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11906340 No.11906340 [Reply] [Original]

>In Sade's youth, his father abandoned the family; his mother joined a convent. He was raised with servants who indulged "his every whim," which led to his becoming "known as a rebellious and spoiled child with an ever-growing temper."
Wow, there's almost a pattern here.

>> No.11906363

Enlighten me, I'm too much of brainlet to notice any.

>> No.11906413

>enlighten me
>sexual deviant and far-left nutjob comes from a broken family and has never had no for an answer
this one

>> No.11906700

You know we are all far-left nutjobs by 17th C standards, right?

You are de Sade's little bastard, and you never even had a servant of your own, much less real power over anybody, which makes you both a pleb and a peasant.

>> No.11906864

nah we're not. also you named the wrong century. also if you possess power youre not worthy of youre just a villain. also ur momma is my servant, kid.

>> No.11906878
File: 313 KB, 687x1000, wyald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never have a lavish and bloody bdsm gangbang full of males and females of literally all ages with your bro Sade in his huge estate

>> No.11906962
File: 228 KB, 591x768, man, 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11907025

Sade wasn’t far-left idiot. He was critical of the monarchy and the revolution but ultimately said he preferred monarchy, probably because even though it fucked him over it didn’t try to behead him for dumb reasons (sparing people’s lives as a judge and being falsely listed as an emigre). He was a libertine and an egoist, condemned by both sides as a reactionary and a revolutionary, a Catholic and an atheist. Beyond contemporary ethics. His work is versatile in its philosophical exposition and has characters give reasonable arguments both for proletarian class warfare and for aristocratic elitism and contempt for the ideal of equality.

>> No.11907403

>You know we are all far-left nutjobs by 17th C standards, right?
No, we aren't. We don't all live in the stupid whig history dichotomy you've chosen to subjugate yourself to.

>> No.11907419

Pseud, the post.

>> No.11907423

Are you implying Sade was a failure ?

>> No.11907538
