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11905705 No.11905705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can aesthetic ecstasy reach the same heights as the feeling of love?

Which one would you say is harder to attain?

>> No.11906189

I spent a few minutes trying to make sense 'from' this question. Aesthetics concerns sensing (sight, hearing..) whereas Love is either a feeling, or an abstraction..
What's the distinction here? If one feels a kind of bliss when sensing (howsoever synaesthetically or not) then love itself would become involved in the process..
What it seems to me youre asking is simply 'Can one be as happy alone as with another?'. The answer to that question is probably not only Yes, but that it's even becoming more common. I think this scares some people, saddens others..

>> No.11906337

I meant to ask if the joy of reading a great book or any other work of art can be compared to the feeling of being in love with someone else.

>> No.11906346
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>> No.11906356

where's that image from?

>> No.11906362

what do you mean by love? love cannot exist between a man and a woman, since women are incapable of love

>> No.11906369

t. /r9k/

>> No.11906373


>> No.11906542

Not really. I think the experience of love already includes something like aesthetic ecstasy in substance, and as part of a greater set of aspects.


>I meant to ask if the joy of reading a great book or any other work of art can be compared to the feeling of being in love with someone else.

I'd say yes to this. I don't there's necessarily a lower cap on the level of sublimity you can feel aesthetically as compared to what you feel when you're in love, I think you can be just as ecstatic. The difference with love is that it's sustained over a period of time and defines your experience a little, as if your life is about love. Aesthetic appreciation is just fleeting, and even if it was felt more extremely than love as a sensation, it would still come out to be less significant in retrospect.

>> No.11906809

to love is more of a faculty than an object or feeling

>> No.11906970

Since we cannot control the love that others feel towards us, for the sake of a fair comparison we should discuss the love we feel for other people.

Which in itself is completely conditional and easily destroyed. A person can ruin all sentiment that you hold towards them simply with a short bout of bad behavior, a fight, etc. For example's sake - the majority of people would no longer love their significant other if they came home covered in blood and said they had just killed a homeless person for no other reason than pure pleasure.

'Aesthetic ecstasy' as you call it, being I assume the pleasures we provide ourselves within life, are given meaning and enjoyment by our own views of them and so bare much more concrete sensations. Many people can feel deep love towards a place, a book, music, and it is very hard for that love to ever go away, it merely transforms throughout the person's life. A person who has a passion for music may change the genres that they listen to over time, but their love for music remains the same throughout.

In conc, love for people is rare and easily lost, love for fascinations are abundant and hard to kill. Can aesthetics reach the same heights? Absolutely so, and are much more reliable to boot.

>> No.11907078

Blade runner 2049

>> No.11907183
