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11906647 No.11906647 [Reply] [Original]

Why in the actual fuck do people like this?

>> No.11906654

can't wait to read it in german

>> No.11906656

I haven't read it whole. I started it but the first chapter was boring so I skipped ahead and read two random chapters in books 2 and 3 and holy fuck that was actually some legit great (albeit derivative, as it was "Alan writes in the style of X" type of stuff) stuff. One day I'll read it whole, but today is not that today.

>> No.11906658

>skipping ahead in a book

Do people actually do this?

>> No.11906844

Why wouldn't they do this? What sort of person thinks so little of their time that they would dedicate themselves to a massive, contemporary and therefore unproven, mess of a book without even sampling it first? You're not one of those derided "plot readers" I keep hearing about, are you?

>> No.11907582

I always read the whole book in order.

>> No.11907813

alan moore's a talented dude and i think he just immediately assumed that that talent would transfer straight to writing a book which is a buckwild but i guess understandable mistake

>> No.11907827

>you read a story for the story? RETARD
Absolute genius

>> No.11907912

It needed an editor and to have been released as series of smaller novels. It is salvageable and there was clearly competence behind it, even talent, but it is also drowned in the chaff of Ego. Being the best comic book writer alive does not guarantee that you will be the best at another kind of writing, and clearly his status as a comics writer with a comic so good it is considered one of the "best 100 novels of the 20th century" by some several movie adaptations made people hesitant to offer constructive criticism during the process of putting the book together. Sort of like that BTS footage of George Lucas during the filming of the prequel trilogy going on about how important Jar Jar Binks is to making the movie work, and you see all these people in the background looking concerned but not piping up. On the other hand maybe the publisher was just cynical and willing to publish anything with Moore's name.

>> No.11908573

Likely because they're not work to the JQ yet. Only reason to go barking up the wrong tree like this.

>> No.11908758

Because “muh Watchmen”

>> No.11908779

I thought it was really good but the middle section went way too long (should have been halved).

Also his previous prose novel, Voice of the Fire, was better and much shorter.

>> No.11908789

>implying watchmen isn’t one of the best novels released in the past 100 years

>> No.11910236

He wrote Voice of the Fire before and it was a great book, why would he have to immediately assume anything about medium of writing after that? what are your assumptions

>> No.11910260

i have it sitting on my bedside table and have not read it because I don't read much. I bought it because i was triipping out and i somehow thought it would usher in the new era

>> No.11911808

Because they have good taste