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11897007 No.11897007 [Reply] [Original]

What book will give me the perspective to become a respectable and dignified man?

>> No.11897011

First of all putting this tyrant in the trash. America's biggest mistake was not giving him the same treatment as Lincoln

>> No.11897017
File: 637 KB, 2340x2914, 44FranklinDelanoRoosevelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up pleb. He was a great man of history.

>> No.11897024

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.11897027
File: 24 KB, 599x299, Marcus-Aurelius-marcus-gladiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations, my son.

>> No.11897032

He did what was necessary to help a country in need. That’s why he was elected 3 times by the people

>> No.11897033

Yeah like Ghengis Khan and Nero. He was an opportunistic Globalist scoundral and the start of everything that went wrong with the world since

>> No.11897039

Pretty easy to do when your entire policy is giving people gibs.
Reminder this piece of shit once tried to double the size of the Supreme court so he could fill it up with stoogies

>> No.11897046
File: 85 KB, 651x720, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe, go back to trying to abolish the age of consent

>> No.11897049

>giving people gibs
Are you really this benighted? He didn't do that. He put the country to work to build what was necessary to win the war. Millions of out of work men helped construct and participate in the war effort which required the whole coordination of the national GDP.

In doing so and in building the infrastructure needed to cover the war logistics it just so happened to be a great investment and economic boost for the whole country that lasted decades.

>> No.11897051

If you support him you support all of the shitty fucking garbage that has come since then.
Open your brain and realize which academics and jews shill this guy so much. He was the death of the West

>> No.11897059

Absolutely not. Nixon was the death of the West.

>> No.11897061

>muh war

Look up the history, his economic policies were a drastic failure and the war was the only thing that rescued the US not turning into a full on Argentina tier economic collapse because of his brainlet tier leftist spendonomics
Circumstances afforded him to be saved from himself and any other country on Earth that has since attempted to replicate his policies has went Zimbabwe

>> No.11897068
File: 338 KB, 585x633, 1538087349126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, whatever you say virgin. I put him in the OP because he was a respectable man of character who was immensely popular with the public. Now piss off if you're not willing to stay on topic.

>> No.11897069

Nixon was just a culmination to what had already been set in motion.

>> No.11897077

>because he was a respectable man of character

He was a well educated upper class WASP. Whatever. Having pretty manners means shit when you're an inscrutable self-serving fraud. Even Trump has more moral fiber than what this man represents which is politics of """virtue"""

>> No.11897085
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I started reading it yesterday, when does it get good?

>> No.11897094

Well you’re right, but it’s telling that the entire United States wanted him president pretty much as he was putting the final nails in the coffin, agent orange, scandalous practices, BRETTON FUCKING WOODS- Gold standard gone

Blah blah blah. Nixon was fucking horrible.

John F Kennedy. Now there was a good president. I didn’t mind Franklin Roosevelt either though, great diplomat.

We just need a new economic system and a new political system. This stuff, with Kavanaugh and everything, it’s a sham.

And I would love to see conservatives all day as our politicians but the party politics has to stop

>> No.11897103

Roosevelt is the last sacred cow of the present world order for good reason. I find it hilarious you'll find people even here who would be happy to say they hate Hillary Clinton praise him when they represent the exact same thing.

>> No.11897121

That’s weird I never hear that combination of views. Good for them

>> No.11897124

>this alt right manchild seething about FDR

good lord. how do you remember to breathe

>> No.11897136
File: 819 KB, 1200x800, 1499650878302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good lord. how do you remember to breathe

Deep and slowly