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/lit/ - Literature

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11903416 No.11903416 [Reply] [Original]

>coworkers keep putting Infinite Jest in my spot on the Staff Recommendations shelf

Anyone else work at a bookstore? How do you deal with your bully coworkers?

>> No.11903436

What makes them do this?

>> No.11903440

>implying I work
A job at a bookstore sounds kinda based tho as long as its not b&n

>> No.11903442

He has a keylogger on your computer and phone, dofus. He knew this would irritate you. He sees you making these threads.

>> No.11903457

Sorry mark

>> No.11903458

>Get job at book store
>Other workers just read crime and young adult novels
I was expecting more

>> No.11903534

You should take it as a compliment

>> No.11903560

Read it so they can’t keep recommending it to you

>> No.11903571

They're not recommending it to op, a lot of bookstores have "staff picks" shelves where the employees can recommend books.

>> No.11903589

Start piling War and Peace, In Search of Lost Time, The Stand, and Clarissa on them. Don’t be a bitch.

>> No.11903640

Get Mein Kampf up there, put the fear of gas into them.

>> No.11904065

I mean its the same way for me but I'm not bothered by it. They can honestly recommend shit better to a lot of customers than I can since those genres are what the masses read. The people who are interested in classics are less likely to buy full price new books anyway. Works better that way too, I have no fucking knowledge whatsoever on kids books and would probably be totally lost doing anything with them while one coworker with 20+ years of experience knows pretty much everything and can answer every question people ask her

I also wonder how much similar tastes or levels in reading would really even affect conversations. I've never had a literary friend so I don't have any basis for this, but it seems like one of those things you'd build up in your head and then in reality isn't really that special and kinda underwhelming.

>> No.11904811
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>work at a library
>the shelves have spaces for interesting or pretty looking books
>newer books have red, light blue, or purple shiny stickers on them
>older books, mostly classics, have deep blue stickers
>always put things like Borges, Stoner, Infinite Jest (as a joke, book is shit) and other classics on the displays
>co-workers take them off because "they don't have pretty stickers and nobody would read them"

Granted, it's a policy to put the pretty books out, but I don't think that I'm doing anything wrong. One thing that I have noticed, is that invariably, the classics are always borrowed after I put them on display.

>> No.11904814
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>co-workers take them off because "everyone's already read them"
in a perfect world

>> No.11904874

nice to see a fellow NEET loser

>> No.11904944
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Got a job interview for a library. I hope the memes I learnt on /lit/ will help me.

>> No.11904998
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Librarian here, they won't.

Libraries want to hear about how much you believe in an open society with free access for for citizens as a resource hub, not how much you love books.

If you live in Australia, don't try to take my job.