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11903917 No.11903917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books for stop being leftist

>> No.11903922

start with the greeks

>> No.11903925

the book of mormon

>> No.11903927

why would you want to? what does it achieve other than your own self perception? why not instead try and unravel yourself from all ideology?

>> No.11903937

If you wanna be pol just do it! On your own board! We don't all have to be hiveminded about it. You don't need the emotional support, just go for it kiddo!

>> No.11904022

getting a lobotomy so you forget that israel owns you and your jew boss gets 99% of the value of your labour

>> No.11904048

books for start knowing English?

>> No.11904061

Economics for dummies

>> No.11904069

The Bell Curve

>> No.11904077
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Never take advice from zizekstak.

>> No.11904078

1984 ; its basically a liberal paradise

>> No.11904086

Maybe you should learn proper grammar before you try reading sweetie

>> No.11904129

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.11904130
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White Identity, The Way of Men, Sexual Utopia in Power, and The Doctrine of Fascism are among the best rightist literature I've read, although I'm excluding plenty of more important and probably better works I haven't.
Plato more like Gayto.
Based and Red Jew pilled.
Not being a leftist isn't an ideology unless you make it one.
This isn't a particularly /pol/ish post. I'd understand if it was "Jew cookbook recommendations" but it's a pretty legitimate thread aside from the meme grammar.
Israel barely owns Israel and capitalism is antisocial liberalism promoted by the Joogeoisie.
Probably Oswald Mosley be chillin.
If that's a book I bet it probably is actually center right (in the common parlance).
That book is so thicc that I've been hesitating to touch it for like a year.
I used to know some dude on facebook named slavoj zizek and I thought it was his actual name.
1984 was fucking brewtal I don't know how normies like the room 101 scene and still hate death metal. Kind of corny to bring up in political talk at this point though but it is essential political fiction on the other hand.
If you think his grammar is sweet, you should taste my lips, darling.

>> No.11904139
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I really like that book, but the idea of anti-tech attitudes taking hold among the people when there are so many immediate benefits to technology is less reasonable of a thing to have faith in even than communism working out. The idea of the power process should be more widely known and discussed though. The parts where he talked about that were my favorite.

>> No.11904141

I hate anime posters.

>> No.11904156

Liberalism is the only means to sustained technological, cultural, and economic development.

>> No.11904158
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>> No.11904176
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>> No.11904194
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Um... I think you may be a repressed anime poster anon. Don't you want to try it just one time?
If Hitler would have won the war or waited a couple decades to start it, his version of national socialism would have won out economically, culturally, and probably technologically. Everything except the hawkishness was superior.

>> No.11904207

There was no way for Germany to win the war, and there was no way for Germany to keep the peace.

>> No.11904214

I sent a copy of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich to one of my tankie friends. Doubt it made a difference though.

>> No.11904227

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlit, it’s very beginner yet cherished As well as Badoc Economics by Thomas Sowell which will cover basic stuff as well as more complicated things by the end

>> No.11904234

Basic Economics, my bad

>> No.11904268

>It's a legitimate thread aside from the meme grammar
I firmly believe that you believe this. Oh my goodness I feel so bad for you

>> No.11904288
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Why is every agent provocateur OP coincidentally a /pol/fag?

>> No.11904345

Based delusional animefag

>> No.11904368

Scruton - Fools, Frauds and Firebrands

Gray - Black Mass

>> No.11904393

Poverty of Feminism

>> No.11904479

This. Anyone who even vaguely understands statistics will start going down the rabbit hole.

>> No.11904552

Archipel GULAG

>> No.11904587

The True and Only Heaven: Progress and It's Critics by Christopher Lasch puts a bullet in the progressivism chimera's head by using arguments that don't resort to 'muh tradition'.
An anime poster AND a mass replier. After all the commies get their helicopter rides, you're next!

>> No.11904634

not a bad bait ngl

>> No.11904637
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Stop being a leftist, become an even bigger retard

>> No.11904662

I will take religious pseudo-white nationalists who suffer from crippling cognitive dissonance over mentally ill faggots and SJWs any day of the week.

>> No.11904663

>mentally ill faggots and SJWs
>thinking this is the left

>> No.11904678

It is in white countires ahmed

>> No.11904709

Loud minority. I question strangers about their political opinions all day for a living, trust me when I say leftists at mass are far closer to center than people on the right are.

>> No.11904718

go outside you sargon of akkad-tier neckbeard

>> No.11904849

Read any economics that are not based on prophecy and wishful thinking.