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11891010 No.11891010 [Reply] [Original]

Where's Wallacehian?

>> No.11891015

I've never heard "Spielbergian" what would that eve mean?

>> No.11891019

lynchian should've been the only one

>> No.11891026


>> No.11891030

Lynch is all-style no-substance shallow obscurantist fluff for pseuds who think art is about being wowed by surreal visual effects, so probably either Finnegans Wake or (depending on your opinion, and despite having some actual content to his fluff here and there by accident) Samuel Beckett, who incidentally sucked the dick of the guy who wrote Finnegans Wake.

You could also try Pynchon, if you want middlebrow shit that pseuds force themselves to think they like because they were told it's supposed to be prestigious.

>> No.11891033

You seem awfully bitter and insecure about what other people like, anon.

>> No.11891037


>> No.11891044

>it's another avant-teen has strong opinions about film episode

>> No.11891050


All Tarantino did was copy French New Wave and try to pass it off as his own distinct style.

>> No.11891061

Also Sergio Leone.
But I wouldn't say 'copy' tho. That's just not true at all.

>> No.11891096

>tfw no Hegelesque

>> No.11891116

Why do they need to waste time and space putting terms like these into dictionaries? Why not just set a standard for creating a describing word from a proper noun and leave it at that? Also, Tarantino is a complete hack

>> No.11891121


What do you actually like to read then? You sound like a complete pseud with no idea what he's talking about

>> No.11891123

When are they adding "unironically"?

and wtf does "speilbergian" signify?

>> No.11891124

All he did was try to elevate the worst schlock the American film.industry has ever produced. His films.are a blind celebration of consumerism with an edgy facade. Their influence is so terrible that the American film ceased to be an art form after the release of Pulp Fiction.

>> No.11891147
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>> No.11891161
File: 384 KB, 1104x1106, CapitalIsSpectaclisation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not capeshitesquesqueessnesslessnessesque

>> No.11891163

>Think: exhilarating, over-the-top action sequences, childlike wonder, feel-good endings.

>> No.11891182

>Lynch is all-style no-substance
If "style" is trying to actualize a feeling to its highest degree, then yes. And why wouldn't you like that? Either because you don't feel, or David Lynch is too popular for you to like, and your just being a contrarian pseud. I hate traditionalists so fucking much.

>> No.11891189

Legitimately good bait? On /lit/?

>> No.11891190

What the fuck is art about then, you little faggot.

>> No.11891237

Say what you will about Lynch, he was the only one capable of bringing surrealism into mainstream focus, albeit in a watered down form.

>> No.11891276

>not understanding that Lynch films (minus Dune) are made with the explicit aim of self-indulgence.

Mate, I'm sorry but your like that guy who claims he has developed, experimental tastes and then takes everything at face value. There's a word for this.

>> No.11891281


>> No.11891308

I feel like watching other people do stuff through live streaming is Wallacechian. Like watching the IRL section on twitch for example. Just the fact that you are watching people live their lives without living yourself is kind of ironic.

>> No.11891316

Being too jewish.