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11884709 No.11884709 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize that virtue is just the continuation of aesthetics in the moral plane

>> No.11884721
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>yfw you realize that aesthetics are just the continuation of virtue in the visual plane

>> No.11884722

more correct than the op

>> No.11884796

read kierkegaard desu senpai

>> No.11884828

This is actually a pretty interesting chicken/egg question desu

>> No.11884842

Had this realization recently too. Was reading Spengler's Man and Technics and he pointed out how luxuries are simply culture in its most exacting and concrete form.

I then understood that the western ethos was this all-encompassing mindset that permeated from the highest value to the lowest one. And for a culture to succeed, it must develop a similar, all-encompassing mindset.

t. asian wondering why mainland Chinese people still cook with gutter oil

>> No.11884978

>yfw you realize that the moral plane is just the continuation of virtue and it's aesthetic counterpart

>> No.11885006

came here to post this

>> No.11885027

That's fascism, mate.

>> No.11885113

this is an old thought, its just about how "good" manifests itself differently in different mediums. in logic it manifests itself as truth, in aesthetics is manifests itself as beauty, in behavior it manifests itself as moral.

>> No.11885119

because it's cost-effective you fucking idiot

>> No.11885122

fuck this stupid board

>> No.11885153

Looks like we got a grumpy Gary

>> No.11885155

what a retard. go fuck yourself, queer.

>> No.11885158

I'm so confused. I thought this board was about books.

>> No.11885163

Well put, thank you

>> No.11885170
File: 449 KB, 564x780, Simone_de_Beauvoir2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit grandpa did you just use queer as a pejorative

>> No.11885175

>luxuries are simply culture in its most exacting and concrete form


>> No.11885182

>because it's cost-effective you fucking idiot
It's not when it's been made illegal in 2009 and people are STILL doing it.


>In our current society, everybody tries to swindle everybody else

That's the main problem.

t. half chinese

>> No.11885183

How old are you? most people learn this in their early teens

>> No.11885192

So beauty is inherently moral? I might unironically agree.

>> No.11885204

A luxury is a reflection of the culture that created it. To be considered a luxury, it must be more refined than regular cultural products, e.g. a luxury dish is more exacting to make than fast food.

Since products are a concrete representation of the culture that created it, luxuries are the most exacting concrete representation. Therefore, one might say it is the most precise concrete representation of a culture.

>> No.11885209

My favorite part is when the two officials in suits came out to break apart the gutter oil operation. The way they swing the pickaxe is so ineffectual.