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File: 83 KB, 618x410, Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11899520 No.11899520 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, first time reading Bible. Which one should I go for, KJV or NIV?

>> No.11899527

Douay Rheims. The KJV is acceptable for it's more poetic license but as a result should be scrutinized more.

>> No.11899530

The Message

>> No.11899535

ESV for the easiest (word for word) translation. NASB if you want that sweet (word for word) but you may have to think a bit harder about the sentences.

>> No.11899575


>> No.11899669

KJV is the version our AP teacher made us read. I think she made us read cause it was the most /lit/ version.

>> No.11899689

>Douay Rheims

Or you could not be a filthy prod and go for the Douay Rheims version.

>> No.11899692

isn't it past your bedtime

>> No.11899704


Bedtime in night time
Hollow dreams eat me away
Dying everyday

I hope you liked my Haiku!!!

>> No.11900209

KJV is a beautiful translation that was upheld as the greatest translation in English for centuries. NIV was just made by Zondervan so they could have a Bible translation they owned the copyrights to, and its written at a high school reading level. I don’t get how you could ever view this as a tough decision. Read the KJV

>> No.11900497

NIV is for-profit Protestant propaganda.

>> No.11900506

NRSV for study or NAB for use. KJV is only acceptable for its poetry, it's awfully bad at actually expressing ideas fairly.

>> No.11900703
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KJV if you want nice archaic prose. If you want a modern translation, the NIV is popular but isn't the most accurate. Pic related is a decent guide.

Unless you're a harcore trad Catholic or a /lit/ LARPer, there's no reason to read Douay-Rheims. Suggesting it is a sure sign of fanaticism or ignorance.

ESV and NASB are about the same in terms of fidelity.

>> No.11900726
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sorry to hijack the thread, but I also just started reading the bible(king james) and I don't know the order I am suppose to read it in. I am at chapter 21 in Genesis and it's very confusing to me.

>> No.11900737

Exactly what's different between all the various versions? How different can they be from one another? What do I lose by reading Orthodox Bible instead of the KJV?

>> No.11900746

Start with the gospel according to mark or john, read the other gospels. then read the rest of NT; a couple letters of paul maybe.

>> No.11900754

Should I finish Genesis now that I've started it?

>> No.11900780


>> No.11900785

Israeli Standard Version for the OT and Standard Hellenic Bible for the NT.

>> No.11900786

Don’t you mean not-for-profit?

>> No.11900796
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New Arabian Standard Version

>> No.11900818
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The Not Make God A Liar Version

>> No.11900874
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It dawned on me yesterday that blackletter type faces unintentionally emulate the ornamented script used for official Hebrew Torah scrolls. So perhaps that's something owners of bibles printed in such a styled might be proud of.

Older examples of biblical Hebrew texts show a gradual development of this ornamentation and standardization for manuscript writing rules. Some of the Dead Sea scrolls have the sacred name written in the Paleo-Hebrew script.

>> No.11900877

ESV. I have been looking around for the perfect KJV replacement (I want to understand more) and the ESV is spot on. Give it a try anon.

>> No.11900941
File: 1.48 MB, 320x240, GET SHIT ON!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESV = Communist Garbage

>> No.11900942

Regarding the debate of dynamic vs formal/literalism, I say to consider whether Tolkien or Harry Potter should also need such kinds of alternative translations.

>> No.11900949

if you appreciate the english language in any sense, then KJV

>> No.11900958

Well translating religious scripture into vernaculars is pretty humanistic and communist as it is.
Confining them to a separated literate class is truly in the spirit of conservatism, reactionism, and the right of kings.

>> No.11900962

It's a conservative protestant translation

>> No.11900968

What makes it more preferable to the RSV?

>> No.11900975
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They neutered all gendered words so that they are genderless

>> No.11900979

which makes for an imperfect translation and demonstrates a willful dismissal for the left-wing ideology of forcing gender neutrality.

>> No.11900996

Not that anon but you've read the important parts of Genesis already. Continue to NT.

>> No.11901135

Is the the bible suppose to be gender neutral?

I might get a leather 1611 KJV leather Bible as person who is not willing to stop sinning so I am dammed if he be real.

>> No.11901473
File: 83 KB, 319x340, Cease These Jests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11901497

ITT depression. The Bible will not help you, it will estrange you from the world even more. You need to become human again to break free of your depression. You need to become social, active, and passionate again. Get more sun in your daily diet.

>> No.11901507

Genesis is a linear story. just read it then decide what you thought about it
it doesnt have to be hard

>> No.11901515

Not this anon but if you’re not reading the Bible cover to cover you are some kind of brainwashed unacademic retard

I can literally tell you how to extricate leprosy from your house you fucking heathen. Get on my level.

>> No.11901946
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The best one

>> No.11901950


>> No.11902137

t. Nemanja

>> No.11902363

NABRE if you're a Catlick like me.

>> No.11902475

Learn greek and read the original

>> No.11902801


>> No.11902830

You want to find a KJV with commentary. NIV may be more readable, but some of the wordings they used changed the meaning of the original book.

I recommend A KJV bible with Jimmy Swaggard's commentary. They go line by line in detail of what each verse means.

I have The Expositor's Studybible, Crossfire Edition. There are a few added pages in there for youth, but they go verse after verse giving explanation of what they meant; making it much easier to understand.

>> No.11902846

>but some of the wordings they used changed the meaning of the original book.
>implying this isn't true for the KJV
>implying it isn't true for every translation

>> No.11902847

Start in the new testament (like John or Luke). It'll give you a better idea of what exactly God is like before you get to the very beginning.

>> No.11902859

The NIV is a translation from the KJV. It's a translation from a translation of the original material

I know KJV may have missed a few details, but it's the closest thing.

>> No.11902868

>ESV = Communist Garbage
Proof please or GTFO

>> No.11902926

No it didn't. You're thinking of the NRSV.

>> No.11902934

>The NIV is a translation from the KJV
It's a fresh translation from the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic. If you're this misinformed, I would suggest nobody listen to your advice.

>> No.11902950

"The land must not be sold permanently, because the land is mine and you are but aliens and my tenants."
>Leviticus 25:23
Capitalism BTFO?

>> No.11903723


>> No.11903729

That's only referring to the land of Israel.