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11880213 No.11880213 [Reply] [Original]

Books to convince my GF not to get an abortion?

>> No.11880222

Your future child's diary desu

>> No.11880229

Pro-Life Hyperstition 2019 sceenshot this

>> No.11880246

A collection of ben shapiros tweets.She's female so she should get influenced fairly easily.

>> No.11880254

If she goes through with it , are you dumping her? Honestly I don't see how a relationship could survive that

>> No.11880255

Just don't be a loser
Why would she want an abortion anyway
Are you poor, bad looking, dumb ?
What's the problem
Also this >>11880246

>> No.11880256
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Nah then she'd get the abortion, dump him, and hook up with the Benster.

>> No.11880312
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>> No.11880317

Imagine being a disgusting meat portal like OP.

>> No.11880319

Fuck you

>> No.11880466


Art of the Deal.

>> No.11880540

Preferably one that takes more than 9 months to finish

>> No.11880706

what's worse: an abortion, or an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy

hopefully she's not even a week in

>> No.11880784

If your girlfriend wants an abortion, if only for the kid's sake, you shouldn't stand in her way.

>> No.11880800

hahaha am i the only who thinks its kinda merciful hahaha

>> No.11880825

watch it's a wonderful life with her

>> No.11880842

Imagine wanting to be a murderer.

>> No.11880846

If she wants an abortion, you should let her do it. Otherwise she will despise both you and the kid. Not exactly the optimal place to start a family

>> No.11880867

Dump her and start a real family in repentance for your dead child.

>> No.11880897
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>> No.11880911

Hmm yeah murdering the child is probably the better option hmm yeah you're right

>> No.11880945

go back to fuckhole you came from, polshit scum.

abortion should be extended to 7 year old, parents should have the right to kill little shit if it turns bad or if they change their mind.

>> No.11880952

you should be euthanized for psychopathy (i agree up to 5 years old its just being excited about it or that vicious in describing it is a sign of derangement)
Yes, you don’t want to raise a kid with an evil mother. If she is willing to kill the child now she will poison it later and you will hate her the entire time, you also seem low iq from the gay picture and faggot response.

>> No.11880958

Im prochoice but I like the mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves abortion isnt murder. Just own it you are murdering that baby.

>> No.11880964
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>> No.11880990

>she will poison it later

>> No.11880994

Then take the kid away from the mother. Get custody from that bitch

>> No.11881000
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wtf i'm catholic now

>> No.11881023

Or, she could just adopt it away. That way, you know, neither the bitch has to care for it nor does she have to make herself a murderer.

>> No.11881030

make sure to join the IRS

>> No.11881032

An embryo is not a baby any more than an egg is a chick.

>> No.11881053

Here's your "embryo" anon; also, their often moving when ripped from the womb.

>> No.11881057
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Miss clicked, file wasn't selected...

>> No.11881066

>appealing to emotionalism
Still not a baby.

>> No.11881073


>> No.11881076

Don't bother arguing with the pro-choicers, anon. Its a waste of time.

>> No.11881078

Ok? If I smasheda bunch of fertilized eggs that were going to become chicks im still basically killing them.

>> No.11881080

Depends, can you use a flashlight and see the chick inside, or did it just come out of the hint?

>> No.11881105


>>Encouraging the birth of YET ANOTHER person.

I think we have enough of those, anon

>> No.11881110

We don't have enough Europeans anon.

>> No.11881118

I wonder who could be behind this post.

>> No.11881151

A Bore Shun. Rather think about your time hear. All the tears, all the silence, all the fights, scrapes, troubles, and trials... Do you... Would you put another living creature through that??

>> No.11881156

Why are pro-lifers so sentimental?

>> No.11881167

Why do pro-choicers project their suicidal ideation into a political project?

>> No.11881170
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>> No.11881175

But she has to go through the entire process of childbirth anyway, and all to add just another mouth to the world. If it's not the birth parents who will feel a special bond to the child because they created it, to an adoptive parent any baby is identical, and there is no shortage in babies. Aborting it is just better.

>> No.11881183

The upside to living a life without children is that you get to do the fairy ending of science. "Awe yes twas a nice tale. I very much enjoyed the part of exploring, the curing, the building, the launching, the *goes on for several hours* but yes it seems it's time for me to depart. *looks at mirror* well johnny boy we best be on our way now *Slight tear and smile.... Fades.... into the black as he closes his eyes to go back to the recession of lost dreams*.

>> No.11881194

Are the pro-life people in this thread being ironic? I really can't tell anymore. I suspect this is just more Catholic LARPing, though I don't know why any of you do it.

>> No.11881217
File: 573 KB, 1651x2200, Lord Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is your fucking child. Tell her you're leaving if she murders it.
Quit fucking with thots and take the wifepill.

>> No.11881221

Contemporary generations sure are selfish.

>> No.11881223

sfjdknnjksndfjknrwriuwh u4iuhruiw4n nd

>> No.11881244

they are trying to form a personality in atomized hurricane of apathy and jealous angst. why else do people latch onto movements foreign to their kin network?
you can go back whenever you feel like anon

>> No.11881259

Fuck your gf, bro. Tell her what’s what and keep the kid.

>> No.11881261

kill babies

>> No.11881280

>imagine having this much of a difference in values and staying with her

you guys aren't on the same page at all wtf are you doing op? it's probably not even yours

>> No.11881288
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>pic related

>> No.11881291

>imagine being this scared of having kids

>> No.11881296

because they want more black bulls to be born to fuck their wife and daughters and even their boys

>> No.11881313
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Tfw far left atheist but still think abortion is murder

>> No.11881314

If you were awesome enough then she would want to make your babies

>> No.11881318

i'm not the one who is carelessly having kids, anon

>> No.11881322

The book called a six figure salary, good genes and sound mental health

>> No.11881324

This is basically what it comes down too. If you are a good enough male females biological urge to have a child goes into fucking overdrive.My gf is so adamant about us having kids some day I'm actually kinda scared to bust a nut inside these days.

>> No.11881325

>you need to be either 100% pro choice or 100% anti-abortion
Why are Americans so retarded?

>> No.11881332

Based centrist Life-Choicer advocating crippling kids as a compromise between outright killing them.

>> No.11881333

Damn she must have shit taste in men

>> No.11881346

what's the race, ah I meant ethnicity again?

>> No.11881351

Based eugenicist

>> No.11881357

Imagine being a woman and having intercourse without birth control, full well knowing this is how generations of women have had children and going through with it and then deciding you don't want to have the child and murdering it so that you can continue to have more sex with other men without birth control and kill their kids too.

Unironically don't return home.
People this reckless will chalk it up to "WHOOPSIE" but their personal history will tell another story. Take heed.

>> No.11881368

Or you know, have a reasonable limit on abortion, like the end of the first trimester where fetus starts to develop proper brain functions and reflexes.

>> No.11881371

you're argument is "killing baby chickens is the same as killing human babies"
Chickens are food, babies are society.

>> No.11881378 [DELETED] 

>the problem here is the ethics of the abortion
>not the irresponsible careless narcissism of both parties

there is no 'convincing' to be done, the choice has to be made as soon as possible. the unborn is obviously not the problem here.

oh yeah and you should break up

>> No.11881394

Eugenics are alright in some cases. Like when there is someone who wants do die, but is too weak to do it themselves. Then it's the compassionate thing to do it for them.

>> No.11881401

Thats euthanasia you idiot. But I agree non the less. The less people with shit like cystic fibroses or whatever the better.

>> No.11881410

Thats not the argument dumbie the argument being made is that killing is killing no matter the developed state of what whatever creature is in question.

>> No.11881416

who knew moralists were really vain haha

>> No.11881421

Tell her you’ll dump her for a trap.

>> No.11881433
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>you're stupid, hears why
>makes exactly the same point

>> No.11881439

Belief in spooks is a spook, kiddo.

>> No.11881444

Next time I go to slaughter livestock (for food), I'll instead seek you out. Since killing is killing it alright, right?

>> No.11881446

If you put the same value on a freshly fertilized egg as on a 12 weeks old fetus, or on a 30 weeks old baby, or a 2 year old baby, then you are fucking retarded my man. No other way to put it.

A three days old lump of cells without brain is not worth as much as a 25 year old fully formed human with personality, intellect and complex range of emotions. There is value in potential, but there is more value in actuality.

>> No.11881474

Some idiots just need to be told something twice for them to understand.

>> No.11881485

Its not about assigning the exact same value to all these things. I just dont agree with the notion that its not murder just because its just a clump cells. I still find prochoice to be the best option as I have stated.

>> No.11881509

>it's still murder
Absolutism is for people who can't think properly. Why is murder bad in the first place? Because you are killing a conscious human being with intellect, creativity, the ability to create beauty and the ability to understand and fulfill the social contract and coexist with other beings like itself.

Can you bend the term "murder" to include every termination of life with living cells and human DNA? Sure. But that is defeating the purpose of the concept of murder.

>> No.11881510
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>tfw think abortion is murder but still justified

>> No.11881525

I found no intellect, creativity or beauty in your post.

Hold on a sec while I get my gun. What's your address?

>> No.11881527

I guess you disagree. So why is murder bad?

>> No.11881582

But you are preventing a being from doing any of that as well. I basically see it as murder-lite

>> No.11881617

No, you are not preventing a being from dong that. But you are preventing a being from BECOMING that.

Yes, potential matters. Preventing the creation of a full human being as I have described, maybe call it a "person", is still bad. But it is not as bad as murdering an actual person. Most people would agree that the amount of potential matters too. Nobody cries when the potential of creating a human being is destroyed when people wear condoms. Or when a fertilized egg just dies before it can become a fetus, which happens quite often naturally. Or when a scientist artificially fertilizes an egg in a petri dish with no intention of letting it become a person, which is something scientists do all the time.

>> No.11881638

Farewell to Arms

>> No.11882957

>tfw I'm only alive because my mother got an abortion

>> No.11883010

but anon what's the point of living if they cant get drunk and high and get railed by miles of cock every weekend for the next 9 months??? bet you didnt think about that huh

>> No.11883148


Pictures of dismembered people are invoked because abortionists can't stand them. They're either dishonest about their motivation or in grave cognitive dissonance.

>> No.11883210

>sometimes appendixes need to be removed
>people don't like looking at pictures of appendix surgery
>that means they are secretly against appendix surgery

>> No.11883218

Terrible comparison and I'm pro baby scraping

>> No.11883230

Aborted fetuses are disgusting and that's why people don't like to look at them, especially when they are about to have a surgery that involves images like that, there is no "dishonesty about motives" or "grave cognitive dissonance" going on.

>> No.11883272

Yeah but this isnt just some random organ. It is an entire segmented humanoid you are removing from your body that you denied to ever grow into a full human. Its pretty different is all im saying.

>> No.11883562

Manichean heresy

>> No.11883686

Hills Like White Elephants

It's a short story.

For a movie - 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days

Prolife propaganda is also very effective.

You pretty much want to get her to imagine getting her brains sucked out threw a tube

>> No.11883699

This is a consequence of your own sin of fornication.
Sin causes more sin. Always remember that. It's never a one time deal.

>> No.11883721
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>> No.11883972

Sue Townsend's Ghost Children.
Anti-Abortion novel written by some lefty hag who deleted two of her own fetuses.
I think that the best arguments for any given side come from people who you would assume had the opposite views.

>> No.11883993

Show her the video from the 90s that demonstrates how a fetus reacts defensively during an abortion. I distantly know an abortionist who quit his job after seeing it.

>> No.11884003

This, premarital sex is hedonism. If you loved the girl you'd marry her.

>> No.11884479

You seem more concerned with talk of sin than saving a life.

>> No.11884562

You could have linked a video.