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File: 58 KB, 563x365, judenpeterstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11888037 No.11888037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What did noted author, Jordan Peterson, mean by this?

>> No.11888046

noted youtuber*

>> No.11888050

noted fascist*

>> No.11888070

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. All I can say at this moment is, based.

>> No.11888075

imagine thinking Jordan Peterson is a fascist lmao

read the Doctrine of Fascism you brainlet

>> No.11888077

noted psychologist*

>> No.11888087

Peterson is a soft fascist.

>> No.11888093

Never fails to amaze me that so many self-proclaimed "conservatives" would support the establishmentarian poster boy for a decadent meritocracy regurgitated out of the university system simply because they cannot see beyond tribal loyalties and remain blind to what those tribes even mean

>> No.11888100

noted autist*

>> No.11888109
File: 57 KB, 596x398, peterson rand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11888114
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>> No.11888126

"Call a jew a jew..."

>> No.11888139

Reminder that Peterson tried to debate David Benatar and spent the whole thing sputtering, missing the point, straw manning, and babbling about Pinocchio.
Which almost impressive, to supposedly be an "academic" and still have a brainlet like Benatar wipe the floor with you. There's a reason Peterson has yet to engage with one serious academic thinker.

>> No.11888150

Peterson is what happens when you take a diagonalisation of the left and right positions.

>> No.11888156

What right positions does Peterson hold?

>> No.11888159

this is the book board not the twitter comments section
you can discuss tweets directly on twitter

>> No.11888164


>> No.11888177
File: 1022 KB, 1510x2198, LeftyMemeLoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11888182

how about the fact that he thinks women should be paid less than men?

or that they belong at home "making babies" rather than pursuing careers at all?

>> No.11888187

what the fuck happened with this meme? someone please tell me what the fuck this is supposed to mean

>> No.11888189

Those aren't right-wing positions, have you read Proudhon?

>> No.11888201

>how about the fact that he thinks women should be paid less than men?
maybe because they work less my brainlet compadre

>> No.11888206

>how about the fact that he thinks women should be paid less than men?
He never said that.
>or that they belong at home "making babies" rather than pursuing careers at all?
He never said that.
Why are you spreading misinformation about Juden Peterson?

>> No.11888226

>known for making money of being a sugar daddy for grown men

>> No.11888229

Those aren't exclusively right-wing. I'm a leftist and support those positions.

>> No.11888231

wtf i love peterson now

>> No.11888235

I do not know for sure
you have to find out the meaning by yourself

>> No.11888246


>> No.11888262

this guy sure aggravates the absolute fuck out of a lot of other charlatans

>> No.11888361

Welp, so much for all his alt-right followers. /pol/ is bashing the fuck out of him right now, he's going to lose a lot of Patreon money over this.

>> No.11888392

You can’t see the meaning of that meme comic you fucking retards????

I will say this: the bottom one represents another meme entirely, involving a Nickelodeon show. It isn’t alluded to directly but the first letter of the five adjectives of how it makes you feel reveal a clue

>> No.11888398

fart on my dick nigger

>> No.11888413

Kavanaww is too partisan to sit on a supreme court.

>> No.11888428

Memes have been buried under so many layers of irony and politics that the only meaning is that the memes no longer have meaning.

>> No.11888468

That sort of behavior is to be expected from someone that has suffered a stroke/intense nervous breakdown. That's why he left Harvard when he did. He hasn't been the same since.

>> No.11888480

I'm fucking shaking. Is this real? This can't be real.

>> No.11888481

gestalt for non americans?

>> No.11888488

This is my new go to reply for /pol/ posters

>> No.11888490

fascism is an all-encompassing totalitarian ideology. You can't be a "soft fascist," it's like being a moderate extremist

>> No.11888500

i was just thinking this a few hours ago.
even if Kav somehow snags that position he's going to be fighting for it for the rest of his career and our country will suffer for it. the GOP will see it as a "victory" over libs and libs will see it as just another reason to hate their own country.
nothing good will come from Kav being in the supreme court outside the fact that he himself got a good gig.
the entire country will suffer no matter the outcome unless he steps down and mitigates this tribalism epidemic that's fucking our country. which of course he wont do because fuck the country when you have an opportunity for a lifetime of fat paychecks. he's already demonstrated that he's no man of conviction or principle, let alone supreme court material.

>> No.11888503

Sure it is virtue signalling faggot

>> No.11888521

Then I guess the kikes shouldn't have tried to throw an innocent man under the bus. Not Kavanaughs fault but human rats like Dianne Feinstein who never cared about the truth to begin with

>> No.11888526
File: 34 KB, 960x638, 1536580727244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I actually agreeing with Juden Patreonstein for once? did he really say this?

>> No.11888535
File: 62 KB, 895x412, louis-ferdinand-celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to transcend tribalism while dealing with Jews

>> No.11888545

if he steps down then the Dems have essentially proven that they can make anybody step down by throwing allegations of rape at them, well anybody except elected officials like Trump

>> No.11888551

It'll also ruin his life since no matter what he says everyone on the Left will claim its an admission of guilt and call him a dirtbag monster for the rest of his life to run full damge control on the Republicans

>> No.11888552

>If you don't agree with my edgey politcal views HURRR DURRR PTHHHHHHHHT *bad words*

>> No.11888557

Not sure who you're trying to virtue signal towards with this post. You're not on Facebook

>> No.11888559

Landposters are easier to understand than that meme

>> No.11888563

>by throwing allegations of rape at them
how about just nobody that rapes anybody gets on the supreme court? unless you think the accusations are totally fabricated, which is an outrageous claim for which there is no evidence.

>> No.11888564

>everyone on the Left
Theyll hate his guts regardless for being a Republican so it's not much of a loss.

>> No.11888568

Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Conservatism, Liberalism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme - rejecting the universal message of Islam

>> No.11888572

There is no evidence for the rape allegation in the first place, there is every incentive for this woman to lie about this, she is getting huge sums of money and fame

>> No.11888576

This is the best meme ever

>> No.11888577

The hard left yeah. But white women are swinging hard to the Republicans over this despicable affair. They can see a good man and the democrats are scrambling to try recover from this dire miscalculation

>> No.11888585

/pol/ has hated Jordan forever you absolute braindead retards. Hence "Juden Peterstein".

>> No.11888588

American poltics are so confusing for me

in my country, a republican means you are on the far left and liberal means you are on the right

>> No.11888591

it's just two centre-right parties in america anyway

>> No.11888596

>every incentive for this woman to lie about this
that's nonsense. idk what you could mean by "fame," she's been doxed and on the run since this shit started.

>no evidence
nobody says there's conclusive evidence. her story is solid, though -- meanwhile K was evasive and dishonest af in his hearing, even about basic shit that wouldn't necessarily implicate him. if nothing else he shouldn't be on the court bc he committed perjury multiple times and plainly stated his intention to seek partisan revenge.

>> No.11888597

Yeah that must be so confusing

>> No.11888599

If the far right is Monarchism and the far left is Communism or Anarchism, the US government is much closer to the left than right

>> No.11888602

So now I have to provide proof that I didn't rape someone if they accuse me?

>> No.11888608

You can't accuse somebody of something with no evidence and expect to be taken seriously

And the woman is 100% getting loads of money and behing heralded as some kind of hero by half the press

>> No.11888610

The original meaning of "left" and "right" was exactly this

>> No.11888618

>her story is solid


You mean the story where she could remember exactly how many beers she had but couldn't even fucking remember how she got home?

>> No.11888625

>meanwhile K was evasive and dishonest af in his hearing
It was confirmed that "devil's triangle" is indeed a drinking game.

>> No.11888632

Or the part where she has no idea where or when the part happened but she is absolutely certain that he was going to rape her before nothing actually happened

>> No.11888634

you should stop getting your news from Trump rallies

>> No.11888639

That's from the fucking hearing you retard

>> No.11888643

Zhe reality in zhe illushion

>> No.11888647

>literally and figuratively strength in unity or shared identity
>advocates for total individualism
/pol/ gets dumber every day I swear

>> No.11888649

>her story is solid, though

She doesn't know when, where, how she got there, or how she left, and has zero corroborating witnesses. Read the prosecutor report.

>> No.11888650

Based low information voter.


>> No.11888652

That's Leftypol who call him a fascist dumb dumb

>> No.11888653

I wish Peterson believed these things, then I might like him again, but he's been outed as one of (((them))) regardless of how you try to malign him by aligning him with the right, we don't want him.

>> No.11888655

Have you seen ancaps who love Pinochet?

>> No.11888656

>, we don't want him.
nobody wants him lol. Except his fanboys but thats not really political that's because of his clean your dick and wash your room or whatever

>> No.11888659
File: 414 KB, 1272x1106, CapitalIsArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11888666

epic literature

>> No.11888669
File: 3.20 MB, 1442x7994, CapitalIsRessentient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the full autism one.

>> No.11888674

It's real. He's noted multiple times the "weird" antisemitism in his YouTube comment section.

>> No.11888684

these remind me of the purposefully as terrible as possible memes I used to create for e-leftists

>> No.11888690
File: 241 KB, 1140x784, LiberalismIsNihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11888713

Kav's biggest problem is that he's a fucking idiot who acted like an amateur at a hearing.
>assuming he's innocent (which I'm not going to get into if he is or not; investigation and shit is pending)
I'd be pissed if I was falsely accused of something; but I'm not a supreme court nominee, nor should I be really.
>Kav acted unprofessionally when fucking testifying; and should be disqualified just for that alone.
>Does he really expect being nominated for a hot political seat not to attract shit like this?
>Why the fuck can't he keep his mouth shut?

>> No.11888716

>Watch life get destroyed
>Get called a rapist on every news station in the world
>expect to not be pissed

Fuck off. If he wasn't emotional, you'd call him a sociopath and unfit for office.

>> No.11888719

I dont care for Kavanaugh or the Republicans in general but the Democrats are being psychotic about this, which I shouldn't be surprised about I guess

He is probably a bad choice but that doesn't justify their behavior

>> No.11888724

if he was calm and honest we might believe him

>> No.11888734

I for one want out supreme court justices to be emotionless robots.

>> No.11888736

How was he not calm? He was on the verge of tears, but he wasn't angry. Point to a single clip where he raised his voice. Protip: you can't because you get your news from the fucking Daily Show.

>> No.11888740

>don't be angry I called you a rapist with no evidence brah
>you said you weren't a blackout alcoholic but your friends say you drank in college you're such a fucking liar

Leftists are despicable

>> No.11888746

This. Someone with emotion might want us to stop killing babies and that's not a good thing

>> No.11888749


"calmness" has nothing to do with honesty

>> No.11888759
File: 485 KB, 400x224, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11888767

>people who are crying and hurling threats at thier political enemies are calm

you conveniently avoided the honestly bit, bc you know he lied non-stop. Kavanaugh thought that lying under oath was reason enough to impeach Clinton, why is the bar suddenly lower for him?

>> No.11888771

it really isn't, shitskin

>> No.11888786

americans deserve a judge dredd type scenario at best

>> No.11888797

>this faggot actually cares about abortion.

>> No.11888801

Eh I just said its not a good thing. Might want to check your reading comprehension

>> No.11888827

Where did he lie exactly? In before
>muh beer

>> No.11888832

Is he going to debate Zizek?

>> No.11888857

Damn didn’t realize he was this based

>> No.11888905

the whole list of sex lingo he claimed were non-sexual inside jokes, for example.

>> No.11888934

Like what? Devil's triangle? You mean the yearbook quote that said "Lost in the devil's triangle", meaning it was a fucking drinking game like Kavanaugh said it was?


>> No.11888940
File: 120 KB, 304x323, 1452391345534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically arguing about cathedral politics on /lit/