like one today

there's a jimmy eat world concert tonight

>> No.1191288

If I believe that Tao Lin doesn't exist, he won't.

>> No.1191289
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>> No.1191293

Tao Lin I read a few of your really short stories. I quite the Novelist one. What the fuck is up with the Cancer one though?

>> No.1191296
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>> No.1191298
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I steal forks from restaurants

pic 50% relevant

>> No.1191305
File: 147 KB, 394x500, dawwwcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i layed in my bed and pet my stomach. i pretended that there was a baby growing in it. i cried with my baby and then fell asleep.

>> No.1191312
File: 41 KB, 400x393, 1275453900063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm just boring you. Sorry.

It's been almost an hour though, and she hasn't called. I would call her but I have no credit on my phone. She probably wouldn't answer anyway. she must be busy. She's a busy girl. Popular.

captcha: sencits 1870,

I have never even had an inkling as to this being the 19th century

>> No.1191320
File: 6 KB, 273x184, 23435434345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you tao lin. Wil you write a poem about me? I am a girl.

>> No.1191341
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This is now a fap thread

>> No.1191343
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>> No.1191345
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>> No.1191347
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>> No.1191348


>> No.1191350
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>> No.1191353
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>> No.1191356
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>> No.1191358

I'm trying to produce sauce. Give 2 minutes.

>> No.1191361
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>> No.1191363
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>> No.1191373
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>> No.1191376
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>> No.1191378
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>> No.1191379


>> No.1191384
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>> No.1191386
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>> No.1191388
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>> No.1191391
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>> No.1191392
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>> No.1191393
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>> No.1191396

God did /b/ invade this thread or something. Get this shit out of here /lit./

>> No.1191397
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>> No.1191399
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>> No.1191401
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>> No.1191405
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>parents come into room to use PC because they too dumb to setup own computer
>spend 1 hour + on it
>fight a little
>i play guitar by myself during it but will am not good/serious at it
i hate surburbia

>> No.1191411
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>> No.1191416
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>> No.1191418
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>> No.1191423
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>> No.1191427
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>> No.1191431
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>> No.1191433
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>> No.1191436

oh hai /b/

>> No.1191442
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>> No.1191451
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ok i have to go to bed now guise mama wants to use the computer sorry baiii (i love cormac mccarthy like horses like sugarcubes before they see whats in my other hand and get scared silly horses never knowing what to expect)