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11880309 No.11880309 [Reply] [Original]

pls bros.

>> No.11881966

Not Marx's that's for sure.

>> No.11881990

Looking out the window

>> No.11882011
File: 81 KB, 1200x1180, 1200px-MaxStirner2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who do ya think? Blows him out at the beginning of the book.

>> No.11882355

egoism is self-defeating.
also, I recently found that this drawing was done by Engels!

>> No.11882665

Literally the only criticisms are reactionary criticisms

>> No.11884109

He cute

>> No.11884214

>egoism is self-defeating

>> No.11885210

man is a social creature. Living in packs can be hard, but figuring out how to do it well is basically the great human adventure.
I wasn't going to reply cause I don't wanna argue about this, but this thread refuses to die, so, there.

>> No.11885233
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>she bought into the Stirner meme

>> No.11885253

>xhe thinks that because i post something, i agree with it
oh you sweet summer child

>> No.11885732

He has mostly be certified by other leftists, especially Marx, because he dared propose an alternative to capitalism, however flawed, while the former thought there was no point trying to define a possible socialist society.

>> No.11886579

Poverty of philosophy
This but ironically.

>> No.11886618

in no way does Stirner argue against that, the union of egoists and all that

>> No.11887123

the idea is an oxymoron. the basis of communion is sacrifice.

>> No.11887136

Deleuze invalidated his theories

>> No.11887403
File: 97 KB, 900x750, mao-zedong-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be terrible for your case if you plainly stated you were convinced by him in your post?

>> No.11887409

Walter Block.

>> No.11887422

people that don't value marxs brilliant polemics are pathetic nerds

>> No.11887423

He was a famous anti-semite if you hold that sort of thing against people
>Abolish synagogues and not admit them to any employment. Finally, pursue the abolition of this religion. It’s not without cause that the Christians called them deicidal. The Jew is the enemy of humankind. They must be sent back to Asia or be exterminated. By steel or by fire or by expulsion the Jew must disappear.

>> No.11887463

>hey /lit/ I got btfo in an argument pls help

>> No.11887521

I feel like marx's critique boils down to "I'm better than Proudhon". He thinks his writings on capitalism are the end-all and different approaches or different emphases are of no value.
For example, the fact that Proudhon tackles property as a legal construct is, to Marx, totally unimportant, what he should've been talking about is relations of production, which is what he himself talks about. But clearly this does matter to society at large, and proving that property doesn't make sense as a legal construct is very meaningful.

it really is more for my own sanity. I didn't go into it with any expectation that I would actually come to lose respect for the concept of private property, even for a vaguely leftist person, that seems too radical, but, well...