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/lit/ - Literature

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11896579 No.11896579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11896584

>legally innocent man goes free
oh the horror

>> No.11896588

this is the book board faggot

>> No.11896590

weren't these guys supposed to be like super well read?

>> No.11896598

Are you kidding?

>> No.11896604

Socdems aren’t well read in anything but the school of illiteracy.

>> No.11896606

didn't the one guy have a whole video about how JBP was wrong and quoted a shit ton of lacan and derrida, or was that all wiki?

>> No.11896607

then why are they posted here all the time?

>> No.11896610
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>What does Beach Week Ralph Club mean?
>Uh... I threw up a lot because of spicy food
>What’s “Devil’s Triangle”?
>Uh... it’s a drinking game... like quarters
>What did you mean by “boofed”
>It means farting
>What does “Renate Almunius” mean?
>We were all good friends with her
Is anyone actually gullible enough to believe this shit? It was extremely obvious that Kavanaugh was lying, lmao

>> No.11896613

OP runs this subreddit and makes every thread about it on this board

>> No.11896617

explain yourself

>> No.11896619
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>thread got banned for being off-topic
>still makes one
Take a fucking hint OP

>socdems posting here

>> No.11896620

did the mods all die or what?

>> No.11896624

not in works of old white men.

>> No.11896631

I'm a socdem, don't @ me

>> No.11896637

Not that guy but I’m confused — I’ve listened to a few of their episodes and they seem reasonably well-informed with left-wing literature

Although I’ve only listened to episodes I’ve been recc’d by people I find smart, so maybe the others are all trash

I’m more right leaning, but some of their takes are pretty interesting

>> No.11896641

He doesn’t have to. He is correct.

Kavanaugh is an objectively horrible justice. Would have rather seen another conservative Justice appointed

>> No.11896646

Fuccc offff

>> No.11896647

>Accuse someone of a crime with no evidence at all and try to destroy his reputation
>Hold a hearing and berate him about his high school yearbook
>Oh look he lied about something in his yearbook see he shouldn't be sworn in
Don't care at all. When I heard he was confirmed all I could do was laugh at you people. You go in with scorched earth tactics to try and destroy someone over nothing, then you get mad when they actually fight back and play to win. What a joke.

>> No.11896648

You realise we're talking about a subreddit and not the podcast itself, right?

>> No.11896653


>> No.11896658
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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.11896660

you're literally the only one talking about the subreddit

>> No.11896663

no, far-leftists are the most obnoxious lit pseuds. Their arrogance and unwarranted smugness is fucking breathtaking.

>> No.11896674

He obviously, obviously, obviously did something. I can see right through the man. He's chicken shit. A soft, privileged man who has never had to be held accountable for his actions until the last minute at the summit of his career.

His crazy opening statement and conspiracy-tard assertions paint him guilty as charged. That's called derailment and deflection.

But there's no real justice in America. It's still an old boys club. Some people can get away with anything. In any event he probably won't be a bad very judge.

>> No.11896677

how did this trial become him trying to prove he wasn't some sort of person in his college days?
she literally had no evidence, and people close to her all said she was full of shit.

>> No.11896681
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>> No.11896682

based masterbaiter, the absolute legend

>> No.11896683

>But there's no real justice in America.
Yeah justice would require something like evidence in order to hold someone guilty. Oh wait.

>> No.11896688

If books are more important to you than spreading redpill consciousness, you don't belong on 4Chan.

>> No.11896690

based schizo poster

>> No.11896694

>no evidence
Wrong. In an actual trial Ford’s testimony (along with any witness testimony) would count as evidence
>but the other witnesses!
Had no recollection because they were not eyewitnesses to the actual incident and it was just a mundane get together with nothing noteworthy. Republicans completely refused to subpoena the one other eyewitness, Mark Judge, and have him testify under oath
>but his life was ruined!
Ford went through an entire media circus over this too. She deliberately avoided talking about it because she didn’t want the attention. You act as if Kavanaugh is the victim in all of this as he gets elevated to the most powerful permanent position in the judicial branch, when his only risk was not getting the job and staying as avDC circuit judge
>but his yearbook is not important!
It shows that he’s a liar who has no respect for telling the truth under oath. Why should we put a blatant liar on the Supreme Court? He’s definitely not an impartial judge, since he literally started his statement by accusing the Democrats of being in a conspiracy with the Clintons, even though they approved Gorsuch just fine after the Garland debacle

>> No.11896697

You posted this in /his/ yesterday. Why are you /pol/ boomers so invasive? These boards aren’t for politics, no one cares
Sage goes in every field

>> No.11896700

>along with any witness testimony
shame there weren't any, you know that the victim's word alone is not admissible in court, right?

>> No.11896706

4Chan was created to talk about things you cant on reddit and you can definitely talk about books their so why does this board exist?

>> No.11896709

there is something chillingly odd about all this coming out when he's appointed the job, though, wouldn't you say? :)

>> No.11896710


Thanks for bringing that up. Maybe my best work yet.

>> No.11896714

>It shows that he’s a liar who has no respect for telling the truth under oath. Why should we put a blatant liar on the Supreme Court? He’s definitely not an impartial judge, since he literally started his statement by accusing the Democrats of being in a conspiracy with the Clintons, even though they approved Gorsuch just fine after the Garland debacle
See this is my point. Your attempt to prevent him from being appointed was personal destruction, and then you're getting upset when he plays hardball back. Deal with it, you fucking loser. You lost. It doesn't matter who lied or who did what. You lost. Go cry about it.

>> No.11896721

yeah felt the same way about OJ

>> No.11896726

>case where all evidence points to a man
>case where no evidence points to a man
hehe :D

>> No.11896730

Theyre not sad because of the allegations, the supreme court is now majority republican and will get all sorts of conservative shit passed

>> No.11896733

he's legally innocent. Cry more, snowflake.

>> No.11896735

It's admissible as evidence. But for 30+ year old cases without any other cooberating evidence, it's doesn't pass the beyond a reasonable doubt standard.

>> No.11896741

you all lost, the us is a long coiled tube full of excrement that a morbidly obese lady is trying to futilely cram more shit into

>> No.11896742

Yes and Beach Week Ralph’s Club was a ritual performed by Judge Kavanaugh on the beach where he ate tons of spicy food that he knew made him throw up. It had nothing to do with getting black-out drunk. FACT!

>> No.11896745

>would count as evidence

Sweety we're talking about real evidence,

>> No.11896749
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>/pol/yps actually defending Kavanaugh after his hilariously blatant lies
if you're just in it for the lib tears admit it, because you'd have to be clinically retarded to believe he was being honest and even you dipshits aren't that dumb.
USA is fucking finished, will legit be Brazil tier in 10-20 years, meanwhile Brazil will probably be a military dictatorship in 5 years.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.11896755

>if you're just in it for the lib tears admit it
What else is there to be in it for at this point?

>> No.11896762

He’s a lying, partisan judge who is not fit to be on the SCOTUS. The role of a Supreme Court Justice is to interpret the Constitution and be above party politics, not to be a stooge for the GOP and Mitch McConnell’s political ambitions. You are the one dismissing the obvious facts that he lied multiple times and wasn’t impartial simply on the ideological basis that he’s Republican and was appointed by daddy Trump