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/lit/ - Literature

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11903230 No.11903230 [Reply] [Original]

Financial education, economics, whatever....

>> No.11903240
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>> No.11903243

Thank you, good sir.

>> No.11903244
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>> No.11903278

Bumpy bump

>> No.11903313

the book where you were born into a rich family

>> No.11903319

What do u think was on the call

>> No.11903328

You definitely don’t learn economics to get rich... lol

>> No.11903336


>> No.11903340

I know, but i doesn't hurt to read about it

>> No.11903343

Nice book, best seller.

>> No.11903346

Well there’s a lot of different kinds of economics. If you want to read he objectively correct kind, you’ll need to know a decent amount of mathematics

>> No.11903363

What do you refer about a decent amount of math? I suppose it depends, right?

>> No.11903374
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Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11903455

Renounce everything to be rich with nothing.

>> No.11903471


>> No.11903479

This. The most direct path from reading something to wealth is financial mathematics. It's probably one of the more difficult ways, but it is certainly the most direct.

>> No.11903491

>a spoiled brat who got his daddy's money and lost most of it writes a book on "how to get rich"
i wonder what advice he could have lol

>> No.11903507


>> No.11903547


>> No.11904044
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The fast track to the big bucks is direct sales.

Don't believe any of these clueless chumps who think you can win big playing the stock market. Something like 80% of professional hedge fund managers do NOT beat the market, and you will never really compete at the level of an AI who can make thousands of microtransactions a second. Statistically speaking, you're better off investing in index funds

But if you can hustle your ass off and turn leads into sales, you can make disgusting amounts of money. And even if it's not one of those kind of sales jobs, if your conversion ratio is high enough you can switch over to another sales position selling bigger, awesomer things and making a much bigger commission. You don't need a college degree, you don't really even need to be that smart to be a hustler, you just have to know what you're doing and you have to be hungry enough to want it and realize that if you can't find the bacon, you don't get to bring it home

Start with pic related, there's a reason smart, successful people around the world swear by this book. Then move on to human psychology books and other sales supplementals. A cursory glance at the CEOs of fortune 500 companies reveal that nearly all of them got their start as a salesman

>> No.11904066

>i turned 20 million dollars into 21 million
wow, what an accomplishment

>> No.11904336

>lost most of it
Literally wrong though

>> No.11905022
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>> No.11905421

Thank you, guy

>> No.11905425

The Talmud

>> No.11905427

This is the right answer

>> No.11905581

this thread is evidence of just how fucking stupid the people on this board are when it comes to anything other than endless threads about mystical pop-thinking and that bandana guy who committed suicide

>> No.11905592

okay but how i get rich?

>> No.11905621

for 99.999% of people, the answer is
1 put about 15-20% of your income each month into a diverse portfolio of assets: etfs, shares, bonds, properties, cash, precious metals, alternative investments (more or less from highest to lowest percentages, depending on economic conditions)
2 wait

a small number of people start out rich, win the lottery, buy into something at exactly the right moment, achieve stellar career success, commit a heist and get away with it, etc. chances are you are not going to be one of those people. see method 1.

>> No.11905676

for 99.999% of people, the answer is
1 get back to work filthy goyim
2 indulge in meaningless escapism

>> No.11905954

that doesn't sound very enriching

>> No.11906521
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>> No.11906539

This guy is literally based and bluepilled somehow (because you are absolutely correct about Trump)

>> No.11907120
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>okay but how i get rich?
By getting good at skills which involve influencing people's decision-making processes. Then you can go clean house at the poker table. But imagine selling a life insurance policy and making dividends for the rest of your life on that sale. I've heard of salesmen who can make upwards of 100,000 dollars a year in just life insurance residuals. Seriously, go look up the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, you get two kinds of people: engineers from Ivy League schools, and salesmen from the State Uni. They don't make the big bucks because they went to the right school and had the right pedigree, they make the big bucks because they fucking hustled their ass off getting signatures on the dotted line, which gradually led to bigger and better things.

The catch is that it's fucking HARD to be a salesman. You have to get good at reading people you have to know how to hook them, seduce them, and build up a story in their minds with them as the main character, and you as the impact character leading them to a fantastical new perception of reality that starts with them buying your overpriced vacuum cleaner. You have to know the exact right amount of pressure to push them when they waver on whether or not to buy. If you don't/can't flip the lead into a sale, you don't get paid for your time, so some salesmen get gimmicky or pushy, and sometimes flat-out dishonest. But that's the equivalent of swinging your arms when you lift weights. It's the fast, shortsighted way will produce better immediate results, but you'll never actually build muscle and get better doing it that way.

The good news is that, if you're motivated enough, anyone can train themselves to be a great salesman because people skills are universal.
The bad news is that its fucking hard to support yourself as a salesman when you first start learning. You'll be chasing leads for days and go entire weeks without getting paid and getting off the ground can be tricky until you've built up a backlog of customers and start closing some of those sales.

My recommendation starts with a sales job that lets you set your own hours, that way you can go out and hustle on a Saturday or something and get used to the sales process. If you work, say, in retail, and they have things to upsell, DO IT EVERY SINGLE TIME. Just sign that faggot up for a CVS membership, it'll take 5 seconds and it'll save them some money. Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.

Pic related is another book that rich, successful people swear by. Sure it's simple, short, G-rated, and at the intelligence level necessary for retarded, chimplike salesmen to get it, but that is also what makes it so readible and impactful. The book doesn't make you figure shit out, it just clearly outlines the character's behaviors in ways that are instantly relatable, and you'll realize that the one thing you've been missing all your life is INITIATIVE

>> No.11907178
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>But that's the equivalent of swinging your arms when you lift weights.
What did Anon mean by this?

>> No.11907212

Oh look, a scummy salesman. I didn’t know they had this type on 4chan of all places.

Anyway: fuck. You!!!

>> No.11907237
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Improper weightlifting technique where you're building up a momentum to swing the weight instead of solely relying on your muscles to lift it. You'll be able to lift moar swinging the weight, but you'll never build up muscle the way you would using proper technique. So while you think you're making progress, your actual skill level is stalling because you're resorting to gimmicks to get your numbers up instead of patient, consistent practice.

Bulking up your people-dealing muscles works under very similar circumstances

Fuck off back to your low impact hundredaire job, babyNEET. The topic of discussion was on how to get rich, not how to impress nerds on 4chan

>> No.11907534

so long as you never get to the point where you start calling "art", "a product",
your soul is intact.

>> No.11907547

People that do that should be flogged

>> No.11907550

I feel like the most fail-safe way to becoming wealthy is majoring in math, getting an advanced degree, and working for a financial institution.

>> No.11907590


You're welcome.

>> No.11907606

The secret is in selling something you genuinely believe in.

People really want life insurance. They don't want to burden their children with a 40,000 dollar funeral bill. It may sound tedious and pedestrian by the standards of 20-somethings, but it's actually something that improves people's lives. You know, assuming you sell people good plans and aren't shamelessly ripping them off. Show me any profession, and I'll show you unethical assholes who are slimy about their jobs

If you want to sleep peacefully at night knowing that your sales job is helping the planet, sell solar panels: that business is fucking booming right now even with coal acting like complete welfare niggers. The solar industry employs more people than every other type of energy production combined.

If you want to sell "art" become an "art salesman". Join a gallery which, in your mind, sells beautiful paintings. You'll sleep peacefully at night knowing your sales job is making the world a more beautiful, tasteful place

>> No.11907669
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only good answer itt. If you really want to invest properly in stocks (my expertise) read The Intelligent Investor by graham and learn to do a well-model DCF analysis. If too much, find a low-cost index, tax-efficient ETF/fund to be pretty sure of inflation-beating despite weak market timing. Avoid PM, its a huge bubble due to recent GFC. Real estate is also dubious depending on area.
Upside potiental industry: Sensor producers.

But remember assets and financial assets are beneficial because of the interest of interest. Not because it may seem a get-rich-scheme

>> No.11907708

Read this speech: http://old.ycombinator.com/munger.html

Then get to developing mental models. Be systemically smart.

>> No.11907851
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Pic related.

>> No.11907870
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>> No.11907876
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>> No.11908387
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Just some number (hope of giving /lit/ doomer financial help):
A study showed that if you had invested $1 in each of these 3 assets classes; gold T-bills, Amercan S&P500 in 1802. Today would have, infation-corrected, 3$ worth of gold, $1500 worth of Tbills and index worth:1,500,000

Invest safe

>> No.11908459

holy fucking shit, nice little factoid there. and no bullshit, either. You wouldn't happen to have the source of that study, would you?

>> No.11908473

Probably a decent understanding of integrals and derivatives going into theoretical economics

>> No.11908501


>> No.11908906
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"Stock for the long run" is the book of source.

>> No.11909232

kek. but srs, here is serious answer for /lit/ anons. This is my pro profession

>> No.11909810


>> No.11909828

This post is exactly the plebbit donald shit which killed /lit/.

Eat shit you American scum.

>> No.11910157

bump for financial advice

>> No.11910217

>be me
>wait till my father dies

>> No.11910266

For finance I'd recommend The Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis. They're almost required reading.

For economics I don't have any specific recommendations. Pick up some college textbook and read through it just to get a basic idea of what's going on, hopefully most people here took econ in college. After that you want to get a basic understanding of all the schools of economics. Chicago school, Marxism, Austrian, I have a bit of a soft-spot for MMT; reading "fringe" economists might also be interesting. But you're mostly going to be focused with Keynes. I'm not sure if you should actually bother with The Wealth of Nations. It was important historically, but all it's ever used for these days is the term "invisible hand."

If you have a community college or something like that near you then I'd heavily recommend taking some basic accounting, business, and finance courses. Accounting was confusing to me until I went off to college.

>> No.11910934

I'm the OP,
thanks for the detailed answer

>> No.11911734

>don't learn how money works and what it is. it will surely not be of any help. just look at people with degrees or studies in finance/economics, they don't earn any money at all. get plenty of kids, increases the chance of one of them growing up and becoming a movie star. then who's paying the bills? hollywood kid.

>> No.11911778

That’s Mr. President to you, pleb