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11891046 No.11891046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I woke up today. I read 20 pages of a history book to get to the end of a section. It's about the 17th and 18th centuries and I don't really care but it's the sort of stuff you have to know or else you're seen as a pleb. It's a good and well written book.

I drank coffee and ate food while browsing the internet. I haven't had junk food since Thursday, except for some Coke zero yesterday morning. I plan to binge later today after I go to the gym.

It's raining. The summer has gone. I walked past a university library and it reminded me of my time at university and how the weekends were so sterile.

I read about a Tory MP who invited his colleagues for wine or something and there's speculation (probably wrong) that he may want to be leader. If I was an MP I'd still be ten million miles from being PM because it's all about networking and being part of the hivemind. Even Trump needed a large network. I looked at the MP's Wikipedia page and he went straight from Cambridge to being a barrister (the most prestigious type of UK lawyer and you can only become one if you go to Oxbridge) (I don't care for law but spending my 20s as a barrister, doing interesting work, away from corporate environments, sounds like heaven) and he made £800k a year recently. This sums things up, like Kavanaugh. You're either in the right institutions or you're not. Though he voted for Brexit so he has to be good.

I'm currently drinking coffee and I'm going to go and read a book in a library. Walking from tower hill station, past the tower of London, on tower bridge, past the shiny new apartment buildings, and then on the riverside bit with the little museum parts feels like being in a London themed theme park.

I still can't motivate myself to do anything productive in my free time. I am so at a loss I almost considered making myself a schedule but it feels so pathetic. I've delayed the start of the rest of my life to begin maybe tomorrow but most likely on Monday.

>> No.11891055

[Insert obligatory newfag trying to cheer up londonfrong and help him get his life on track post here]

>> No.11891063


>> No.11891069

based as fuck my man. london meetup when?

>> No.11891074

I'd come to that shit. I assume these people I've met on 4chan are trustworthy and won't rape / murder me

>> No.11891080

if you're a grown man and afraid of meeting people in a public place cuz muh murder and rape, then that's really embarrassing buddy.

>> No.11891087
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I have similar settis but i'm neeting on the Norway

>> No.11891091

hi friend. I see you around so often. I don't care about changing your pathetic mindset I just wan*t to kill time by expressing myself and maybe someone reads it and is inspired or something.

I have come to the conclusion that life is about transcending ones present being in favor of something bigger than what was there before. Where this path of actualization leads is pretty individual. Most people lack the guidance on their path. They lack the connection to their own process. Now I'm here to tell you, that guidance lies within yourself. And you probably know it. You know what you could and want to be if only you were to throw all those conditioned restrictions away. And maybe sometimes you contemplate these dreams and fantasies. And in the manner that you were raised by your culture you throw them all away with the thought in mind: "these are just fantasies and dreams. they have no value, significance or, god forbid, any relation to truth in a higher and at the same time profane sense.
I tell you. Pursue your dreams and don't let these conditioned thoughts overrule your inner spiritual being.


>> No.11891097

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11891103

nice bait

>> No.11891107

>hurr durr there's this thing within us all that has "powers" or something bro and it only vaguely shows us a "path" to get where we want in life!

>> No.11891122

it's not vague at all. and you wouldn't say or even think that if you had ever encountered anything inside of yourself other than your thoughts and your senses. Feeling and imagery are the windows into the holistic universe that lies inside ourselves.
It is characteristic of the paradigm our society holds so dear at the moment that it tremendously overestimates the value of thinking and sensing. This leads to the depreciation of the other dimension through which we can experience reality and gain insight.
It appears to me to be very ignorant and arrogant to believe that we can only accurately inquire into the nature of reality through our thinking. But that's what science and school teach us so it's no wonder you're befallen by this dire misconception that cuts you off from the great spirit of the universe. If you were humble enough to accept that your thinking is not on its one in determining the right path forward you would gain significant insight into yourself and the nature of reality.

Just my opinion though ;))

>> No.11891139

I respect your opinion, sir :).

>> No.11891203

Stupid frogposter